Bull's Blood is another variety of the red chard.
It has a good content of minerals and vitamins.
It has a sweet and tender flavor, due to the reddish color of the leaf and the stem.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Our organic carrot oil is 100% natural. The roots, namely the carrots, are macerated in an oil directly in our laboratory. This oily macerate is packaged in opaque, resistant and reusable glass bottles.
The benefits of organic carrot oil are numerous, including :
In order to guarantee you impeccable quality, we check these criteria on each batch :
Appearance: fluid oily liquid
Color: yellow, orange
Smell: sweet
Touch: dry
Ingredients :
linoleic acid (omega 6 PUFA): 48 to 74%
oleic acid (AGMI omega 9): 14 to 40%
palmitic acid (AGS): 4 to 9%
stearic acid (SFA): 1 to 7%
Our oil does not contain any of the following :
Heavy metals
La Carotte biologique du nom latin Daucus Carota est de la famille des Apiacées, cultivée principalement pour sa racine. FRDP met en place des filières de culture sur la carotte. Dès réception à l'usine, les carottes biologiques sont lavées, coupées, blanchies et surgelées IQF.
Carotte issu de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:25 Kcal 105 kJ
Fibres alimentaires:2,4 g
Protéines:0,6 g
Sel:0,06 g
Eine Mischung aus getrocknetem Gemüse, einschließlich Karotten, Pastinaken, Sellerie, Zwiebeln und Petersilie. Sehr aromatisch, ohne Salz oder Konservierungsstoffe. Gerichte der Gerichte eines einzigartigen Geschmacks und Aromas. Es ist eine wesentliche Ergänzung in jeder Küche. Bis zu 15 Minuten.
Profondément ancrée dans le secteur agricole, FlevoTrade possède une connaissance approfondie de la culture, du stockage et de l'exportation des produits agricoles. Grâce à une station d'emballage de carottes moderne, les carottes sont sélectionnées pour diverses destinations.
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :https://www.staminax.it/staminax-antiage.
Description :
L’huile de tournesol brute est obtenue par pression mécanique des graines de tournesol, sans aucun processus de raffinage. Elle conserve ainsi ses impuretés naturelles, ses cires et ses pigments. Cela lui donne une couleur allant du jaune doré à l’ambré, une texture légèrement plus épaisse et un goût prononcé de graines de tournesol. De plus, son arôme riche et sa saveur authentique en font une huile recherchée pour les recettes où l’on souhaite ajouter une touche rustique et naturelle.
Origine : Ukraine.
Conditionnement : Bouteille en verre de 1L et 2L / Bouteille plastique de 1L, 2L et 5L. / Bidons de 5L, 10L, 25L / cuve de 1000L.
CforB Cosmetics'in kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı, ciltteki canlılığı artırarak ve cildi derinlemesine nemlendirerek günlük cilt bakım rutininizi güçlendirir. Bu doğal ekstrakt, yüksek düzeyde antioksidan içermesiyle bilinir ve bu özellikle ciltteki serbest radikallerle mücadele ederek cildin erken yaşlanma belirtilerine karşı korunmasına yardımcı olur. Kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı ayrıca cildin sıkılığını ve elastikiyetini artırır, böylece ince çizgiler ve kırışıklıkların görünümünü azaltır.
Kahve çekirdeği ekstraktı, cildin tonunu eşitlemeye ve daha parlak bir görünüm kazanmasına yardımcı olan doğal bir tonik olarak işlev görür. Kafein içeriği sayesinde, cilt altındaki kan dolaşımını hızlandırarak cilt tonunu canlandırır ve cildin daha sıkı bir his kazanmasını sağlar. Aynı zamanda, cildi zararlı çevresal faktörlere karşı koruyucu bir kalkan olarak hareket eder. Düzenli kullanımıyla, cilt daha genç, daha canlı ve daha enerjik bir görünüme kavuşurken, genel cilt sağlığı da iyileşir.
With the help of the belts rotating on two rollers, it takes the seeds from inside the warehouse and leaves them inside the outer casings on the line opened by the ax. The axes that open the line are connected to the unit. The units have a parallelogram system. (For SC1 model) It works according to the low-height situation of the field.
There is a gear option to adjust the seed spacing on the row. (It can be adjusted as 4-6cm, 6-8cm, 8-10cm.) The seed tank can be tilted forward and backward with the help of the piston. The benefit of this system is that while planting small seeds, the tank is tilted back to prevent too much seeding. In large seeds, the seed is prevented from falling over the scoop (spoon) by tilting it forward.
Seeds Planted: Minced garlic, onion shallots, tulip bulbs
TERRINE FORESTIÈRE VÉGÉTALE. 100g Non, non et non ! On vous le garanti il n’y a pas de viandes dans ce joli bocal, il n’y a que de bons ingrédients végétaux et un mélange de champignons d’une délicate intensité. Fermez les yeux, vous êtes au milieu des sous-bois.
INGRÉDIENTS : huile de coco (35%), eau, protéines de soja, levure de bière bio, champignons, moutarde, huile de colza, sel, agar agar, farine de chia bio, tamari bio, poivre noir, vinaigre xeres, épices, ail, concentré de tomate, miso d’orge, oignons.
We import and offer different types of legumes and cereals.
With us you get first-class quality from
Red lenses
green lenses
bulgur and rice.
The demand for IQF spinach and herbs has been increasing steadily over the past few years. The convenience of using the exact amount needed of ready-to-use, chopped leafy products which don’t need to be thawed, is appealing to both end-consumers as to restaurants, catering companies and ready-meals producers.
Frozen spinach goes through a flash-freezing process that preserves it within hours after it leaves the soil, so it retains more of its vitamin C content than fresh spinach.
Origin:Belgium, Poland, Serbia, Netherlands
Packaging:500g, 1kg, 2,5kg, 10kg, 20kg