Termékek élelmiszerek és (1138)

Csicseriborsó liszt 1000g

Csicseriborsó liszt 1000g

Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.
Megijedt szezám 1000g Vivio

Megijedt szezám 1000g Vivio

Sesame has found use in medicine, cosmetics and kitchen thanks to the richness of nutritional values. The sesame seeds can be white, red, brown or black, most often in kitchens we meet with white and black. Sezame seeds give dishes a specific aroma and nutty flavor. They are the main component of Tahini - sesame paste added, among others For humus and halva. Sezamol, sezamaminol and sesame, natural antioxidants contained in grains, make the sesame extremely resistant to rancid. Sesame seeds are a treasury of calcium strengthening bone. They are a rich source of antioxidants and phytosterols, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart. The sesame sesame contain vitamins A, from group B (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), E and mineral compounds: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper , potassium, sodium, calcium and iron. Minerals in seeds make it a great addition to the diet and has many health advantages.
Bioagave Biolámpa 1100 g

Bioagave Biolámpa 1100 g

Bioagavensirup Bright ist ein Naturprodukt aus ökologischen Pflanzen. Agawa ist seit Hunderten von Jahren angebaut, hauptsächlich in Süd- und Mittelamerika. Es hat fleischige und dicke Blätter, die in einer Rosette angeordnet sind und mit scharfen Spikes bedeckt sind. Die leichte Agave sollte eine Alternative zu Weißzucker und Honig sein. Der Geschmack ist empfindlicher als Honig. Agavensirup ist fast 1,5 -mal süßer als gewöhnlicher Zucker. Der Geschmack der leichten Agavensirup ist zarter und neutraler als der leicht Karamellgeschmack von dunklem Sirup. Agave ist ein natürlicher Süßstoff des Pflanzenursprungs in einer halbmischen Form. Veganer verwenden es bereitwillig als Ersatz für Honig. Es hat eine niedrigere IG als Honig und einen breiten kulinarischen Gebrauch. 15%RWS*Fett: 0 g - 0%einschließlich gesättigter Fettsäuren: 0 g - 0%Kohlenhydrate: 71 g - 27%, einschließlich Zucker: 69 g - 77%Faser: 5,8 Gbialko: 0g - 0%Salz: 0,05 g - 1%*Referenznahrungsmittelwert & Nbsp; <strong> Die
Barna rizs 1000g vivio

Barna rizs 1000g vivio

Brown rice is a full grain of Oriza sativa plant, the same from which popular white rice comes. Brown rice is cleaned one of the outer inedible chaff, leaving the scales, bran and the embryo untouched. The taste of brown rice has a delicate nutty note, it is a bit harder than white, it is cooked longer, but also has many more healthy properties than purified white rice. Brown has more vitamins and minerals, contains fiber -rich bran, has a lower glycemic index And it is freezing more slowly. It is therefore ideal for people who care about the line. It lies primarily: phosphorus, needed to build bones and teeth, potassium responsible, among others For the proper functioning of the heart, magnesium protecting us against stress, iron, necessary in the process of cellular breathing and copper, which, for example, cares about the condition of our skin and hair. In this rice we also find some iodine participating in the thyroid hormone production process.
Egész mandula 1000g (2x 500g)

Egész mandula 1000g (2x 500g)

Almonds are seeds of tonsils that grow in about 30 different varieties. 8 out of 10 almonds comes from crops in sunny California, where climatic conditions are ideal for growing almond trees. Almonds belong to the same family as cherries, peaches and mangoes. They are rich in nutrients. They contain vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, thus have health -promoting effects. They have a high content of healthy unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats do not increase the threat of "bad" blood cholesterol. What's more, it is believed that their regular consumption may reduce the overall cholesterol level. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a well -known antioxidant, a substance that stops oxidation processes, thus clears the veins and prevents heart disease and slows down cell aging. It is believed that almonds contribute to maintaining healthy bones through the composed of calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin K, protein and zinc.
Kłodawska só 1000g

