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La historia del hidrolato de hamamelis se remonta a los tiempos de los pueblos indígenas de América del Norte, quienes utilizaban la planta de hamamelis para tratar diversas dolencias. Los colonos europeos también descubrieron las propiedades curativas de esta planta y comenzaron a utilizarla para tratar problemas de piel y otros trastornos.
El hidrolato de hamamelis se obtiene a través del destilado al vapor de las hojas, ramas y corteza de la planta de hamamelis. Esta planta, cuyo nombre botánico es Hamamelis Virginiana, es originaria de América del Norte y crece en zonas boscosas y húmedas.
Entre las propiedades del hidrolato de hamamelis se encuentran su capacidad para tonificar y limpiar la piel, así como para calmar y reducir la inflamación. También es un buen astringente y se utiliza en cosméticos naturales para tratar el acné y otros problemas de la piel.
Le Chou rouge biologique de son nom latin Brassica Oleracea appartient à la famille des brassicaceae. A la réception à l'usine, les choux rouges vont être lavés, coupés, blanchis puis surgelés IQF.
Chou rouge issu de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:32,8 Kcal 138 kJ
Fibres alimentaires:2,3 g
Protéines:1,61 g
Sel:0.04 g
l’Inule (Inula graveolens) est cueillie dans son stade de maturité, c’est-à-dire sa floraison fin septembre. La plante est annuelle et change de place ce qui complique la cueillette : chaque année il faut rechercher de nouveaux sites. Le rendement est faible et varie énormément par rapport au temps et à l’emplacement. Huile essentielle issue de l’agriculture biologique, certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01
VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein offers a high-quality plant-based protein solution for food manufacturers looking to create innovative meatless products. This dry, extruded product hydrates to form a texture similar to meat, making it suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including burgers, sausages, and cold cuts. Its high protein content and versatility make it an essential ingredient for enhancing the nutritional profile of both plant-based and traditional meat products.
Produced from non-GMO wheat, VG Titans W65-L is crafted with a focus on sustainability and health. This textured wheat protein is ideal for companies aiming to meet the growing consumer demand for vegan and vegetarian foods. Its adaptability and ease of use in various recipes make it a valuable component for expanding product lines and catering to diverse dietary preferences.
Joya barista almond milk 1l is a premium quality plant-based milk designed for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the rich and nutty flavor of almonds. With its smooth and creamy texture, this almond milk is perfect for creating the perfect latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee creation. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya barista almond milk provides the ideal foundation for your coffee creations.
Crafted from the finest almonds, Joya barista almond milk ensures a fresh and authentic taste that enhances the flavors of your favorite coffee drinks. Its convenient 1L packaging makes it easy to use and store, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of this exceptional almond milk whenever you need it. Joya barista almond milk is your go-to choice for achieving delicious and satisfying coffee experiences with ease.
Raffiniertes sonnenblumenöl ist ein beliebtes Produkt, das in 1L, 3L, 5L und 10L PET-Flaschen erhältlich ist. Wir liefern und exportieren Sonnenblumenöl in verschiedenen Größen und bieten es in Flexitanks und in großen Mengen an. Unser raffiniertes Sonnenblumenöl ist bekannt für seine Vielseitigkeit und eignet sich hervorragend zum Braten, Backen und für Salate.
Unsere Kunden schätzen die Qualität und den neutralen Geschmack unseres raffinierten Sonnenblumenöls. Wir arbeiten mit führenden Herstellern zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass unser Öl den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit unserer effizienten Logistik können wir schnelle Lieferungen in ganz Europa garantieren. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unsere Angebote zu erfahren und wie wir Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
Dried fig offers the sweetness and flavor of nature in a dehydrated form.
How to Enjoy?
You can enjoy it directly as a snack, offering a sweet delight.
It can be added to breakfast cereals or yogurt to provide a sweet addition.
Enhance the flavor by using it in nut mixes or snack plates.
Enjoy it alongside beverages with pleasure.
Dried Fig a perfect example of the sweetness and flavor that nature offers.
Product Information
Ingredients : 100% Fig
Storage : Ambient
Shelf Life : 2 Years
Packaging Options
In a 2-4 kg cardboard box
Doy pack (100 gr)
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :https://www.staminax.it/staminax-antiage.
Moringa oil has been used for many, many years – even though it has recently become one of the latest health fads. Its uses include aiding with skin, hair and other internal health benefits. Common Uses Moringa oil is most commonly used in beauty products such as moisturisers and body lotions. If you don’t wish to spend money on expensive cosmetics, some moringa essential oil can be added to a plain cream for moisturising effects. It can also be added to shampoo to strengthen and add shine to dull hair. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Soybean oil is one of the most widely used edible oils globally, valued for its affordability, nutrition, and high smoke point. It is low in saturated fat, free of trans fats, and rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, making it a heart-healthy choice. Soybean oil is a primary source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains no cholesterol. Its neutral flavor makes it an excellent choice for a wide range of culinary applications, from snack food production to baking and food service. Its emulsifying properties make it a staple in mayonnaise and the broader food industry.
El sésamo a granel de Lord Spices Group es un ingrediente versátil que aporta un sabor rico y nutritivo a cualquier plato. Con más de un siglo de experiencia en la producción de semillas, ofrecemos sésamo de la más alta calidad, disponible en variedades blanco, dorado y negro. Nuestro sésamo no contiene OMG y proviene de India y Turquía, garantizando su frescura y sabor auténtico. Es ideal para su uso en panes, ensaladas y una variedad de platos gourmet, proporcionando a los chefs y empresas alimentarias un ingrediente esencial para sus creaciones culinarias.
