Termékek fertilizer (48)



Ferronova is a CE fertilizer, based on iron EDDHA, which has been formulated seeking the optimal combination of the ortho-ortho-EDDHA and ortho-para-EDDHA isomers, both recognized as chelating agents in the European Community Fertilizer Regulation ( nº2003/2003 TWELVE 11/21/2003). The ortho-para-EDDHA isomer releases iron more quickly, causing greater speed of action and shock effect in plants under stress due to lack of Iron. The agronomic advantages of the ortho-para isomer, in terms of speed of action and sufficient stability in calcareous soils, have been demonstrated in different tests carried out by prestigious universities such as the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Alicante. Furthermore, the content of the ortho-ortho isomer EDDHA guarantees maximum stability and persistence of the product in the soil. The greening of the crop normally manifests itself within 1-2 weeks after the product has been made available to the roots. SKU:n/a Size:5 LITERS
Speciális Műtrágyák

Speciális Műtrágyák

Products that contain in its composition, substances that revolutionize the physiology of the plants and have some concrete effects. Since citokinins, predecessors of some proteins, stimulants of the photosynthesis, vegetable extracts, etc.
Vital Power Kálium 50

Vital Power Kálium 50

Oxyde de potassium (K2O) soluble dans l'eau : 33 % Azote total (N) : 2 % Azote uréique (N) 2 % EDTA (acide édétique) : 2 %
Ekilore és olívaolaj trufa fekete illattal 250 ml

Ekilore és olívaolaj trufa fekete illattal 250 ml

Gure boilurdun olio ongailuak boilur beltz zapore eta usain bizi eta sarkorra duten produktuak dira eta dagoeneko amaitutako platerentzako apaingarria da. Besterik gabe, janariari gure olio ongailuen tanta batzuk gehitu behar dituzu gure platerean boilur-azentua lortzeko. Osagai osagarria da plater ugaritan, plater sinpleetatik hasi eta goi sukaldaritzako errezeta konplexuetaraino: Arrautza frijituak trufatuak, tortillak. , trufa tostadak, pizza boilarra, haragi saltsa boilarra, pasta boilarra, risotto boilarra, lasagna boilarra, gazta boilarra, pure boilurduna, arrain boilarra, entsaladak ozpin ozpin trufatuekin eta imajina dezakegun beste edozein plater. Kontutan hartu behar da Olio-baldintzak ez direla sukaldaritzarako erabiltzen, beroak zaporea hondatuko bailuke, dagoeneko prestatutako platerak ontzeko erabili behar dira. Hidroxitirosolaren antiinflamatorio-aktibitateak indartzen du alergia-kontrako gaitasun jakin batek, tuber melanosporum


Natural products that stimulate all the physiological processes of the cultures.


Novaorganic can be applied to horticultural crops (tomato, zucchini, beans, eggplant, pepper, cucumber, watermelon, melon, etc.), ornamental and fruit trees. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 220 LITERS
Hiányosságok Korrektúrája

Hiányosságok Korrektúrája

Correctors of simple and multiple lacks of the principal micronutrients, in mineral form, complexed or chelated.


Potasnova is used both foliarly and by irrigation dissolved in water at the indicated doses. Potasnova can be used together with microelements and amino acids. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS


Fer (Fe) : 13,5 % Magnésium (MgO) : 2,0 % Cuivre (Cu) : 0,8 % Soufre (S) : 9,0 % pH dissolution 1% : 3,5±0,5 Formule Poudre soluble Emballage Sacs de 2,5 et 5 Kg.


Novamar will be used dissolved in water both foliarly and by irrigation in all types of crops at the indicated doses. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS


INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Amino acids of plant origin. Obtaining by enzymatic hydrosis. Structure of the cell wall. Prevention of senescence. It improves the structure of the soil and increases the resistance of plants to swelling and salinity. Improves germination and maturation of pollen and pollen tube growth. Applied through fertigation, it facilitates the root development of the plant, increasing its water and nutrient absorption capacity. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS


Bore (B) : 0,3 % Cobalt (Co) : 0,04 % Fer (Fe) : 0,7 % Manganèse (Mn) : 0,7 % Molybdène (Mo) : 0,04 % Zinc (Zn) : 0,5 % Potassium (K2O) soluble : 4,4 %


Composition chimique (p/p) Azote total (N) : 11,1 % Azote nitrique (N) : 4,1 % Azote ammoniacal (N) : 5,5 % Azote uréique (N) : 1,5 % Oxyde de calcium (CaO) : 4,1 % Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 20 et 1.000 litres


Composition chimique (p/p) Phosphore (P2O5) soluble : 28,4% Potassium (K2O) soluble : 3,2% Acides organiques : 22,8% Sans chlorures : 0,5 g/L Formule Liquide Emballage Emballage de 1, 5 et 20 litres
Vitalitás Szűrő

Vitalitás Szűrő

Composition chimique (p/p) Fer (Fe) : 0,5 % Zinc (Zn) : 1,5 % Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 20 et 1000 litres
Vital Power Kalcium

Vital Power Kalcium

Oxyde de calcium (CaO) : 14 % Bore (B) : 0,3 % Acides aminés L : 5 % Azote total (N) : 10 % Azote organique (N) : 0,5 % pH : 1,5 – 2 Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 5, 25, 220 et 1000 litres
Vital Power Mix

Vital Power Mix

Zinc (Zn) : 10 % Manganèse (Mn) : 6,0 % Magnésium (MgO) soluble dans l'eau : 5,0 % Molybdène (Mo) : 0,1 % Acides aminés libres : 5,0 % Formule Solide Emballage Sacs de 1, 5 et 10 Kg.


Products that modify and improve the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils of our cultures.


Aminova will be used dissolved in water both foliarly and by irrigation in all types of crops at the indicated doses. Do not mix with cupric compounds or oils. If mixed with sulfur it will be used at the lowest dose. With Aminova-Max the effects of phytosanitary products are enhanced, so their doses can be reduced. In any case, it is recommended to do a test before mixing and using. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS
Vitalitás Erőreaktor

Vitalitás Erőreaktor

Composition chimique (p/p) Oxyde de calcium (CaO) soluble dans l'eau : 12 % Oxyde de calcium (CaO) complexé à l'acide lignosulfonique : 6 % pH : 2,5 – 2,7 Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 5, 25, 220 et 1000 litres


FREE AMINOGRAM (%) (w/w) Ala:1.18 • Asp:1.89 • Cys:0.81 • Glu:2.77 • Gly:2.43 • Pro:2.40 • Hyp<0, 10 • Ser:3.02 • Tyr:0.24 • Arg:1.57 • His:0.27 •Lle:0.94 • Leu:1.94 • Val:1.27 • Lys:0.96 • Met<0.10 • Phe:1.12 • Thr:1.52 • Trp<0.10 Molecular Weight less than 10,000 Dalton. Enzymatic Hydrosis Amino Acids. Raw Material Collagen. Heavy Materials: Class A “Heavy metal content lower than the authorized limits for that class of classification. Microorganisms: Salmonella absent, Escherichia coli absent. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 220 LITERS, 5 LITERS, 60 LITERS


It is a chelated liquid potash that facilitates the availability of potassium. Being completely soluble, its application is very fast and is immediately assimilated by the plant. Improves the organoleptic quality of fruits, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the coloration of the flowers of ornamental plants. Applied at the end of the vegetative phase (before harvesting or harvesting) it advances ripening, increases resistance to drought and climatic adversities. The presence of an adequate dose of chelating agent guarantees the total availability of potassium, regardless of the quality of the water used for foliar and fertigation treatments SKU:n/a Size:1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS


Floranova will be used dissolved in water both foliar and irrigation in all types of crops at the indicated doses. It is compatible with most fertilizers and phytosanitary products. It is not recommended to mix with oils, sufocalcium mixtures or products with a strong alkaline reaction. It is recommended to do a small test before mixing in the tank. SKU:n/a Size:1kg
Zumzil Plus

Zumzil Plus

Composition chimique (p/p) Matière organique : 18 % Molybdène (Mo) soluble dans l'eau : 3 % Azote total (N) : 0,4 % Oxyde de potassium hydrosoluble (K2O) : 3 % Chlore maximum (CI) : 0,1 % pH : 6,5 Formule Liquide. Emballage Conditionnement de 20, 220 et 1000 litres.
Vital Power Boro

Vital Power Boro

Bore (B) soluble dans l'eau : 11 % Azote total (N) : 4,5 % Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 20 et 25 litres
Vital Power Kalcium Plus

Vital Power Kalcium Plus

Calcium (CaO) soluble dans l'eau : 12 % Bore (B) : 0,7 % Azote total (N) : 6 % Sans chlorure : 0,5 g/L Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 25 et 1000 litres
Abonova Csíráztatás

Abonova Csíráztatás

Foliar fertilizer with a high amount of mineral elements that exert a preventive action against possible deficiency states. It can be applied from sprouting or the beginning of cultivation until post-flowering, it also provides us with a great contribution in the moments of maximum development of the crop and in those that we want to recover from the negative effects of pests, diseases or adverse weather conditions. SKU:n/a Size:5 Kg
Maspic 71

Maspic 71

Composition chimique (p/p) Phosphore soluble (P2O5) : 71% Potassium soluble (K2O) : 8% Sans chlorures : 0,5 g/L Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5 et 20 litres


Composition chimique (p/p) Cuivre (Cu) total : 4% Cuivre (Cu) soluble : 4% Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 20 et 1000 litres
Vital Power Magnum

Vital Power Magnum

Acides L-aminés libres : 5,5% Azote total (N) : 0,75% Azote organique (N) : 0,75% Phosphore (P2O5) : 15% Potassium (K2O) : 18% Contenant des traces de Fe, Mn, Mg, Mo, Cu, Zn, B chélaté par EDTA