In recent years, TIG welding has faced increasing competition from continuously refined MIG/MAG processes and their derived methods. Despite the slower welding speeds and lower melting power of TIG, it remains unmatched in achieving the highest quality results for many applications. Recent advancements in power supply technology offer promising future opportunities for TIG welding.
A 120-ton Welded Type Cement Silo is a giant container in the shape of cylinder uprightness; it is used in holding cement basically in huge bulk quantities. These are developed out of very steel plates with the welded type, which gives the necessary robustness and strength with respect to the stored material weight on it. The welded design ensures that the silo is air and water-tight, preventing moisture and foreign materials from affecting the quality of the cement.
Such silos are typically used in construction projects, where an uninterrupted and reliable supply of the material is to be maintained at all times. Large capacity of 120 tons eases bulk storage of huge quantities of cement at construction sites, eliminating multiple deliveries and hence sustaining an uninterrupted work process. Welded construction further eases their means of installation and maintenance; hence, the silos are best in their simplest and least costly form to meet cement storage needs.
Sheet metal fabrication is the process of bending, cutting, punching, assembling sheet metal to form into the desired form. Special tools, such as band saws and chops saws, can also be used in the sheet metal fabrication process. These ensure even cutting throughout the process. Parts are fabricated from a single piece of sheet metal so designs should have a uniform thickness.
Although carbon steel is the most prominent material for metal fabrication, stainless steel would be necessary for high corrosive environments whereas aluminium is primarily considered when weight of the product is a major limitation.
Ağır sanayi koşullarında alaşımlı ve alaşımsız paslanmaz çelik, döküm ve alüminyum gibi tüm örtülü, rutil, selülazik ve bazik elektrodları rahatlıkla yakabilecek kapasitede mekanik kontrollü doğru akım (DC) ark kaynak makinasıdır.
Her tip rutil, bazik ve selülazik elektrodla kaynak yapabilme kabiliyeti
Ağır sanayi ve şantiye koşullarında çalışılabilmesi için profille güçlendirilmiş gövde
Büyük tekerlekleri sayesinde zemini bozuk alanlarda kolay taşınabilme
Manyetik nüve ve ona bağlı çevirme kolu ile kademesiz kaynak akımı ayarı
Ön panelde ayarlanan akımı gösteren mekanik skala
Çift transformatörlü sistem
Uzun kaynak kabloları ile performans düşümü olmadan kaynak ve kesme yapabilme olanağı
40 cm’lik güçlü fan ile soğutma
Makine ile Birlikte Verilen Aksesuarlar
Elektrod Pensesi
Şase Pensesi
Boy kaynak makineleri silindirik, konik ve dikdörtgen şeklinde bükümü yapılmış iş parçaları ve de düz tabaka halindeki saç ve levhaları boy olarak kaynak yapmak için tasarlanmıştır. Güçlü yapıya ve sıkma sistemi tasarımına sahip boy kaynak makinesinde hassas hizalama yapılır ve kaliteli bir üretim gerçekleştirilir. Torç mekanizması taşıyıcı sistem hassas bir şekilde işlenmiş profil üzerine konumlandırılan lineer kızak üzerinde değişken hızlarda hareket eder ve kaynak yeri hassas bir şekilde takip edilmiş olur. TIG (Argon), MIG/MAG ve SAW-Tozaltı kaynak proseslerinin tümü sistemimizde kullanılabilir.
PRODUCT INFORMATION Machine is ideal for welding process of PVC plastic profiles at two corners.
Fully automatic two corner welding of PVC window profiles at an angle of 90°
Possibility of precise welding and cleaning of profiles between 30°-180° on the left head
All parameters such as melting and welding time, welding pressure are set on the control panel independently
Continuous precision of welding quality by means of linear rails
Welding two corners of window frames or sash profiles are carried out in one cycle
User friendly with practical Teflon change feature by means of the roller system
Saving of time by means of most practical mold change system in the market
Capable of adjusting the clamp and weld ing pressure according to the profile type
Adjusting the heat between 0-300°C via electronic thermostat
Practical setting of standard (2 mm) or seamless (0.2 mm for free of flashes) welding options
Wir bieten einen Laserschneideservice für alle Arten von Metallblechen an. Wir bieten Laserschneiden von Edelstahlblech, Kupferblech, Blech der ST-Serie und Aluminiumblech an. Wir lasern Ihre Zeichnungen in Metallbleche im dwg- oder dxf-Format. Wir bieten auch einen Service für technische Zeichnungen. Wir bieten Laserschneiddienste an, indem wir Ihre Skizzen in technische Zeichnungen umwandeln.
