Termékek fertilizer (539)

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya gipsz

Descripción del producto y embalaje: •El mineral de yeso, sulfato de calcio dihidrato (CaS04.2H20) es un polvo blanco producido a partir del procesamiento de minerales de yeso de alta pureza. . Sacos de 25kg, Sacos de 50kg, Big Bags Beneficios del producto: -1 Mejora la estructura del suelo: Mejora la aireación del suelo y la penetración de las raíces. -2 Aumenta la infiltración de agua: mejora la tasa de absorción de agua del suelo. -3 Aporta Macronutrientes Vitales: Aporta a las plantas azufre y calcio esenciales. -4 Retención eficiente de la humedad: Ayuda al suelo a retener la humedad de manera eficiente. -5 Mejora la absorción de nutrientes: mejora la absorción y el equilibrio de nutrientes de las plantas. Considere nuestro Yeso CalciSoil para un crecimiento más sano de las plantas.
Biostimulátor - BeneSTIM RECOVERY

Biostimulátor - BeneSTIM RECOVERY

BeneSTIM RECOVERY is a biostimulant that promotes plant stress recovery. The application of BeneSTIM RECOVERY will stimulate the plants metabolism pathways and increases photosynthesis activity. The application also leads to an increased nutrient uptake and an improved efficiency of fertilizer and plant protection treatments. The immediately available energy will give the plant the possibility to cope with all kinds of abiotic stress like heat stress and water stress. Also damages caused by frost, hail and wind are recovered much faster with the application of BeneSTIM RECOVERY. Good results can be expected from treatments during flower setting, fruit setting and fruit development. The unique combination of free amino acids, plant extracts and fulvic acids makes the product very suited to combine with fertilizers and crop protection products. The combination has a soothing effect. BeneSTIM RECOVERY can be used for foliar and drip irrigation. Dry matter 35%:1115 kg/m3 Total Amino acids 23%:Free Amino acids 15% Organic Carbon 15%:pH 4,8-5,8 Nitrogen (total) 3,8%:Nitrogen (organic) 3,8%
Remix 1 - Műtrágyák

Remix 1 - Műtrágyák

A natural high-moor peat substrate of small and medium size fractions with a fer liser amount of 0.5 to 1.0 g/l, balanced pH level ranging, mostly from 5.5 to 6.5, and improved water absorption. It is intended for seed germination, vegetative propagation and growing of salt-sensitive plants. Milled Peat/Sod Peat Fraction:0-7 mm, Raw material: sphagnum white peat Chemical characteristics: EC 0,7-1,45 mS/cm pH 5,5-6,5 (H2O) Additives: Limestone 4,5kg/m3 Wetting agent 0,2kg/m3 NPK Multimix 0,9kg/m3 Radigen 0,1kg/m3
Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Kálcium-szulfát-dihidrát - Műtrágya Gipsz

Produktbeschreibung und Verpackung: •Gipsmineral, Calciumsulfat-Dihydrat (CaS04.2H20) ist ein weißes Pulver, das durch die Verarbeitung von hochreinen Gipsmineralien hergestellt wird. . 25 kg Säcke, 50 kg Säcke, Big Bags Produktvorteile: -1 Verbessert die Bodenstruktur: Verbessert die Bodenbelüftung und Wurzeldurchdringung. -2 Erhöht die Wasserinfiltration: Verbessert die Wasseraufnahmerate des Bodens. -3 Liefert lebenswichtige Makronährstoffe: Versorgt Pflanzen mit essentiellem Schwefel und Kalzium. -4 Effiziente Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung: Hilft dem Boden, Feuchtigkeit effizient zu speichern. -5 Verbessert die Nährstoffaufnahme: Verbessert die Nährstoffaufnahme und das Nährstoffgleichgewicht der Pflanzen. Erwägen Sie unseren CalciSoil-Gips für gesünderes Pflanzenwachstum. Gips / CaSO4:96% Sulfat / SO4:53% Schwefel / SO4:17,6 % Kalzium / Ca:20.8% Partikelgröße / weniger als 1 mm:92% Partikelgröße / weniger als 2 mm:8%
Mikronizált Barna Hínár Krém - Növekedés Serkentő - TSL29 - CE Trágya

