L’Olio di Cocco Biologico Sfuso di Vegantis, fornito con formati e prezzi all’ingrosso, è 100% naturale, spremuto a freddo e non raffinato. Certificato Biologico.
Prodotto in Sri Lanka, è un grasso vegetale che si ricava dalla polpa essiccata delle noci di cocco.
La polpa essiccata in modo naturale, viene poi estratta con la moderna tecnica della spremitura a freddo, che ne conserva caratteristiche organolettiche e micronutrienti.
Si tratta di un alimento versatile, un ottimo sostituto vegetale del burro per impasti, panificati e preparazioni dolciarie, in moltissimi utilizzi dolci e salati, per dare un tocco esotico e il caratteristico profumo.
En el caso de las naranjas, la madurez temprana de algunas variedades hace que la comercialización empiece a mediados del mes de octubre, como ocurre con la Navelina, una de las más prematuras y con mayor sabor. Esta viene seguida por la Navel, cuyo ombligo le da nombre y una de las variedades dónde la combinación de acidez y dulzura es de mejor contraste. De menor tamaño y más tardía es la Navel-Late, que produce un gran volumen de jugo dulce. También, a finales de enero, llega el mejor momento de maduración de la Salustiana, con un sabor muy rico y aromático, ideal para la estación media. Entrada ya la primavera, a mediados del mes de abril, llega la Valencia-Late, una naranja muy fragante, jugosa y con pocas pepitas. La acidez y el volumen de azúcar en el zumo están bien equilibrados, aunque antes de que la fruta esté completamente madura es bastante ácido.
IC-45 sugar is a high quality, white granulated sugar with a sucrose content of at least 99.75%. It is produced from sugar cane grown in Brazil and is often used in the production of confectionery, pastries and soft drinks.
IC-150 sugar is also a high quality granulated sugar, but with a darker color than IC-45. It has a sucrose content of at least 99.50% and is often used in the production of caramel, chocolate and bakery products.
Magnesiumsulfat, auch Bittersalz, Englisch oder Bittersalz genannt, ist eine anorganische chemische Verbindung mit einem hohen Gehalt von zwei Elementen: Magnesium und Schwefel. Epsom -Salz verdankt seinen Namen der englischen Stadt Epsom, in der diese Beziehung im 17. Jahrhundert durch Verdampfen von Mineralwasser aus lokalen Quellen erhalten wurde. Das Epsom ist sehr gut in Wasser gelöst, im Geschmack ist bitter. In Medizin, Pharmakologie, Veterinär und Kosmetologie weit verbreitet. Magnesium ist für das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren der Muskeln und des Nervensystems erforderlich. Reguliert die Arbeit des Herzens und des Kreislaufsystems. Ein angemessenes Magnesiumniveau verringert das Risiko einer Herzinfarkt- und Blutgefäßkrankheit. Die Reibe sorgt für antiseptische und antimykotische Wirkungen. Beschleunigt die Wundheilung und reduziert Entzündungen. Es hilft, schädliche Substanzen aus unserem Körper zu entfernen, einschließlich Schwermetallen.
5 Oz Hot Drink Cup Vending - Paper Cups for HOT DRINK
Product Weight:3,20 gr
Weight:10400 GR
Size:37x44x64 sm
hamburger, patates ve bir çok gıdaya uygun ambalaj üretimi yapılmaktadır
dilerseniz markanızla dilerseniz markasız ve özel ölcülerde üretimimiz bulunmaktadır.
Water-soluble powder that facilitates working with this gift from Brazilian nature for our health. Standardized based on the quantity of Phenolic Compounds, Flavonoids, and Artepillin-C.
Phenolic Compounds: >62 mg/g ~ >125 mg/g
Flavonoids: >24 mg/g ~ >38 mg/g
Artepillin-C: >2% ~ >7%
Certified: HALAL
One of the characteristics of Green Propolis is having higher indices of phenolic compounds, which are not only concentrated in flavonoids but also encompass a wide range of unique compounds, including some exclusive ones like Artepillin-C.
Application: Capsules, Tablets, Instant Beverages, Superfoods, Sweets, and the entire variety of dietary supplements.
Production in exclusive formulation/specification: Yes.
Master OG Kush is one of our Classic varieties. The terpenes of Master OG Kush give off a strong pine scent, with woody and pungent aromatic aspects.
This Master OG Kush version is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic.
Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes:
You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to:
CBD flowers and pollen
CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax)
Cosmetics (perfume, cream)
Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffuser, candles)
Recommendation on dosages:
This product is pure, it contains only 100% terpenes. Do not ingest as is. The recommendations of dosages and proportions must be respected before consumption:
E-liquids: 1% to 3% of the base e-liquid (example: 0.2ml for 10ml of base e-liquid)
Line:Profile Line
Raisins have been known and used in the world's cuisine for centuries. Dried grapes are not only tasty, but also healthy. Sultan raisins from other species of raisins are distinguished by its exceptional sweet taste, which is deprived of the other dotly group, characteristic of other varieties of this group, sour. With the help of sunlight, in ripening grapes, their natural sugar, fructose precipitates, thanks to which raisins delight us with sweetness and unique taste. Drives contain large amounts of potassium and phosphorus, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. They are a rich source of valuable vitamins: A, C, E, B vitamins as well as micro- and macroelements: potassium, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. Drivers contain valuable dietary fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. They contained in them: iron, copper and vitamins necessary for the production of red blood cells and oxygen transfer in the body.
