Readymesh MM-150
Fibres, obtained by the cutting of steel wire, with improved adhesion profile, for three-dimensional general structural reinforcement of cement-based conglomerates. The addition of Readymesh MM-150 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour. Readymesh MM-150 are particularly recommended for increasing ductility, toughness and thermal conductivity in concrete coatings for floor heating systems.
General preparation of screeds, cements and fibre-reinforced concrete. Particularly recommended for compact prefabrications, thin concrete floorings and radiant floor heating systems.
"Readymesh MM-150 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete or into the onsite mixer. In this case, extend the mixing time by at least one minute (after a minimum of 3 minutes) for every m³ of packaged concrete in order to achieve optimal distribution. If using a 200-litre onsite mixer, add the fibres immediately after loading part of the aggregates and before adding the remaining parts. The typical dosage of Readymesh MM-150 fibres varies from 15 to 30kg/m³.
Conglomerates with Readymesh MM-150 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc. These fibres are typically used in conglomerates that have an aggregate diameter not exceeding 10-15mm."
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved.
Packaging: 20 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Readymesh MF-500
"Carbon steel fibres, obtained by the cutting of metal wire, with improved adhesion profile, for three-dimensional general structural reinforcement of cement-based conglomerates. The addition of Readymesh MF-500 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour."
General preparation of fibre-reinforced concrete and structural sprayed concrete (e.g. shotcrete). Particularly suitable for high strength industrial flooring and prefabrication.
"Readymesh MF-500 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete. In this case, add the fibres a little at a time so that they are well-distributed in the cement mix and extend the mixing time by at least one minute for every 20 kg of fibres added in order to achieve optimal distribution.
Conglomerates with Readymesh MF-500 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc.".
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved.
Packaging: 20 kg bag
Unit of Measure: €/kg
Readymesh MS-350
Carbon steel fibres, with a profile for improved adherence to the dimensional reinforcing, structural, of concretes in general. The addition of Readymesh MS-350 allows for considerably increasing the mechanical performance of the product in relation to tenacity, ductility and resistance to fatigue, the resistances to the dynamic stresses, the mechanical tensile and bending behaviour, even post-crack, and resistance to impact and wear.
Production of grouts and fibre-reinforced concretes in general, sprayed structural concretes (shotcrete). In addition, due to their contained length, the fibres Readymesh MS-350 are particularly suitable for the production of pre-cast blocks.
The Readymesh MS-350 fibres will be added to the project concrete, during the mixing of the same. It is advisable to apply the fibres directly on the load tape in the concrete mixing plant, during the loading phase of the aggregates. Alternatively, you can insert them directly into the truck mixer at the end of the loading of the concrete. In this case, mixing should be extended for at least one minute for each m³ of packaged concrete in order to achieve optimum dispersion of the fibres themselves. The dosage of steel fibres may vary depending on the final use from a minimum of 15 kg/m³ to a maximum of 75 kg/m³.
Conglomerates with Readymesh MS-350 can be easily transported and placed on site using pumps, shotcrete machines, pavers, road extruders (type "slip form paver") etc. ; the carbon steel fibres Readymesh MS-350 can be added to the mixture during both the packaging phase and when the mixture is ready.
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved.
Packaging: 20 kg bag
Unit: €/kg
Valvola a sfera 2 vie ricavata da massello, con guarnizioni in P.T.F.E. vergine, lucida, acciaio inox AISI 316, passaggio totale e ridotto, attacchi clamp ISO 2852, DIN 32676 TAB.4 REIHE C per tubo BS/OD (ASTM A270), con attuatore elettrico serie 85.
Il bloccaggio delle fascette stringitubo intorno al gruppo di tubi o di cavi, può essere effettuato anche grazie ad una vite senza fine, che consente di ottenere una regolazione ad hoc della chiusura, in modo tale da assicurare al cliente la massima personalizzazione del serraggio ed una risposta completa e puntuale alle proprie esigenze.
Le resistenze a fascia in acciaio inox per ugelli e teste di estrusione, costruite in qualsiasi dimensione e potenza vengono utilizzate per riscaldare a contatto superfici metalliche quali piani per presse, teste di estrusione, stampi, contenitori, tubazioni.
conformi alla norma EN 12209:2003/AC:2005 "Accessori per serramenti - serrature azionate meccanicamente - requisiti e metodi di prova" (marchio CE)
la gamma include le serrature: Z1, Z2, Z3, Z3B, Z4, Z7, ZB, Z1P, Z1PS, Z1PD.
interasse 72 mm (Z 4 interasse 78 mm)
due mandate da 11 mm (Z 4 una da 11 mm)
cassa chiusa
quadro maniglia mm 7 o mm 8 o mm 9
bordo quadrato o tondo
dimensione frontali: 235 x 3 x 20 / 24
scrocco corto sporgenza 11mm
scrocco lungo sporgenza 13mm
fori passanti per fissaggio ghiere e placche di sicurezza
confezione scatola singola
imballo da 24 pezzi
Elementi base per il riscaldamento elettrico consentono tutti i tipi di trasferimento del calore e vengono realizzati in rame, ferro, acciaio inox, incoloy. La possibilità di ottenere le più svariate forme e dimensioni li rendono adatti a tutti i settori industriali.
Per rispondere alle più svariate esigenze della clientela, possiamo fornire prodotti realizzati a colata continua (tondi, piatti, tubi) grazie alle disponibilità presenti in magazzino. Una risposta immediata per ogni necessità e un altro servizio di qualità che mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti.
Possiamo offrire barre a sezione quadrata, rettangolare, esagonale, circolare, e tubi.
La dimensioni che siamo in grado di reperire tondi che vanno dal diametro 15 mm sino a 500 mm; e piatti con larghezza di 20 mm sino a 500mm.
Anche in questo settore, Metal Leghe è in grado di offrire elevati standard di realizzazione come si richiede in questo genere di processo altamente performante. Al di là della produzione ordinaria, la nostra azienda ha concentrato i suoi sforzi per offrire “centrifugati” che possono raggiungere dimensioni fino a 2 metri di diametro.
Tutto questo, garantendo grande competitività per:
dimensioni personalizzate
massima riduzione dei difetti