Sesampasten, unser Großhandel bietet nicht nur erstklassige Tahina, sondern auch eine breite Palette an Hülsenfrüchten, Saaten und weiteren orientalischen Köstlichkeiten wie Falafel und Hummus.
Sesampasten, Entdecken Sie die reine und geröstete Sesampaste (Tahina) von SoleilFOOD – Ihre ideale Begleitung für eine vitaminreiche und vielseitige Küche! Unsere Tahina wird in der orientalischen Küche hochgeschätzt und ist eine Schlüsselzutat für die Zubereitung von Hummus (Kichererbsenmus) sowie eine köstliche Beilage zu Fleisch-, Fischgerichten und Salaten.
Tahina ist nicht nur ein Dip, sondern auch ein leckerer Brotaufstrich, Dressing und Sauce. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Geschmack und den zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bereichert sie Ihre kulinarischen Kreationen.
The special thing about the instant ramen noodles from Nong Shim in South Korea, apart from the typical spiciness, which you have to like, is the portion size: One package already makes a really filling meal. It's hard to find a better and cheaper way to feed yourself when you're on the road or don't have much time to eat! Fans of this quick but tasty noodle variant from the Far East have a good choice - like here, for example, with kimchi flavor (pickled cabbage), a Korean national dish. To satiety for the whole family!
"What is Chili Bird eye
Chili bird eye, also known as piri piri, rawit or Thai chili, is a small pepper with a hot flavour. The pepper is often found in Ethiopia and Southeast Asia. The bird's eye chili belongs to the group of very hot peppers.
Health Benefits Chili Bird Eye
This chili helps with digestion, it accelerates weight loss and increases saliva production.
The use of chili
This chili is a well-known product in Indonesian, Mexican, Argentine and Thai cuisine and is often used for making spicy curry, enchiladas, tacos and chimichurri."
Indulge in the creamy and aromatic Pilot breakfast pear apple banana vanilla, a breakfast delight that combines the subtle sweetness of pears, the refreshing taste of apples, the richness of bananas, and the comforting aroma of vanilla. This blend is perfect for those who appreciate a balanced and flavorful breakfast that is both satisfying and nourishing. Each sip or bite offers a harmonious blend of flavors that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Pilot breakfast pear apple banana vanilla is not just a treat for your palate but also a nutritious choice for your health. Packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, this breakfast option supports your immune system and promotes digestive health. Whether you enjoy it as a smoothie, a yogurt topping, or a standalone snack, this blend is a versatile and delicious way to start your day on a positive note.
Wir bieten Kartoffelstärke an, die für ihre hohe Qualität und Vielseitigkeit bekannt ist. Unsere Stärke wird aus den besten Kartoffeln hergestellt und ist ideal für die Lebensmittelindustrie. Wir exportieren unsere Produkte weltweit und bieten wettbewerbsfähige Preise sowie schnelle Lieferzeiten. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung im internationalen Handel, um die besten Stärkeprodukte für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.
Discover top-quality potato flakes, granulate, and powder, expertly processed and exported worldwide. Our products, available in both conventional and organic varieties, are perfect for food manufacturers seeking consistency, versatility, and superior taste. We pride ourselves on sustainable sourcing, rigorous quality control, and prompt global delivery. Whether you're looking to enhance soups, sauces, snacks, or baking mixes, our potato products guarantee optimal performance every time.
Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in barattoli, offrono una soluzione pratica e versatile per chi ha difficoltà a inghiottire le compresse. Questi integratori possono essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. I barattoli offrono una capienza maggiore rispetto alle bustine, garantendo un dosaggio personalizzabile e adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano.
La formulazione degli integratori in polvere include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo i barattoli, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Il BORGOBRUNO Vino Bianco Toscana IGT è un elegante vino bianco toscano di qualità superiore, perfetto per accompagnare piatti di pesce e formaggi leggeri. Confezionato in un formato da 75 cl, offre un'esperienza gustativa unica grazie alla sua freschezza e al suo bouquet di sapori fruttati.
Potato flakes are dehydrated, pre-cooked potatoes that have been mashed and then processed into a dry, flake form. They are commonly used as an ingredient in instant mashed potatoes, soups, and other prepared foods, providing convenience and a long shelf life. Potato flakes can also be rehydrated and used as a thickening agent in various recipes. Additionally, they are utilized in the baking industry to improve the texture and moisture retention of baked goods.
Packaging:Paper Bag 25kg
Quantity:5,000kg - 48,000kg
Hibiscus extract provides a vibrant red color derived from hibiscus flowers. Widely used in the food and beverage industry, it delivers a natural, stable hue. Ideal for plant-based products, it offers a rich color suitable for various applications.
Molecular Formula:C18H16O9
CAS No:71149-61-6
Soya Lecithin, the by-product of Refined Soya Oil, is manufactured from the gums which are obtained during the degumming process of the crude soybean oil (to produce refined soya oil). During the degumming process gums are extracted and dehydrated at controlled conditions to obtain crude Soya Lecithin. This crude Soya Lecithin is further refined and standardized in different grades, to serve as a raw material in different applications. Soya Lecithin has a characteristic golden yellow colour, it is viscous in nature and has a characteristic soybean odour.
