L'huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus globulus est « la plus efficace en cas d’infection pulmonaire - surtout basse » selon Danièle Festy. C’est donc votre alliée en cas de rhume ou de bronchite.
Textured Vegetable Proteins (TVP) are an innovative solution for those seeking high-quality plant-based protein alternatives. Produced without soy and from GMO-free raw materials, TVP offers a sustainable and nutritious option for vegan and vegetarian diets. These proteins are crafted using a unique modular extruder technology, ensuring a high protein and fiber content, along with essential bioactive compounds. The versatility of TVP allows it to be used in various culinary applications, making it an ideal choice for food manufacturers looking to create meatless products that cater to modern dietary preferences.
The production process of TVP emphasizes ecological responsibility by minimizing environmental impact and reducing production waste. By utilizing Polish plant varieties with high protein content, TVP not only supports local agriculture but also aligns with global sustainability trends. This product is perfect for wholesale customers and producers of vegan and vegetarian food, ready meals, and convenient foods, offering a reliable and nutritious ingredient for meat-like products in the B2B business model.
The benefits of organic hemp oil are numerous, including :
regenerating, revitalizing, anti-aging : its rich content of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, makes this oil an excellent anti-aging remedy. This property associated with that of skin repair allows this oil to fight effectively against the signs of aging of the skin. It is also very effective in case of cracks on the hands for example.
softener, moisturizer : hemp oil has a composition similar to skin lipids, so it quickly penetrates the skin for a moisturizing and nourishing effect. The supply of omega-3, 6 and 9 also contributes to good skin elasticity. Hemp oil is also used in hair care to deeply nourish dry hair and obtain shiny and supple hair.
anti-inflammatory : fatty acids, especially omega-3, contribute to the anti-inflammatory properties of hemp oil. They thus make it possible to soothe irritations of the skin, for
Le poivron jaune biologique est une variété de piment doux de son nom latin Capsicum Annuum. Le poivron appartient à la famille des Solanacées. FRDP met en place des filières agricoles en Espagne depuis de nombreuses années. Rapidement après la récolte manuelle, les poivrons frais sont épépinés, lavés, coupés, blanchis puis surgelés IQF.
Poivron jaune issu de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:27 Kcal 114 kJ
Fibres alimentaires:2,0 g
Protéines:1,0 g
Sel:0.02 g
FlevoTrade sortuje cebulę w różnych rozmiarach. Zaawansowany technologicznie sprzęt w połączeniu z kunsztem rzemieślniczym zapewnia, że cebula jest przetwarzana we właściwym stanie. Szukasz określonego rozmiaru? Skontaktuj się z nami bezpośrednio, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
Vendu en flacon 50 millilitres avec bouchon pipette.
Caractéristiques techniques :
Nom latin : Calophyllum inophyllum
Origine : Madagascar
Partie distillée : Graines
Méthode d’extraction : Pression à froid
Chémotype : NA
Culture : Cosmos certified
Couleur : Vert à marron foncé
Il Radicchio Rosso è un ortaggio a cespo, rotondo e molto compatto all'interno.
Grazie all'alto contenuto di acqua e la presenza di fibre, ha buone proprietà benefiche e depurative. Ha un gusto amarognolo e una consistenza croccante.
Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Oferujemy: fasola uprawiana w Polsce: Fasola biała Jaś karłowy ( bianci di spagna, fasola biała masłowa, large kidney beans, alubia, aura produkt jest dostępny w różnych konfiguracjach rozmiarów. Największe ziarna to 50-55 szt,/ 100 gram 60-65 szt./ 100 gram 70-80 szt./ 100 gram do ziaren najdrobniejszych do 200-240 szt./ 100 gram.
Jakość produktu jest bardzo wysoka, jest on oczyszczony na maszynie czyszczącej a później na sorterze optycznym ostatnim etapem jest ręczna inspekcja produktu.
Nasza firma posiada szerokie doświadczenie we współpracy z zakładami przetwórczymi jak i farmami handlowymi. Zapraszamy do współpracy.
Si distingue per il suo sapore dolce e per il rosso intenso delle foglie, molto utilizzata nei mix per dare un gusto impareggiabile. Ha un discreto contenuto in vitamine e sali minerali e contiene una buona dose di potassio, utile per il corretto funzionamento dei muscoli.
