SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Per fornire prodotti sempre freschi e genuini, abbiamo selezionato produttori locali che condividono come noi una visione sostenibile, coltivando prodotti stagionali, nella maniera più naturale possibile e rispettando l’ambiente. All’occorrenza, siamo in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi vostra richiesta sia in termini di varietà che quantità.
Nutritional information per 100 grams
Nutritional Data Content
Calories (Kcal) 472
Carbohydrates (gr) 47.87
Proteins (g) 16.62
Fats (g) 26.25
Of the saturated ones (gr) 10.54
Of which Monounsaturated (gr) 7.26
Of which Polyunsaturated (gr) 7.28
Fiber (g) 38
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.87
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.17
Vitamin B3 (mg) 5.82
Vitamin B9 (mcg) 114
Vitamin C (mg) 15.7
Vitamin A (IU) 36
Calcium (mg) 529
Magnesium (mg) 77
Phosphorus (mg 604
The “Chia Seed” tab in Zayma highlights an ancient food that is currently revalued for its nutritional density. The distributor Zayma offers this seed that has become a pillar in healthy eating, due to its complete offer of macronutrients and micronutrients, ready to be incorporated into a variety of diets and lifestyles.
For every 100 grams, “Chia Seed” provides 472 kilocalories, mainly composed of 47.87 grams of carbohydrates and 16.62 grams of proteins.
Chia seeds:100 tons
conventional :grown in Mexico
Réalisation en acier inox AISI 304.
Cuve inox AISI 304, double filtres, munie d’un trop plein.
4 programmes disponibles :
Lavage et essorage.
Prélavage, lavage et essorage.
Lavage en continu.
Régulation manuelle du flux d’eau.
Couvercle avec microinterrupteur de sécurité.
Panier 45 litres en acier inox, maille de 16 mm.
Pompe de décharge incorporée.
Douchette extractible pour le nettoyage de la cuve incorporée.
Production horaire : 260 à 300 kg/h, 60 à 80 kg/h pour les légumes à feuilles.
Marque:Diamond Europe
Volume (M³):0.6
Puissance (kW):1
Alimentation (Volt):230/1N 50-60Hz
Poids brut (kg):80
Roma-style tomatoes are harvested at the peak of ripeness and traditionally dried in the sun. This process creates a naturally intense tomato taste — the perfect blend of sweet and savory flavors. These tomatoes are cut in half measuring approximately 1 to 2 inches long.
Ingredients:100 % Sun Dried Tomatoes
Color:Sun Dried Tomato #3 is characteristically reddish
Size:Typical of Sun Dried Tomatoes
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
Fermented & Processed Pickles
Fermented and processed pickles create tasty salads, snacks, side dishes and toppings. They are low in fat, fresh and can be easily stored.
In Egypt and the Middle East, torsi – a mix of vegetable pickle – is an everyday side dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pickled radishes, turnips, carrots, cucumber, onion and chili are the most commonly consumed, together with cauliflower, olives and lemon.
There are many health benefits related to adding pickled vegetables to one’s diet. Ancient Egyptians loved pickles and Cleopatra claimed that pickles helped her maintain her beauty. It increases your metabolism, brine pickles are calorie free, they are ideal for low carb snacking and good for the digestive system.
Our fermented and processed pickles are prepared with cold, salted brine for up to three months so that the bitter compound is removed, the vegetables are softened and imbued in flavor. It is then washed and sorted and packaged in containers in a brine solution for its preservation.
The harvesting process plays a key role in our pickle produce. Our farmers select the finest olives and vegetables. Each olive is selected according to ripeness before the fermentation process commences.
For the preservation process, our vegetables and olives are transferred to large tanks that are filled with a brine solution, which is made up of water and 10% salt. It takes up to three months for the fermentation process to be completed. This process is necessary to break down the sugar in the vegetables, and to produce the carbon dioxide so that the pickled vegetables can be stored for many months after packaging. Once the fermentation process is complete, the vegetables and olives are removed from the brine and
immersed in water to remove all the salt. At this stage any slicing and selecting takes place. The vegetables and olives are then packaged with a liquor consisting of brine and labelled for shipment.
Our fermented and pickled vegetables and olives include:
Green whole olives
Green sliced Olives
Green pitted olives
Green stuffed olives
Kalamata whole olives
Kalamata sliced olives
Kalamata pitted olives
Small white onions
Jalapeno chilis whole
Lemon Mixed vegetables – chili, turnip, carrot
Mixed vegetables – sliced green olives, carrot, chili, onion
Mixed vegetables – sliced black olives, carrot, cauliflower, lemon, onion
Le gommose di pectina rappresentano un'alternativa deliziosa e pratica agli integratori tradizionali. Questi prodotti sono formulati con diversi micronutrienti per soddisfare una vasta gamma di esigenze nutrizionali. Le gommose sono vegetarian friendly, ipocaloriche e disponibili in diverse forme, con o senza zucchero, rendendole adatte a bambini, adulti, anziani e donne in gravidanza. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, garantendo una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori.
Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali, aminoacidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che le gommose siano non solo efficaci, ma anche estremamente piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in gommose di pectina sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un'esperienza di consumo deliziosa e un supporto nutrizionale completo.
Beurre de karité non raffiné, comestible, issu de l'arbre Vitellaria paradoxa. Produit par des associations de femmes au Bénin, notre beurre de karité est utilisé dans les domaines suivants :
- Cosmétique,
- Médicinal (excipient et propriétés dermatologiques),
- Culinaire (utilisé comme huile),
- Sportif (échauffement et récupération musculaire).
Description :
L’huile de tournesol raffinée est obtenue par extraction des graines de tournesol, suivie d’un processus de raffinage. Ce raffinage permet d’éliminer les impuretés, les cires et les acides gras libres, ce qui donne une huile claire, de couleur jaune pâle, avec un goût neutre et une odeur quasi inexistante. Cette neutralité en fait une huile particulièrement polyvalente, adaptée à une variété d’usages culinaires.
Origine : Ukraine.
Conditionnement : Bouteille en verre de 1L et 2L / Bouteille plastique de 1L, 2L et 5L. / Bidons de 5L, 10L, 25L / cuve de 1000L.
Latta Alluminio disponibile da 5 LT. Olio EXTRAVERGINE DI OLIVA Estratto a freddo. Realizzato con olive rigorosamente verdi, le quali daranno una resa minore, ma un olio più denso, più corposo e dal sapore leggermente amarostico
Cauliflower is a low-calorie vegetable. It contains mineral salts (e.g. sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc), carotenes, vitamins (mainly C, but also K, B1, B2, B6), organic acids. Like other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower also contains sulfur compounds.
Huile de Sacha Inchi en bouteille de 250 ml de la marque Shanantina est disponible en distribution pour le marché européen et international.
Beez est distributeur de cette huile végétale alimentaire bio.
Cette huile végétale est un produit alimentaire élaboré à partir des graines de Sacha Inchi décortiquées et pressée à froid (première pression à froid).
L'huile de Sacha Inchi est riche en Omega 3, 6 et 9, ainsi qu'en vitamines A et E.
Consommateurs concernés :
Cette huile bio est destinée à la consommation humaine directe, pour le grand public enfants, jeunes et adultes.
Utilisation recommandée :
Consommation directe à froid pour les salades ou les sauces.
Conditions générales :
Conservez le produit dans un endroit frais et sec, à une température inférieure à 25° C et à l’abri de la lumière du soleil.
Durée de conservation : 18 mois dans des conditions optimales de stockage dans un récipient fermé.
Origine : Pérou
Material: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Kunststoff
Einfüllschächte: 1 x B 115 x T 75 mm, 1 x Ø 52 mm
Magnetschalter für Auffangbehälter und Einfüllschute
Schutzart: IPX3
Ein-/Ausschalter mit Kontrollleuchte
Anschlusswert: 0,617 kW / 230 V 50 Hz
- 1 Auffangbehälter (1/3 GN, 195 mm tief)
- 1 Stopfer
Weitere 15 Schneidscheiben für Scheiben, Stäbchen, Raspel und Würfel, 1 Einfüllschute und
1 Scheibenständer sind optional erhältlich und bieten höchste Flexibilität.
Art.-Nr.: 120326
Gewicht:18,25 kg
Maße:B 290 x T 530 x H 515 mm
Unsere Konzentrate liegen als Pulver oder viskose Flüssigkeit vor. Da Konzentrate somit ein wesentlich geringeres Volumen haben, lassen sich Transportkosten minimieren. Unsere Frucht- und Gemüsesaftkonzentrate lassen sich unter Zugabe von Wasser daher ganz einfach und kostengünstig in Ihrem Produktionsprozess einsetzen.
Dank der hochmodernen und schonenden Verarbeitung der Rohware können Sie mit Th. Geyer Ingredients als Ihrem Partner die wachsenden Qualitätsansprüche der Verbraucher erfüllen.
Le Patentkali est un engrais coup de fouet composé de 3 éléments fertilisants.
Il enrichit rapidement les sols et contribue à l’augmentation des rendements.
Pauvre en chlore, il couvre tous les besoins en potassium, magnésium et en soufre et convient bien aux cultures des pommes de terre, betteraves, oignons, fruits et vignes et favorise l’enracinement avec un effet stimulant.
L’effet est également bénéfique pour les cultures gourmandes telles la tomate, l’aubergine, les poivrons.
Potassium (K2O) 30 %
Magnésium (MgO) 10 %
Anhydride sulfurique (SO3) 42 %
Utilisation : 3,5 kg ± 100 m2
Légumes tomate, aubergine, poivrons , agrumes : 10 g / plant
Fruitiers, rosier : 20 g / plant
Semis : 10 g / m²
Pommes de terre : à partir de 600 kg / ha
Vignes : 200 kg / ha
Conditionnement : 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg
BIG BAG 600 kg
Utilisable en agriculture biologique (Règlement CE 834/2007).
Devis sur demande pour toutes destinations
POIDS:1 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg, Bag 600 kg