Kłodawska só 1000g

Stone salt from the "Kłodawa" salt mine is rich in mineral salts and has widely used both in the kitchen and natural medicine. Kłodawska is a pecunted stone salt extracted for many years in the Kłodawa salt mine. It is extracted using a traditional mining method. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve all its nutritional values. Kłodawska after mining is not subjected to leaching, which allows you to maintain more microelements. Its composition includes many elements necessary for health, including Magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and calcium. It can be used not only as spices, but also in the treatment of sore throat, rhinitis, sinusitis or leveling skin lesions, e.g. at psoriasis.
Csicseriborsó 1kg vivio

Csicseriborsó 1kg vivio

Les pois chiches sont des pois chiches ou des pois à cheveux, ils proviennent d'un groupe de légumineuses et possèdent de nombreuses propriétés de santé. Une excellente source de protéines et des acides aminés nécessaires, par conséquent, il peut remplacer la viande. Il s'agit d'une source de glucides complexes, de fibres. Les pois chiches fournissent au corps diverses vitamines et minéraux, y compris des quantités importantes de phosphore, de vitamine B9, de fer, de zinc, de magnésium et de potassium. Il contient également des acides gras insaturés. L'hélico est faible en calories et un index glycémique faible, et la fibre qu'il contient aide à réduire le niveau de triglycérides et de «mauvais» cholestérol. C'est un excellent ajout à de nombreux plats, soupes, pâtes végétariennes et Les tartes, et la collation parfaite et excellente. Aquafaba, aquafaba, de l'eau après les pois chiches (les pois chiches en conserve ont les mêmes propriétés) est naturellement plein de protéines et de sa
Nyers Kakaó Gabonában 250 g

Nyers Kakaó Gabonában 250 g

Kakaobohnen sind eine rohe Form von Kakaonüssen, die eine große Anzahl von Antioxidantien enthalten. Kakowiec ist ein Baum aus der verhärteten Familie aus Südamerika. Derzeit wächst es in den kreisförmigen Gebieten Asiens und Afrikas. Blumen und Früchte wachsen auf dem Kofferraum. Kakaobetten werden als Nüsse bezeichnet und enthalten eine große Anzahl von Körnern, die in eine saftige Fruchtfleisch eingetaucht sind. Ein anregendes Getränk, das von den Bewohnern Mittelamerikas verwendet wurde, wurde aus dem Auftreten von Columbus hergestellt. Später wurden auch in europäischen Ländern als Kakao in europäischen Ländern geworden. Zarna Kakao wird aufgrund des Fermentationsprozesses braun. Dann werden sie bei niedrigen Temperaturen ausgewählt und verarbeitet, um eine große Anzahl von Nährstoffen aufrechtzuerhalten. Sie werden verwendet, um Kakaobutter, Kakao und Schokolade herzustellen. Sie können sie auch selbst essen oder als Ergänzung zu einem süßen Dessert verwenden.


Vanillin is an organic compound in the vanilla bean responsible for its pleasant fragrance and unique taste. It contains three functional groups - aldehyde, hydroxyl and methoxyl - attached to a benzene ring. Although it can be synthesized from guaiacol and extracted from paper manufacturing waste, it is usually used as a flavoring agent in the food industry. Although synthetic Vanillin has a stronger flavor than natural vanilla, it is often used as a substitute due to its lower cost and longer shelf life. It is available in the form of white to yellow crystals and can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to two years. Vanillin is available in 25 kg bags. Vanillin has many uses in various industries, but it is mainly used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, especially in confectionery. It is also used in cosmetics and perfumes, tobacco products, air fresheners and as a chemical reagent.
Vegán Gombás Stroganoff 440g Vivio

Vegán Gombás Stroganoff 440g Vivio

Mushroom Strogonow from Vivio is a carefully selected high -quality ingredients, including Tomatoes, chickpeas, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, celery and onions. Strogonov is gently seasoned with garlic, thyme and black pepper. The dish is low in calories and highly nourishing vitamins and minerals. It is enough to heat them, add groats, rice or whole grain bread and a delicious, healthy dinner is ready. Cut, also known as chickpeas or Italian peas, is a real treasury of protein with high nutritional value. Its composition also includes large amounts of B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid as well as dietary fiber and numerous minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium or zinc. The ingredients contained in chickpeas prevent constipation, regulate the rhythm of bowel movements and also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Boczniki are unusual mushrooms that have a lot of valuable nutritional ingredients.
Mag nélküli fehér eperfa 500g Vivio

