Termékek zöldség zöldségek (1723)

Zöld Chili Paprika - Karton- vagy műanyag dobozban szállítható.

Zöld Chili Paprika - Karton- vagy műanyag dobozban szállítható.

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Vad Rukkola

Vad Rukkola

La Rucola Selvatica è un ortaggio a foglia verde e tratteggiata. Dal sapore amarognolo, è adatta a controllare il peso. Inoltre, ricca di fibre, calcio, ferro e vitamina C, si abbina molto bene come condimento sulla pasta e contorno della carne. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Friss Gyömbér - Friss Zöldségek

Friss Gyömbér - Friss Zöldségek

Type: Ginger Style: Fresh Variety: Young Ginger Cultivation Type: Organic Weight (kg): 0.2 Color: Yellow
Staminax Anti-Age Arckrém és Szemkörnyékápoló

Staminax Anti-Age Arckrém és Szemkörnyékápoló

Crema Anti-Age Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :https://www.staminax.it/staminax-antiage.


Spicy and aromatic ginger, ideal for cooking and health benefits.


Red Globe Wooden, Carton, Plastic Weight:700-900 gr. Packaging:Cardboard, Wood Minimum Export:20 tons
Republika Extra Virgin Napraforgó Olaj 500ml - hidegen sajtolt, dupla szűrésű

Republika Extra Virgin Napraforgó Olaj 500ml - hidegen sajtolt, dupla szűrésű

cold-pressed extra-virgin sunflower seed oil
Romanesco karfiol

Romanesco karfiol

Choux romanesco Espagne
Hagymák csomagolt prémium táska - márkás táska

Hagymák csomagolt prémium táska - márkás táska

FlevoTrade verpakt uien in diverse branded bags, zoals de premium. Bij voldoende afname kunnen we dit ook voor jouw label realiseren! Neem direct contact met ons op voor meer informatie. Met jaren ervaring in de sector en mooie langdurige samenwerkingen met bedrijven binnen- en buiten de sector, hebben we bewezen dat uien veruit ons hoofdproduct zijn. En daar zijn wij trots op!
Fagyasztott bio cukkini IQF

Fagyasztott bio cukkini IQF

La Courgette biologique appartient à la famille des Cucurbitaceae, ce légume du soleil est gorgé de vitamines. Le ramassage manuel va permettre à nos producteurs de réaliser plusieurs passages successifs afin de pouvoir vous garantir une maturité optimale des courgettes biologiques. Dès la réception à l'usine, les courgettes biologiques sont lavées, coupées, blanchies ou pas, puis surgelées IQF. Courgette issu de l'agriculture biologique:100% Total énergetique:18 Kcal 75 kJ Fibres alimentaires:1,0 g Protéines:1,1 g Sel:Traces


LE PATE BASQUE. 100g Une émotion de l’enfance vous reviendra, vos souvenirs les plus gourmands d’un picnic à la campagne, ce Pâté Basque au goût subtil de piment d'Espelette est à déguster sur un toast légèrement grillé ou accompagné d’un pickles de légume ou de cornichon. INGRÉDIENTS : huile de coco (35%), eau, protéines de soja, levure de bière bio, champignons, moutarde, huile de colza, sel, agar agar, farine de chia bio, tamari bio, poivre noir, piment d'Espelette, vinaigre xeres, épices, ail, concentré de tomate, miso d’orge, oignons.
Dinnyeosztályozók - 12 tonnától/óráig 20 tonnáig/óráig

Dinnyeosztályozók - 12 tonnától/óráig 20 tonnáig/óráig

Nos calibreuses CALIGRAM 2 (modèle linéaire) en 2 lignes, correspondent à votre besoin. IMPORTANT : - les débits sont liés au poids moyen du fruit et au taux de remplissage obtenu sur la calibreuse, - Pour information, les fourchettes de débit indiquées ci-dessus ont été calculées pour un poids moyen, compris entre 800 g et 1 kg, - le choix de votre calibreuse dépend également de la place disponible, des différents types de fruits à calibrer dessus et de votre budget.
Bio Narancsvirág Hidroszol - Hidroszolok

