Our steel hangar buildings have a variety of applications across many different industries. What sets Perfabex buildings apart from traditional construction is its versatility, cost efficiency, accelerated construction time, custom engineering, flexibility structures, and sustainability.
Prefabex prefabricated metal hangar buildings can be installed immediately, are fully and easily relocatable, and can be relocated to a different site after its initial use. Our metal hangar buildings have ultimate flexibility to be moved for multiple applications and changing needs.
Our steel hangar structures suit a wide variety of uses, including:
Dining Facilities
factory buildings
Cargo sorting facilities
primary health centers
Temporary aircraft hangars
Security Screening Facilities
Equipment and aircraft storage
Vehicle maintenance and parking space
Our steel homes are manufactured on our premises and erected on site in a few days. They come fully wired and plumbed and customised to your needs.
A huge benefit of steel frame homes is the speed with which they are constructed. While a conventional home would take an average of 30 weeks to be constructed, a steel frame home could be finished in a mere two weeks – with an extra 1-3 weeks until the home is in a livable condition.
At Steeling, we take pride in offering a wide range of high-quality screw products that are designed to meet the needs of various applications. Our screws are known for their excellent performance and reliability, making them the preferred choice for professionals in different industries.
A Range of Screw Types to Choose From
Whether you need screws for construction, manufacturing, or any other purpose, we have you covered. Our extensive collection includes different types of screws, such as:
DIN 7981 screws
DIN 7982 screws
DIN 7985 screws
DIN 965 screws
DIN 967 screws
ISO 7045 screws
ISO 7046 screws
Self-tapping screws
Contact Us for Orders
If you are interested in purchasing our screw products, we encourage you to get in touch with our sales team. You can easily reach us by sending an email to sales@steeling.net. Our dedicated team will be more than happy to assist you with your order and answer any questions you may have.
Als Sektor; Wir bedienen den allgemeinen Maschinenbau, die Ventil- und Pumpenherstellung, Eisen- und Stahlwalzwerke, den Eisenbahnsektor, den Bergbau und die Zerkleinerung, den Energiesektor und den Schiffbau.
Als Produktion; Wir produzieren Gussteile aus unlegiertem Kohlenstoffstahl, hoch- und niedriglegiertem Stahl, hochmanganhaltigem Stahl, rostfreiem Stahl, grauem Gusseisen, Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit (Sphero) und Ni-Hart-Gussköpfen.
Date forma al vostro progetto con il servizio di taglio al plasma di precisione
Nei progetti di design industriale e di produzione, la precisione del taglio è una pietra miliare del successo. È qui che entra in gioco il nostro servizio di taglio al plasma, che offre la possibilità di modellare con precisione materiali come metallo, alluminio, acciaio e altro ancora.
Richiedete subito un preventivo!
Scoprite il nostro servizio di taglio al plasma che offre la soluzione più precisa e rapida per i vostri progetti. Condividete le vostre esigenze e il nostro team di esperti vi fornirà la soluzione migliore. Per ulteriori informazioni, potete visitare la nostra pagina dei contatti.
Chi siamo:
Steeling.Net svolge attività di marketing per i partner dell'industria metallurgica turca. I nostri produttori partner sono aziende specializzate nella lavorazione di lamiere e acciaio e dispongono di un'ampia gamma di prodotti.
Spessore massimo:250 mm
Capacità produttiva:Alta
Steel Prefabricated homes are fully customized, technology driven building systems that fit your unique requirements: energy efficient, environmentally friendly steel home buildings.
Click to get information about steel Prefabricated homes prices and technical specifications. Affordable, uniquely design steel homes are here.
YGK Additive Solution A - YGK Cleaners Modular System
Type:Increases alkialinity
Application:For all metals
Remarks:With all Degreasing Bases combinable
PPGI - поцинкована боядисана ламарина - Поцинкованите листове с цинково покритие се превръщат в боядисани листове с различни цветови варианти чрез специален процес на повърхностно боядисване. Продуктите, предлагани в цветове като RAL9002, RAL3009, RAL7016, се покриват със защитно фолио и боя за горно покритие, за да се постигне перфектен външен вид.
Технология и дълготрайност заедно: Повърхността на стоманената ламарина е подсилена с процесите на грундиране с боя и нанасяне на покритие от PET филм. Дебелото горно покритие на базата на PVC предлага висока гъвкавост, устойчивост на надраскване и стилизиращи свойства. Пластизолът може безопасно да се използва на закрито и открито в покривни, облицовъчни и водосточни системи.
Области на употреба: Предварително боядисаните листове са предпочитани в много сектори - от мебелния до строителния. Той съчетава естетика и издръжливост, като се използва в рулони, листове, трапецовидни, гофрирани и релефни форми.
Вид на продукта:Нарязване, рязане по дължина, рулони, ленти, плочи
Ширина на рулото:1000 мм - 1200 мм - 1250 мм - 1500 мм
Дебелина :0,30 mm-1,20 mm
Качество :DX51-DX52-DX53-D+Z S220-S280-S300 и др.
Вид боя:Полиестер, PVdF, пластизол, PVC, полиуретан
Até 70 mm! Oferecemos precisão de laser de 0,5 mm a 70 mm.
Equipe experiente: Operadores de corte a laser especializados e experientes.
Tecnologia avançada: Garantimos a qualidade e a precisão do corte usando as mais recentes tecnologias de corte a laser.
Soluções personalizadas: Oferecemos soluções de corte personalizadas que atendem às necessidades do cliente.
Entrega rápida: Apoiamos seus processos de produção com entregas rápidas e pontuais.
Obtenha uma cotação agora
Entre em contato conosco imediatamente para obter as soluções de corte a laser mais adequadas às suas necessidades. Nossa equipe de profissionais está pronta para lhe oferecer ofertas exclusivas.
A Steeling.Net realiza atividades de exportação em parceria com a indústria metalúrgica turca. Nossos fabricantes parceiros são empresas especializadas em processamento de chapas e aço e possuem uma ampla gama de produtos.
Espessura mínima:0,5 mm
Espessura máxima:70 mm
Capacidade de produção:Alta
YGK Additive Solution K - YGK Cleaners Modular System
Type:Soft complexing agent
Application:For all metals
Remarks:Against high water hardness or iron precipitation
Steel homes using steel frame rely on the very latest and highest quality constructing technology. Made from cold formed galvanized steel profiles as the main bearing building structure. The steel profiles are specially shaped through roll form machines to give different building elements such as wall panels, roof structure, joists, flooring chassis and ceiling panels.
Als Sektor; Wir bedienen den allgemeinen Maschinenbau, die Ventil- und Pumpenherstellung, Eisen- und Stahlwalzwerke, den Eisenbahnsektor, den Bergbau und die Zerkleinerung, den Energiesektor und den Schiffbau.
Als Produktion; Wir produzieren Gussteile aus unlegiertem Kohlenstoffstahl, hoch- und niedriglegiertem Stahl, hochmanganhaltigem Stahl, rostfreiem Stahl, grauem Gusseisen, Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit (Sphero) und Ni-Hart-Gussköpfen.
Mașinile noastre de tăiat la lungime de bobine au capacitatea de a îndeplini nevoia de tăiere a tablelor cu lățime între 600 și 1600 de milimetri și,
6.000 și 30.000 de kilograme de greutate.
Capacitatea de transport a bobinei:6.000 - 30.000 kg
Diametrul interior al bobinei:480 - 530 mm
Diametrul exterior al bobinei:1400 mm
Lățimea materialului:500 - 2000 mm
Grosimea materialului:0,3 - 6 mm