Termékek zöldség zöldségek (36)

Savoy káposzta - A Savoy káposztát szeptembertől júniusig lehet betakarítani. Szeretik, ha ki vannak téve

Savoy káposzta - A Savoy káposztát szeptembertől júniusig lehet betakarítani. Szeretik, ha ki vannak téve

Cabbages are vegetables with a high nutritional potential, in addition to the main minerals (calcium, copper, iron, potassium, sulfur), they contain a high concentration of provitamin A, vitamin B3, B6, B9, C, and K. They are known to contain potentially protective antioxidant substances (sulfurophanes), which help to stop the spread of carcinogenesis. As their composition is rich in fibers, they help with the regulation of intestinal transit. Rich in chlorophyll, with remineralizing and bloodpurifying and antianemic properties (due to the presence of copper along with chlorophyll that favors the assimilation of iron). Store in a chilled environment. Packing:Packed in a plastic or wooden C6 box, or any other type of box depending on the customer's
Gabona és Abrasívok - Növényi - Kukoricacső Abrasívok

Gabona és Abrasívok - Növényi - Kukoricacső Abrasívok

Abrasivo vegetal extremamente macio, fabricado a partir de carolo de milho triturado, limpo e filtrado em várias granulometrias. > Aplicação industrial de abrasivos > Bem-Vindo à BLASQEM! O seu Especialista em Granalhas, Abrasivos e Equipamentos. Dureza:4,5 mohs Forma:angular Densidade:0,9g/cm3
Piros Paprika - A paprikák július és november között szüretelhetők, a paprika növényeknek sok helyre van szükségük.

Piros Paprika - A paprikák július és november között szüretelhetők, a paprika növényeknek sok helyre van szükségük.

Peppers belongs to the nightshade family and are originally from the Mediterranean. The plant prefers a sunny location which is protected from the wind, such as in front of the southfacing wall of a house. Peppers can be eaten raw or cooked. However, they can also be used as a condiment and even as a raw material for the extraction of food dyes. Surely you have already tried the wellknown “chili paste”. Nutritionally, peppers are very rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, in addition to having antioxidant properties. The hottest peppers also contain a substance called capsaicin that is responsible for their characteristic spiciness. Peppers also stimulate blood circulation and the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, for example. Packing:Packed in a cardboard box sizes C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, or C12, or another type of box
Galia dinnye - A dinnyéket július és szeptember között lehet betakarítani. Szeretik, ha napfény éri őket.

Galia dinnye - A dinnyéket július és szeptember között lehet betakarítani. Szeretik, ha napfény éri őket.

Melons are a variety of the Cucumis melo L species, and are part of the melon family, and consequently, the plants have similar characteristics. The fruit are medium in size with a smooth or ribbed skin, and the flesh normally has a yellow or salmon color Packing:Packed in a cardboard box sizes C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, or C12, or another type of box
Zöld Paprika - A paprikák július és november között szüretelhetők, a paprika növényeknek sok helyre van szükségük.

Zöld Paprika - A paprikák július és november között szüretelhetők, a paprika növényeknek sok helyre van szükségük.

Peppers belongs to the nightshade family and are originally from the Mediterranean. The plant prefers a sunny location which is protected from the wind, such as in front of the southfacing wall of a house. Peppers can be eaten raw or cooked. However, they can also be used as a condiment and even as a raw material for the extraction of food dyes. Surely you have already tried the wellknown “chili paste”. Nutritionally, peppers are very rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, in addition to having antioxidant properties. The hottest peppers also contain a substance called capsaicin that is responsible for their characteristic spiciness. Peppers also stimulate blood circulation and the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, for example. Packing:Packed in a cardboard box sizes C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, or C12, or another type of box
Növényi szemcsék és abrazív anyagok - Kukoricacső abrazív

Növényi szemcsék és abrazív anyagok - Kukoricacső abrazív

Abrasivo vegetal extremadamente suave, elaborado a partir de mazorcas de maíz trituradas, limpiado y filtrado en varios tamaños de grano. Dureza: 4.5 mohs Forma: angular Densidad: 0,9 g / cm3