Turning conventional and CNC turning of all types of parts, from diam. 0 mm to 5000 mm (5000mm length, diameter 500mm above the carriage and 1000mm in the pit).
Tous les traitements de surface appelés classiques sont possibles, en fonction des exigences finales. Phosphatation ; oxyde noir ; peinture époxy ; anodisation ; chromage dur ; zingage électrolytique ; TICN ; sablage de verre (billes de verre)
Raccords en laiton fondus et tournés sur mesure. 2 ½” F x 60 M SI
Ref. 02001ADL
2 ½” F x 2 ½” M
Ref. 02004ADL
2” M x 45 F
Ref. 02006ADL
2” F x 45 F
Ref. 02005ADL
1 ½” M x 45 F
Ref. 02009ADL
1 ½” F x 45 F
Ref. 02008ADL
60 M SI x 60 M SI
Ref. 02012ADL
2 ½” M x 2 ½” M
Ref. 02001ADL
2 ½” M x 60M SI
Ref. 02002ADL
2” M x 45 M
Ref. 02007ADL
1 ½” M x 45 M
Ref. 02011ADL
45 M x 45 M
Ref. 02010ADL
Galvanized steel pallet, detachable. Robust and durable. Reduce CO2 emissions, improve your ecological footprint. Ideal for all types of activities.
Model:Universal Mounting Kit
Method:Assembly Kit, Welded
Collar in zinc plated steel, placed on top of the pallet. Turn your pallet into a packing box for your products and goods. Set the desired height by overlaying collars. Foldable and adjustable to the measurements of your pallet, it gives extraordinary flexibility and allows for space savings and ease of transport.
Size:1200x800 mm
height:215 mm
Weight:10 kg
adjustable:normal pallets