CforB Cosmetics'in kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı, ciltteki canlılığı artırarak ve cildi derinlemesine nemlendirerek günlük cilt bakım rutininizi güçlendirir. Bu doğal ekstrakt, yüksek düzeyde antioksidan içermesiyle bilinir ve bu özellikle ciltteki serbest radikallerle mücadele ederek cildin erken yaşlanma belirtilerine karşı korunmasına yardımcı olur. Kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı ayrıca cildin sıkılığını ve elastikiyetini artırır, böylece ince çizgiler ve kırışıklıkların görünümünü azaltır.
Kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı, cildin tonunu eşitlemeye ve daha parlak bir görünüm kazanmasına yardımcı olan doğal bir tonik olarak işlev görür. Kafein içeriği sayesinde, cilt altındaki kan dolaşımını hızlandırarak cilt tonunu canlandırır ve cildin daha sıkı bir his kazanmasını sağlar. Aynı zamanda, cildi zararlı çevresal faktörlere karşı koruyucu bir kalkan olarak hareket eder. Düzenli kullanımıyla, cilt daha genç, daha canlı ve daha enerjik bir görünüme kavuşurken, genel cilt sağlığı da iyileşir.
Packaging according to your market requirements – carton, plastic, carry bags.
*Prices vary depending on packaging and calibers. If there is an interest in fruits, let's discuss!
We sell our products in accordance with all quality standards and the needs of our customers:
Compliance with all necessary storage and transportation conditions.
Quality control of the goods from the time of harvest to loading.
Full package of documents for products and export.
Delivery to anywhere in the world.
Whatsapp:+90 533 031 56 42 - +90 542 458 64 42 +90 532 327 27 46
*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global
*For availability of current varieties please contact
*Biological Farming
*All Sizes
*Demanded packaging type can be applied
*From Antalya, Türkiye
*For further information please get in contact with us
Emekle üretilen yaş meyve ve sebzeleri, lojistik ve depolama sürecinde korumak, yer avantajı sağlayarak istiflemek, taşımak ve en şık biçimde sergilemek için oluklu mukavva sebze meyve kasalarını (kutularını) tercih edebilirsiniz.
Citrus (Rutaceae) is a kind of fruit that grows in a mild climate. Orange, yellow tangerine has a succulent and juicy structure. Smaller than lumpy, lumpy or flat, yellow-orange colored, pale sweet, fragrant fruit. Mandarin peels are thinner than oranges and can be peeled more easily, but they are less durable.
Satsuma, Minneola, Klemantin, Frement and Noca varieties are available. According to the type of the season is from October to April. Again according to the type of Eastern Mediterranean, Mediterranean and Aegean regions are grown. Suitable for storage and transportation.
Our apple gardens are located in Isparta/Turkey near a natural lake Egirdir.
That is why we have the advantage of natural lake which is making
the apples more crancy, more juicy and more durable.
There are three important points to export the apples worldwide as
fresh as harvest day.
1> Before two weeks we harvest the apples we make Harvesta Spraying
which is protecting the apples from harmful bugs.
2> After we harvest the apples, we store them in our atmospheric
protected cold storage with 0 (zero) Degree and 25 mb-s air flowing.
This operation makes the apples more juicy and crunchier.
3> And the most important detail is smart fresh. Our Smart fresh is
American brand which prolongs the apples shelf life to Six Months.
As it is known there are two types of smart fresh protection one of them
is American, the other is Chinese.
Chinese protection is cheap but does not provide perfect protection.
We prefer American Protection to supply best apples to our customers.
Pineapple is a new product in our region. It was considered as a luxury product in our markets. Basically, it is demanded in winter when summer fruits season in our region ends. We get high varieties of Latin -American pineapple
For 6 to 8 months every year we received pineapple weekly or semi-monthly basic. Because of the nature of this product in our markets pineapple business is only a SPOT business