65-90 pcs/100g
It is characterized by size, it is considered one of the largest within the species. It is slightly sweetish in taste, thanks to which it fits many dishes and local preserves. Beans can be a very good source of protein in our diet, they have about 18g of protein in 100g. It is also high in fiber, but still low in simple sugars. Beans contain vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our body. It is perfect as an addition to one-pot dishes. It is commonly used in vegetarian cuisine
Les bienfaits cette huile :
Les bienfaits de l’huile de sésame bio sont nombreux parmi lesquels :
anti-oxydant : l’huile de sésame contient naturellement de la vitamine E, un anti-oxydant qui protège les membranes cellulaires de l’oxydation. Elle permet de protéger la peau des agressions extérieures comme les rayons UV. De plus, elle contient d’autres principes actifs, sésamine, sésamoline, sésamol, sésaminol, d’autres antioxydants naturels favorables à la reconstitution des cellules.
régénérant : avec sa riche composition en lipides et anti-oxydants, l’huile de sésame est très nourrissante et anti-radicalaire. Elle permet de régénérer l’épiderme et possède ainsi des vertus anti-âge. Elle lutte également contre les irritations et la désquamation de la peau.
pénétrant : qui dit huile végétale ne dit pas forcément peau luisante. L’huile de sésame est très pénétrante et ne laisse pas de film gras sur la peau. Elle est d’ailleurs très utilisée en temps qu’huile de massage de tous types.
Ce flacon en verre brun ambré vous permet de stocker toutes vos huiles essentielles bio de la distillerie Bel Air, préparations d’aromathérapie et synergies d’huiles ou d’actifs à l’abri de la lumière.
Pour protéger de la lumière vos préparations à base d’Huiles Essentielles bio de la Distillerie Bel Air.
Le flacon est livré avec un bouchon pompe spray noir avec capot transparent amovible. Ce vaporisateur spray convient pour les préparations fluides de type hydroalcooliques.
Capacité:30 ML
Bague:Bague 18DIN
Diamètre:33 mm
Description :
L’huile de tournesol conventionnelle est extraite des graines de tournesol par pressage mécanique ou par extraction à froid, selon les procédés standards de production. Elle se caractérise par une couleur jaune doré, une texture fluide, et un goût neutre, ce qui en fait une huile particulièrement versatile. Son arôme subtil ne masque pas les saveurs des aliments, ce qui la rend idéale pour diverses applications culinaires.
Origine : Ukraine.
Conditionnement : Bouteille en verre de 1L et 2L / Bouteille plastique de 1L, 2L et 5L. / Bidons de 5L, 10L, 25L / cuve de 1000L.
We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol.
Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency.
We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost.
Our company information is 100% available for your review.
We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible.
Please do contact us for more details.
Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0
Specific density 0.916:Grade A
packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
Caisse-palette bois de stockage agricole en fabrication sur-mesure
Fabricant de palox Français depuis 1949, notre bureau d'études vous accompagne dans la conception de vos palox sur-mesure pour être au plus proche de vos attentes et des besoins de vos récoltes en termes de stockage et de conservation.
Avec une capacité allant de 200 kg à 2 Tonnes, nos caisses sauront s'adapter aussi bien à des récoltes de noix, de fruits fragiles de type poires ou prunes, de légumes tels que pommes de terre, oignons, carottes, etc. ou encore de légumes volumineux de type courges ou choux.
Nous savons adapter nos produits à vos besoins en termes de système de ventilation, aussi bien en froid ventilé qu'en ventilation forcée.
Nous proposons également des options de marquage et d'ardoise et procédons au traitement NIMP15 à l'export.
Nos palox peuvent être livrés en kit pour optimiser leur transport ou montés en fonction de vos souhaits.
Contactez-nous pour que nous puissions étudier ensemble votre projet !
Pumpkin protein is a source of plant protein obtained from pumpkin seeds. This protein is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron, and contains fiber.
We offer retail packed products our brand Grino and also white label services to pack under clients brand, please contact us for more details and check our other products.
Lentils are a legume. It is cultivated in many countries around the world. It is not very common in Poland. Lentil seeds are usually round or oval in shape. They can be of various colors. It is rich in many nutrients, including protein, iron and fiber, therefore it is a product widely used in gastronomy.
Red lentils are the most popular of all types of this plant. It is characterized by an intense flavor. Its preparation is very convenient - it does not need to be soaked, and the grains cook quickly. It is perfect for cream soups, pastes or stuffing for dumplings.
Avocado vegetable oil is extracted from the avocado fruit, being a rich, thick oil with a wide range of benefits for the skin and hair. This oil is packed with healthy fatty acids, vitamins A, D, and E, as well as antioxidants, making it an excellent natural moisturizer. Its moisturizing and emollient properties help soften and nourish dry skin, promoting a softer and more supple complexion. Additionally, avocado oil is known for its ability to soothe irritation and reduce inflammation, making it especially useful for people with sensitive or allergy-prone skin. In hair care, this oil strengthens hair, improves its elasticity and shine, and can help reduce frizz. Organic avocado oil also available.
CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
INCI:Persea Grattisima / Persea Americana