Le sucre semoule est un sucre blanc finement granulé, obtenu à partir de la betterave sucrière. Après l’extraction et la purification du jus de betterave, le sucre est cristallisé puis tamisé pour obtenir des grains uniformes et très fins. Cette finesse le différencie du sucre cristallisé, le rendant particulièrement adapté aux recettes où une dissolution rapide est nécessaire. Le sucre semoule a une couleur blanche éclatante et un goût neutre, idéal pour sucrer sans altérer les saveurs des ingrédients.
Origine : Ukraine.
Conditionnement : Sachets : 1kg et 2 kg / sacs kraft : 5kg, 10kg, 25kg / sacs en polyéthylène : 40kg et 50kg. Palettisation : 750kg à 1000kg
Il est idéal pour préparer des gels ou des mousses qui sont stables à la chaleur, à l’acidité et aux enzymes de fruits exotiques (ananas, papaye, kiwi…).
Il peut aussi être utilisé pour texturer des produits (hachés, aspics, terrines, flans, sauces, nappages, glaçages…) destinés à être consommés froids ou bien réchauffés.
Comme il n’est pas dégradé par les enzymes des microorganismes, l’AGAR peut aussi texturer des aliments vivants (produits laitiers, fromages végan…).
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) ist eine Kletterpflanze aus der Seifenbaumfamilie, die im Amazonas-Regenwald heimisch ist. Die indigenen Völker entdeckten ihre roten Früchte und dunklen Samen und nannten sie "warana", was später zu Guarana wurde. Traditionell pressten sie die Samen zu Stangen, pulverisierten sie mit der rauen Zunge eines Fisches und verwendeten das Pulver als Stimulans und Nahrungsersatz.
Im Gegensatz zu Kaffee erfrischt Guarana, ohne Nervosität zu verursachen. Sein Koffein (Guaranin) wird langsam freigesetzt und bietet 4-6 Stunden Stimulation ohne Nebenwirkungen, dank seiner Gerbstoffe und Fasern. Obwohl Guarana 3,5 % Koffein enthält, wird typischerweise nur 1 g Pulver (40 mg Koffein) pro Portion verwendet, im Vergleich zu 80 mg in einer Tasse Kaffee.
Ideal für Menschen, die empfindlich auf Kaffee reagieren, ist Guarana bei gestressten Personen, Nachteulen und denen, die langanhaltende Wachsamkeit benötigen, beliebt. In Brasilien weit verbreitet, wird es von Sportlern, Fahrern und Politikern geschätzt.
Pulver 100 % rein mit 3-5 % natürlichem Koffein: 25 kg
Pulverextrakt mit 10 - 12 % natürlichem Koffein: 20 kg
Bio-Pulver 100 % rein mit 3,3 % - 4,5 % natürlichem Koffein: 25 kg
Bio-Vegicaps 100 % rein á 600 mg: ab 20.000 vegetarischen Kapseln
Food grade big bags are manufactured under BRC certified facilities that meet the requirements for both GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) and companies involved in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.
All our food grade big bags are manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene material which meets FDA food grade requirements.
Dimensions:As per request
Safe working Load(SWL):Up to 3000kg
Printing:Up to 4 colours, Up to 4 sides
Mixed Blood Meal is obtained from fresh blood collected both from poultry animals and swine. The blood is preserved on-site to avoid coagulation and later transported to the processing plant. It is then centrifuged to remove any foreign particles and spray dried. Such a process enables the preservation of higher lysine content.
Bianchetto truffle sauce is a gourmet blend made from Bianchetto truffles combined with select ingredients like mushrooms, olive oil, and sometimes cream or cheese. This sauce is known for its creamy texture and intense flavor, highlighting the unmistakable aroma and delicate taste of white truffles.
This sauce is perfect for those looking to add a touch of luxury and sophistication to their meals, making the most of the unique flavor of Bianchetto truffles.
Flavours available :
Red Bull Original
Red Bull Blue
Red Bull Red
Red Bull Sugar Free
Red Bull Tropical
Red Bull ZERO
- Possible forecast on all of our products
- Eur Pallets / CHEP Pallets or Hand Loading
- Stickering in any language & Repacking at extra cost
- Health Certificate and COO available
For a detailed quote, please get in touch with our team of specialist -
We look forward to hear from you!
Classic Red Bull pack 24:108 x 24 pack per pallet
Flavours Red bull pack 12:216 x 12 pack per pallet
Wir nutzen diesen hochwertigen Rohstoff, um in einem schonenden Verfahren das goldene Weizenkeimöl zu gewinnen und die Weizenkeimmehle und -granulate zu stabilisieren.
Unsere Weizenkeime sind besonders geeignet für den Einsatz in Backwaren, Cerealien, Schokolade, Süßwaren und Sportlernahrung.
Induction cooker with 3 hobs for individual use. Depending on the type of food preparation, 3400 Watt can be distributed over 3 or 2 hobs.
Material hob:Glass
Number of hobs:3
Control unit:Touch
Width:510 mm
Depth:485 mm
Height:65 mm