Termékek vásároljon hegesztő gázt a közelben (292)

Hegesztés - TIG és MIG hegesztés

Hegesztés - TIG és MIG hegesztés

La nostra azienda è specializzata in un'ampia gamma di servizi di saldatura, con particolare attenzione alle saldature di alta qualità. Utilizziamo tecnologie moderne che garantiscono risultati eccellenti. Eseguiamo saldature di diversi materiali, tra cui acciaio al carbonio/strutturale, acciaio inox e alluminio. Il nostro impianto di produzione soddisfa i più severi standard di qualità, come PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007 e PN-EN 1090-2:2018-09. Abbiamo implementato una moderna tecnologia per la saldatura di acciai al carbonio del gruppo 1.1 e 1.2 in conformità alla norma PN-EN ISO 15614-1:2017-08. Le nostre competenze comprendono la lavorazione di acciai come l'S355J2 e di acciai a basso limite di snervamento, in particolare per spessori di materiale superiori a 3 mm per le saldature a filetto (3-23 per le saldature di testa), saldati con il metodo MAG-135. Garantiamo prestazioni professionali per qualsiasi servizio di saldatura dell'acciaio.
Hegesztés - TIG és MAG hegesztés

Hegesztés - TIG és MAG hegesztés

Notre entreprise est spécialisée dans une large gamme de services de soudage, en mettant l'accent sur des soudures de haute qualité. Nous utilisons des technologies modernes qui garantissent d'excellents résultats. Nous effectuons des travaux de soudage sur divers matériaux, notamment l'acier au carbone et l'acier de construction, l'acier inoxydable et l'aluminium. Nos installations de production répondent à des normes de qualité strictes, telles que PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007 et PN-EN 1090-2:2018-09. Nous avons mis en œuvre une technologie moderne pour le soudage des aciers au carbone des groupes 1.1 et 1.2 conformément à la norme PN-EN ISO 15614-1:2017-08. Nos compétences comprennent le travail avec des aciers tels que le S355J2 et les aciers à faible limite d'élasticité, en particulier pour les épaisseurs de matériau supérieures à 3 mm pour les soudures d'angle (3-23 pour les soudures bout à bout), soudées à l'aide de la méthode MAG-135.
Műanyag Görgőgépek

Műanyag Görgőgépek

Plastic Rolling Machines
AGV autonóm járművek

AGV autonóm járművek

AGVs are a great option for warehouses and production halls. They enable efficient handling of intralogistics operations in production, logistics, warehousing or distribution. The most important advantage of these devices is the lack of need for operator, which significantly reduces operating costs. Operations carried out with AGV autonomous carts are carried out efficiently and stably. The devices are used primarily for transporting various goods in facilities. Their use does not require changing the structure of buildings. The devices are very safe to use, and even contribute to reducing the number of accidents and damage to transported products. They operate on the basis of modern technologies.
A faipari folyamatok automatizálása

A faipari folyamatok automatizálása

Automation of wood processing processes


Egyedi gépgyártás – eszközök minden iparág számára

Egyedi gépgyártás – eszközök minden iparág számára

Businesses that need specially designed device for a particular business should contact our company. We are in the business of custom machine building, which means that we can design and build devices for any type of business: from the food and medical industries to the woodworking, automotive or electronic equipment industries. Our customers can count not only on efficient implementation, but also on full technical support. After getting acquainted with the specifics of a given business, we will propose favorable technological solutions for the case. What does custom machine building include? We not only deal with the building of custom machines, but also with their prior design. Once the customer accepts all our ideas, we proceed to construct the devices. We provide professional workmanship, including both assembly and implementation. During each stage of work, we are guided by professionalism, reliability, precision and punctuality. We do not




Fúrási folyamatok automatizálása

Fúrási folyamatok automatizálása

Automation of drilling processes
Robotizált munkaállomások és gyártósorok

Robotizált munkaállomások és gyártósorok

Robotized workstations and production lines
Végső ellenőrző eszközök

Végső ellenőrző eszközök

Devices testing hermeticity Devices testing electrical parameters Devices for geometry verification
AMR mobil robotok

