O ácido acético 50%, 80% e 99% sistematicamente denominado ácido etanóico, é um composto orgânico líquido ácido e incolor com a fórmula química (CH3COOH)
O vinagre contém pelo menos 4% de ácido acético por volume, tornando o ácido acético o principal componente do vinagre, além da água e dos oligoelementos
É um importante reagente químico, utilizado principalmente na produção de acetato de celulose para filmes fotográficos, acetato de polivinila para cola de madeira e fibras e tecidos sintéticos.
Nas residências, o ácido acético diluído é frequentemente usado em agentes descalcificantes
Na indústria alimentícia, é utilizado como regulador de acidez e como condimento
Produtos químicos domésticos, fertilizantes
Número CAS 64-19-7
NÓS número 200-580-7
Fórmula química CH3COOH
Massa molar 60,05 g/mol
Código tarifário aduaneiro 29152100
ADR UN2789
pH <1
Ponto de fusão/congelamento -20°C (1013 hPa)
Faixa de ponto de ebulição 92°C (1013hPa)
This organic liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, sustainably harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a natural product rich in potassium and bioactive compounds. This organic liquid fertilizer is used to encourage plant growth, strengthen their roots and increase plant resistance to diseases and, in particular, to the stress caused by poor irrigation management (with episodes of lack or excess of water in the potting soil) and the stresses caused by severe temperature oscillations. (sold in 6 units per pack)
Natural:Enviromental friendly
Salted bacon, or salted pork belly, is a traditional Portuguese delicacy that Monte Safira has perfected. Made from the finest national meats, this product is carefully salted and cured to enhance its natural flavors. The result is a rich and savory taste that is both satisfying and versatile, making it a popular choice for a variety of dishes.
Monte Safira's Salted bacon is a testament to the brand's commitment to preserving traditional Portuguese flavors. Whether used in stews, soups, or as a standalone dish, this salted pork belly adds depth and richness to any meal. Experience the authentic taste of Portugal with Monte Safira's Salted bacon, a product that embodies the brand's dedication to quality and tradition.
Bobinadora Automática INOX HR 1100
Diámetro máximo de la manguera:1/2”
Longitud máxima de la manguera:20 Metros
Presión máxima de trabajo:200 bar
Temperatura máxima de trabajo:90º
Peso sin manguera:18 Kg
Cannabigerol is the main active cannabinoid in this strain of indica cannabis.
CBG is effective treatment in seizures as well as pain relief and other associated ailments treatable with cannabinoids.
Cannabis Indica flowers in 5 grams, 10 grams or 30 grams reclosable pouch.
Isotonic drinks are ideal to rapidly hydrate, energise and replenish essential minerals during intense workouts.
Our Isodrink - Tropical pods, compatible with Dolce Gusto® machines:
- Help sustain normal muscle function.
- Assist in increasing sports performance.
During prolonged, high-intensity workouts lasting over 45-60 minutes, consume 1 pod per hour. It can also be consumed after training to replenish carbohydrates and minerals.
PRODUÇÃO HORÁRIA¹: até 2.000 pçs de 30g
até 480 pçs de 120g
¹ Pode variar conforme o tipo de massa e recheio
Consumo de Massa/ Recheio (produção/ hora*)
Produtos 30g: 42 kg massa + 18kg recheio = 60kg (total)
*Considerando 70% de massa e 30% de recheio
Capacidade da cuba da massa: 2L
Capacidade do funil do recheio: 2L
Dimensões (larg. x compr. x alt): 450 x 685 x 620mm
Consumo: 0,709kW (0,96 CV) – 220V Mono
Peso aprox.: 65kg
Incluído: Kit churros e acessório de salsicha
Cubo de Gelo com uma gramagem por unidade de 65gr aprox.
Limpidez, robustez, maciço e resistente.
Processo de secagem rigoroso.
Comercializado exclusivamente pela gelo.pt
Embalagens descartáveis em alumínio para : cash & carry, indústria alimentar, pastelarias, catering e pronto a comer.
Forma de alumínio redonda.
Apto para contacto alimentar.
Ideal para Pastel de Nata.
Volume : 40 ml
Largura Superior Externa : 77 mm
Largura Superior Interna : 70 mm
Largura Inferior Externa : 36 mm
Altura Útil : 17 mm
Tipo de Bordo : Horizontal Boleado
Code: KV001
Size: 114mm
Weight: 32 lb
Packaging: Bulk
Pieces per case: 10,000
Made from 100% sustainably sourced birch wood, crafted in a controlled environment with less than 5% humidity. Each stick is carefully rounded on all edges, providing safety and quality while preventing unwanted splintering.
Beveled Sticks:
- angled edges: beveled sticks have edges that are cut or shaped at an angle, usually forming a sloping or diagonal edge along one or more sides of the stick.
- smooth transition: the beveling process creates a smooth transition between the stick's main body and its edge. This can help reduce sharp corners and splintering.
- tapered appearance: beveled sticks often have a tapered appearance, where one end is thicker and gradually narrows towards the beveled edge. This can add an aesthetic dimension to the stick.
