Nosso serviço de dobra CNC abrange as seguintes áreas:
Dobra de peças metálicas: Dobra de chapas metálicas nas medidas e formas desejadas.
Compatibilidade de projeto: Oferecemos serviços de dobra personalizados que correspondem aos seus desenhos técnicos.
Moldar e dobrar materiais em projetos industriais é uma etapa crucial que define o design final de um produto. Por meio de nosso serviço de dobra CNC, garantimos o sucesso de seus projetos dobrando chapas metálicas com precisão e exatidão.
Dê forma a seus projetos agora!
Dê às suas peças de metal a forma desejada com nosso serviço de dobra CNC. Conclua seus projetos da melhor maneira possível com nossa tecnologia de dobragem precisa e exata. Faça uma cotação e experimente a diferença!
Quem somos nós:
A Steeling.Net realiza atividades de marketing de parceiros no setor de metais da Turquia. Nossos fabricantes parceiros são empresas especializadas em processamento de chapas e aço e que possuem uma ampla gama de produtos.
BOSPORAS ADM Series Coil Slitting Line, allows sheet metal materials to slit easily, heavy tonnage work to be done and user operator to work faster, easier and productive thanks to our technical team developing it with high-end technologies.
Coil Carrying Capacity:6.000 - 30.000 kg
Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm
Coil Outer Diameter:1400 mm
Material Width:400 - 2000 mm
Material Thickness:0,3 - 6 mm
La tête peut être inclinée vers la gauche et fixée à 45 °
Zéro surface avec une différence d'élévation pour éviter
sciure de bois d'entrer
Coupe à des angles standard et à tous les angles intermédiaires
Fabriqué par un système d'onglet de support de profil spécial en aluminium (Sigma)
Pince conviviale. Peut être incliné dans n'importe quelle direction,
resserré d'un seul coup
Puissance moteur: 0,8kW, 230V, 50-60 HZ / 1,2kW 400V
Tailles de scie: D = 305 mm, d = 30-32 mm
Vitesse de scie: 3000 tr / min
Dimensions: 62x49x41 cm
Poids total: 32 kg
1 pc. pince mécanique
1 support d'unité
Lame de scie
Profil supplémentaire à la longueur souhaitée
Jeu de pinces
Moteur triphasé
Nous fabriquons des silencieux d'échappement en acier et en inox selon les projets de nos clients. En tant que BECA Metal, nous proposons un service spécialisé dans la fabrication de silencieux acoustiques.
Nous utilisons nos capacités d’ingénierie pour fournir à nos clients des silencieux acoustiques respectueux de l’environnement, performants et personnalisables.
Les silencieux acoustiques sont des composants importants utilisés pour réduire et contrôler le bruit. Il est utilisé dans diverses applications, des installations industrielles aux centrales électriques, des systèmes CVC aux équipements motorisés.
Nous déterminons les dimensions, les matériaux et les caractéristiques en fonction des besoins de nos clients. Lors du processus de fabrication des silencieux, nous assurons une isolation phonique efficace en utilisant des matériaux acoustiques de haute qualité.
We manufacture precision milled aluminium tooling plates and supply the European Union and Turkey area.
In 1 meter +/- 0.1 flatness tolerance
Max. 0.3 Ra Brightness
DIN EN 573-3 standard qualified
PVC Covered Aluminium Tooling Plate
HASS produce and supply Steel or Carbon pipes, both seamless and welded, for different purposes: resistance to low or high temperatures, medium or high pressures, for industrial plant appliances, and also suitable for corrosive environments.
Our Pipes fulfill the ASME, EN and PED conformity requirements.
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We effect further tests on our products cooperating with certified laboratories and external licensed companies in order to grant the highest level of conformity to the technical specifications required by our customers.
The services it has provided in Samsun since 2008 by adopting customer focus with its steel construction, iron joinery, prefabricated house, steel house, steel construction building, construction site office, container product groups, has enabled Mavi panel Steel Construction to become the leader in its sector.
Mavi panel started its business life in 2002. Our company operating in Istanbul Tuzla. Mavi Panel, one of the biggest companies in Turkey, is working to become one of the best companies in the Black Sea Region. Thank you very much for being with us in this long adventure and trusting us.
Whatsapp 00905301372145
minimum order:1
As we all know, technology continues to advance and is increasingly important in business life. Technology change is inevitable and updating technology provides many benefits for your systems.
Our highly-qualified engineers offer custom-based solutions that utilize emerging technologies to increase your productivity.
Auf unseren CNC-Maschinen können Bleche
verschiedener Größen und Dicken mit höchster
Präzision gebogen und in Formen umgewandelt
werden, die den Anforderungen verschiedener
Branchen entsprechen. ATOM KARINCA bietet mit
seinen hochtechnologischen CNC-Biegemaschinen
und einem erfahrenen Team mit Materialkenntnissen
und technischem Know-how die Möglichkeit, selbst
die komplexesten Blechbiegearbeiten fehlerfrei und in
kürzester Zeit auszuführen.
Wegen der Schwierigkeiten des menschlichen Faktors,
kontinuierlich und in gleichbleibender Qualität
zu produzieren, wurden CNC-Biegemaschinen
entwickelt. Diese Maschinen bieten enorme Vorteile
in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeit und Blechausrichtung
im Vergleich zum Menschen. Sie ermöglichen
auch aufeinanderfolgende Biegungen. Da es sich
um Maschinen handelt, ermöglichen sie eine
kontinuierliche Produktion in der gewünschten
Qualität. CNC-Biegemaschinen ermöglichen die
Eingabe der Maße
Access to the workpiece from the outer surface Installation close to the wall edge Linear welding with walking motion Circular welding on the rotating system Motion transfer with linear slides and trolleys Ability to connect welding machine, oxygen and plasma cutting unit Ability to create special applications and stations
V2A Stainless SteelTile Profiles are placed on the ceramic wall Corner; It prevents cracks and breaks and protects the Corner of the ceramic tiles from bumps. V2A Stainless SteelTile Profile covers the errors in cutting and attaching the ceramic tile during the coating process of the ceramic tiles on the wall, increases the speed and facilitates the ceramic tile process. V2A Stainless SteelTile Profiles are available in many different looks. These are produced in heights of 8, 10, 11, 12, 12.5 and 14 mm depending on the ceramic thickness; It prevents inevitable cracks in the joint in the ceramic Corner joint from forming over time. Matt and polished tiles or chemically polished anodized aluminum tiles in various colors are selected to match the color tones of the ceramic tile coating. On the other hand, the silver-polished stainless steel tile cladding fits seamlessly into chrome-plated bathroom and kitchen fittings as an indispensable element of bathroom-kitchen decoration.
Les paniers d'insertion garantissent la meilleure qualité possible lors du nettoyage et du dégraissage de petites pièces.
Les paniers pour petites pièces sont à double paroi. Ils sont 100 % sans bavures, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y a aucun risque de blessure dû aux extrémités de fil détachées.
The gear and gearbox manufacturing sector
plays an important role in the operation of
industrial machinery. Baca Makine, carefully
manufactures the most suitable part to make
the machine parts compatible and ensure the
correct transfer of energy