AMR mobil robotok

AMR mobile robots began to be created many years ago, but they have been improved throughout this time. As a result, high-quality devices are now available that enable autonomous decision-making. This happens as a result of taking information from the environment. They use not only sensors, but also artificial intelligence algorithms, which is important for their success. The first robots of this type appeared in the mid-20th century. However, they moved very slowly, but over time they were improved. Among other things, a sound sensor was attached to them, which allowed even better use of the robots. Applications of AMR mobile robots There are many possibilities for the use of AMR mobile robots. They are used in almost all industries, and are mainly useful for automating many production processes, which definitely makes work in a company easier and faster. Both universal and specialized mobile robots are available. The former easily adapt
Gumi extruderek

Gumi extruderek

Rubber extruders
Indukciós hegesztés

Indukciós hegesztés

Induction welding
Ipari automatizálás

Ipari automatizálás

PLC drivers programming Modification of the existing programs Preparation of the vision applications
Összeszerelő állomások

Összeszerelő állomások

Assembly workstations Semi-automatic assembly stations Fully automated assembly stations
Fúrófejek csészepántokhoz

Fúrófejek csészepántokhoz

Drill heads for cup hinges
Mérőeszközök laboratóriumok számára

Mérőeszközök laboratóriumok számára

Designing special devices according to client specification. Measurement equipment for laboratories.
Robotizált munkaállomások és gyártósorok - Robotizált összeszerelés és raklapozás

Robotizált munkaállomások és gyártósorok - Robotizált összeszerelés és raklapozás

Designing and manufacturing of the new production lines PRO-ASSEM designs and builds production machines and production testers for industry. We adapt all machines to your requirements and production process. The projects are realized in accordance with procedures confirmed by the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate. Our machines have found Customers from Poland, Great Britain, Spain and Mexico. We manufacture both manual and semi-automatic assembly stations. We also make fully robotic production lines and production machines. We can automate and robotize your existing production processes.


I vår produktionsanläggning har vi implementerat tekniken för svetsning av kolstål från materialgrupperna 1.1 och 1.2. Dessa är S355 J2-stål och stål med lägre avkastningsstyrka. Tjocklek för svetsade material: Knappsvetsar är implementerade för stål med en tjocklek av 3 - 24 mm Filessvetsar är implementerade för stål> 3 mm tjocka Svetsmetoden är MAG - 135, dvs svets med fast tråd. Vi svetsar också rostfritt stål med TIG-metoden. Vi har ett 3834-2 certifikat.
Gyártási gépépítés – gépek testreszabása az ipar számára

Gyártási gépépítés – gépek testreszabása az ipar számára

Our offer includes construction of production machinery. We are constantly developing our business to be able to offer customers devices that will significantly improve efficiency during production. We handle both the design and implementation, as well as the commissioning and programming of machines. We are staffed by qualified engineers who are constantly keeping up to date with the latest technological solutions. In our company, we deal with the automation of industrial production, we will design for you a machine equipped with the latest software. Turn to us if you want your industrial machines to be innovative and efficient. We customize them for a variety of industries during production.Industrial operations today are unable to function without common technological solutions. Automating production processes significantly increases the efficiency of the entire company, and, as we all know, technology is still evolving strongly. Therefore, it is worth investing


Speciális gépek indukciós fűtéshez

Speciális gépek indukciós fűtéshez

Special machines for induction heating
Ipari robotok

Ipari robotok

Industrial robots are an important part of our offer. This is because with their help it is possible to support various industries where production processes take place. They are useful primarily in positions that are arduous and also dangerous for humans. They allow faster and more precise performance of various tasks, which also contributes to increased productivity. For this reason, industrial robots are so readily used by our customers. We guarantee their high quality workmanship and operation.Industrial robots, like AMR mobile robots, can be used in many types of warehouses. They are mainly useful for operating various machines, as well as on production lines. The design of these devices also makes them applicable to any work involving testing or analysis. Industrial robots contribute to the improvement of in-plant logistics. The wide range of applications of these devices makes them very popular. Robotic arms can be used in various production


Kerek fúrófejek

Kerek fúrófejek

Round drill heads


Designing and manufacturing of the new production lines Modernization of the existing production lines Expanding production lines by new stations
Hosszanti faillesztési vonalak

Hosszanti faillesztési vonalak

Lines for longitudinal wood joining
Laboratóriumi injekciós öntőgépek

Laboratóriumi injekciós öntőgépek

Laboratory injection molding machines