Birch Wood:
- Smooth texture
- Neutral flavor
- Moderate Hardness
- Lightweight
Jack Wood Sticks: safety, aesthetics, and functionality!
– Farinha com elevado valor de proteína e glúten, que se adapta perfeitamente a todos os processos de panificação e pastelaria que exijam farinhas com muita força.
– Especialmente indicada para pão de forma, pastelaria diversa, croissant, pizzas, etc.
A Granel tem ainda uma variedade T55 Força especialmente recomendada para usos industriais.
Óleo de Coco Premium MCT
Ácidos gordos essenciais
2000mg CBD
Frasco com protecção UV
Recuperação muscular
Alívio conjunto
Regulador do sono e da ansiedade
Regula o apetite
Previne doenças cardíacas
Regula o colesterol
Ajuda na queima de gordura
Adequado para atletas
Regulamenta os níveis de açúcar
Papel certificado, Papel alimentar personalizado, Papel Vegetal, Papel Seda, Papel Anti-gordura, Papel para Hambúrguer, Papel biodegradável, Papel compostavel, Papel para contacto directo com alimentos, Papel para charcutaria, Papel personalizado take away, Papel embrulho alimentos, Papel para restauração
Coconut Oil is not a conventional fat in nontropical countries, but it is a healthy and functional alternative that can replace some of the refined vegetable oils that are typical of the Western diet. It can be consumed naturally in its unadulterated form, just like a spread to accompany slices of bread or toast. It can also be used in cooking recipes and is ideal for frying, roasting, grilling and sautéing, as well as for seasoning salads amongst others. For many, it is considered one of the most stable oils in the kitchen and it performs better at high temperatures due to being formed from saturated fats. More than 50% of the fatty acids present in the coconut are from the mediumchain, namely lauric acid. Socalled Mediumchain Triglycerides are very important in the energy generation process, they are easily and readily absorbed without being stored as fat. This means that the body saves liver and muscular glycogen, which improves performance during physical activity.
PODEROSO DESINFECTANTE - Bactericida, fungicida e bacteriostático de largo espectro; uma solução de 1% de GERMICIM destrói ao fim de 1 minuto micro-organismos do tipo: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhy.
NÃO TÓXICO - Com excelente efeito, desinfectante. NÃO CORROSIVO - Não ataca metais, plásticos, tintas ou outras superfícies. ACÇÃO DESINFETANTE - Actua na presença de água dura. Impede a fermentação e a degradação de substâncias orgânicas.
Cantaloupe melons are also known for their own specific characteristics, they have a green, wrinkled skin with a beige texture and orange flesh. Their internal consistency is also firmer.
Many people say that this species is the tastier one and it is appreciated more, it also has a stronger smell. The fruit also has several nutrients, such as betacarotene, vitamin C and vitamin B9.
Packing:Packed in a cardboard box sizes C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, or C12, or another type of box
Especificações Técnicas
Especificações / Modelo MCF440S
Versão Base rodada (standard)
Dimensões máximas de pão (em mm) c/l/a440x310x160
Espessura das fatias (em mm) 8-10-12-14-16-20
Alimentação Eléctrica* 3/400 V
Motor 0,75 Kw
Consumo 2,0 A
Peso Líquido 155 Kg
* Por encomenda a máquina pode ser fornecida com outras tensões (mono ou trifásicas) diferentes das indicadas
Il ne suffit pas de s’exercer comme un fou tous les jours pour augmenter sérieusement sa masse musculaire. Un apport protéique important est également nécessaire. Vous cherchez une protéine de premier choix remarquablement efficace pour systématiquement développer vos muscles?
Sa pureté inégalée, ses caractéristiques d’absorption rapide et son aminogramme complet font de l’isolat de lactosérum une protéine prisée par tous types de sportifs et de culturistes de par le monde. 100% Whey Isolate de Zumub vous fait profiter d’un isolat de lactosérum de qualité supérieure à la fois facile à mélanger et délicieux!
Chaque dose de 100% Whey Isolate de Zumub procure 24.3g d’isolat de lactosérum contenant tous les acides aminés essentiels (AAE), y compris les ramifiés (BCAA) utilisés pour développer et maintenir la masse sèche. L’isolat de lactosérum est quasiment dépourvu de lactose, ce qui fait de ce produit une bonne alternative pour les personnes intolérantes au lactose.
It's the perfect kit to show your indoor plants that you care about them. Use it to nourish and supplement your plants with special compounds that help them stay strong all year round, even when it's too hot, too cold, or too dry.