Bio Narancsvirág Hidroszol - Hidroszolok

The history of orange blossom hydrosol dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, where it was valued for its aromatic and medicinal properties. It was used to perfume the body and clothing, as well as to treat headaches and digestive issues. Orange blossom hydrosol is obtained through the steam distillation of the petals of the orange blossom flower, also known as neroli (botanical name: Citrus aurantium var. amara). The distillation process allows for the separation of the essential oil from the water, resulting in a fragrant and gentle liquid that retains the therapeutic properties of neroli. Orange blossom hydrosol is known for its calming, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in reducing anxiety, improving mood, and relieving muscle pain. It is also used in cosmetics for its anti-aging, toning, and moisturizing properties. Orange blossom hydrosol is used in skincare products.
Szőlőmag alapolaj (Vitis Vinifera (szőlő) magolaj) 100 ml., 200 ml. - Alap (növényi) olajok

Szőlőmag alapolaj (Vitis Vinifera (szőlő) magolaj) 100 ml., 200 ml. - Alap (növényi) olajok

Grape seed base oil (Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil) 100 ml., 200 ml. Cold pressed Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil. Oil refined, deodorized, decolorized. Cosmetic grade, for external use only. Grape seed oil was used in ancient Egypt and Greece as an ingredient in cosmetic products to restore silkiness and shine to hair. Grape seed oil differs from other carrier oils with its very high linoleic acid content. Only sunflower oil can be considered its competitor in terms of fatty acid composition. The dominance of linoleic acid in the composition explains the quick absorption of the base and its special effectiveness on oily skin. The oil also contains other fatty acids - stearic, oleic, arachidic, palmitic. They improve the penetrating and regenerating properties of linoleic acid, affect the texture and turgor of the skin. Method : Cold pressed. Refined. Contains no preservatives, not mixed with other oils, guaranteed 100% natural product. Collection:Budjak Cat. Number:GS-001
Kozmetikai termékek gyártása - NYERSANYAGOK ÉS NÖVÉNYI OLJAK

Kozmetikai termékek gyártása - NYERSANYAGOK ÉS NÖVÉNYI OLJAK

The selection of raw materials is coordinated with the client, depending on the objective and function of the product to be obtained. In order to create your exclusive brand, we have a complete range of biological assets: - Oils - Vegetable Extracts - Essential oils - Butters
A biokátrány kulcsfontosságú előnyei a cementgyárak számára

A biokátrány kulcsfontosságú előnyei a cementgyárak számára

- Reducción de emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero - Mejora de la eficiencia energética y reducción de costos - Uso de un combustible renovable y sostenible - Reducción del impacto ambiental y social Nuestro biocarbón es de alta calidad y se ajusta a los estándares de la industria. Vendemos el biocarbon a granel y en briquetas. Aplicaciones: Combustible alternativo para hornos de cemento y hormigoneras, reducción de emisiones y mejora de la eficiencia energética.
Sacha Inchi Olaj Bio 250 ml - Növényi Főzőolaj Omega 3 Üvegpalack 250 ml

Sacha Inchi Olaj Bio 250 ml - Növényi Főzőolaj Omega 3 Üvegpalack 250 ml

Sacha-Inchi-Öl in der 250-ml-Flasche der Marke Shanantina ist im Vertrieb für den europäischen und internationalen Markt erhältlich. Beez ist Vertriebshändler für dieses biologische pflanzliche Speiseöl. Dieses Pflanzenöl ist ein Lebensmittelprodukt, das aus den geschälten und kalt gepressten (erste Kaltpressung) Samen der Sacha Inchi hergestellt wird. Sacha-Inchi-Öl ist reich an Omega 3, 6 und 9 sowie an den Vitaminen A und E. Betroffene Verbraucher : Dieses Bio-Öl ist für den direkten menschlichen Verzehr bestimmt, für die breite Öffentlichkeit Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Empfohlene Verwendung: Direkter Kaltverzehr für Salate oder Saucen. Allgemeine Bedingungen: Bewahren Sie das Produkt an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort bei einer Temperatur von unter 25 °C und vor Sonnenlicht geschützt auf. Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate bei optimalen Lagerbedingungen in einem geschlossenen Behälter. Versand : Primärverpackung: Glasflaschen (250 ml).
Növényi Olajok - Növényi Olaj Specialitások Minden Ízhez