Varietà baby leaf. Possibilità di utilizzarla per preparazione misticanza.
Disponibile in casse nere o polistirolo termosaldato da 500 gr. e 1 Kg.
*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global
*For availability of current varieties please contact
*Biological Farming
*All Sizes
*Demanded packaging type can be applied
*From Antalya, Türkiye
*For further information please get in contact with us
Ürün gruplarımız arasında yaş sebze ve meyve için uzak mesafeye dayanıklı çözümlerde yer almaktadır.
Makine katlamalı, elle kurmalı ve köşe takozlu gibi çeşitli modellerin kullanımı, yaş sebze ve meyvelerin rahatlıkla teşhir edilebilmesinin yanı sıra ürünlerin taşınması ve korunmasında da kullanıcılar için büyük bir kolaylık sağlamaktadır.
La pianta forte, ben coprente con internodi medio-lunghi è caratterizzata dalla buona regolarità dei grappoli e bacche di gran sapore. I grappoli formati da 5-6 frutti hanno una buona colorazione e un elegante aspetto visivo grazie alla uniformità della forma e pezzatura. Il peso media di un frutto è di circa 90-120 grammi.
Destinati alla raccolta a grappolo, i frutti hanno un colore rosso scuro e sono altamente resistenti alle spaccature. Il buon bilanciamento tra acidi e grado zuccherini esaltono le caratteristiche gustative di questo pomodoro, ricco di carotenoidi (betacarotene e licopene).
La sua tenuta rimane eccellente nella fase post-raccolta, dimostrando un’ottima shelf-life.
Il pomodoro tondo liscio, molto saporito e gustoso con la polpa consistente è indicato nelle cotture al forno ma anche per delle insalate, sulle bruschette, cubettato sulla pizza, o per cucinare dell’ottima salsa.
Confezionamento: gr 500, 5000, 6000
Le nostre vasche lavaggio ortofrutta con nastro di lavorazione sono tutte costruite in acciaio inox AISI304, con funzionamento “a borbottaggio” e nastro di lavorazione in polipropilene con sistema di arresto automatico.
Il primo tratto permette il lavaggio del prodotto tramite l'insufflaggio di aria attraverso tubi diffusori disposti sul fondo, mentre il secondo tratto, attraverso un nastro trasportatore perforato, provvede all'estrazione dell'ortaggio dall’acqua, lo scolo dell'acqua superflua e la successiva lavorazione e/o selezione del prodotto. Una fotocellula provvede ad arrestare automaticamente il nastro quando il prodotto arriva a fine corsa.
La vasca è dotata inoltre di: attacco per l’ingresso dell’acqua con portagomma ø30, scarico per “troppo pieno”, valvola da 1 ½” per scarico totale e due chiusini per permettere la rimozione dei sedimenti dal fondo.
DEKO WI series monopumps; are usually used in wine industry to transfer grape,destemmed grape and marc.The pump's rotor consists of a stainless steel screw revolving inside a stator.As this is a mobile pump it is easy to operate it whereever needed.The pump capacity can be ranged with an inverter or a mechanical variator.The outlet connecon can be produced flange or union.Its easy and special assembly allows the quick disassembly of all parts without technical support.
This machine allows to w ash .rinse and dry of mass production parts
before assembly and packing. Genenarlly parts in the baskets that are
moving on the conveyor are fallen into the machine by manual or
pneumaticly. The door locked automatically and wash, rinse and dry
operations are handled in the drum. Hot air or vacuum dry is appied.
Optianally ultrasonic units can be attached to increase the w ashing
quality. Thiss model is employing both spray and soak clening that
improves the clenanliness at maximum level.
Technische Daten:•Breite Waschdurchgang: 800mm•Material: die kompl. Maschine incl. Getriebegehäuse ist verzinkt•Wasserverbrauch: bei normaler Düsenbestückung 10m3 mit 5 bar•Lieferzeit: nach Vereinb.
Lava la mayoría de hortalizas.
Capacidad 5 t/h a 15t/h según el modelo y el producto tratado.
Máquina que consta principalmente de una cuba de lavado, bombas que permiten crear flujos turbulentos, un molinillo de palas para el avance de las hortalizas flotantes y una cinta elevadora.