Το οξικό οξύ 50%, 80% και 99% με συστηματική ονομασία αιθανοϊκό οξύ, είναι μια όξινη, άχρωμη υγρή, οργανική ένωση με χημικό τύπο (CH3COOH)
Το ξύδι περιέχει τουλάχιστον 4% οξικό οξύ κατ' όγκο, καθιστώντας το οξικό οξύ το κύριο συστατικό του ξιδιού εκτός από το νερό και τα ιχνοστοιχεία
Είναι ένα σημαντικό χημικό αντιδραστήριο, που χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως στην παραγωγή οξικής κυτταρίνης για φωτογραφικό φιλμ, οξικού πολυβινυλίου για κόλλα ξύλου και συνθετικών ινών και υφασμάτων
Στα νοικοκυριά, το αραιωμένο οξικό οξύ χρησιμοποιείται συχνά σε παράγοντες αφαλάτωσης
Στη βιομηχανία τροφίμων, χρησιμοποιείται ως ρυθμιστής οξύτητας και ως καρύκευμα
Οικιακά χημικά, Λιπάσματα
Αριθμός CAS 64-19-7
WE αριθμός 200-580-7
Χημικός τύπος CH3COOH
Μοριακή μάζα 60,05 g/mol
Κωδικός δασμολογίου 29152100
ADR UN2789
pH <1
Σημείο τήξης / πήξης -20°C (1013 hPa)
Εύρος σημείου βρασμού 92°C (1013hPa)
Lanzas de acero inoxidable diseñadas especialmente para
el exigente trabajo de higiene y desinfección de unidades
industriales del sector alimentario. Muy resistentes al impacto y a la acción de productos químicos. Mangos de diseño anatómico fabricados en material irrompible.
El acople de la lanza a la pistola es tipo Click en acero
inoxidable tratado. La protección de la boquilla es muy
resistente y fácilmente reemplazable.
Presión máxima:150 bares
Caudal máximo:80 lts/m
Temperatura máxima:100ºC
This organic liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, sustainably harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a natural product rich in potassium and bioactive compounds. This organic liquid fertilizer is used to promote plant growth, strengthen their roots, and increase their resistance to diseases, particularly stress caused by poor irrigation management (with episodes of water shortage or excess in the potting soil) and stress caused by significant temperature fluctuations. (sold in packs of 6 units)
Tecnología innovadora diseñada y desarrollada
especialmente para realizar los exigentes procesos
de higienización de la industria alimentaria. Los
satélites FSmicro de media y baja presión son
equipos bastante robustos y de gran eficacia en la
aplicación de productos de limpieza como espumas
y desinfectantes.
El agua presurizada es enviada por la central y, en
el caso del FSmicro de baja presión, el agua es
enviada directamente de la red del cliente, lo que
permite al equipo realizar un excelente enjuague,
así como una aplicación controlada y rigurosa de
los productos químicos. El sistema de dosificación
dispone de un venturi en acero inoxidable de fácil
mantenimiento. También posee boquillas de
diferentes calibres para una aplicación precisa del
Tipo de modelo:Fsmicro
Presión Enjuague:20 BAR
Teniente/Min Caudal:30
Temperatura Agua:5 a 60º
Dosificación Regulable:1 a 6 %
Peso Equipo:24,9 KG
Acetic Acid 50%, 80% and 99% systematically named ethanoic acid, is an acidic, colourless liquid, organic compound with the chemical formula (CH3COOH)
Vinegar is at least 4% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water and trace elements
It is an important chemical reagent, used primarily in the production of cellulose acetate for photographic film, polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, and synthetic fibres and fabrics
In households, diluted acetic acid is often used in descaling agents
In the food industry, it used as an acidity regulator and as a condiment
Household chemicals, Fertilizers
CAS number 64-19-7
WE number 200-580-7
Chemical formula CH3COOH
Molar mass 60,05 g/mol
Customs tariff code 29152100
ADR UN2789
pH <1
Melting / freezing point -20°C (1013 hPa)
Boiling point range 92°C (1013hPa)
Relative density 1,057 g/cm3 @25°C
Solubility in water 602,9 g/l/ @25°C
Lanzas de acero inoxidable diseñadas especialmente para
el exigente trabajo de higiene y desinfección de unidades
industriales del sector alimentario. Muy resistentes al impacto y a la acción de productos químicos. Mangos de diseño anatómico fabricados en material irrompible.
El acople de la lanza a la pistola es tipo Click en acero
inoxidable tratado. La protección de la boquilla es muy
resistente y fácilmente reemplazable.
Presión máxima:150 bares
Caudal máximo:80 lts/m
Temperatura máxima:100ºC
"Diseñadas con la más avanzada tecnología, las Centrales
CVS son equipos de gran eficacia, preparados para
responder a los desafíos diarios de los profesionales de la
industria agroalimentaria. Incorporando una electrobomba
producida con la mejor tecnología actual, totalmente en
acero inoxidable y magnético, fue construida para trabajar
en servicio continuo prácticamente sin mantenimiento.
Desarrollamos una gama de soluciones Fijas y Portátiles
con diversos modelos destinados a cubrir todo el espectro
de posibilidades."
Tipo de modelo:CVS 2P
Presión Enjuague:20 BAR
Teniente/Min Caudal:60
Temperatura Agua:1 A 60O
Motor Trifásico:5,5 HP
Operadores Simultáneos:2