Our CNC bending service covers the following areas:
Metal part bending: Bending of sheets according to the desired measurements and shapes.
Design compatibility: We offer customized bending services that match your technical drawings.
Shaping and bending materials in industrial projects is a crucial phase that defines the final design of a product. With our CNC bending service, we ensure the success of your projects through precise and accurate bending of sheets.
Shape your projects now!
Bring your metal parts to the desired shape with our CNC bending service. Complete your projects in the best possible way with our precise and accurate bending technology. Request a quote and experience the difference!
Who we are:
Steeling.Net conducts marketing activities for partners in the Turkish metallurgy industry.
With the ramp waste system located in front of the back box, it is prevented that the wastes are easily thrown into the container and interfered with.Back piggy bank is produced in a way that it can be fixed to the floor with steel dowels, if desired, thanks to the aesthetic city furniture legs.The recycling piggy bank is used today in city centers, shopping malls, parks, hotels and outlets.
Οι εκκεντρικές μηχανικές πρέσες χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως, μεταξύ άλλων: στην ηλεκτρική, την αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, τα οικιακά προϊόντα και πολλές άλλες βιομηχανίες. Ανάμεσα στις μηχανικές πρέσες, ανάλογα με το αμάξωμα, διακρίνουμε τις πρέσες επέκτασης και τις πρέσες γάντι.
Το σώμα επέκτασης επιτρέπει την εύκολη πρόσβαση στο χώρο εργασίας χάρη στον ανοιχτό σχεδιασμό του. Αυτό προκαλεί περιορισμούς στη μέγιστη πίεση, καθώς το σώμα απορροφά όλες τις δυνάμεις που δημιουργούνται κατά τη λειτουργία του μηχανήματος.
Οι εκκεντρικές πρέσες προβόλου αποτελούν τη μεγαλύτερη ομάδα συσκευών για τη διαμόρφωση μετάλλων. Αυτές οι πρέσες είναι εξοπλισμένες με εκκεντρικά μανίκια που επιτρέπουν τον χειρισμό του μεγέθους διαδρομής του ολισθητήρα. Επομένως, είναι δυνατό να οριστεί μια τιμή που αντιστοιχεί στις τρέχουσες ανάγκες παραγωγής. Η πρόσβαση στο χώρο εργασίας από τρεις ή τέσσερις πλευρές διευκολύνει τη λειτουργία του μηχανήματος.
Maxprefabs offering you steel structurred prefabricated villas. All the components are CE certified and fire rated.You are welcome for more information.
Basınçlı Kumlama Kabini; kabin, siklon, kum kazanı, kumlama seti, bunker, filtre, tekerlekli stand (döner tabla opsiyoneldir), pano ve platformdan oluşur.
Diğer kumlama kabinlerine nazaran çok daha hızlı yüzey temizliği sağlayan makinelerdir.
Kullandığı kumu geri dönüşümlü olarak kullandığından kullanılan malzemeye göre uzun süre kum takviyesine gerek duymadan çalışabilmektedir.
Makine üzerinde kendisini temizleme özelliğine (Jet-Pulse) sahip olan kartuş filtre bulunmaktadır.
Basınçlı Kumlama Kabini en az 22 kW vidalı kompresör ile çalışan, çelik, döküm, paslanmaz, kot, ahşap ve bir çok materyali kısa sürede temizleyebilme özelliğine sahip olan ve her türlü kum ile kullanılabilen bir kumlama makinesi çeşididir.
EN ISO 898-1; 4.6-4.8-5.8-6.8-8.8-10.9-12.9 ASTM A193; B7, B7M, B8, B8M, B16 ASTM A320; L7, L7M, B8, B8M, ASTM F1554 AISI 304, AISI 304L, AISI 306, AISI 306L
U-cıvatalar, çeşitli endüstrilerde ve uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bir bağlantı elemanı türüdür. Genellikle uygulamanın özel gereksinimlerine bağlı olarak farklı malzemelerden yapılırlar.
Sektörler ve Uygulamalar:
Elektrik ve Sıhhi Tesisat
Genel Endüstriyel
Malzeme seçiminin ve U-cıvata spesifikasyonlarının (boyut, diş tipi ve kaplama gibi) yük taşıma kapasitesi, çevresel koşullar ve korozyon direnci ihtiyaçları da dahil olmak üzere uygulamanın özel gereksinimlerine bağlı olacağını unutmamak önemlidir.
CNRFLEX-Gas hose is manufactured according to EN 14800 standards and it is installed to system for gas connection. It has PVC cover that helps to have long working life toward chemical hygiene.
Advantages CNRFLEX gas hoses are,
-Easy installation with its flexible body and screwed fittings,
-Low cost expense for installation
-Easy and quick installation
-Long working life
-Reliable design
N-Gas hoses have DVGW certificate and CE certificate
Hose: AISI 316L Stainless steel
Fittings: Carbon steel or Stainless steel
Brail: AISI 304
Strip: AISI 303 / 304
Inner Parts: AISI 303 / 304
Nipple: AISI 303 / 304
Joint: NBR
Shrink: PVC
Diameter Nominal:
DN 12 (1/2”)
Application area:
-Natural Gas connection
Doğru tedarik zinciri yönetimi ve gelişmiş operasyon kabiliyetimizle gelişimin, yeniliklerin ve hızlı değişimlerin önem taşıdığı “Çelik Halat ve Kaldırma Teknolojileri” sektöründe faaliyet gösteriyoruz.
Tedarikçi marka profilimizle; Liman, Asansör, Demir Çelik, Maden, Balıkçılık, İnşaat, Vinç İmalat, Sondaj, Mermer, Dış Cephe Asansörleri, Proje Yük Taşımacılığı, Zemin Teknolojileri, Mobil Vinç, Kule Vinç, Denizcilik, Çimento, Teleferik, Petrol-Gaz gibi pek çok farklı alanda etkin rol alıyor, sektör fark etmeksizin tüm iş ortaklarımıza sağlam ve hızlı çözümler sunuyoruz.
Yüksek performanslı ürünlerimizi global iş ortaklarımızdan temin ederken, genel kullanım amaçlı ürünlerimizi ise Türkiye’deki köklü kuruluşlardan temin ediyoruz.
EMA basket strainers are being used where the line can be shut down for short periods to clean or change the baskets. EMA standard fabricated pipeline strainers meet customers’ expectations and the highest standards.
EMA pipeline basket strainers are being used in piping applications where a greater screen area to pipe area ratio is required. By providing a greater screen area than a Y-strainer, you are optimizing the total open area and minimizing potential pressure loss through the basket. EMA strainers are used to protect pipelines, valves, and spray nozzles from water flow problems. They reduce the necessity for frequent cleaning and provides a cost and time saving benefit with less downtime.
-M5-M36 tapping capacity
-24V operating voltage for operator safety
-2.2KW-4KW - 380V Electric motor
-Two stage gearbox providing high speed and torgue
-PLC controlled touch screen
-Manuel or Automatic operation possibility
-Digital depth adjusment
-Digital pressure-torque setting
-Digital forward and reverse speed control
-Tapping by chip removal
-Robust body structure
-Acrobatic arm mechanism that can extend up to 2050mm
-Ability to tap vertically,horizontally and angle tapping
-Quick and easy tool changing
-Clamps preventing tool breakage
We offer practical use and competitive price advantage in metal processing.-tapping.
alumınyum , bakır , prinç ... ekstrüzyon imalatı için kullanılan yuksek sıcaklığa uygun özel sipariş veya standar üretim olarak yapılan rezistanslı veya bakır çubuklu kovan (conteyner)
We can provide you with the
production of the most
efficient part in the weight
and shape you need with
different material options
Alloyed steel
Carbon steel
Gray cast iron / spheroidal
cast iron aluminum
Novelty Steel designs and manufactures industrial stairs and stairs towers for construction projects.
We use steel grating of chequered plates for the flooring based on the client requirements.
Our modern steelwork fabrication shops have computer-aided design and detailing (CAD), which is linked directly to factory floor computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery, creating a genuine seamless CAD/CAM environment. The accuracy of the computer-generated details being transmitted directly to the CNC machinery increases the quality standards of the production.
Novelty Steel has adapted EN 1090-2 standards into its manufacturing processes supervised by experienced quality management team.
Two of our business lines is about the supplement of Ferroalloys and Energy management products which can be specially use in Steel plants.
Depend on customer request and location, we supply from different location including: South Africa, China, India, Iran and Indonesia.
Ferroalloys: FeSi, FeSiMg, FeMn, FeMo, FeCr
Energy Management: GPC, PCI, Graphite Powder (Injectable) & Mineral Coke (Injectable).
Send your email to reply it including our catalog.
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