Corn gluten feed is the by-product of the wet-milling of maize grain for starch (or ethanol) production (Hoffman et al., 2010). Corn gluten feed consists mainly of maize bran and maize steep liquor (liquid separated after steeping) but may also contain distillers solubles, germ meal, cracked maize screenings, as well as minor quantities of end-products from other microbial fermentations (Stock et al., 1999). The chemical composition of corn gluten feed varies hugely
Mixed Blood Meal is obtained from fresh blood collected both from poultry animals and swine. The blood is preserved on-site to avoid coagulation and later transported to the processing plant. It is then centrifuged to remove any foreign particles and spray dried. Such a process enables the preservation of higher lysine content.
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Brown
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags
Protein: 62% min.
Moisture: 6% max.
Fat: 12% max.
Ash: 12 max.
Color: brown
Protein:62% min
Moisture:6% max
Fat:12% max
Crude Protein (min) 12.0 %
Crude Fat min. 1.5 %
Crude Fiber max. 30.0 %
Moisture max. 12.0%
100% Alfalfa Hay
Feeding Instructions:
80% of your friend’s diet should be great hay. Small animals need a constant supply of fiber to keep them healthy, so never let them run out. Ever. To keep the hay smelling nice (which makes it yummier and more enticing), make sure they get a fresh supply at least once a day.
Crude Protein (min):12.0 %
Crude Fat min:1.5 %
Crude Fiber max:30.0 %
Moisture max:12.0 %
Corn (Maize) is a food crop that is domesticated in Central America and then spread throughout the Americas. Corn (Maize) spread to the rest of the world after European contact with the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
Corn plants (Maize plants) were introduced to Vietnam from China.
Corn (Maize) is the second largest agricultural crop in Vietnam after rice.
Corn kernels are types of grain with pods uniting with seed coat, a common fruit type in the Poaceae family. It is almost like a structural fruit, except that the individual fruits (corn kernels) never merge into a single mass. The kernels are about the size of peas, and stick in relatively even rows around a white core to produce corn. Each corn is about 10 – 25 cm long (4 – 10 inches), containing about 200 – 400 seeds. The seeds are colored as light black, gray blue, red, white and yellow.
In the world of backyard poultry, ducks hold a special place in many people’s hearts. They produce rich, flavorful eggs and are — mostly — known for their charming personalities. Ducks are hardy by nature, and will harmlessly mingle with other farm animals. But to keep them healthy, it’s important to feed them a good diet, one that sometimes differs from their frequent companion, backyard chickens.
Rapeseed meal, called canola meal in North America, Australia and some other countries, is the by-product of the extraction of oil from rapeseed (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses). It is a protein-rich ingredient that is widely used to feed all classes of livestock. Worldwide production of rapeseed meal is second only to soybean meal (USDA, 2016). Rapeseed oil used to have a poor reputation due to the presence of erucic acid, which has a bitter taste and was later found to cause health problems
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Light brown to yellow brown
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags
Protein: 47%
Moisture: 5% max.
Fat: 15% max.
Ash 37% max.
Color: light brown to yellow
Moisture:5% max
Fat:15% max
Color:light brown to yellow
These slaughter products are originated from animals cattle and lamb, which are being examined by veterinary before being killed; and found healthy. Raw material is approved by official vet.
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Light brown to yellow brown
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
Appearance: Fine powder without mechanical particles
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Dark
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags
Protein: 90% min.
Moisture: 3% max.
Fat: 1,5% max.
Ash 5,2% max.
Color: dark
Protein:90% min
Moisture:3% max
Fat:1,5% max
Protein: 45% min.
Moisture: 8% max.
Color: light yellow
In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags
Protein:45% min
Moisture:8% max
Color:light yellow
Shelf Life
3 months
Packaging Type
PP beg
Weight Per Pack
50 kg
Packaging Size
Feed Grade
Weight Per Pack:50 kg
Packaging Size:50
Higher fiber formula for the roughage needs of goats
Fortified with vitamins, trace minerals, and amino acids
Milled locally with North Carolina-grown oats and corn
Ammonium chloride added to prevent urinary calculi
Physically chemical properties:
Color: Light
Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor
In bulk or 1100 kg or 1200 kg big bags
Protein: 75% min.
Moisture: 9% max.
Fat: 12% max.
Ash 5 max.
Color: light
Protein:75% min
Moisture:9% max
Fat:12% max
Harnstoff (Urea) ist eine organische chemische Verbindung, die wir Kohlendiamid nennen. Es ist das Endprodukt des Stoffwechsels von Proteinen und anderen stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen in harnstoffliebenden Tieren. Im industriellen Maßstab wird Harnstoff durch eine direkte Reaktion von Kohlendioxid mit Ammoniak unter Druck und bei Temperaturen im Bereich von 160 bis 200 °C hergestellt.
La urea es un compuesto químico orgánico al que nos referimos como diamida del ácido carbónico. Es el producto final del metabolismo de las proteínas y otros compuestos nitrogenados en los animales ureotélicos (que excretan la mayor parte de su nitrógeno en forma de urea a través de procesos metabólicos). A escala industrial, la urea se produce mediante una reacción directa de dióxido de carbono con amoníaco bajo presión y a temperaturas de 160 a 200 °C.