Mikronizált Barna Hínár Krém - Növekedés Serkentő - TSL29 - CE Trágya

TSL29 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL29 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. Producto utilizable en agricultura biologica de acuerdo con el reglamento (CE) N°834/2007. Autorización de comercialización N° 1200295
Organikus folyékony trágyázó - NÖVÉNYTÁP | Tengeri alga kivonat

Organikus folyékony trágyázó - NÖVÉNYTÁP | Tengeri alga kivonat

This organic liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, sustainably harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a natural product rich in potassium and bioactive compounds. This organic liquid fertilizer is used to promote plant growth, strengthen their roots, and increase their resistance to diseases, particularly stress caused by poor irrigation management (with episodes of water shortage or excess in the potting soil) and stress caused by significant temperature fluctuations. (sold in packs of 6 units)
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Kalcium 8%

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Kalcium 8%

Biota Calcium 8% is unique because of it being the highest concentrated liquid biological single fertilizer on the market. It prevents and corrects calcium deficiencies in a wide range of crops. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant through foliar application as well as irrigation. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and approved for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural residual streams. Calcium can be difficult to absorb for the plant in harsh conditions. In that case, it is recommended to supplement with Biota Mino Plus. Calcium (CaO) 8%:Liquid pH 5-6:Colour: Light brown Organic matter 10%:Density (kg/l) 1.12 - 1.14
Dihidrát Kálcium-szulfát - Gipsztrágyázás

Dihidrát Kálcium-szulfát - Gipsztrágyázás

Περιγραφή προϊόντος και συσκευασία: •Το ορυκτό γύψου, διένυδρο θειικό ασβέστιο (CaS04.2H20) είναι μια λευκή σκόνη που παράγεται από την επεξεργασία ορυκτών γύψου υψηλής καθαρότητας. . Σάκοι 25 κιλών, σάκοι 50 κιλών, Big Bags Οφέλη προϊόντος: -1 Ενισχύει τη δομή του εδάφους: Βελτιώνει τον αερισμό του εδάφους και τη διείσδυση των ριζών. -2 Αυξάνει τη διείσδυση νερού: Ενισχύει τον ρυθμό απορρόφησης νερού από το έδαφος. -3 Παρέχει ζωτικά μακροθρεπτικά συστατικά: Παρέχει στα φυτά απαραίτητο θείο και ασβέστιο. -4 Αποτελεσματική κατακράτηση υγρασίας: Βοηθά το έδαφος να συγκρατεί αποτελεσματικά την υγρασία. -5 Βελτιώνει την απορρόφηση θρεπτικών συστατικών: Ενισχύει την πρόσληψη και την ισορροπία των θρεπτικών συστατικών από τα φυτά. Σκεφτείτε το δικό μας Γύψος CalciSoil για υγιέστερη ανάπτυξη των φυτών Γύψος / CaSO4:96% Θειικό / SO4:53% Θείο / SO4:17,6 % Ασβέστιο / Ca:20.8% Μέγεθος σωματιδίων / λιγότερο από 1 mm:92% Μέγεθος σωματιδίων / λιγότερο από 2 mm:8%
Fűtrágya 27-0-0 indítás - Ascogreen

Fűtrágya 27-0-0 indítás - Ascogreen

Ascogreen special lawn 27-0-0 start is a liquid fertilizer especially manufactured for lawn. It is made up of micronized seaweed cream TSL29 and enriched with Nitrogen in different forms. It can be used for any types of lawns at any time in the year. In addition to Nitrogen input, it strengthens lawns thanks to rapidly available trace elements and the benefits of seaweeds. At the moment of operation, Ascogreen can be blended with numerous phytosanitary treatments.
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL CHAMP 2-1-3

