Le shampoing solide L’Équilibrant est un excellent soin conçu pour les cuirs chevelus à tendance grasse. Sa formule riche en Rhassoul et en huile de Chanvre aide à réguler la production de sébum et assainit votre cuir chevelu, sans l’irriter. Vos cheveux retrouvent légèreté et brillance en quelques lavages !
La balance éducative en bois Montessori représente bien plus qu’un simple jouet ; c’est une véritable passerelle vers un apprentissage exceptionnel pour votre bébé ou enfant. Sa conception méticuleuse vise à stimuler la capacité à distinguer les couleurs, tout en encourageant une observation attentive, une réflexion profonde et un raisonnement logique. Dotée de dimensions soigneusement calculées, cette balance offre une prise en main aisée : la base s’étend sur 17,1 x 9,7 cm, l’équilibre se déploie sur une longueur de 24 cm, les deux disques présentent un diamètre de 6,8 cm, tandis que les six poids se déclinent en 2,5 x 5 cm, avec un diamètre de 2 cm. Qu’il s’agisse d’une utilisation à la maison ou en milieu éducatif, ce matériel pédagogique se hisse au rang d’outil d’enseignement d’exception.
POIDS:600 g
Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.
Grand plateau inox de 43 x 53 cm
Système de tarages successifs
Non poinçonnée
Construction robuste avec sécurité en cas de surcharge
Simplicité d’utilisation
Lecture aisée grâce à un affichage par cristaux liquides de 27 mm de haut
Tableau de commande ergonomique
Fonctionne sur accumulateur incorporé (autonomie 100 heures)
Transfo incorporé
Marque:Afi Collin-Lucy
Poids net (kg):19
Dimension en MM (LxPxH):430 x 700 x 790
Capacité:150 kilos - 20 grammes
Bıo Balance: The Fineness of Technology in Sleep
It's time to meet the Bio Balance Sleep System! This unique bed offers you a comfortable sleeping experience all night long thanks to the extra cushion support. The Bio Balance mattress uses pocket spring technology in its structure, which supports every point of your body and provides perfect comfort while you sleep.
With its special fabric that converts body heat into infrared rays, it provides thermal comfort by minimizing nighttime temperature fluctuations and resulting sweating, as well as sleep interruptions caused by turning during sleep. It helps relieve muscle pain and balance your body temperature, leaving you feeling more rested and renewed every morning.
The Bio Balance Sleep System is specifically designed to improve your sleep quality. It will surprise you with its superior technology and unique features.
Chambre de détente pour pâtons à chargement et déchargement manuels
Compacte et maniable sur ses roulettes.
Ergonomique et simple d’utilisation avec recherche automatique du «1er » panier.
Armatures tout inox des paniers, toiles en Arconet, structure et carters peints époxy pour une hygiène accrue.
Une robustesse à toute épreuve.
Marque:enregistrement de panique
Dim:(LxPxH) 1355x1600x2190mm
Poches:140mm de large
Capacite max pâtons 350g:396
Capacite max pâtons 550g:330
C’est l’alliance du CBD au ginseng. Cette racine figurant parmi les plus puissantes du monde a des effets exceptionnels sur les capacités cognitives en améliorant mémoire et capacité de concentration.
L’équilibre mental est soutenu, solidifié par les actions conjointes du CBD et du ginseng. Ils aident à lutter contre le stress oxydatif en optimisant les capacités cognitives.
Idéale en période d’intense activité intellectuelle, lors de révisions
d’examens notamment.
Armarock B50
The Armarock B50 basalt mesh is a material with a leno structure, formed by elastic ribs of high-strength basalt threads, fixed in the nodes with a stitching thread, with the formation of square cells, the size of which is ideal for use with FRCM mortars. The mesh is treated with special compounds to improve alkali resistance properties and increase its stability. Balanced biaxial mesh in alkali-resistant basalt fibre, specific for strengthening and repairing structural elements.
The main properties of Armarock B50 are:
excellent tensile strength
high dimensional stability
stable against cyclical stresses
easy to install, light, compact
adaptable to the shape of the support
cuttable into the desired dimensions and widths
resistant to aggressive environments, especially alkaline ones. Ideal in combination with cement or lime-based mortars for FRCM and CRM applications.