Geschmack: reifes Beerenaroma, leichte Note von Zimt.
Aroma: frischer Blaubeersaft
Farbe: dunkelviolett
Die feine Süße des Blaubeersirups und die leichte natürliche Säure der Blaubeere machen diesen Sirup zu einer perfekten Ergänzung zum Verfeinern von Joghurt- und Quarkspeisen und natürlich klassisch für die Garnierung von Pancakes.
Delphinol® ist ein innovativer Inhaltsstoff für strahlende Haut. Klinische und vorklinische Daten deuten darauf hin, dass Delphinol® zu einem lebendigen Hautton beiträgt, die Anzahl roter Stellen reduziert und die Straffheit und Elastizität der Haut unterstützt. Darüber hinaus deuten vorklinische Daten darauf hin, dass Delphinol® die Fähigkeit besitzt, die Telomere zu schützen, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Zellteilung und Alterung spielen.
Unique Features
- Natürliche Lösung für gesund aussehende und lebendige Haut durch orale Einnahme
- Verzögerung zellulärer Alterungsprozesse durch den Schutz der Telomere
- Verhindert den Abbau von Kollagenfasern und hilft so, die Elastizität und Straffheit der Haut zu erhalten
Delphinol® wird aus ausgewählten frischen Maqui-Beeren unter strengen GMP-Bedingungen hergestellt. Der Extrakt ist so standardisiert, dass er mindestens 25 % Delphinidine und mindestens 35 % Anthocyane enthält.
Experience the purity of our Organic Black Cumin Oil, expertly extracted through cold pressing to preserve all vital nutrients. Sourced from the finest Nigella sativa seeds, our oil is certified organic and boasts a rich profile of essential fatty acids crucial for overall wellness.
Our Organic Black Seed Oil is crafted without the use of heat or chemicals, ensuring a pure and potent product. It’s perfect for enhancing immune function, supporting skin health, and promoting digestive wellness. Incorporate it into your daily regimen to harness the natural power of black seed oil.
Why choose our oil? It’s not only cold-pressed but also free from any additives, ensuring you receive nothing but the best organic black seed oil. Trust in our product for your health needs and experience the benefits of the best black seed oil available.
Elevate your health naturally with our pure, effective Organic Black Seed Oil.
We offer the tortilla packaging which are made with full print or with a window presenting the values of a product. Properly selected laminate structures provide a barrier and thus a long shelf life.
Energy Coffee è una potente combinazione di ingredienti naturali e salutari mirati a massimizzare la tua vitalità e concentrazione.
Un'alternativa straordinaria alle bevande energetiche convenzionali e il partner ideale per chi cerca una spinta extra senza rinunciare al piacere del buon gusto.
Guaranà: noto per il suo alto contenuto di caffeina naturale, fornisce una rapida carica di energia per mantenerti sveglio e attivo.
Maca: ricca di nutrienti e adattogeni, offre una fonte di energia prolungata senza picchi o cali improvvisi.
Ginseng: con le sue proprietà stimolanti, fornisce un'immediata esplosione di energia, perfetta per affrontare la giornata.
Un'esperienza di gusto unica e affascinante
In Korean language, this variety is called 'Jja jang Buldak Bokkeum Myeon' which features the Korean favourite sweet bean sauce (Jjang) flavour. This is a thick noodles type combined with the sweet and spicy kick from the sauce.
Urbech is a cold-pressed paste made of seeds or nuts without adding sugar. Urbech is an organic nutritional aid that helps to strengthen the body and resist various deseases.
Net weight:200 g
Energy value per 100 g:540 kcal
Shelf life :9 month
"De boksdoorn (Goji-boom)
De boksdoorn is een struik/boom waaraan de gojibes groeit en is afkomstig uit China. In de 18e eeuw is deze boom ingevoerd in Europa. De lange gebogen takken zijn voorzien van doorns. De bladeren hebben een grijsgroene kleur en de bloemen zijn paars. De bessen zijn ongeveer 2 cm lang en oranjerood van kleur. Voordat ze gedroogd worden zijn ze saprijk en barsten ze snel.
De goji boom is bestand tegen alle weersomstandigheden, variërend tussen de -26 ℃ in de winter en 40℃ in de zomer. Na een groeiperiode van 2 jaar worden de eerste bessen geproduceerd. Goji bessen worden geteeld op een plantage langs de Gele rivier in China. In dit gebied zijn er per hectare 3000 bomen geplant, waar zij in de breedte groeien. De bomen groeien tot circa 1 meter hoog en produceren per seizoen 1 kilogram Goji bessen.
Nutriënten en gebruik
Deze gojibessen zijn gedroogd en 100% biologisch. Ze zijn rood van kleur en smaken zuurzoet. Door het drogen b…"