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL CHAMP 2-1-3

BeneSOL CHAMP 2-1-3 is an organic solid fertilizer that can support the plant and lead to a higher yield and a better quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Proper fertilization with BeneSOL CHAMP 2-1-3 prevents deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. The organic-mineral fertilizer BeneSOL CHAMP 2-1-3 contains sulfur and can be applied in both agricultural as horticultural crops. It is well suited for cultivation of Sulphur-loving crops (rapeseed, cereals), because in addition to the basic NPK components, it contains a large amount of highly-absorbable sulfur. The fertilizer also contains a lot of magnesium (the main component of chlorophyll). Also, the high availability of trace elements stimulates the plant in every single physiological stage. This can result in a better and more vigorous fertilization, flower set and fruit set! Pellet diameter 6 mm:Humidity max 15% Dry matter min. 85%:Organic matter min. 45% pH 5-6:C/N 13 Density approx. 750 kg/m³:Electric Conductivity 15 mS/cm 25°C
Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of grain crops. How to use: Foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Wheat, oats, barley, rye, triticale, rice, millet, sorghum, etc. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Remix 2 - Műtrágyák

Remix 2 - Műtrágyák

A natural high-moor peat substrate of medium and large size fractions with a fertiliser amount of 1.0 to 2.0 g/l, balanced pH level ranging, mostly from 5.5 to 6.5, and improved water absorption. It is intended for thinning and growing of plants in pots, replanting and cultivation of indoor/outdoor flowers and trees, and the growing of plants which are not very salt-sensitive. Milled Peat Fraction:0-7 mm Raw material: sphagnum white peat Chemical characteristics: EC 0,7-1,45 mS/cm pH 5,5-6,5 (H2O) Additives: Limestone 4,5kg/m3 Wetting agent 0,1kg/m3 NPK Multimix 1kg/m3
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Cink 7,5%

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Cink 7,5%

Biota Zinc is a concentrated single zinc fertiliser, based on lignosulphonic acid and part of our liquid organic single fertilizer line. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Biota Zinc is especially important for emerging crops. It provides a healthy stimulation of root growth (auxins). In soils with a high pH and a high lime content, there is often not enough zinc available. Zinc uptake is also disrupted in an acidic soil with an above-average amount of organic matter. Zinc ensures, besides other things, that the resistance to scab is increased. To be applied to perennial crops after harvest, but before leaf discoloration. Zinc (Zn) Complexed by ligno-sulphonic acids 7.5%:Colour: Dark brown pH 5.5:Specific gravity (g/cc) 1.31
Kalcium-karbonát - Műtrágya

Kalcium-karbonát - Műtrágya

92-96% CaCO3 incluso min. 50% CaO
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 4-3-3

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 4-3-3

BeneSOL 4-3-3 is an organic solid fertilizer that can support the plant and lead to a higher yield and a better quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Proper fertilization with BeneSOL 4-3-3 prevents deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. The organic fertilizer BeneSOL 4-3-3 induces a better fertility and an enormous increase in organic matter. The release of a diverse pattern of amino acids, fatty acids and humid acids increases the microbial activity. This nurtures a better symbiose between root and soil microbes. As a result of this, important minerals are de-blocked and therefor available for the plant more easily. By means of a gradual release pattern, the plant ingests nutrients when needed. Also, the high availability of trace elements stimulates the plant in every single physiological stage. This can result in a better and more vigorous fertilization, flower set and fruit set! Certified for organic farming in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Pellet diameter 5 mm:Density 750 kg/m3 Dry matter 88%:Organic matter 62% 4-3-3 + 1.3 MgO:pH 7
Foszfát kő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Foszfát kő - Foszfor-oxid P2O5

Fosfat kayası gübre üretiminde kullanılan önemli bir hammaddedir İki ana jeolojik biçimde oluşur: tortul ve magmatik Fosfat Kaya Bileşimi: Fosfor (P), fosfat kayasındaki birincil besin maddesidir ve bitki büyümesi ve gelişimi için çok önemlidir. Tipik olarak fosfor pentoksit (P2O5) olarak rapor edilir. Fosfat kayasındaki fosfor içeriği %25 ile %31 arasında değişebilir, bu da %62-67,5 BPL'ye eşdeğerdir. Kalsiyum (Ca), kaya fosfatında bulunan bir diğer önemli elementtir. Bitki hücre yapısında, kök gelişiminde ve besin alımında hayati bir rol oynar, %30 ila %50 arasında değişebilir. Karbonatlar (CO3), fosfat kayasında bulunan yaygın yabancı maddelerdir ve tipik olarak kalsiyum karbonat (CaCO3) veya magnezyum karbonat (MgCO3) formunda bulunur. Silikatlar (SiO2), fosfat kayasında sıklıkla bulunan başka bir yabancı maddedir. Toprak yapısı, su tutma kapasitesi ve besin maddesi tutma üzerinde olumlu etkileri olabilir; yüzde birkaç ila %20'nin üzerine kadar değişebilir. Fosfor oksit P2O5:29%
NPK műtrágyázott tőzeg - Szállítók

NPK műtrágyázott tőzeg - Szállítók

Sod Peat/Milled Peat Fraction:0-4 mm, 0-7mm, 7-20 mm, 0-20 mm, 0-40 mm, 7-40 mm, 20-40 mm Raw material: sphagnum white peat Chemical characteristics: EC 0.1-0.3 mS/cm pH 3.5-4.5 (H2O) Additives: NPK Multimix
Citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Fructicitrus is a soluble NPK fertilizer for agriculture application made with our seaweed extract, TSL292. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Fructicitrus contains essential minerals and trace-elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves.
Szilárd Műtrágya - Osmo Pro 10-5-0

Szilárd Műtrágya - Osmo Pro 10-5-0

Osmo Pro 10-5-0 is an organic fertilizer that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mix of organic raw materials makes for a sophisticated compound fertilizer with a controlled release of nutrients over time. The period of releasing nutrients lasts from a minimum of 90 up until 120 days. Osmo Pro 10-5-0 is especially suited for the vegetative growth phase. Due to the high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, the development of roots, leaves, stems and vegetative organs are stimulated. This is also a good fertilizer to start the growing season with or to be used complementary with other fertilizers. Can be used as renovation fertilizer for sports and lawns. Osmo Pro 10-5-0 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Pellet diameter 4 mm:Nitrogen (N total): 10% osforic acid anhydrid (P2O5) soluble in mineral acid 5%:Organic matter 55% Meat bone meal 95%:Hairmeal 5%
FC.16017 Szilárd fém polc műtrágyákhoz - A tökéletes megoldás a kertészeti boltjához.

FC.16017 Szilárd fém polc műtrágyákhoz - A tökéletes megoldás a kertészeti boltjához.

¿Está buscando una estantería que no sólo sea resistente y funcional, sino también estética y económica? ¡Te presentamos un estante metálico para fertilizantes que satisfará todas tus necesidades! Construcción sólida. Hecho de metal de alta calidad, este estante es extremadamente duradero y resistente a daños. Puede soportar fácilmente el peso de incluso grandes bolsas de fertilizantes. Está equipado con tiras de ganchos que permiten exponer varios tipos de fertilizantes para plantas. Los ganchos son fuertes y estables y su número, longitud, tipo y disposición se pueden adaptar a las necesidades individuales del cliente. El soporte se pliega por la mitad, lo que facilita su transporte y almacenamiento. Cuando está plegado ocupa poco espacio. Económico y espacioso, combina una alta funcionalidad con un precio atractivo. La disposición de los ganchos correctamente seleccionada garantiza un uso óptimo del espacio en la tienda. Material:Estructura de metal, ganchos de alambre, con recubrimiento en polvo. Destino:Tiendas de jardinería, mayoristas, supermercados. Dimensiones:600x400x1900mm


Megújuló műtrágyák

Megújuló műtrágyák

Renewable fertilizers are nutrient-rich substances derived from sustainable, renewable resources designed to enhance soil fertility and support plant growth.
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 8-0-14

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 8-0-14

BeneSOL 8-0-14 is an organic solid fertilizer that will contribute to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mix of different organic raw materials guarantees a sophisticated compound fertilizer with a controlled release of nutrients over time. The period of releasing nutrients lasts from a minimum of 90 until up to 120 days. BeneSOL 8-0-14 is a high potassium fertilizer. Due to the high proportion of organic potassium this fertilizer is a good solution when the potassium demand becomes higher. Especially before generative stages like fruit development, this fertilizer can be very beneficial. BeneSOL 8-0-14 can be used complementary with other fertilizers. Additionally, the fertilizer carries a relative high amount of magnesium. This fertilizer is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Pellet diameter 4 mm:Organic matter 39% Nitrogen (N total) 8,0%:Nitrogen (N organic) 7,4% Potassium (K2O) 14%:Magnesium (MgO)
Humisol Szőlőhöz - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Humisol Szőlőhöz - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties. How to use: Root nutrition (watering, fertigation), foliar feeding (spraying), soaking sticks. Culture: Grapes Action: The use of the product increases yields, strengthens disease resistance, mitigates stress, increases the number of ovaries and improves the taste of grapes. Fully soluble in water Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 19380560.002-98 Packaging:PE bottle 0.5 l Solubility in water:Fully soluble in water
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL CHAMP 3-4-3

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL CHAMP 3-4-3

BeneSOL CHAMP 3-4-3 is an organic solid fertilizer that can support the plant and lead to a higher yield and a better quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Proper fertilization with BeneSOL CHAMP 3-4-3 prevents deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. The organic-mineral fertilizer BeneSOL CHAMP 3-4-3 contains sulfur and can be applied in both agricultural as horticultural crops. It is well suited for cultivation of Sulphurloving crops (rapeseed, cereals), because in addition to the basic NPK components, it contains a large amount of highlyabsorbable sulfur. The fertilizer also contains a lot of magnesium (the main component of chlorophyll). Also, the high availability of trace elements stimulates the plant in every single physiological stage. This can result in a better and more vigorous fertilization, flower set and fruit set! Pellet diameter 6 mm:Humidity max 15% Dry matter min 85%:Organic matter min. 40% pH 5-6:C/N 6 Density approx. 750 kg/m³:Electric Conductivity 25 mS/cm 25°C
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota 4-2-8

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota 4-2-8

Biota NPK 4-2-8 is unique because of it being the highest concentrated liquid biological single fertilizer on the market. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Biota NPK 4-2-8 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC standard 834/2007 and 889/2008. Nitrogen (N total) 4,0%:Liquid Phosphate (P2O5) 2,0%:Specific gravity 1,12-1,15 kg/liter Potassium (K2O) 8%:Organic matter 7% Sodium (Na2O) <0,1%:pH 4-5
Magas minőségű szerves trágyák

Magas minőségű szerves trágyák

High-quality organic fertilizers are nutrient-rich products derived from natural, organic sources designed to enhance soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth.
Mikronizált barna algakivonat - Növekedésserkentő - TSL292 - CE Trágya

Mikronizált barna algakivonat - Növekedésserkentő - TSL292 - CE Trágya

TSL292 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL292 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. Producto utilizable en agricultura biologica de acuerdo con el reglamento (CE) N°834/2007. Autorización de comercialización N° 1200252
Magkeverék Ekr/egr - Növényzet és Műtrágya

Magkeverék Ekr/egr - Növényzet és Műtrágya

Optigrun Seed Mix EKR/EGR for the nature roof system structue (also pitched roof). Must be used in conjunction with sedum shoot seeding (then 50 g/m²). EKR herb version: approx. 30 herb species EGR grass version: approx. 9 grass species For extensive green roofs (also pitched roof)
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Bór 4,7%

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Bór 4,7%

Biota Boron is a concentrated boron micronutrient and part of our liquid fertiliser line. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is allowed for use in organic agri- and horticulture. Biota Boron is important for transporting assimilates in the plant and has an important role in cell division. It ensures a stronger attachment of the fruit and supports the formation of shoots. Boron regulates the calcium absorption. The lack of boron resembles iron deficiency. The shelf life of bamboo is improved using boron. This technique is used widely. Boron is easily captured on heavy soils such as clay. On light soils it is easily rinsed out. Boron (B) 4.7%:Colour: Transparent – Light yellow pH 13.5 - 14:Specific gravity (g/cc) 1.40