Bidirectional reinforcement in alkali-resistant basalt fibre, pre-primed, to be used in combination with our mortars (Unisan, Intosana, Repar line), GFRP connectors (Armaglass Connector line), stainless steel connectors (Helix Steel Aisi 304 line) , for the "reinforced" structural reinforcement of masonry and reinforced concrete products with CRM and FRCM techniques. Anti-tipping systems for partition walls and cladding. Structural reinforcement of arched and vaulted wall elements, both at the extrados and intrados. Reinforcement for reinforcing plastering to be created in historical and monumental contexts, capable of more uniformly distributing the stresses induced by seismic events, without substantial changes in the distribution of masses and stiffness.
To prepare the support, carefully follow what is indicated in the technical data sheets of the product with which the Armarock B50 mesh is combined. In general, in the case of reinforcements of masonry males or intrados/extrados of vaults and arches, it is necessary to proceed with the complete removal of the existing plaster, manually or with mechanical tools, and of all possible inconsistent or detaching parts, up to get to the heart of the masonry and obtain a healthy, compact and mechanically resistant support. Wet the support to be strengthened; the excess water present on the surface must be allowed to evaporate so that the masonry to be strengthened is saturated with water but with a dry surface.
Application with a flat metal trowel or spray of a first uniform layer of approx. 5-6 mm of mortar (Unisan, Intosana or Repar line) chosen according to the characteristics of the support.
At the same time as applying the first layer of mortar while it is still fresh, position the Armarock B50 mesh, compressing it with a flat trowel, so that it penetrates the applied mortar. Adjacent nets must be overlapped by at least 10-15 cm.
Application of a second layer of mortar on the previous one while it is still fresh, in such a way as to completely cover the mesh and reach the desired thickness.
In the case of anti-tipping systems, the recommended overall mortar thickness is approximately 10 mm.
In the case of reinforcement of arches or vaults, extradoss or intradoss, it is recommended to turn up the reinforcement system, in correspondence with the shutters, by at least 40 cm.
To improve the anchoring of the reinforcement system it is possible to appropriately prepare any connections made with elements in GRFP (Armaglass Connector) or stainless steel (Helix Steel AISI 304). The connections increase the efficiency of the applied reinforcement. Type, number and pitch of punctual connections must be defined during the design phase.
1.1 m/m²: The adjacent sheets of basalt fiber mesh must be overlapped along the edges by at least 10 cm.
Packaging: Roll of 50 m2
UM: €/m2
CONSERVATION DES CÉRÉALES (dosé à 100 g / 100 kg)
EVAMIX constitue un vermifuge organique très efficace, tout en favorisant une meilleure assimilation alimentaire. Il s'utilise en complément de la ration journalière, pour les productions suivantes :
Vaches : 2 % du poids de ration sèche = 40 g / jour / 20 kg de ration
Veaux : 25 g par veau / jour
Brebis : 4 % de la ration = 10 à 20 g par brebis / jour
Poules : 2 à 4 % du poids de la ration alimentaire
Porcs : 2 à 4 % du poids de la ration alimentaire
Chevaux : 3 à 5 % du poids de la ration alimentaire
Chiens / Chats : 1 % du poids de la ration alimentaire
Pour éviter l'invasion de parasites comme les insectes, il suffit d'épandre EVAMIX dans la litière.
Filler dermico iniettabile a base di acido ialuronico, arricchito con lidocaina per migliorare il comfort durante il trattamento. È progettato per riempire rughe e pieghe di intensità moderata, come le linee naso-labiali, le rughe della fronte e quelle mento-labiali. Inoltre, è indicato per il rimodellamento e il miglioramento del contorno delle labbra, nonché per la correzione di cicatrici atrofiche del viso.
Ialuronato di sodio reticolato: 25,5 mg/ml
Lidocaina cloridrato: 3,0 mg/ml
Tampone fosfato: pH 7 q.s. a 1,0 ml
Indicazioni d'Uso
Riempimento di rughe e pieghe del viso di intensità moderata.
Rimodellamento e miglioramento del contorno delle labbra.
Correzione di cicatrici atrofiche del viso.
Modalità di Somministrazione
La somministrazione deve essere effettuata da un medico competente, secondo la normativa locale vigente. Il prodotto va iniettato lentamente nella zona da trattare, precedentemente disinfettata, e successivamente massaggiata delicatamente per favorire la corretta distribuzione del gel. La quantità da iniettare dipende dall’area da trattare.