El producto es altamente higroscópico y se presenta en forma de gránulos blancos. Es blanco, cristalino e inodoro, y no se disuelve en grasas. Suele presentarse en concentraciones del 45%, 40% y 30%.
L'urea è un composto chimico organico che chiamiamo diammide dell'acido carbonico. È il prodotto finale del metabolismo delle proteine e di altri composti azotati negli animali ureotelici (che espellono la maggior parte del loro azoto sotto forma di urea attraverso processi metabolici). Su scala industriale, l'urea viene prodotta conducendo una reazione diretta di anidride carbonica con ammoniaca sotto pressione ea temperature comprese tra 160 e 200°C.
Il prodotto è altamente igroscopico e si presenta sotto forma di granuli bianchi. È bianco, cristallino e inodore e non si scioglie nei grassi. Di solito si verifica in concentrazioni del 45%, 40% e 30%.
Urea, also known as carbamide and symbolized in food additives as E927b, is an organic compound consisting of two amino groups linked by a carbonyl group. It occurs naturally in the body as a result of protein metabolism and is excreted in urine and sweat. It can also be produced synthetically by combining ammonia with carbon dioxide. Urea is hygroscopic and appears as white, odorless granules that do not dissolve in fats. Urea has a shelf life of 12 months and is available in 25 kg bags and Big Bags.
Urea is used in various fields, for example, as a main ingredient in fertilizers, sprays and cosmetics due to its moisturizing, exfoliating and antiseptic properties. Urea is also used in exhaust gas cleaning, catalytic converters, urea-formaldehyde resins and animal feed. As a food additive, it is found in chewing gum and baked goods as a binder.
Mocznik jest organicznym związkiem chemicznym, który określamy mianem diamidu kwasu węglowego. Jest końcowym produktem metabolizmu białek i innych związków azotu u zwierząt ureotelicznych (które wydalają większość swojego azotu w postaci mocznika w procesach metabolicznych). Na skalę przemysłową mocznik otrzymuje się w drodze bezpośredniej reakcji dwutlenku węgla z amoniakiem pod ciśnieniem iw temperaturze od 160 do 200°C.
Produkt jest wysoce higroskopijny i występuje w postaci białych granulek. Jest biały, krystaliczny i bezwonny, nie rozpuszcza się w tłuszczach. Zwykle występuje w stężeniach 45%, 40% i 30%.
Meat bone meal is based on animal by-products from meat industry: category 3. These slaughter products are originated from animals cattle and lamb, which are being examined by veterinary before being killed; and found healthy. Raw material is approved by official vet. as a category 3 material according to Regulation
Le tourteau de ricin se présente sous forme de semoule ou pellets qui, par leur dégradation progressive et soutenue procure un engrais biologique de qualité par ses apports en azote, phosphore et potasse. Le ricin a l’avantage de ne pas acidifier ni de modifier la structure les sols, à l’inverse des engrais traditionnels.
Sous forme de semoule le produit se diffuse au plus profond du sol et des galeries des rongeurs.
Associé au purin de fougères il est utilisé en maraîchage pour renforcer les sols.
Exemple d’amendement avant semis des pommes de terre :
Sur sol humide : 400 L / ha = 40 L purin de fougères + 360 L eau
Sur sol sec : Doubler les quantités
* 1 passage une semaine avant les semis et 1 autre passage le jour des semis
* Incorporation du ricin
* En traitement complémentaire curatif contre les taupes et les mulots : purin d’ail en dilution à 2% (ail : 0.20 L + eau 9.8 L
POIDS:26 kg
DIMENSIONS:60 × 40 × 40 cm
POIDS:29 KG, 10 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg, Palette 1250 kg – Livraison gratuite, Palette 250 kg
Riches en calcium, magnésium et oligo-éléménts les coquilles d’huitres seront un excellent apport pour votre sol.
Le calcaire qui les compose va équilibrer les sols acides et remonter leur Ph.
Utilisation au potager :
50 g / m2 : enfouissement par griffage du sol
Enrichissement du compost
Barrière contre les limaces et escargots
Engrais naturel riche en calcium : Ca 37 % Na 0,4% P 0,04%
Utilisation au poulailler :
Répandre sur le sol. Les poules les apprécieront pour vous donner de magnifiques oeufs.
Tous conditionnements sur demande.
POIDS:1 kg, 10 kg, 2 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg
Le tourteau végétal de karanja est le résidu sec obtenu de l’extraction de l’huile des noix de l’arbre de pongolote ou hêtre Indien. Son huile est utilisée en cosmétique pour la protection de la peau et le soin des cheveux.
Cet engrais organique est utilisé en agriculture biologique pour ses apports en azote à libération lente et progressive et pour ses qualités de protection contre les ravageurs.
Il renforce le complexe absorbant (argilo-humique) et stimule la vie microbienne du sol en améliorant l’état des racines des plantes. Depuis l’interdiction de l’huile de Neem en France, les maraichers s’en servent pour renforcer les défenses des sols sensibles aux nuisibles.
Dosage : 100 g / M2
Incorporer au sol avant les semis.
Associé au tourteau de ricin 50 /50
Forme : semoule, poudre.
Azote organique (N) 4.5 %
Phosphore (P2O5) 0.8 %
Potassium ( K2O) 1.1 %
POIDS:4 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg