Termékek fertilizer (65)

Szerves trágyázás szobanövényekhez - Soil Booster / Szerves trágyázás

Szerves trágyázás szobanövényekhez - Soil Booster / Szerves trágyázás

Cet engrais organique est 100% naturel, riche en matière organique et nutritionnellement équilibré, contenant tous les nutriments importants dont les plantes d'intérieur ont besoin pour se développer. Il s'agit d'un sous-produit issu de la bioconversion de résidus agro-industriels par l'action contrôlée de l'insecte Hermetia illuscens, dans un processus de circularité économique. Il s'agit d'un produit riche en matière organique et équilibré sur le plan nutritionnel, contenant les principaux macro et micronutriments des plantes. Il nourrit le terreau en lui apportant les nutriments les plus importants pour les plantes. Sa teneur élevée en matière organique améliore la structure du terreau, en maintenant une bonne capacité de rétention d'eau et une aération adéquate. Il a également un effet positif sur la défense naturelle des plantes. (vendu par paquet de 6 unités)
Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Phosphate rock is a crucial raw material used in the production of fertilizers It occurs in two primary geological forms: sedimentary and igneous Phosphate Rock Composition: Phosphorus (P) is the primary nutrient in phosphate rock and is crucial for plant growth and development It is typically reported as phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) The phosphorus content in phosphate rock can range from 25% to 31% equivalent to 62-67.5 BPL% Calcium (Ca) is another essential element found in rock phosphate It plays a vital role in plant cell structure, root development, and nutrient uptake, it can range from 30% to 50% Carbonates (CO3) are common impurities found in phosphate rock, typically exist in the form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) Silicates (SiO2) are another impurity often present in phosphate rock They can have positive effects on soil structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient retention, it can range from a few percent to over 20%
Biológiai Trágya - AGRO FERTIBIO

Biológiai Trágya - AGRO FERTIBIO

Um adubo biológico com largo espectro. Contém nutrientes, oligoelementos, promove a captação hídrica em torno das Raízes das plantas e contribui com microorganismos benéficos capazes de tornar nutrientes mais disponíveis e competir com pragas e doenças das culturas Adubos Biológicos. As diferenças e vantagens. Os adubos biológicos apresentam a grande vantagem do maior acréscimo de matéria orgânica para o solo ao mesmo tempo que tendem a libertar de forma (controlada) os nutrientes presentes. Contribuem ainda para uma maior disponibilidade de água para as plantas e são excelentes veículos de microorganismos benéficos que competem com pragas das culturas. Os adubos biológicos não derivam de síntese química e por isso não limitam a capacidade produtiva do solo tornando necessárias aplicações crescentes de nutrientes ano após ano. São produzidos de forma biológica através de processos de digestão de matéria orgânica proveniente da Natureza.
Amoniumsulfát - Műtrágya

Amoniumsulfát - Műtrágya

sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Fejlesztett Biochar

Fejlesztett Biochar

At MJF we also produce Enhanced Biochar. This results from the mixture of activated charcoal dust and organic matter. Ideal for the fast development of plants and crops. It also helps with soil recovering and water and nutrients retention. Contact us for further information about our Enhanced Biochar.


This organic fertilizer is 100% natural, rich in organic matter and nutritionally balanced, containing all the important nutrients that houseplants need to grow.. It is a by-product resulting from the bioconversion of agro-industrial residues by the controlled action of the insect Hermetia illuscens, in an economic circularity process. It is a product rich in organic matter and nutritionally balanced, containing plants' main macro and micronutrients. It feeds the potting soil replenishing it with the nutrients most important for the plants. Its high organic matter content improves the structure of the potting soil, maintaining good water retention capacity and adequate aeration. It also has a positive effect on the natural defense of plants. (sold in 6 units per pack) Natural:Enviromental friendly Natural by-product:Sustainable


Dieses organische Düngemittel, 100% natürlich, ist ein sehr ausgewogener Produkt, reich an organischer Substanzen und enthält alle wichtigen Nährstoffe, die Hauspflanzen zum Wachstum benötigen. Sein hoher Gehalt an organischer Substanz verbessert die Struktur der Topferde und sorgt für ein gutes Wasserhaltevermögen und eine ausreichende Belüftung. Ihr Chitingehalt fördert die Aktivität nützlicher Bodenmikroorganismen und regt die natürlichen Abwehrkräfte. (verkauft in 6 Einheiten pro Packung) Natural:Enviromental friendly Natural by-product:Sustainable


Deze organische vloeibare meststof is een geconcentreerd vloeibaar extract van het zeewier Ascophyllum nodosum, duurzaam geoogst uit de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan. Het is een natuurlijk product dat rijk is aan kalium en bioactieve stoffen. Deze organische vloeibare meststof wordt gebruikt om de groei van planten te bevorderen, hun wortels te versterken en de weerstand van planten tegen ziekten te verhogen, en in het bijzonder tegen de stress die wordt veroorzaakt door slecht irrigatiebeheer (met perioden van watertekort of -overschot in de potgrond) en de stress die wordt veroorzaakt door sterke temperatuurschommelingen. (verkocht in 6 eenheden per verpakking)


Deze organische meststof is 100% natuurlijk, rijk aan organisch materiaal en evenwichtig qua voedingswaarde, en bevat alle belangrijke voedingsstoffen die kamerplanten nodig hebben om te groeien. Het is een bijproduct van de bioconversie van agro-industriële residuen door de gecontroleerde werking van het insect Hermetia illuscens, in een economisch kringloopproces. Het is een product dat rijk is aan organisch materiaal en evenwichtig is qua voedingswaarde, met de belangrijkste macro- en micronutriënten voor planten. Het voedt de potgrond en vult deze aan met de voedingsstoffen die het belangrijkst zijn voor de planten. Het hoge gehalte aan organische stof verbetert de structuur van de potgrond en zorgt voor een goede waterretentie en beluchting. Het heeft ook een positief effect op de natuurlijke afweer van planten. (verkocht in 6 eenheden per verpakking).
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Gipsztrágya

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Gipsztrágya

Description du produit et emballage : •Le minéral de gypse, sulfate de calcium dihydraté (CaS04.2H20) est une poudre blanche produite à partir du traitement de minéraux de gypse de haute pureté. . Sacs de 25 kg, sacs de 50 kg, Big Bags Avantages du produit : -1 Améliore la structure du sol : Améliore l'aération du sol et la pénétration des racines. -2 Augmente l'infiltration d'eau : Améliore le taux d'absorption d'eau du sol. -3 Fournit des macronutriments vitaux : fournit aux plantes du soufre et du calcium essentiels. -4 Rétention efficace de l'humidité : aide le sol à retenir efficacement l'humidité. -5 Améliore l'absorption des nutriments : améliore l'absorption et l'équilibre des nutriments des plantes. Considérez notre Gypse CalciSoil pour une croissance plus saine des plantes.


Dieser organische flüssiger Düngemittel ist ein konzentrierter Algenextrakt aus Ascophyllum nodosum der nachhaltig im Nordatlantik geerntet wird. Es ist ein natürliches Produkt und enthält reichlich Kalium und wertvollle bioaktiven Verbindungen für Pflanzen. Dieser organische Flüssigdünger wird verwendet, um das Pflanzenwachstum zu fördern, ihre Wurzeln zu stärken und die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Pflanzen gegen Krankheiten und insbesondere gegen die Stresse die durch häufige ungeeignete Bewässerungs-und Temperaturenschwankungen verursacht werden. (verkauft in 6 Einheiten pro Packung) Natural:Enviromental friendly Concentrated:Sustainable
Dihidrát Kálcium-Szulfát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Dihidrát Kálcium-Szulfát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Descrição do produto e embalagem: •Gesso Mineral, Sulfato de Cálcio Di-hidratado (CaS04.2H20) é um pó branco produzido a partir do processamento de minerais de gesso de alta pureza. . Sacos de 25kg, sacos de 50kg, Big Bags Benefícios do produto: -1 Melhora a estrutura do solo: melhora a aeração do solo e a penetração das raízes. -2 Aumenta a infiltração de água: aumenta a taxa de absorção de água do solo. -3 Fornece Macronutrientes Vitais: Fornece às plantas enxofre e cálcio essenciais. -4 Retenção Eficiente de Umidade: Ajuda o solo a reter a umidade com eficiência. -5 Melhora a absorção de nutrientes: Melhora a absorção e o equilíbrio dos nutrientes das plantas. Considere o nosso Gesso CalciSoil para um crescimento mais saudável das plantas. Gypsum / CaSO4 :96% Sulphate / SO4 :53% Sulphur / SO4:17,6 % Calcium / Ca:20.8%
N46 Karbamid Műtrágya - Karbamid Nitrogén Műtrágya

N46 Karbamid Műtrágya - Karbamid Nitrogén Műtrágya

Üre, CO(NH2)2 kimyasal formülüne sahip organik bir bileşiktir. Üre, nitrojen içeren bileşiklerin hayvanlar tarafından metabolizmasında önemli bir rol oynar ve memelilerin idrarında nitrojen içeren ana maddedir. Uygulamalar: Tarım Üre nitrojen salan gübre olarak kullanılır Yaygın olarak kullanılan tüm katı azotlu gübreler arasında en yüksek azot içeriğine (%46 N) sahiptir. Üre, esas olarak sunta Patlayıcılar gibi ahşap bazlı panellerde kullanılan üre-formaldehit reçinelerinin üretimi için bir hammaddedir. Üre, endüstriyel olarak ve bazı el yapımı patlayıcı cihazların parçası olarak kullanılan yüksek patlayıcı madde olan üre nitratı yapmak için kullanılabilir. Otomobil sistemleri Üre, dizel, çift yakıtlı ve zayıf yanan doğal gaz motorlarından kaynaklanan egzoz gazlarındaki NOx kirleticilerini azaltmak için kullanılır. özellikler: Molar kütle 60,06 g/mol Yoğunluk,1,32 g/cm3 Erime noktası 133-135 °C Suda çözünürlük 545 g/L @25°C / pH 9,2 - 9,5 CAS numarası,57-13-6
N46 Karbamid Műtrágya - Karbamid Nitrogén Műtrágya

N46 Karbamid Műtrágya - Karbamid Nitrogén Műtrágya

Urea is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH2)2 Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals Applications: Agriculture Urea is used as a nitrogen-release fertilizer it has the highest nitrogen content (46% N) of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use Urea is a raw material for the manufacture of urea-formaldehyde resins, used mainly in wood-based panels such as particleboard Explosives Urea can be used to make urea nitrate, a high explosive that is used industrially and as part of some improvised explosive devices Automobile systems Urea is used to reduce the NOx pollutants in exhaust gases from combustion from diesel, dual fuel, and lean-burn natural gas engines properties: Molar mass 60.06 g/mol Density,1.32 g/cm3 Melting point 133-135 °C Solubility in water 545 g/L @25°C / pH 9,2 - 9,5 CAS number,57-13-6 WE number,200-315-5
Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

La roche phosphatée est une matière première cruciale utilisée dans la production d'engrais Il se présente sous deux formes géologiques principales : sédimentaire et ignée. Composition de la roche phosphatée : Le phosphore (P) est le principal nutriment de la roche phosphatée et est crucial pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il est généralement signalé sous forme de pentoxyde de phosphore (P2O5). La teneur en phosphore dans la roche phosphatée peut varier de 25 % à 31 %, ce qui équivaut à 62-67,5 BPL % Le calcium (Ca) est un autre élément essentiel présent dans le phosphate naturel Il joue un rôle essentiel dans la structure des cellules végétales, le développement des racines et l'absorption des nutriments. Il peut varier de 30 à 50 %. Les carbonates (CO3) sont des impuretés courantes trouvées dans la roche phosphatée et existent généralement sous forme de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) ou de carbonate de magnésium (MgCO3).
FOSZFÁT KŐ (P2O5) 30% - A foszfát kő egy alapvető nyersanyag, amelyet műtrágyák előállításához használnak.

FOSZFÁT KŐ (P2O5) 30% - A foszfát kő egy alapvető nyersanyag, amelyet műtrágyák előállításához használnak.

Um dos principais atributos de nossa rocha fosfática é sua notável solubilidade. Com uma solubilidade de 35-40% em ácido cítrico 2% e 55-65% em ácido fórmico 2%, nossos produtos garantem a disponibilidade ideal de nutrientes para as plantas, resultando em maior rendimento e qualidade da colheita.
Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Foszfátkő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Phosphatgestein ist ein wichtiger Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Düngemitteln. Es kommt in zwei primären geologischen Formen vor: sedimentär und magmatisch. Zusammensetzung von Phosphatgestein: Phosphor (P) ist der Hauptnährstoff in Phosphatgestein und entscheidend für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung von Pflanzen. Es wird normalerweise als Phosphorpentoxid (P2O5) angegeben. Der Phosphorgehalt in Phosphatgestein kann zwischen 25 % und 31 % liegen, was 62–67,5 BPL % entspricht. Calcium (Ca) ist ein weiteres wichtiges Element in Rohphosphat. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Zellstruktur der Pflanzen, die Wurzelentwicklung und die Nährstoffaufnahme. Der Gehalt kann zwischen 30 % und 50 % liegen. Karbonate (CO3) sind häufige Verunreinigungen in Phosphatgestein und liegen normalerweise in Form von Calciumcarbonat (CaCO3) oder Magnesiumcarbonat (MgCO3) vor. Silikate (SiO2) sind eine weitere Verunreinigung, die oft in Phosphatgestein vorhanden ist.
Hármas szuperfoszfát (TSP) - FOSZFOR-PENTOXID (P2O5)

Hármas szuperfoszfát (TSP) - FOSZFOR-PENTOXID (P2O5)

Chemical composition: PHOSPHOROUS PENTOXIDE (P2O5) Triple super phosphate 46% w/w Double super phosphate 36% w/w Single super phosphate 21% w/w Chemical formula Ca(PO4H2)2 Features and advantages: Granular fertilizer slow soluble in water, used in primary soil fertilization as a source of phosphorous Helps seed germination and seedling growth Helps stimulate flower buds and improve knots It helps to form sugars and proteins in plants It helps in the growth of the root and vegetative complex of plants. Usage rates: Between 20 - 70 kg per dunum depending on the crop type and the fertilizing stage CAS No. 65996-95-4 HS Code : 31031010 / 31031900 / 31031000
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Descripción del producto y embalaje: •El mineral de yeso, sulfato de calcio dihidrato (CaS04.2H20) es un polvo blanco producido a partir del procesamiento de minerales de yeso de alta pureza. . Sacos de 25kg, Sacos de 50kg, Big Bags Beneficios del producto: -1 Mejora la estructura del suelo: Mejora la aireación del suelo y la penetración de las raíces. -2 Aumenta la infiltración de agua: mejora la tasa de absorción de agua del suelo. -3 Aporta Macronutrientes Vitales: Aporta a las plantas azufre y calcio esenciales. -4 Retención eficiente de la humedad: Ayuda al suelo a retener la humedad de manera eficiente. -5 Mejora la absorción de nutrientes: mejora la absorción y el equilibrio de nutrientes de las plantas. Considere nuestro Yeso CalciSoil para un crecimiento más sano de las plantas.


This organic liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, sustainably harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a natural product rich in potassium and bioactive compounds. This organic liquid fertilizer is used to encourage plant growth, strengthen their roots and increase plant resistance to diseases and, in particular, to the stress caused by poor irrigation management (with episodes of lack or excess of water in the potting soil) and the stresses caused by severe temperature oscillations. (sold in 6 units per pack) Natural:Enviromental friendly Concentrated:Sustainable
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Descripción del producto y embalaje: •El mineral de yeso, sulfato de calcio dihidrato (CaS04.2H20) es un polvo blanco producido a partir del procesamiento de minerales de yeso de alta pureza. . Sacos de 25kg, Sacos de 50kg, Big Bags Beneficios del producto: -1 Mejora la estructura del suelo: Mejora la aireación del suelo y la penetración de las raíces. -2 Aumenta la infiltración de agua: mejora la tasa de absorción de agua del suelo. -3 Aporta Macronutrientes Vitales: Aporta a las plantas azufre y calcio esenciales. -4 Retención eficiente de la humedad: Ayuda al suelo a retener la humedad de manera eficiente. -5 Mejora la absorción de nutrientes: mejora la absorción y el equilibrio de nutrientes de las plantas. Considere nuestro Yeso CalciSoil para un crecimiento más sano de las plantas.
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Produktbeschreibung und Verpackung: •Gipsmineral, Calciumsulfat-Dihydrat (CaS04.2H20) ist ein weißes Pulver, das durch die Verarbeitung von hochreinen Gipsmineralien hergestellt wird. . 25 kg Säcke, 50 kg Säcke, Big Bags Produktvorteile: -1 Verbessert die Bodenstruktur: Verbessert die Bodenbelüftung und Wurzeldurchdringung. -2 Erhöht die Wasserinfiltration: Verbessert die Wasseraufnahmerate des Bodens. -3 Liefert lebenswichtige Makronährstoffe: Versorgt Pflanzen mit essentiellem Schwefel und Kalzium. -4 Effiziente Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung: Hilft dem Boden, Feuchtigkeit effizient zu speichern. -5 Verbessert die Nährstoffaufnahme: Verbessert die Nährstoffaufnahme und das Nährstoffgleichgewicht der Pflanzen. Erwägen Sie unseren CalciSoil-Gips für gesünderes Pflanzenwachstum. Gips / CaSO4:96% Sulfat / SO4:53% Schwefel / SO4:17,6 % Kalzium / Ca:20.8% Partikelgröße / weniger als 1 mm:92% Partikelgröße / weniger als 2 mm:8%
Organikus folyékony trágyázó - NÖVÉNYTÁP | Tengeri alga kivonat

Organikus folyékony trágyázó - NÖVÉNYTÁP | Tengeri alga kivonat

This organic liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, sustainably harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a natural product rich in potassium and bioactive compounds. This organic liquid fertilizer is used to promote plant growth, strengthen their roots, and increase their resistance to diseases, particularly stress caused by poor irrigation management (with episodes of water shortage or excess in the potting soil) and stress caused by significant temperature fluctuations. (sold in packs of 6 units)
Dihidrát Kálcium-szulfát - Gipsztrágyázás

Dihidrát Kálcium-szulfát - Gipsztrágyázás

Περιγραφή προϊόντος και συσκευασία: •Το ορυκτό γύψου, διένυδρο θειικό ασβέστιο (CaS04.2H20) είναι μια λευκή σκόνη που παράγεται από την επεξεργασία ορυκτών γύψου υψηλής καθαρότητας. . Σάκοι 25 κιλών, σάκοι 50 κιλών, Big Bags Οφέλη προϊόντος: -1 Ενισχύει τη δομή του εδάφους: Βελτιώνει τον αερισμό του εδάφους και τη διείσδυση των ριζών. -2 Αυξάνει τη διείσδυση νερού: Ενισχύει τον ρυθμό απορρόφησης νερού από το έδαφος. -3 Παρέχει ζωτικά μακροθρεπτικά συστατικά: Παρέχει στα φυτά απαραίτητο θείο και ασβέστιο. -4 Αποτελεσματική κατακράτηση υγρασίας: Βοηθά το έδαφος να συγκρατεί αποτελεσματικά την υγρασία. -5 Βελτιώνει την απορρόφηση θρεπτικών συστατικών: Ενισχύει την πρόσληψη και την ισορροπία των θρεπτικών συστατικών από τα φυτά. Σκεφτείτε το δικό μας Γύψος CalciSoil για υγιέστερη ανάπτυξη των φυτών Γύψος / CaSO4:96% Θειικό / SO4:53% Θείο / SO4:17,6 % Ασβέστιο / Ca:20.8% Μέγεθος σωματιδίων / λιγότερο από 1 mm:92% Μέγεθος σωματιδίων / λιγότερο από 2 mm:8%
Foszfát kő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Foszfát kő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Fosfat kayası gübre üretiminde kullanılan önemli bir hammaddedir İki ana jeolojik biçimde oluşur: tortul ve magmatik Fosfat Kaya Bileşimi: Fosfor (P), fosfat kayasındaki birincil besin maddesidir ve bitki büyümesi ve gelişimi için çok önemlidir. Tipik olarak fosfor pentoksit (P2O5) olarak rapor edilir. Fosfat kayasındaki fosfor içeriği %25 ile %31 arasında değişebilir, bu da %62-67,5 BPL'ye eşdeğerdir. Kalsiyum (Ca), kaya fosfatında bulunan bir diğer önemli elementtir. Bitki hücre yapısında, kök gelişiminde ve besin alımında hayati bir rol oynar, %30 ila %50 arasında değişebilir. Karbonatlar (CO3), fosfat kayasında bulunan yaygın yabancı maddelerdir ve tipik olarak kalsiyum karbonat (CaCO3) veya magnezyum karbonat (MgCO3) formunda bulunur. Silikatlar (SiO2), fosfat kayasında sıklıkla bulunan başka bir yabancı maddedir. Toprak yapısı, su tutma kapasitesi ve besin maddesi tutma üzerinde olumlu etkileri olabilir; yüzde birkaç ila %20'nin üzerine kadar değişebilir. Fosfor oksit P2O5:29%
Kén (S) 99 % - Kén

Kén (S) 99 % - Kén

Sulphur (S) 99% Granular-Lump-Powder It improves soil properties and reclaims alkaline lands due to its acidic nature It helps to eliminate some of the pests that live in the soil It provides a suitable medium for the absorb It is included in the composition of volatile oils, as in onions and garlic. Ion of some elements such as phosphorous, iron, zinc, manganese and copper by the roots due to the sulfur-causing alkalinity of athe soil. It helps in the formation of chlorophyll in plants. It is used to combat some diseases such as scabies on apples, almonds, and powdery mildew in crops Use: It is involved in the manufacture of more than 360 medicals, agricultural and industrial products Sulphur lump are used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, sulphonic acid and nitric acid Specifications: Purity,wt%Min 99% Color Bright Yellow Inorganic Ash, wt% Max 0.05 Carbon, wt% Max 0.03 Acidity as H2SO4, wt% Max 0.003 Moisture Max 0.1 Packing,1250kg Jumpo Bags CAS No. 7704-34-09 HS code: 25030090
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Product Description and Packing: •Gypsum Mineral, Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate (CaS04.2H20) is a white powder produced from processing high-purity gypsum minerals. . 25kg bags, 50 kg bags, Big Bags Product benefits: -1 Enhances Soil Structure: Improves soil aeration and root penetration. -2 Increases Water Infiltration: Enhances soil's water absorption rate. -3 Supplies Vital Macronutrients: Provides plants with essential sulfur and calcium. -4 Efficient Moisture Retention: Helps soil retain moisture efficiently. -5 Improves Nutrient Absorption: Enhances plant nutrient uptake and balance. Consider our CalciSoil gypsum for healthier plant growth. Gypsum / CaSO4 :96% Sulphate / SO4 :53% Sulphur / SO4:17,6 % Calcium / Ca:20.8% Particle Size / less than 1 mm :92% Particle Size / less than 2 mm :8%
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Ürün Açıklaması ve Paketleme: • Alçı Minerali, Kalsiyum Sülfat Dihidrat (CaS04.2H20), yüksek saflıkta alçı minerallerinin işlenmesinden elde edilen beyaz bir tozdur. . 25kg torba, 50 kg torba, Big Bag Ürün avantajları: -1 Toprak Yapısını Geliştirir: Toprağın havalanmasını ve kök nüfuzunu artırır. -2 Su Sızıntısını Artırır: Toprağın su emme oranını artırır. -3 Hayati Makro Besinleri Sağlar: Bitkilere gerekli kükürt ve kalsiyum sağlar. -4 Verimli Nem Tutma: Toprağın nemi verimli bir şekilde tutmasına yardımcı olur. -5 Besin Emilimini Artırır: Bitki besin alımını ve dengesini artırır. Bizim düşünün Daha sağlıklı bitki büyümesi için CalciSoil alçı taşı.
Kénsav 98% (H2S04) - vitriololaj

Kénsav 98% (H2S04) - vitriololaj

Sulfuric Acid 98% (H2S04) known in antiquity as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen, with the molecular formula H2SO4 It is a colorless, odorless, and viscous liquid that is miscible with water Pure sulfuric acid does not occur naturally due to its strong affinity to water vapor; it is hygroscopic and readily absorbs water vapor from the air Concentrated sulfuric acid is highly corrosive towards other materials, from rocks to metals, it is an oxidant with powerful dehydrating properties Industries: Household chemicals, Fertilizers, Adhesives, oils, greases, Horticulture, Batteries Properties: CAS number 7664-93-9 WE number 231-639-5 Chemical formula H2SO4 Molar mass 98,08 g/mol Customs tariff code 28070000 ADR UN 1830, 8, II pH 0,3 (49 g H2S04/1000 ml H2O @25°C) Melting / freezing point +1,8°C (98.5 %), -12.6°C (96 %), -27°C (93 %) Boiling point range + 275°C ± 5°C (100%) Relative density 1,8144-1,8305 kg/l (90-100%)
Kálium-hidroxid - KOH

Kálium-hidroxid - KOH

Potassium hydroxide is an inorganic compound commonly called caustic potash Along with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), KOH is a prototypical strong base, It has many industrial and niche applications, most of which utilize its caustic nature and its reactivity toward acids Industries: Household chemicals, Fertilizers, Cosmetic industry, Adhesives, oils, greases, Resins, plastics, polyurethanes Catalyst for hydrothermal gasification process Precursor to other potassium compounds Manufacture of soft soaps As an electrolyte Niche applications Properties: CAS number 1310-58-3 WE number 215-181-3 Chemical formula KOH Molar mass 55,11 g/mol Customs tariff code 28152000 ADR UN1814 Melting / freezing point 360°C (100% KOH) Relative density 2,044 @20°C (100% KOH)