Növényi Olajok - Növényi Olaj Specialitások Minden Ízhez

Unsere langjährige Erfahrung rund um Pflanzenöle und Fette macht uns zum kompetenten Partner für die Lebensmittelindustrie. Wir bieten eine große Auswahl an pflanzlichen Ölen und Fetten in konventioneller und Bio-Qualität. Einen großen Vorrat halten wir in unserem Lager bereit und können Sie daher jederzeit sicher und zuverlässig beliefern.
Megoldás a gyümölcsök és zöldségek korai érésének megakadályozására

Megoldás a gyümölcsök és zöldségek korai érésének megakadályozására

Natural C: Puissant absorbant naturel pour la conservation des aliments - Natural'C est un absorbant naturel de l'éthylène, une hormone végétale responsable du processus de maturation des fruits, légumes et fleurs. Se présente également sous forme d’un simple FILTRE qui capte automatiquement l’éthylène dégaré par les produits et bloque ainsi la maturation pour rallonger la durée de conservation. Arboriculture, horticulture, production de légumes Grossistes en fruits, fleurs et légumes Négoce de fruits, fleurs et légumes Plateformes de stockage de courte à longue durée Transport de courte ou longue distance Traitement sur petites et grandes chambres froides En absorbant l'éthylène, MCE99 peut stopper complètement le processus de maturation, préservant ainsi la fraîcheur et la qualité des fruits, légumes et fleurs. Son utilisation permet d'éviter les pertes liées à la surmaturation des produits, tout en offrant des produits plus frais et de meilleure qualité aux consommateurs.
Bio Rozmaring Virágvíz Verbenonnal - Hidroszol

Bio Rozmaring Virágvíz Verbenonnal - Hidroszol

Lorsque l’on distille le Romarin à Verbénone prélevé à la main dans le maquis Corse, on conserve l’eau de la première demi-heure de distillation car c’est là que les principes actifs végétaux sont les plus concentrés. Notre hydrolat est certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01
FINOMÍTOTT NAPRAFORGÓOLAJ - Napraforgóolaj, finomított napraforgóolaj, világos sárga,

FINOMÍTOTT NAPRAFORGÓOLAJ - Napraforgóolaj, finomított napraforgóolaj, világos sárga,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
Humisol-plus Zöldségek - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposzt alapú

Humisol-plus Zöldségek - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposzt alapú

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for root and foliar feeding during critical phases of vegetable crop growth and development. How to use: Root and foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, cabbage, onion, garlic, artichoke, asparagus, herbs and salad crops. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Zöldségültető Gépek Gyártója - Zöldségültető Gépe

Zöldségültető Gépek Gyártója - Zöldségültető Gépe

Vegetable sowing machine is called sowing machine used for planting vegetable seeds and known as seeder. These machines are technological tools that carry out the process of throwing seeds and fertilizers into the soil at a certain depth and regularly. Today, with the use of advanced technologies in every field, Machines produced with advanced technology are also used in seed planting. Since these works are both tiring and take more time with human hands and manpower, the use of developed vegetable planting machines is becoming widespread. With the use of machinery, easier, faster and more professional planting is done, yield can be maximized. In addition, seed wastage is prevented by throwing seeds at an equal level and better fertilization is provided.
Finomított napraforgóolaj - Ideális sütéshez

Finomított napraforgóolaj - Ideális sütéshez

Thanks to its highest level of purification and refinement, Korolivsky Smak™ (Royal Taste) refined, deodorized sunflower oil has neutral odor and taste and is traditionally used for frying and long-time cooking, as this type of oil is free from any substances that are unwanted during heating. All Korolivsky Smak™ sunflower oil is made of sunflower seeds passing most stringent laboratory inspection, while our modern process technology and highly-skilled operating personnel ensure its perfect quality attested by ISO 9001:2009 and HACCP (ISO 22000:2007) certificates and recognized with numerous Shelf life : 24 months
Tölgy Reggeli Tálca Fogantyúval - Mindennapi Használatra Szánt Vágódeszkák

