Termékek ultrahangosztályozóberendezés (91)

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Rolós Árnyékolók Tisztításához

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Rolós Árnyékolók Tisztításához

Cleaning roller blinds can be a challenging task, especially for cleaning companies that specialize in this area. Ultrasonic cleaning machines designed specifically for roller blind cleaning streamline the process, making it faster and more effective. These machines enhance the quality of cleaning by ensuring that even the most stubborn dirt and stains are removed, leaving blinds looking as good as new. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, cleaning companies can improve their service offerings and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, these machines support the sustainability goals of cleaning companies by reducing the need for harsh chemicals and minimizing water usage.
BR-150 AMS - Ultrahangos tisztítógépek - Többfokozatú gépek

BR-150 AMS - Ultrahangos tisztítógépek - Többfokozatú gépek

La unión de varios procesos en una sola instalación multietapa diseñada y fabricada a medida según tus necesidades. Fabricamos máquinas manuales, semiautomáticas y totalmente automáticas (Automatic Multi-Stage - AMS) con una programación completa de todas las funciones. Tras años de I+D+i, hemos desarrollado soluciones multietapa específicas para industrias como la de moldes de inyección, implantología, lentes de contacto, automoción, alimentación y mecanizado, entre otras. Esta tecnología ha sido concebida para fabricantes del sector automoción, aeronáutico, de lentes de contacto, de tecnología médica y farmacéutica (fabricantes de prótesis, implantología, etc.) y de todo tipo de componentes de mecánica de precisión. Dentro de nuestra nueva gama de ultrasonidos multifrecuencia hemos desarrollado configuraciones bifrecuencia de 28 - 40 kHz, 40 kHz - 80kHz y trifrecuencia de 80 - 100 - 120 kHz.
Ultrahang Generátorok

Ultrahang Generátorok

http://www.dukane.eu/de/produkte/ultraschallschweissen/iq-ls-e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOulecta0aE&feature=youtu.be Eigenschaften: Die iQ-Serie Generatoren sind rund um unser patentiertes digitales Design gebaut. Kompakt in den Abmessungen, bieten sie die höchste Leistungsdichte auf kleinstem Raum, unter Einbeziehung unserer exklusiven Durchflusskühlung. Diese Generatoren sind für die anspruchsvollsten Anwendungen und Umgebungen geeignet und den Betrieb entweder im Dauerbetrieb oder der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Automatisierung zu handhaben. Unsere branchenführenden 0,5 Millisekunden Multicore-Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit bietet ein Höchstmaß an Genauigkeit und Wiederholbarkeit. Der einzigartige modulare Aufbau erlaubt kundenspezifische Konfigurationen und ein Höchstmaß an Flexibilität. Diese Serie ist mit allen aktuellen Dukane Handsonden, Automationssonden und Konvertern kompatibel.
Gyorskioldós rezonátorok elemző szitáló gépekhez - Meglévő elemző szitáló gépek ultrahanggal való felszerelése

Gyorskioldós rezonátorok elemző szitáló gépekhez - Meglévő elemző szitáló gépek ultrahanggal való felszerelése

Ultraschall unterstützt die Analyse-Siebmaschinen, da diese oft keine ausreichende Eigenvibration aufweisen. Zudem hilft Ultraschall das Siebgewebe offen zu halten. Dadurch wird der Durchsatz des Siebgutes signifikant erhöht. Das Ultraschall-Analyse-Siebsystem besteht aus: Schnellspannresonator Konverter SK3510 Siebgenerator SG4L Die Schnellspannresonatoren können einfach an bestehende Siebrahmen festgeklemmt werden, ohne Bearbeitung der Siebpfanne.
Ultrahangos Rendszerek

Ultrahangos Rendszerek

Die von der MTV GmbH konzipierten und entwickelten Maschinen und Automationsanlagen der Ultraschalltechnik reichen von individualisierten Standardmaschinen bis hin zu ganzen Fertigunglinien. Beim Verschweißen von thermoplastischen Materialien mittels Ultraschallenergie wird eine untrennbare Verbindung von zwei oder mehreren Teilen hergestellt. Jede herzustellende Verbindung bedarf einer schweißnahtgerechten Gestaltung in Bezug auf das Material, die Geometrie und die Lage der zu verbindenden Bauteile. Daher gilt, je besser die Schweißverbindungsauslegung, desto reproduzierbarer und risikoarmer ist die Umsetzung der Verbindung in den Schweißanlagen.
Easi-Scan:Go - szarvasmarha ultrahangos szkenner

