Le piattaforme elettriche sono strumenti preziosi per interventi di restauro o ristrutturazione delle facciate, installazione di finestre, finiture o isolamenti termici, manutenzione generale, demolizioni, costruzioni e anche lavori navali. Rispetto ai ponteggi convenzionali, l'utilizzo di una piattaforma elettrica offre agli operatori la libertà di muoversi su diverse altezze direttamente dal piano di lavoro della piattaforma, trasportando con sé materiali e attrezzature necessarie senza bisogno di scale o dispositivi di sollevamento. Fondamentalmente, si tratta di una struttura che si muove verticalmente lungo una colonna per raggiungere l'altezza desiderata senza fatica, consentendo un notevole risparmio di tempo e denaro. Lavorare su una piattaforma mobile motorizzata significa svolgere le attività in modo più confortevole e meno stancante.
Wir stellen verschiedene Arten von Metallkonstruktionen her u.a. für die Möbelbranche (Metallteile, Beine, Konsolen, Tischuntergestelle..) Wir haben das Know-how kundenspezifische Konstruktionen, die wir nach (technischen) Kundenzeichnungen oder von der Idee, oder Skizze entwickeln, herzustellen.
L'usinage CNC chez RPWORLD répond aux divers besoins des clients allant de la pièce unique à la production de petits et moyens volumes. Nos machines CNC fonctionnent 24/7, garantissant que vos pièces de haute précision et à géométries complexes sont livrées en 3 jours seulement. Nous sommes équipés de machines à 3, 4 et 5 axes, de perceuses, de tours et d'électroérosion, conçues pour créer des formes complexes avec une haute précision. Les machines de pointe offrent des tolérances serrées DIN ISO 2768 moyenne (fine) et une large plage d'usinage de 1 mm à 1 600 mm.
Industries appliquées :
- Fabrication de dispositifs médicaux
- Automobile
-Instrument scientifique
- Génie mécanique
- Robotique
- Conception
Industries appliquées:dispositif médical
Industries appliquées:Génie mécanique
Shape your parts as desired with our professional machining service. Complete your projects in the best way possible with our precision and quality processing capability. Get a Quote and experience the difference!
Our Advantages:
Precision Processing: We process your parts with the highest precision to meet your quality standards.
Variety of Materials: We have the capability to process various materials like steel, aluminum, cast iron, and more.
Customized Solutions: We offer customized machining solutions that align with your technical drawings.
Who Are We:
Steeling.Net carries out partner marketing activities in the Turkish metal industry. Our partner manufacturers are companies that specialize in sheet and steel processing and have a wide product range.
OGGO Tech operates in steel constructions and parts. We are a third-generation family company. We provide reliable and competitively priced products with quality. Over 90% of OGGO Tech projects are directly exported to companies in EU countries.
ISO 9001
ISO 3834-2
EN 1090-2 EX3
In house capabilities:
Laser Cutting
Sheet Metals up to 35mms
Laser Profile Cutting
Sheet Metal, Profiles, Pipes
Professional Welding
Hot Dip Galvanize
Electrostatic Coating
Seamless Steel Pipe begins as a solid cylindrical hunk of steel called a billet. While still hot, billets are pierced through the center with a mandrel. The next step is rolling and stretching the hollow billet.
As grelhas de grade quadrada com borda são projetadas para um excelente drenagem de água superficial, apresentando trilhos laterais em forma de U para maior reforço e estabilidade. Essas grelhas são compatíveis com uma variedade de tipos de canal, incluindo anéis de fixação, canais de chapa metálica, canais de polipropileno e canais de concreto polimérico. Disponíveis em alturas de 25 ou 40 e larguras de 100 a 1000, elas atendem aos padrões da Classe A15 de acordo com a EN124:1995, tornando-as adequadas para áreas frequentadas por pedestres e ciclistas. Feitas de chapa metálica galvanizada ou aço inoxidável AISI 304, essas grelhas podem ser encomendadas em tamanhos padrão ou personalizadas para atender a necessidades específicas.
As grelhas de grade quadrada com borda oferecem uma combinação perfeita de funcionalidade e design, garantindo drenagem eficiente enquanto mantêm uma aparência elegante. Sua construção durável garante desempenho duradouro, mesmo em ambientes desafiadores. Essas grelhas são uma excelente escolha para projetos que exigem soluções de drenagem confiáveis que não comprometem a estética. Com suas opções personalizáveis, elas oferecem flexibilidade e adaptabilidade, garantindo que atendam aos requisitos únicos de cada instalação.