Mag nélküli fehér eperfa 500g Vivio

La morera blanca ha estado ganando popularidad durante algún tiempo, especialmente entre las personas que desean prevenir glucosa en sangre elevada o quieren perder peso. Para fines de curación, se utilizan frutas, hojas y raíz de morera blanca, cada parte de la planta tiene propiedades curativas ligeramente diferentes. Las manchas de morera blancas se parecen a la forma de frambuesa o mora. Tienen un sabor agradable y dulce con una pista agria. Las penisles tienen propiedades antioxidantes, desintoxicantes, antibacterianas y antivirales. Regular el trabajo intestinal. Contienen pectinas, taninos y flavonoides. Utilizado asistiendo con la enfermedad de la úlcera péptica. Ácidos grasos saturados 0g - 0%carbohidratos 75 g - 29%incluyendo azúcares 38g - 42%proteína 4.2g - 8%fibra 5gsél 0.18g - 3%*RWS - Valor de alimentos de referencia & nbsp; <strong> Use </strong> perfecto un refrigerio en casa, en un viaje, en la escuela o el trabajo.
Csomagolás őrölt kávéhoz

Csomagolás őrölt kávéhoz

Coffee is a globally-popular product. The packaging we manufacture is perfect for packaging freshly ground, vacuum-packed coffee. Our films ensure that coffee is protected against its main enemies: oxygen, moisture and sunlight. Coffee bags are made of three-layer laminate with a metallised internal layer of the packaging. The high quality of materials provides the protection of your product, while preserving its aroma and taste. They feature rigidity and they are often the stabilo-type packaging. They are resistant to mechanical damage and stable during processing.
Tengeri ételek/sushi csomagolás

Tengeri ételek/sushi csomagolás

We offer you a film which allows to seal the packaging tightly in order to protect sushi from spoilage, preserving the taste of a product. What is more, the film can be enriched with anti-fog additives which prevents the condensation of water on the inside of a film.
Csomagolás chipszekhez és snackekhez

Csomagolás chipszekhez és snackekhez

Products of such kind feature a high fat content, the oxidation of which causes the rancidity of a product. To extend the shelf life it is therefore necessary to minimise exposure to oxygen. To this end, modified atmospheres of 100% of nitrogen are often used. This makes it possible to prevent the premature spoilage of a product and, at the same time, such atmosphere protects the delicate product against mechanical damage. The packaging we offer supports the technology and allows to adequately protect the product and keep it fresh for a long time. The packaging can be manufactured in a matt or glossy version.
rugalmas csomagolás sütikhez

rugalmas csomagolás sütikhez

To retain all values of confectionery, it is recommended to use films which ensure the freshness of a packed product, feature fine mechanical properties and low vapour permeability, and constitute a great solution as cost-effective packaging.
hideg hús csomagolás

hideg hús csomagolás

Our range of products includes an upper film which tightly seals packaging. The technique allows to preserve the quality, freshness and taste of cold meat. It is suitable for use on high speed flow-pack machines and as a top film in MULTIVAC thermoforming packaging machines. Our product line includes also a resealable type of such packaging.
Papírtörlő csomagolás

Papírtörlő csomagolás

We recommend our paper towel packaging. The film features the high quality, transparency and gloss. Their welding properties were designed so as to enable to form both the A/A and the A/B welds.
Tea, Kávé és Forró Italok Csomagolása

Tea, Kávé és Forró Italok Csomagolása

Millions of people around the world cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic freshly ground black coffee which awakens the senses and boosts energy. To ensure that all values of the product are preserved, we manufacture packaging with and additional polyester layer providing a barrier to oxygen and light. The packaging should also prevent the loss of moisture and aroma of a packed product. Coffee bags are made of three-layer laminate with a metallised internal layer of the packaging. Our films feature rigidity and they are often the stabilo-type packaging. They are resistant to mechanical damage and stable during processing.
Tészta csomagolás

