Il TAVERNELLO Vino Rosato d'Italia è un vino rosato versatile e di alta qualità, con un contenuto alcolico del 15%. Ogni brik contiene 1 litro di puro piacere enologico. Ideale per tutti i momenti, è perfetto per accompagnare pasti leggeri, aperitivi o serate in compagnia. Goditi un bicchiere di TAVERNELLO Vino Rosato e lasciati conquistare dai suoi aromi e sapori unici.
<Span Style = "Font-Weight: 400;"> Bio cashew nuts from Vibio are characterized by high quality, freshness and excellent taste. They come from ecological crops in Vietnam. </ Span> Casual nuts are seeds of a tree fruit called Western Naner or Western Casual. They are cousins of mango and pistachios and grown in most countries of the tropical area. Acquiring cashews is complex and time consuming. Cashews are a real mineral mine - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and vitamins - K1, E and B group vitamins. Thanks to the high content of vitamins from group B and magnesium cashews have a positive effect on, among others the nervous system. The high potassium content means that cashews have a positive effect on maintaining proper water and electrolyte management and prevent excessive accumulation of water in the body (thanks to which they reduce swelling of the feet, hands and face, water cellulite, etc.).
"Agave cactus
Agave is a plant that resembles a cactus and grows in large quantities in Mexico. The plant has a long history as a medicinal plant and as a sweetener. In addition, its juice is used to make tequila.
What is Inulin?
Inulin is a soluble fiber commonly found in various vegetables. Inulin has a peculiar but postive effect on our immune system. Because inulin cannot be broken down by our own bodies, we are dependent on a group of bacteria in the large intestine which have the necessary enzyme to do so. Ingesting inulin stimulates the growth of this group of intestinal bacteria. And that is precisely what is strange. Inulin makes intestinal bacteria grow, but in doing so increases your resistance to other groups of bacteria. This is because a number of organic acids are produced during the growth of intestinal bacteria and these make it more difficult for 'bad' bacteria and germs to survive. Because inulin thus stimulates the so-called bifidoflora, o…"
"Processed plant part: Leaf
Extraction agent: Ethanol & water
Carrier: Maltodextrin
Scientific name Name: Murraya koenigii L
Curry leaves are valued for their potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided.
Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
We also offer the following products:
Field bean
Field horsetail
African black bean
Alpha lipoic acid
Beta Glucan
ORGANIC Birch leaf
ORGANIC Brazilian almond
ORGANIC Broccoli
ORGANIC Chlorella
ORGANIC Cranberry
ORGANIC Barley grass
ORGANIC Grapefruit
ORGANIC Blueberry
ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard
ORGANIC Knotted kelp
ORGANIC Turmeric
L'amidon de blé natif est un produit purifié, non modifié et naturel obtenu à partir de plantes. Le blé est d'abord nettoyé, décortiqué et moulu, puis traité avec de l'eau afin de séparer l'amidon.
Le produit se présente sous la forme d'une fine poudre blanche d'odeur et de goût neutres.
Der lecker kernige Genuss der Mandel war schon im alten Ägypten beliebt. Unsere schonend naturgerösteten Mandeln werden ganz ohne Fett und Salz zu einem unwiderstehlichen, leicht süßlichem Geschmackserlebnis. Ein leckerer Snack für zwischendurch und dabei noch reich an Ballast- und Mineralstoffen.
La nostra SYP riso torta macchina (macchina da forno, pasticceria macchina) è stata progettata in modo tale che esso può produrre Popping Chip / Cracker / torta con venature naturali del grano spuntino / 100%.
Attualmente dispositivi meccanici sono stati fatti, ma non è in grado di gestire l'elevata pressione continuamente e produce prodotti non uniformi. Le sue parti come catene e motori sono usurati facilmente e provoca guasti frequenti.
La nostra macchina torta di riso 'SYP' corretto questi difetti ed utilizza l'idraulica per la produzione di prodotti omogenei e significativamente aumentato la sua durata nel tempo.
Inoltre, la varietà di stampi sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e forme per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti.
Le piccole macchine possono essere prodotte per i negozi locali e e macchine più grandi possono essere prodotti anche per le fabbriche.
Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattarci !!
Caractéristique :
La plupart des produits parlent généralement de « levure de riz rouge » mais il s’agit en fait d’une levure rouge de riz.