BELOTERO® BALANCE + LIDOCAINE è un dispositivo medico di classe III, conforme alle normative europee.
Balance.Zero shampoo está especialmente diseñado para regular la producción sebácea de los cabellos más grasos.
Limpia el cabello y el cuero cabelludo y favorece su transpiración. Además, actúa como astringente y calmante, elimina la grasa y recupera el equilibrio en el cuero cabelludo, dejando el cabello limpio, suelto y ligero desde la primera aplicación.
Formulado con ortiga blanca, regula y equilibra el exceso de sebo gracias a sus propiedades antisépticas y antioxidantes, al mismo tiempo que tonifica la estructura capilar.
Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.
BELOTERO® Balance integrates seamlessly into the skin, allowing for immediate and smooth correction of medium to deep lines in the superficial and mid dermis. BELOTERO® Balance also offers a volumizing effect to glabellar lines, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lip contours, lip volume and oral commissures. The cohesivity of BELOTERO® Balance enables optimal skin integration.
Concentration:Cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid: 22.5 mg/ml
Indication:Volume loss
Lip Contouring
The Pack Includes:1 x 1ml Syringe
1 x 27G Needle
1 x 30G Needle
Results' Duration:Individual results may vary, but Belotero Balance (+) may last 6 months or more.
Manufacturer:Merz Aesthetics
This sturdy wooden Balance Board stimulates balance, coordination, strength, spatial and physical awareness in a playful way. It is perfectly sized for kids’ small feet and attractive looking graphics help to show where to place their feet. Highly durable wooden construction. Recommended for children 3 years of age and older. Materials from FSC-certified forests.
Maximum user weight:90 kg
HM MACHINERY, concepteur et fabricant Danois leader en Europe du nord et spécialiste des machines de tôlerie depuis plus de 50 ans conçoit et fabrique des cisailles manuelles d'atelier.
La cisaille de tôle manuelle d'atelier PH 1000 de chez HM MACHINERY est une machine premium de production européenne et de conception moderne, disposant de bonnes capacités, d'une extrême précision, ce qui rend cette machine incontournable. La robustesse et la facilité d'utilisation de cette cisaille manuelle d'atelier a été reconnue par les couvreurs zingueurs et dans les ateliers de production de tôlerie, métallerie et chaudronnerie de grande précision, mais aussi dans les ateliers de serrurerie et de maintenance.
Largeur de coupe maximale PH 1000:1000 mm
Epaisseur maximale - Acier doux PH 1000:1,6 mm
Epaisseur maximale - Inox PH 1000:0,9 mm
Epaisseur maximale - Alu PH 1000:2 mm
Hauteur de table PH 1000:760 mm
Dimensions de table PH 1000:1290x785 mm
Poids machine PH 1000:295 kg
C’est l’alliance du CBD au ginseng. Cette racine figurant parmi les plus puissantes du monde a des effets exceptionnels sur les capacités cognitives en améliorant mémoire et capacité de concentration.
L’équilibre mental est soutenu, solidifié par les actions conjointes du CBD et du ginseng. Ils aident à lutter contre le stress oxydatif en optimisant les capacités cognitives.
Idéale en période d’intense activité intellectuelle, lors de révisions
d’examens notamment.
Refirma, suaviza e nutre
A água tonificante Elemis Advanced Skincare Balancing Lavender Toner ajuda a limpar, harmonizar e refrescar a pele.
- hidrata e nutre a pele
- mantém o pH da pele em equilíbrio
- refresca e ilumina
- deixa a pele macia, fresca e radiante
Modo de utilização:
Use-o de manhã e à noite após a limpeza.
Aqueça um pouco do produto entre as palmas das mãos.
Espalhe suavemente sobre o rosto, pescoço e decote com movimentos ascendentes.
For the dog with normal activity, Champ developed the poultry-based Balance Croc. The extruded food contains more proteins and vitamins. Of course, fats, carbohydrates and minerals are present in the right proportions. Balance Croc is a balanced, complete food of premium quality for dogs of all breeds. Thanks to the lecithin, your dog digests the fats in the food better and faster. This releases a high concentration of usable energy and gives the coat a beautiful shine. It is logical that many breeders feed this kibble. The Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are present in the most optimal ratio of 5:1.