Easi-Scan:Go - szarvasmarha ultrahangos szkenner

Wireless, connected on-farm ultrasound, strengthening the relationship between vets and farmers, ensuring better productivity on the farm and improvement in animal health. The Easi-Scan:Go integrates seamlessly with the modern farm. It is a wireless, App based scanner, that presents the ultrasound image on up to 3 smart devices simultaneously. You can share images with farmer or review the ultrasound data later with the IMV Cloud online storage facility. Instant access to vital data enhances team work and allows for better strategic planning. Fast, light and with minimal set-up time required, the Easi-Scan: Go is ready to go when you are, providing speedy results without sacrificing accuracy. Biosecurity is not an issue as the scanner is waterproof and completely sealed. This contributes to an even more efficient workflow on the farm.
Hibák észlelése elektromos berendezésekben - Ellenőrizze biztonságosan az elektromos rendszereket ultrahanggal

Hibák észlelése elektromos berendezésekben - Ellenőrizze biztonságosan az elektromos rendszereket ultrahanggal

Las fallas eléctricas representan una importante amenaza para la seguridad de la planta y, además, pueden llegar a detener las operaciones en su totalidad Las plantas industriales precisan una enorme cantidad de energía para funcionar y, al igual que la maquinaria necesaria para la producción, los sistemas eléctricos también pueden llegar a fallar. Cuando lo hacen, la producción de la planta y la seguridad de quienes se hallan dentro de la instalación pueden llegar a verse seriamente amenazadas. Esas mismas amenazas son inherentes en lo que a la producción y la distribución de energía respecta. La importancia de llevar a cabo un correcto mantenimiento de sus sistemas eléctricos Las implicaciones de un fallo total del sistema eléctrico pueden ser mucho más graves que las de una falla mecánica ordinaria.
Állati terhességi ultrahangos szkenner - Állati terhességi ultrahangos szkenner lovak, szarvasmarhák, juhok számára

Állati terhességi ultrahangos szkenner - Állati terhességi ultrahangos szkenner lovak, szarvasmarhák, juhok számára

Machine Parameters: -Scanning Model:Electronic Linear Array, Electronic Convex Array Frequency:2.0MHz-7.5MHz -Cine-loop: ≥400 frames -Image Storage:≥64 frame;non-volatile -Image Adjustment:Left/Right, Up/Down, Brightness, Contrast Ratio, Focus Position Image Processing:Pseudo-color, Image smoothing, Histogram and Gamma Correction Measurement:General Measurement: Distance, Perimeter, Area and Volume Obstetrics Measurement: BPD, FL, AC, HC, CRL,GA, LMP, gestational age , EDD. -Report: Automatically reports -Text: Date, Clock, Name, Gender, Age, Doctor, Hospital, Full-screen character editing -External Ports: Video Port, Mouse Port and USB2.0 Port -Battery Capacity:≥2200MAh Used for :horse,cattle,sheep,pig and other animal pregnant test Model Number:Futai-3100 Application:for pig,sheep,goat,cattle,horse Certification:CE Quality warranty:Main machine:2 year +Probe:1 year (non-human damage within 30 days,free to change new scanner Scanning Model:Electronic Linear Array, Electronic Convex Array Frequency:2.0MHz-7.5MHz Cine-loop:≥400 frames Image Storage:≥64 frame;non-volatile Image Adjustment:Left/Right, Up/Down, Brightness, Contrast Ratio, Focus Position Image Processing:Pseudo-color, Image smoothing, Histogram and Gamma Correction Measurement:General Measurement: Distance, Perimeter, Area and Volume Obstetrics Measurement:BPD, FL, AC, HC, CRL,GA, LMP, gestational age , EDD. Report:Automatically reports Text:Date, Clock, Name, Gender, Age, Doctor, Hospital, Full-screen character editing External Ports:Video Port, Mouse Port and USB2.0 Port Battery Capacity:≥2200MAh Four display modes: B, B+B, B+M, M Gray scale:256 levels Package :1 unit scanner is in one Aluminum foil suitcase + outer carton
0,5t MRI gép szkenner