Cette levure ( Monascus purpureus) est cultivée sur du riz, elle contient un pigment possédant une teinte rouge prononcée. C’est donc bien la levure qui est rouge et non pas le riz.
En Asie, la levure rouge de riz est avant tout un produit alimentaire, elle est utilisée comme colorant ou comme rehausseur de goût dans diverses préparations alimentaires comme les sauces, mousses de poisson, vin de riz, tofu rouge, légumes marinés, viandes salées, etc.
Anecdote : La levure rouge de riz est présente dans la pharmacopée chinoise depuis la dynastie Ming (1368-1644), elle était appelée «riz de longue vie». La substance active de la levure rouge de riz est la monacoline K.
25 mg de Q10H2 (ubiquinol) sont suffisant en complémentation de la levure rouge de riz.
L’ubiquinol est la forme non oxydée du coenzyme Q10. Il s’agit d’une molécule d’origine...
-Lasagne with respective layers of pasta, bolognese, béchamel and cheese on top.
-Two product sizes.
-Three distinct zones connected by conveyor belts:
oCutting area for the pasta sheet, placed by the operators in the moulds.
oDosing area with five multi-purpose dosing machines, alternately positioned to apply the different layers of the lasagne. Volumetric dosing, equipped with servomotor for a homogeneous dosage.
o Spun cheese dosing area.
-From the control panel and by means of a touch screen we configure the speeds and accelerations of each belt to comply with the desired production.
-Automated production for high volume processing.
-All the processes are completed in a reduced space.
-The entire line is easily disassembled for easy and effective cleaning, and its components are suitable for cleaning with pressurised water.
It’s time for a delicious meal with Fresk!
With Fresk’s food containers you will have your favorite meal with you wherever you are.
It is completely safe for children, durable and suitable for hot and cold foods.
The container closes very easily with the bamboo lid and the two metal clips and keeps your food completely safe!
Dimensions:18 x 13 x 7 cm
Material:Baboo Fiber & Stainless Steel
MoriVeda® Brahmi Kapseln
Die Brahmi-Pflanze (Bacopa Monnieri) mit ihren kleinen weißen Blüten und ihrer sattgrünen Farbe ist eine feuchtigkeitsliebende Pflanze, die vorwiegend in Ländern wie Indien, Vietnam und Nepal wächst.
Brahmi wird seit mehr als 3000 Jahren im Ayurveda verwendet und wird für seine nährstoffreichen Blätter geschätzt. Brahmi zählt ebenfalls zu den wirkungsvollen Rasayana-Kräutern des Ayurveda. Entdecken Sie die Vorteile dieses wertvollen Superfoods!
Reich an den Vitaminen A, B, E und K
Enthält hohe Mengen an Magnesium, Natrium, Kalium, Mangan, Kupfer, Zink, sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe und
Kann die Gehirnleistung verbessern und gegen Stress helfen
Laktosefrei, fruktosefrei, glutenfrei, frei von Füllstoffen und 100% vegan
Einnahmeempfehlung: 2 Kapseln mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit, vorzugsweise zu den Mahlzeiten, einnehmen
Our phosphorus bolus cattle Fosfotop is a fast-acting phosphorus supplement designed to solve a mineral imbalance around calving. The deficiency of calcium is the most known shortage. In addition, we often see a phosphorus deficiency, which may lead to the downer cow syndrome. Different from milk fever, the temperature, heartbeat, and breathing remain stable.
As with other materials in the SOL range, VSOL provides a high barrier with the required characteristics, but includes improvements for it to be used in vertical packaging machines. It has good hot tack and a low weld temperature.
It provides a high aroma and oxygen barrier and is watertight. It also withstands heat treatments, such pasteurisation.
Nuts, rice, sugar, salt, pet food, among others.
ThymoWell and ThymoPlus contain high quality Thyme extracts that soothe and clear the throat. They are also useful in case of hoarseness.
"This product is shipped only to following countries: Bosnia, Croatia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine."
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), has a long history of medicinal use that dates back 5000 years. Hippocrates (460 BC- 370BC) believed that Thyme has expectorant properties.
ThymoWell throat syrup contains highly concentrated Thyme liquid extract for optimal soothing effect. One adult dose of 15 ml contains 2,25 gr of Thyme extract.