Tészta csomagolás

The pasta packaging market consists mainly of duplex films, BOPP films, BOPP films with a transparent window that makes the product visible. Rigid, mechanically resistant packaging is available in the options featuring various thickness. BOPP/CPP laminates exhibit the tear resistance and, thanks to the cast polypropylene (CPP) layer, are ideal for packaging products with sharp edges (e. g. spaghetti pasta). We also use BOPP/LDPE laminates with appropriately modified polyethylene layer.
Szeletelt sajt csomagolás

Szeletelt sajt csomagolás

We manufacture resealable packaging, which is a good solution for sliced products or products in pieces, of longer shelf life, which requires materials that allow gases to pass through. The film allows to preserve the taste and smell. The products do not dry our too easily and do not oxidise, and the convenient re-closure prevents the cross contaminations and do not allow foreign odours to penetrate the product.
Tea, kávé és forró italok csomagolása

Tea, kávé és forró italok csomagolása

Tea is a globally-known beverage. People love it and drink it over meals or between them. There are numerous various kinds of tea, each and every one having its own specific taste and aroma. If they are not stored adequately, they quickly lose their values and absorb unpleasant odours from the surroundings. The packaging we manufacture features high tightness, ensuring that the highest quality of the packed products is preserved. It also has the increased mechanical resistance.
Nyalóka Csomagolás

Nyalóka Csomagolás

Flexible packagings for lollipops. To complement the joy we offer colourful, transparent, pearl and metallic lollipop wrappers, which prove themselves perfect as packaging for these goodies in the shapes of hearts and balls.
Készétel Csomagolás

Készétel Csomagolás

Pizza is perfect for a quick lunch, dinner or party with friends. To let people enjoy the taste of the savoury Italian dish, we manufacture packaging which enable to freeze the pizza and preserve its taste-related values. Not only does the film feature high resistance to low temperatures, but also the increased mechanical resistance to puncture.


There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
Tengeri ételek csomagolása

Tengeri ételek csomagolása

We offer packaging which features increased mechanical properties, resistance to puncture and resistance to low temperatures of storing ensuring thereby that the nutritional values, quality and taste of a frozen product are preserved. We make both surface and interlayer printing in the form of laminates, which prevent the printing from being rubbed off when refrigerated and additionally secure the stored goods.
Fagylalt- és desszertcsomagolás

Fagylalt- és desszertcsomagolás

Both kids and adults love the frozen dessert. To let you enjoy the taste of ice-creams, we offer you packaging which proves itself to be ideal to freeze products. The film of such type features the resistance to low temperatures of storage, while preserving the taste and properties of ice creams, and the mechanical resistance to puncture
Gyógyszerészeti növényi glicerin

Gyógyszerészeti növényi glicerin

Vegetable Glycerine – C3H8O3, is commonly used in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and e-liquid industries. Characterized by low toxicity and dense consistency, it serves as a great solvent and semi-product.
Rizs csomagolás

Rizs csomagolás

We recommend you our packaging for various types of rice, for example white, brown, red, black or yellow rice. Additionally, we recommend a film of such type for packaging peas, beans or lentils. Depending on your needs, we offer semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed ones with a layer protecting against sunlight.
hús- és baromficsomagolás

hús- és baromficsomagolás

The type of film is designed for vacuum packing(VAC) of products as well as for packing them in the modified protective atmosphere (MAP). Packing meat in this way allows to preserve its quality and freshness. Additionally, the film prevents cross contaminations and do not allow foreign odours to penetrate the meat. PET/PE and BOPA/PE packaging are the most popular structures used in manufacturing. The highest barrier capacity is provided by the EVOH films, which does not allow gases to penetrate the product. It is also possible to use anti-fog additives which prevents the condensation of water on the inside of a film.
Csomagolás pékség számára

Csomagolás pékség számára

We manufacture goods which feature high transparency and gloss. Such properties contribute to the better display of a product and, above all, allow you to enjoy the freshness and taste of crispy bread even longer.