Cutting of steel, dkp, stainless, aluminum, copper, brass and galvanized sheets are performed with plasma cutting
Our machines can perform plasma cutting from 1 mm to 35 mm.
As Ramazan Aycan Inc., we provide plasma cutting services to cut sheet in desired sizes and thicknesses according to the
demands of our customers; we provide you with guaranteed services with our expert staff.
There are hydraulic pressing clamps in the fixture equipment of system. The workpiece is both made spot welding
by means of clamps and prevented distortion due to heat during welding.
Separate control lever is used as to be put to rear of piston for each piston.Also there is a pressure relief valve on
each control lever. Thanks to pressure relief valves the critical pressure is brought to the desired pressure and the
compression of the material in desired strength may be achieved
A lock valve is connected to each hydraulic cylinder after the tightening process and during the welding operation,
the material is prevented from being retracted and opened due to heat input.
Reverse deflexion may be done on the frame thanks to the control units in the clamp mechanisms.
1 inert gas arc welding machine will be used for spot welding process.( it will be
supplied by the purchaser)
Adjustable welding angles between 30° - 180°
Welding possibility for white and laminated profiles
Maximum welding strength and quality
Zero welding property for laminated profiles
Digital adjusting of all heat and time parameters seperately
Ease of compression of the profiles separately at each press on the foot pedal.
Adjustable welding and profile pressure
0.2mm weld spacing
Easy to change single piece teflon
SNKW-P3 Genel Özellikler:
SNKW-P3 Ultrasonik Kaynak Makinası, ultrasonik güç kaynağı, opetatör paneli ve pnömatik yapıdan oluşan küçük ve orta ölçekli endüstriyel uygulamalar için tasarlanmış bir sistemdir. SNKW-P3 kilitlenebilir tekerli mobil bir makinedir. Operatör panelinden tüm makine ayarları yapılabilir, reçeteler hafızaya kaydedilebilir.
El proceso de conexiones exotérmicas se caracteriza por su simplicidad y eficacia, siendo recomendado para la soldadura de cobre, cobre a acero y acero a acero, aluminio a acero, aluminio a aluminio. No requiere fuente externa de energía, ya que utiliza altas temperaturas resultantes de la reacción de los materiales utilizados.
• Capacidad actual (fusión) igual a la del conductor
• No se deteriora con el tiempo
• Enlace molecular permanente que no se liberaliza o corroe
• Soportará averías eléctricas repetidas
• Bajo coste de mano de obra
• No requiere habilidad especial
• No requiere fuente externa de calor o energia
• La calidad puede ser revisada visualmente
• Portátil
We are able to progress in different areas of all types of CNC machining, welding, sheet metal processing, etc.Also offer our partners to produce milling, machining, grinding, casting and welding.Our main products are non-standard and standard machine keys.Sec Kama was certificated by TÜV AUSTRIA Company with ISO 9001: 2015 quality management standard.
CKK 552 - Çift Kafa Kaynak Makinası
PVC profillerin iki köşesini kaynak yapar
Ayarlanabilir kaynak basıncı ve profil sıkıştırma basıncı.
Tam otomatik ve program kontrollüdür.
Eritme ve soğutma için ayrı dijital zamanlama kontrolüne sahiptir
Teknik Özellikler
Voltaj 220V
Sıklık 50 Hz
Toplam güç 4,5 Kw
Hava basıncı 6 Bar
Hava tüketimi 70 lt/dk-dk
Boyutlar (mm) 890x4010x1720
Ağırlık (kg) 475
İnşaat hasırı olarakta bilinen, inşaat demirlerinin kaynatılması sonucu elde edilen çelik hasır üretimi yapan makineler.
Reinforcement wire mesh welding machines.
SSAW Spiral kaynaklı çelik borularda DN200 - DN3000 çap aralığında borular üretebiliyoruz. API 5L ve EN 10217 , EN 10219 standartlarında sertifikalı olarak üretebiliriz. Kaplama olarak Polietilen, Epoksi ve Çimento kaplama seçenekleride sunuyoruz.
Elektrofuzyon kaynak makinleri plastik ve türlerini kaynak için kullanılan teknik özelliklere sahip kaynak makneleridir.Lehimle,ısıtmalı,elektrofuzyon kaynak makineleridir.