La cimentación es un proceso de tratamiento termoquímico austenítico que se aplica a las piezas de acero, incluso aquellas que son prácticamente hierro. Durante este proceso se enriquece la capa exterior con Carbono o con Carbono y Nitrógeno para mejorar sus propiedades.
El objetivo del tratamiento térmico de la cementación es endurecer la superficie de una pieza aportándole una alta dureza, pero sin llegar a modificar la composición del casco, creando así una pieza tenaz y resistente a la fatiga y al desgaste provocado por el trabajo de roce.
Es uno de los procesos que más se utiliza para piñones, levas, poleas, casquillos… Son piezas que trabajarán en frío y con bastante fricción, por lo que al haberles aportado una capa (de hasta 1,4 mm. ) de dureza, evitaremos su desgaste.
Además, también cabe destacar que los materiales adecuados para la cimentación son los aceros aleados y no aliados con un bajo contenido en carbono, como el ST-52, F-154, F-155
Die druckfesten, leistungsstarken Mischbett-Wasservollentsalzer
Und aufgrund ihrer hohen Durchflussleistung und Gesamtkapazität die ideale Lösung zur direkten Versorgung nachgeschalteter Reinwasserverbraucher. Für die Kombination mit Spülmaschinen, Reinigungsanlagen, Analysesystemen, Klimaschränken und Sterilisatoren sind diese Geräte hervorragend geeignet.
Die Mischbett-Wasservollentsalzer NOWADEST® ND liefern reines Wasser mit einer Leitfähigkeit >0,06 µs/cm.
Zur Überwachung der Reinwasserqualität können auch hier die drei verschiedenen Leitfähigkeitsmesser Typ A, D und G eingesetzt werden.
Neben dem Leitfähigkeitsmesser und der jeweiligen Wasservollentsalzerpatrone gehört auch bei der Baureihe NOWADEST® ND ein Schlauchsatz mit Anschlussgewinde R3/4" zum Lieferumfang eines Komplettgerätes.
Abmessungsbereiche dimensional range:
• Abmessungsbereich 0,20 mm – 8,00 mm
je nach Ausführung, Oberfläche und Querschnitt
• andere Abmessungen auf Anfrage möglich
Ladenbau, Displays, Automotive, Möbelindustrie, Haushaltswaren, Ketten, Strahlgut, Werkzeugträger, Filterindustrie, Zaunbau , Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung, Verbindungselemente, Logistik, Bauindustrie, Elektro- u. Kabelindustrie, Drahtbiegeteile, Hausgeräte und Gastronomie, Tierhaltung
The Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring is a breathtaking piece of jewelry. Made from Sterling Silver 925, it embodies both grace and power. Crafted in Turkey, this ring features an oxidized finish that highlights its intricate design. Our ring is made from 100% recycled sterling silver. This sustainable approach adds a unique charm to each piece. Weighing 25 grams, the ring provides a comfortable yet substantial feel. If you value both style and environmental responsibility, then this ring is perfect for you. The Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring features detailed designs inspired by the mythical Pegasus. This symbolizes freedom and strength. Additionally, the oxidized finish gives it a vintage appeal, making it suitable for various occasions. Wear it to showcase your unique style. Each Pegas Horse Wings Signet Ring is meticulously crafted in Turkey. Our artisans use traditional techniques to ensure high quality. As a result, every ring is durable and exquisitely detailed. A meaningful gift, its symbolic design and elegant craftsmanship make it a treasured present. Give this ring to someone you care about, and they will cherish it forever.
Die EDER GmbH ist ein Stahl-Großhandelsunternehmen in Deutschland. Ihr Geschäft umfasst den Einfuhr und Ausfuhr von Stahl, Metallen und Reifenprodukten.
Effiziente und zuverlässige Verteilung auf dem Landweg
Die Eder Group bietet umfassende Bodentransport-Dienstleistungen, die eine nahtlose und pünktliche Verteilung Ihrer Waren gewährleisten. Unser Service umfasst:
LKW-Transporte: Flexibilität für verschiedene Frachtgrößen und -arten.
Spezialtransporte: Handhabung von übergroßen, schweren oder empfindlichen Gütern.
Lagerlogistik: Effiziente Lagerlösungen zur Unterstützung Ihrer Lieferkette.
Intermodale Transporte: Integration von Straßentransport mit anderen Verkehrsträgern für maximale Effizienz.
Mit unserer Expertise und einem weitreichenden Netzwerk bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihre Transportbedürfnisse.