0,5t MRI gép szkenner

Powerful image processing technology, powerful industrial computer(lPC) workstation, very convenient for image shearing, processing and storage, etc. Better reconstruction technology, adopt seniorreconstruction technologies like iteration/ interpolation, complete the signal data collection and K space filling in extremely short time, gain higher resolution images with much clearer fine structures. Abundant of scanning sequences and imaging technologies based on years of MeCan experience and indefatigable product improvement. Our software has complete and professional sequences which meet the scanning requirements of different parts and can simply gain high quality images based on its rich clinical experience. lndependentdeveloped operation system, doctors can easily and quickly register the patient, browse image, do advanced postprocessing, external device connectivity and other functions. Magnet Type:Self-constant temperature, non- Eddy current free, full open Permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet Field Strength:0.50T Spectrometer:Full Digital Receiving Coil:Phase Array Coil
Ultrahangos tisztító - Asztali ultrahangos tartály

Ultrahangos tisztító - Asztali ultrahangos tartály

Ultrasonic cleaners with the capacity from 6 to 30 liters. This heated ultrasonic cleaning baths are working with 40 kHz frequency and creates in the water uniform cavitation.
Vákuum Kavitációs Testformáló Eszköz Ultrahang RF Lifting

Vákuum Kavitációs Testformáló Eszköz Ultrahang RF Lifting

4 handles for different part of body, cavitation, Ultrasound, RF Lifting, IR - 4 handles for different part of body: Face lifting, neck wrinkle removal, V-shape face contouring Arm and Leg slimming Abdomen, waist slimming Buttock shaping Promote blood circulation 5 technology: Cavitation Ultrasound 940nm infrared Light (IR) Bipolar RF Vacuum Massage Mechanical roller massage
Ultrahangos mosógép - ipari alapos tisztításra specializálva

Ultrahangos mosógép - ipari alapos tisztításra specializálva

The Ultrasound washing machine cleans and degreases plastic materials or acetate in general or small pieces in metal in water and/or cleanser. The cleaning action in a ultrasound washing machine is due to the vibration and cavitations produced by high frequency sound waves. They are not the ultrasound that clean the object surfaces but the fine cavitations and important molecular vibration. According to the Company’s Philosophy, only high quality materials are used. Production is respectful of security norms and the machine is completely made in stainless steel. For a better control of the process, the machine is equipped with: – Ultrasound transducers situated on the bottom or on the inside – Liquid Heating controlled by a thermostat – Power regulation – soundproofing and insulation – tank for rinsing by immersion with spray controlled by pedal – top to close tanks
Ultrahangos rágcsálóriasztó - Irányított ultrahangos riasztórendszer

Ultrahangos rágcsálóriasztó - Irányított ultrahangos riasztórendszer

Efficace contre : tous types de rongeurs, fouines, martres... Usage : Dans les zones non cloisonnées ou en extérieur. Protection des entrées : quai de chargement, hangar... Les ultrasons créé un stress chez les rongeurs et perturbent leurs fonctions biologiques (sommeil, reproduction, alimentation). Fonctionnement par balayage de fréquence pour éviter toute accoutumance. Les systèmes de répulsion rongeurs à ultrasons Ratdown ne perturbent pas les humains et animaux d'élevage et de compagnie. La gamme de fréquences utilisée cible spécifiquement les rongeurs et les atteint via leurs récepteurs naturels (les vibrisses). Garantie 2 ans et fabriqué en France par Ratdown.
Ult S Sor Ultrahangos Típusú Mosógép