Recuperación del agua en una cubeta de decantación a la salida del lavador y filtración del agua con tambor rotativo de hilos y su rascador para separar los residuos.
Circulación de agua en circuito cerrado para un bajo consumo de agua.
Según los productos tratados, un molinillo de palas puede sustituirse por una trampa para insectos.
De forma opcional, puede integrarse en el lavador una trampa para datura.
Our vegetal fillers are composed of either olive stone flour or walnut shell flour. They are intended for the following industries:
Fillers for glues: phenolics, melamine
Fillers for solid explosives (public works)
Fillers for bakelite/melamine-molding powder
Insulation for wood-fired oven (Dusting flour to be used between something to bake and oven)
Brick alveolation and refractory materials
Insulation for small foundry molds
Additives for dosing vitamins in animal feed
Petroleum industry: drilling mud
Our product is sold in a 25kg bag or 1-ton big bag.
Below is our list of products by grain size and average density:
Insulation: from 0.10 to 0.315mm - from 550 to 650gr/L
100/200: from 0.10 to 0.20mm - from 470 to 570gr/L
CN250: from 0 to 0.315mm - from 520 to 640gr/L
CN200: from 0 to 0.20mm - from 520 to 640gr/L
CN180: from 0 to 0.18mm - from 480 to 580gr/L
CN100: from 0 to 0.10mm - from 450 to 520gr/L
Wir erzeugen die Körbchen für den Lebensmittelhandel in unterschiedlichen Größen mit einer Füllmenge von 250 g, 500 g und 1000 g. Alle Größen sind in den Farben blau und transparent erhältlich sowie BRC zertifiziert.
Produkte:Körbchen für Obst und Gemüse
Füllmengen:250, 500 und 1000 g
Farben:blau, transparent
Zertifizierung:nach BRC, Kategorie hohes Hygienerisiko
We offer process solutions for all types of fruit and for all stages of production: from the delivery of fresh fruit, through extraction or pressing to the final packaging of the juice aseptically or by hot filling.
Alternatively, we build plant for the preparation of quality juice, starting from pureés and concentrates in aseptic drums, while respecting the organoleptic properties of the fruit. In both cases, our technologies ensure that a homogeneous and natural liquid is obtained thanks to a perfect combination of the blended products.
All Ing.A.Rossi production plant is highly automated, and can be operated from a control room, in order to minimise operator error and guarantee repeatability and precision in the process.
Production lines can also be integrated with waste water purification plants, and can cater for both small and large-scale production: we don’t have any volume limits.
Extraction, pressing or preparation of highest-quality
Produktvarianten anzeigen
Die Steigen und kleinen Boxen passen sich Ihrem Arbeits- und Platzverhältnissen an. Vorallem die faltbaren Steigen sparen enorm viel Platz und sind leichtgewichtig und dabei stabil.
Seiten und Boden perforiert
Außenmaße:600 x 400 x 200 mm
Gewicht:1,7 kg
Innenmaße:565 x 365 x 185 mm
Material:HD-PE, UV resistent
Volumen:38 l
Weighing pallet truck suitable for the fruit and vegetable sector for handling and lifting wide pallets, with 680 mm wide forks. It is built in very thick steel with oven painting and is equipped with guide wheels and double loading wheels in polyurethane. It is supplied complete with weight indicator with waterproof STAINLESS STEEL casing, easy to clean and resistant in harsh and corrosive environments; 25mm backlit LCD display, clearly visible even in low light conditions, and waterproof and functional keyboard with 17 keys, with indications for quick recall of the main functions and adjustments.
The pallet truck is also available with integrated printer and in the CE-M DOUBLE SCALE approved version.
Buste per ortofrutta, precisamente articoli confezionabili di modo alternativo alle classiche casse in legno: uva, sedano, mele, frutti di bosco, carote.
I Plateau ortofrutta sono utilizzati per la spedizione delle merci in ambienti cella frigo, ideali per la ”quarta gamma” ma anche per prodotti alimentari e di pasticceria. Sono prodotti stesi, planari, se disponete internamente di macchine per l'incollaggio oppure già montati pronto uso con una tempistica di qualche giorno dal momento in cui li ordinate. Trovano applicazione anche in campo industriale nel settore Caseario