Termékek xpo portugál (3)

PVC csíkok - PVC, PP, PET ívelt csíkok

PVC csíkok - PVC, PP, PET ívelt csíkok

Vi produserer hyllelister og hyllelister til ulike butikker og supermarkeder. Materialet vi lager er PVC, PP, Pet Kald og varm bøyning mulig
Autóipar, AOG és Szállítás ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

Autóipar, AOG és Szállítás ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

EL ROMANO comprehensively helps its contractors in many sectors of the Economy The most frequently served are Automotive, AOG and Transport ADR We also carry out direct deliveries for pharmaceutical concerns and chemical laboratories! Undoubtedly, the above industries are characterized by a high variety of orders that EL ROMANO meets with the initiative
PVC szalagok - PVC, PP, PET Gag ívelt szalagok

PVC szalagok - PVC, PP, PET Gag ívelt szalagok

Произвеждаме рафтови ленти и рафтови ленти за различни магазини и супермаркети. Материалът, който изработваме е PVC, PP, Pet Възможно студено и горещо огъване