ThymoWell is an all-natural syrup, without parabens and preservatives, and without artificial flavours. ThymoWell throat lozenges contain 30 mg of Thyme dry extract, 20 mg of Vitamin C, and Eucalyptus. They have a natural thyme flavour.
ThymoWell and ThymoPlus lozenges are sugar and mint free, with no artificial flavours.
Item code:SF-TWT
Product name:ThymoWell
Gross weight [KG]:0.05
Net weight [KG]:0.027
Packaging for spices:
- Plastic packaging. Plastic bags are a popular choice for packaging spices. They are lightweight, durable and provide excellent protection from moisture and wind.
- Paper packaging. Paper bags are a viable option for packaging spices. They are lightweight and can be 100% recycled.
- Packaging with zipper. We provide pouches which are resealable through their zipper closure and make it easy for customers to store
Es fundamental descontaminar los envases antes de introducir los productos. ¿De qué sirven todas las precauciones en las líneas de producción si los envases están contaminados? El EBeam ofrece una solución al final de las líneas de producción de los fabricantes de películas alimentarias, y también en el punto de envasado de las plantas alimentarias.
Tecnología innovadora diseñada y desarrollada
especialmente para realizar los exigentes procesos
de higienización de la industria alimentaria. Los
satélites FSmicro de media y baja presión son
equipos bastante robustos y de gran eficacia en la
aplicación de productos de limpieza como espumas
y desinfectantes.
El agua presurizada es enviada por la central y, en
el caso del FSmicro de baja presión, el agua es
enviada directamente de la red del cliente, lo que
permite al equipo realizar un excelente enjuague,
así como una aplicación controlada y rigurosa de
los productos químicos. El sistema de dosificación
dispone de un venturi en acero inoxidable de fácil
mantenimiento. También posee boquillas de
diferentes calibres para una aplicación precisa del
Tipo de modelo:Fsmicro
Presión Enjuague:Até 6 BAR
Teniente/Min Caudal:30
Temperatura Agua:5 a 60º
Dosificación Regulable:1 a 6 %
Peso Equipo:24,9 KG
Der Löffel für Lebensmittel SteriPlast® aus blauem Polystyrol wird in unserem Reinraum Klasse 7 (10.000) produziert, für den Einweg-Bedarf einzeln verpackt und anschließend gammastrahlensterilisiert.
Der Löffel für Lebensmittel ist erhältlich in zwei Größen, 2,5 ml (ähnlich Teelöffel) und 10 ml (ähnlich Esslöffel), ideal für die Probenahme von Pulver, Granulaten, Pasten und Flüssigkeiten.
Der blaue Farbton kommt in natürlicher Form in Lebensmitteln nicht vor. Deswegen werden die blauen Produkte, oder Teile davon, falls sie einmal in die Produktion geraten sollten, bei der visuellen Kontrolle sehr schnell und leicht erkennbar und auffindbar sein.
Die Verwendung von blauen Werkzeugen hilft somit den Anforderungen der HACCP Gefahrenanalyse und -bewertung in Bezug auf Fremdkörper zu entsprechen. Besonders in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung, Lebensmittelproduktion, sowie in der Futtermittel- und Pharmaindustrie ist dies eine wichtige Voraussetzung.
Material:PS, blau
We produce organic honeys since 2000 that we and our children can consume.
Enerjy (kJ ve kcal):1272 kj
Calorie:304 Kcal
Fat (g):0
Carbohydrate (g):82.3g
Protein (g):0.3g
Sandy, importateur peluche est fier de vous présenter ces éclatantes licornes aux 3 coloris assortis ! La corne et les pattes en tissu brillant attirent l'oeil en un instant... Un conseil, commandez les rapidement !
Coloris:Violet / Bleu / Rose - 3 assortis
Matière:100% Polyester
Matière : Carton Blanc avec revetement ingraissable
Article : Gobelet ou Pot
Atouts : Gobelet à wrap résistant aux matieres grasses grâce à un carton épais et vernis. Il permet de maintenir le wrap dans un emballage plaisant et pratique.
Utilisations : Ces gobelets kraft brun sont parfaitement adaptés pour la conservation et le transport de vos wraps, gauffres, frites, tortillas et nuggets
Ideal pour la présentation de gaufre, crêpe, frites ou tout autre snack.
En Kraft ou caton blanc imprimé ou non.
Disponible en 3 tailles.