Abfangkonsolen für Verblendmauerwerk sind Traganker bestehend aus Befestigungskopf (häufig höhenverstellbar) für Ankerschiene oder Dübel, Schrägzugelement (z.B. Knotenblech), Druckabstützungelement (z.B. Druckverteilerplatte am Knotenblech oder Druckschraube) und einem Auflagerwinkel oder Auflagerblech, auf dem das Fassdenmauerwerk aufgestellt wird.
Material:Edelstahl Rostfrei, Korrosionsbeständigkeitsklasse (CRC) III
AMETEK Specialty Metal Products has been a leader in developing roll bonding dissimilar metals for more than fifty years. The advantage of clad materials is the end product combines the superior properties of each metal: Strength, Corrosion Resistance, Lightweight, Cost, Thermal and Electrical Conductivity. As a result, clad products produce a material superior to any of the individual metals taken alone.
Clad metals produced by our roll bond technology combine two or more metals into a single sheet or plate that can be cut, welded or formed into a finished part ranging from chemical processing chambers and pressure vessels to small applications and clad pipe. We specialize in cladding stainless steel or nickel alloys to carbon steel as well as triple layer clad plates bonding stainless steel to an aluminum core.
Because of the properties offered by clad metals, and the wide variety of cladding and backing materials available today, these metals can be combined to make custom
Available with depths from 600 to 800 mm and width from 400 to 2000 mm.
Professional work tables made entirely of high quality aisi 304 stainless steel with satin finish, according to the current food and sanitary regulations.
The upper shelf has a thickness of 10/10 with corners welded on all edges for greater operator safety, is soundproofed and reinforced with a 25 mm thick waterproof wood panel and transverse reinforcements made of high-strength stainless steel.
The structure is in high-flow stainless steel tubular 50×25 mounted on 40×40 legs with stainless steel feet adjustable in height from mm. 850 to 900.
Tables can be purchased in depths of 600, 700 and 800 mm and with width of 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2000 mm.
The load varies mainly depending on the width of the plan.
Buses en deux pièces avec une hélice interne montée serrée.
Version 3 pièces ECPL avec embout démontable également disponible (code 6 à 27).
Raccordement de 1/8" à 3", BSPT mâle ou femelle, NPT ou autre sur demande.
Les matériaux standards sont le laiton, l'inox 303, l'inox 316 et le PVC, mais bien d'autres sont disponibles sur simple demande.
Protection incendie
Contrôle de la poussière
Contrôle de la mousse
Lavage multitype
Réactions chimiques, etc...
Ce produit ne convient pas ? Découvrez le reste de notre gamme de buses de pulverisations et de buses à cône plein.
Angles de pulvérisation:de 90° à 125° en fonction de la pression et du modèle
Superior Tube is a leading supplier of hydraulic tubes to the aerospace industry where our products are deployed in the engines and airframes of both commercial and military aircraft. Our thin wall tubes are used to actuate flight control surfaces such as flaps and slats, and are also crucial components in landing gear and brakes.
The high quality tubes we manufacture provide the extra force required to move large control surfaces that bear heavy aerodynamic loads, and are critical to the safe operation of the aircraft. As such they have a high strength to weight ratio. Their effectiveness is important when it comes to aircraft operating costs, particularly where fuel consumption is concerned.
Please note that we have a minimum order value of £10,000.
Fenêtre en PVC, Porte en PVC, Porte coulissante, Fenêtre coulissante, Volet
Quand l'ambition rencontre l'opportunité, tout est possible.
Nous comprenons que vous n'achetez pas seulement l'un de nos systèmes de portes en PVC, vous achetez en notre personnel. C'est pourquoi nous nous concentrons sur une écoute attentive de ce dont vous avez besoin. Si vous êtes curieux de savoir à quel point les performances de votre porte pourraient être meilleures, parlons-en.
Plate heat exchangers consist of a number of corrugated plates. The plate pack is mounted between a fixed and movable pressure plate, positioned by an upper and lower carrying bar, and compressed by several tightening bolts. The media involved in the heat exchange process are fed into the plate pack via connections on the fixed and movable pressure plates.
The arrangement of the plates creates two separate channel systems, enabling the two media to flow past and between each other without physical contact, leaving the exchanger again via connections in the pressure plates. Plate with different patterns can be mixed in the heat exchanger in order to achieve optimum efficiency at a given pressure drop.
13Cr/4Ni type stainless steel wire
Has high strength combined with excellent toughness and cracking resistance
Resistant to corrosion, erosion, pitting and impact
The operating is smooth
Radiographic weld quality