Tölgy Reggeli Tálca Fogantyúval - Mindennapi Használatra Szánt Vágódeszkák

Oak Breakfast Board With Handle - Everyday Use Cutting Boards SKU:00-01-042 DIMENSIONS:240x130x9 [mm] Wood:OAK finishing:sunflower oil side finishing:straight weight:0,16 kg
Bio Dinnye - Bio Friss Gyümölcsök

Bio Dinnye - Bio Friss Gyümölcsök

HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service. Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities. HandelFresh is a Moroccan and dutch company founded by Ahmed Laasri that operating from morocco and the netherlands that specializes in the export of fresh produce , including fruits and vegetables. The company’s mission is to provide high-quality products to customers while supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable practices.
IQF Paprikák

IQF Paprikák

Known for their delicious fresh flavour, and crisp crunchy texture IQF Peppers can be used in a variety of applications to create delicious tasting products. They offer all the fresh flavour, bright colour, nutrients and vitamins of fresh peppers but with the convenience and longer shelf life of a frozen product. Different coloured peppers all come from the same plant. The colour depends on the time the pepper stays on the vine. Green peppers come first, they then turn into yellow, then orange and eventually red. Sourced from our expert growers in Serbia, Macedonia, Poland, Spain and Turkey our IQF Peppers are of the highest quality and grown to EU industry standards. Origin:Serbia, Macedonia, Poland Packaging:500g, 1kg, 2,5kg, 10kg, 20kg
Szellőző táskák friss termékekhez - Burgonya, hagyma és szellőzést igénylő gyümölcsök csomagolására tervezték.

Szellőző táskák friss termékekhez - Burgonya, hagyma és szellőzést igénylő gyümölcsök csomagolására tervezték.

Aplicabilitate: Destinat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesita aerisire. Producție: Fabricat 100% automat din materii prime durabile. Personalizare: cel mai inalt nivel de calitate in pana la 10 culori si/sau policromi, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Opțiuni: fereastră de vizualizare a produsului cu o formă personalizată, poate fi sigilată cu folie PLA Biodegradabilă pentru a permite ambalarea produselor care necesită o atmosferă controlată, de exemplu biscuiți. Pot avea și mânere pentru un transport ușor. Material: hârtie specială impermeabilă cu fante de ventilație. Hârtie kraft albă sau natur, diferite grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Cele mai frecvente dimensiuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 și 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Capacitate de producție: peste 75 de milioane de bucăți anual.
Régi stílusú zöldségek kacsazsírban főzve

Régi stílusú zöldségek kacsazsírban főzve

De savoureux panais, navets, pommes de terre et carottes mijotés dans un bouillon à la graisse de canard, prêts à déguster.
Konyhai Segédeszköz Készlet Summer Breeze Extended

Konyhai Segédeszköz Készlet Summer Breeze Extended

Optisch und funktional perfekt kombinierte Sets in gewohnt hoher renaQualität 6teiliges KüchenhelferSet Material gefertigt aus hochwertigem Kunststoff und Silikon Modernes Design, formstabil und gute Handhabung Farb und Lebensmittelecht, keine Schadstoffabgabe an Mensch und Umwelt Labor geprüfte und getestete Sicherheit und Qualität Spülmaschinenfest und hervorragend geeignet für beschichtete Oberflächen Made in Germany mit 5 Jahren Garantie Im Set enthalten Eiswürfelformer, Frühstückbrett (2x), Silikonbackpinsel, Teigschaber TPE/PPH, Querschäler Obst und Gemüse schälen und schneiden, den Grill vorbereiten, gemütlich frühstücken und nach getaner Arbeit ein kühles Getränk mit frischen Eiswürfeln genießen – dieses KüchenhelferSet macht es möglich! Alle Bestandteile des Sets sind geschmacks und geruchsneutral und verursachen daher keinen unangenehmen Nebengeschmack zu den eigentlichen Speisen. Eine Reinigung erfolgt bequem in der Spülmaschine. Artikelnummer:6105R5