Ult S Sor Ultrahangos Típusú Mosógép

Machines à laver à ultrasons ""ULT"", Dans une cuve remplie de liquide de lavage, des ondes sonores à haute fréquence générées par des dispositifs spéciaux appelés transducteurs sont utilisées pour laver les pièces. Lorsque les ondes ultrasoniques se déplacent dans le liquide, les surfaces touchées créent un effet de micro-abrasion. Cette abrasion, techniquement connue sous le nom de cavitation, fournit un excellent effet physique pour les pièces présentant des points minces et sensibles. Le type de produit chimique de lavage, la température du liquide et le temps d'application sont les principaux paramètres d'un processus de lavage efficace. Il s'agit d'un type de lavage idéal pour les pièces à trous fins et complexes. Dans ce groupe, nous avons des types de dispositifs d'un volume de 4-8-12-28 litres qui sont décrits comme étant de table. AISI 304 :Stainless Steel Washing Body
Ultrahangos szondák védelme

Ultrahangos szondák védelme

Protections de sondes échographiques en latex. Le latex est un produit 100% biodégradable et bio-assimilable.
egyedi házalkatrészek orvostechnikai alkalmazásokhoz

egyedi házalkatrészek orvostechnikai alkalmazásokhoz

Wir fertigen für Medizinaltechnik, von cartridge zu großer Gehäuseteilen, in Spritzguss, TSG und addtiver Fertigung.
Mediagel-c (steril gél ultrahangos átvitelekhez)

Mediagel-c (steril gél ultrahangos átvitelekhez)

Essential for ultrasound transmissions that require sterility: transesophageal echocardiography, ultrasound-controlled surgical treatments, including invasive procedures, transmissions of patients with damaged skin, gynecological transmissions and other cases requiring sterility. Viscosity:Brookfield 23.0–27.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 12.0–14.0 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.0-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.56×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:2 years Packaging:15 g double polyethylene packet (bundle – 15 pcs.)


Qualitätssicherung ohne Messmaschine; Messen und Auswerten im Minutentakt Qualitätssicherung ohne Messmaschine Messen und Auswerten im Minutentakt • Vollautomatische Aufnahmetechnik • Messung erfolgt über pneumatischen Taster • Die Funktion der Maschine ist ausgelegt auf das Messen von 6 definierten Messpunkten • Gut- Schlecht-Etikettierung mit visueller Markierung • Statistische Auswertung • Taktzeit für Bauteil links und Bauteil rechts: 45 Sekunden • Lichtvorhang für die Bestückung als Schutzeinrichtungen • Schutztüren für die Maschine sind ausgeführt als trennende Schutzeinrichtung
Oxigén Ventilátor

Oxigén Ventilátor

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Vasutakhoz

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Vasutakhoz

In this field, ultrasonic cleaning machine is used extensively especially for cleaning mechanical parts. In this way, advantages in terms of time and cost can be achieved.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Bútoripar Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Bútoripar Számára

In the furniture industry, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for companies that produce metal components and frames. These machines provide a noticeable difference in terms of time and cleaning quality, making them an essential tool for manufacturers. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, furniture companies can ensure that their products are free from contaminants, enhancing their durability and appearance. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the furniture industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for furniture companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek az Orvosi Szektor számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek az Orvosi Szektor számára

In the medical sector, ultrasonic cleaning machines are widely used in sterilization units to clean dirty equipment before sterilization. These machines ensure that medical instruments are thoroughly cleaned without manual intervention, enhancing the efficiency and safety of the sterilization process. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the medical field is crucial for maintaining high standards of hygiene, which is essential for patient safety and infection control. By automating the cleaning process, ultrasonic machines reduce the risk of human error and ensure consistent results. Additionally, these machines support the sustainability of healthcare facilities by reducing the need for disposable cleaning supplies and minimizing the environmental impact of cleaning operations.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek az Energiagazdaság Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek az Energiagazdaság Számára

In the energy sector, ultrasonic cleaning machines are preferred for cleaning various mechanical parts, especially during periodic maintenance and filter cleaning. These machines play a crucial role in simplifying the cleaning process, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of energy equipment. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, energy companies can ensure that their equipment operates at peak performance, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the energy sector by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for energy companies committed to sustainable practices.
Asztali Ultrahangos Tisztítógépek

