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Translation of Arts Translation of Literature Translation of Books Literary Translation Travel & Tourism Translation Legal Translation Economic & Financial Translation Scientific Translation Translation for International Organisations Geopolitical Translation Technical Translation MPTE’s Services Other Language Services…
Mandulák - Fajták: Guara, Penta, Vairo, Marinada, Lauranne és Comuna.

Mandulák - Fajták: Guara, Penta, Vairo, Marinada, Lauranne és Comuna.

Productos: Almendra con cáscara, Pelada, Repelada, Bastones, Laminado, Grano, Tostada, Salada y Harina. Presentación: Sacos de 1, 5, 10 y 25 Kg. Big Bag de 500 y 1000 Kg.


Carthamus Straight from the Mediterranean, Europe, and USA, this colorant, extracted from carthamus tinctorius, also known as safflower, is completely natural and continues our clean label commitment. Carthamus Extract provides shades of yellow to orangish yellow when used alone, or can provide a variety of red shades when blended with Paprika or Anthocyanins and Green when combined with Spirulina. Such is the versatility of Carthamus Applications: Carthamus is the perfect choice for your confectionery, beverage, bakery, dairy, or meat application
Hagyma - sárga

Hagyma - sárga

Exportamos cebolla amarilla