Asztali Ultrahangos Tisztítógépek

Desktop Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines are meticulously crafted to cater to the diverse cleaning needs of various industries, especially the medical sector. Available in five distinct models ranging from 4-liter to 35-liter capacities, these machines are equipped with microprocessor control and automatic memory functions. The built-in heaters and digital panel control ensure optimal cleaning performance, making them indispensable for tackling stubborn dirt. Their compact design not only facilitates ease of use but also enhances portability, making them a preferred choice for professionals seeking efficient cleaning solutions. The reinforced ultrasonic cleaning performance of these machines is a testament to their superior engineering, providing unmatched cleaning efficiency. Whether it's delicate instruments or heavily soiled items, these machines offer a reliable solution, ensuring thorough cleanliness with minimal effort. Their user-friendly interface and robust construction make them a valuable addition to any workspace, promising longevity and consistent performance. Embrace the future of cleaning with these state-of-the-art ultrasonic machines, designed to deliver excellence in every use.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek a Tengeri Ipar számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek a Tengeri Ipar számára

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable in the maritime industry, particularly for shipyards and vessels. These machines are essential for both manufacturing and maintenance during voyages, ensuring that parts requiring repair are thoroughly cleaned. The ultrasonic cleaning process is highly efficient, providing a deep clean that is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of maritime equipment. By utilizing ultrasonic cleaning technology, shipyards can ensure that their vessels remain in optimal condition, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in the maritime industry contributes to the longevity of equipment, as it prevents the buildup of contaminants that can lead to corrosion and other forms of damage. This technology not only supports the maintenance of existing equipment but also plays a vital role in the manufacturing process, ensuring that new parts are free from any residues that could compromise their performance.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek a Védelmi Ipar számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek a Védelmi Ipar számára

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are extensively used in the defense industry, particularly for surface cleaning before coating processes and during the maintenance and repair of mechanical parts. These machines provide a thorough cleaning that is essential for ensuring the reliability and performance of defense equipment. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, the defense sector can maintain high standards of cleanliness, which is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of military operations. The ability to clean complex mechanical components without disassembly saves time and reduces the risk of damage, making ultrasonic cleaning an invaluable tool in the defense industry. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines supports the sustainability goals of the defense sector by minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and reducing waste.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Textilipar Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Textilipar Számára

In the textile industry, where numerous mechanical parts are involved, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for cleaning components such as lamels, combs, and needles. These machines provide a thorough cleaning that is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of textile machinery. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, textile manufacturers can ensure that their equipment operates efficiently, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the textile industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for textile companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Az Autóipar Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Az Autóipar Számára

The automotive industry greatly benefits from the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines, especially given the large number of parts and the complexity of cleaning processes involved. From engines to coils, ultrasonic cleaning provides a comprehensive solution that ensures each component is meticulously cleaned. This technology is particularly advantageous for the automotive sector as it enhances the efficiency of cleaning operations, saving both time and labor costs. By implementing ultrasonic cleaning machines, automotive manufacturers can maintain high standards of cleanliness, which is crucial for the performance and longevity of vehicle components. Additionally, ultrasonic cleaning machines help in reducing the environmental impact of cleaning processes by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for automotive companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Ékszeripar Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Ékszeripar Számára

In the jewelry industry, where precision and delicacy are paramount, ultrasonic cleaning machines are a preferred choice for removing oils and polishes from surfaces during the manufacturing process. These machines ensure that intricate jewelry pieces are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage, preserving their craftsmanship and beauty. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the jewelry sector not only enhances the quality of the final product but also significantly reduces the time required for cleaning. This efficiency allows jewelers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work, knowing that the cleaning process is both reliable and effective. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning machines contribute to the sustainability of the jewelry industry by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods that can be labor-intensive and less environmentally friendly.
Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Laboratóriumok Számára

Ultrahangos Tisztító Gépek Laboratóriumok Számára

Ultrasonic cleaning machines find extensive applications in laboratories, not only for cleaning purposes but also for mixing chemical materials. These machines provide a versatile solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of laboratory operations. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, laboratories can ensure that their equipment is free from contaminants, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. The ability to mix chemicals using ultrasonic machines also supports the development of new formulations and experiments, making them an invaluable tool for scientific research. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in laboratories contributes to sustainability by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods and minimizing the use of harsh chemicals.