Termékek fertilizer (1288)

NPK Levéltrágyázó Oldat Szőlőhöz - Vitavigne

NPK Levéltrágyázó Oldat Szőlőhöz - Vitavigne

Vitavigne est un fertilisant riche en Phosphore, Potassium, Magnésium, Manganèse et Molybdène. Il apporte aux cultures un cocktail d’oligo-éléments bio-disponibles indispensables à une croissance continue et équilibrée. Il stimule et régule le développement de la plante. Il améliore leur capacité de résistance en période de stress (températures basses, déficit hydrique...). Il stimule également l’absorption des minéraux du sol par les cultures.
NUTRIEL - Vízben oldódó NPK műtrágya levéltrágyázáshoz

NUTRIEL - Vízben oldódó NPK műtrágya levéltrágyázáshoz

NUTRIEL include several NPK fertilizer formulations for foliar applicaton and made with high quality raw materials in order to have full solubility and low salinity. The combinations of the contained elements have been studied to provide balanced nutrition to crops in different phenological phases. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the NUTRIEL formulations are enriched with the essential micro-elements (Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Boron, Molibdenum) required to prevent and cure any micro elements deficiencies. Aspect:Micro-crystals
Kalcium-karbonát - Granulált mész

Kalcium-karbonát - Granulált mész

92-96% CaCO3 min. 50% CaO
Vermikomposztból készült biostimulátor Humicor - Organikus biostimulátor magkezeléshez és talajalkalmazáshoz

Vermikomposztból készült biostimulátor Humicor - Organikus biostimulátor magkezeléshez és talajalkalmazáshoz

Highly concentrated humic suspension produced on the basis of vermicompost. The product combines the properties of a fertilizer, root stimulant and plant growth stimulant. How to use: - application to the soil with simultaneous embedding by spraying with injector and slot sprayers, cultan injectors, and using seeders or inter-row cultivators equipped with liquid fertilizer application systems; - processing of sowing or planting material. Action: The use of the product actively increases germination and germination energy of seeds, retains moisture in the soil, retains nutrients in the root system and increases the activity of soil microflora. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard which is equivalent to the E U Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Suspension TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL HAIRMEAL PLUS

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL HAIRMEAL PLUS

BeneSOL Hairmeal Plus is an organic fertilizer that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mixture of organic raw materials results in an organic fertilizer with controlled release of nutrients. The nutrient release period is at least 90 to 120 days. BeneSOL Hairmeal Plus is an N-rich fertilizer with a controlled release of nitrogen. Thanks to the high nitrogen content, the development of roots, leaves, stems and vegetative organs is stimulated. BeneSOL Hairmeal is often used as a very effective nitrogen source in organic farming. The fertilizer is also very well suited to be used as a supplement to other fertilizers. The product is manufactured in accordance with EU regulations EC 1069/2009 and EU 142/2011. Pellet diameter 4,5 mm:90% Hairmeal + Meat bone meal 10% Dry matter 97%:Organic matter 80% Very high N fertilizer with a slow release:Humidity 3%
Napraforgó – Zöld Trágya

Napraforgó – Zöld Trágya

Description Le tournesol, comme la phacélie, la moutarde ou le sarrasin, est un engrais vert qu’on sème au printemps pour être fauché à l’automne. Cette plante très mellifère renforce la fertilité des sols pour un meilleur rendement sur la culture suivante. Conditionnement : 500 g, 1 kg, 5kg, 10 kg POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:500 g, 1 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg
Csirkehús - Állati Takarmány

Csirkehús - Állati Takarmány

Moisture 6 Shelf Life 3 months Packaging Type PP beg Weight Per Pack 50 kg Packaging Size 50 Weight 50 Grade Feed Grade Moisture:6 Weight Per Pack:50 kg Packaging Size:50
Kén (S) 99 % - Kén

Kén (S) 99 % - Kén

Sulphur (S) 99% Granular-Lump-Powder It improves soil properties and reclaims alkaline lands due to its acidic nature It helps to eliminate some of the pests that live in the soil It provides a suitable medium for the absorb It is included in the composition of volatile oils, as in onions and garlic. Ion of some elements such as phosphorous, iron, zinc, manganese and copper by the roots due to the sulfur-causing alkalinity of athe soil. It helps in the formation of chlorophyll in plants. It is used to combat some diseases such as scabies on apples, almonds, and powdery mildew in crops Use: It is involved in the manufacture of more than 360 medicals, agricultural and industrial products Sulphur lump are used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, sulphonic acid and nitric acid Specifications: Purity,wt%Min 99% Color Bright Yellow Inorganic Ash, wt% Max 0.05 Carbon, wt% Max 0.03 Acidity as H2SO4, wt% Max 0.003 Moisture Max 0.1 Packing,1250kg Jumpo Bags CAS No. 7704-34-09 HS code: 25030090
Vital Power Magnum

Vital Power Magnum

Acides L-aminés libres : 5,5% Azote total (N) : 0,75% Azote organique (N) : 0,75% Phosphore (P2O5) : 15% Potassium (K2O) : 18% Contenant des traces de Fe, Mn, Mg, Mo, Cu, Zn, B chélaté par EDTA
Kőgyűjtő Gép 175 - Kőgyűjtő Gép, Kőzúzó Gép, Trágyaszóró Pótkocsi, kőgyűjtő

Kőgyűjtő Gép 175 - Kőgyűjtő Gép, Kőzúzó Gép, Trágyaszóró Pótkocsi, kőgyűjtő

•Agromeks - Yeni Nesil Oynar Tamburlu, Jaguar Taş Toplama Makinası, tarım sektörünün önemli bir oyuncusu haline gelmiş, taşlı arazileri verimli tarım alanlarına dönüştürmedeki lider konumunu koruyan üstün bir tarım ekipmanıdır. •Bu makinenin en dikkat çekici özelliği, yaysız oynar yataklı tambur sistemidir. •Bu sistem, çalışma sırasında ani yük değişimlerine adapte olabilen yukarı-aşağı oynar tambur yatakları sayesinde 3 cm'den 50 cm'ye kadar taşların kolayca toplanmasını mümkün kılar. •Daha geniş depo hacmi, 9.000 kg'a kadar taş depolama kapasitesi sunarak verimliliği artırır. •Yenilikçi tasarımı, işlemeli depo saçlarına ve üç katlı davlumbaz sistemine sahiptir. Çalışma Eni: 175 cm Depo Kapasite: 6.000 kg Gerekli Min.Güç: 75 hp Max Çalışma Derinliği: 35 cm Ağırlık: 3.525 kg Uzunluk: 520 cm En: 255 cm Yükseklik: 250 cm


It is advisable to fill the tank with water while stirring and then add NEUTRAL to adjust the appropriate pH for the phytosanitary preparations that we are going to use. After a few minutes we will carry out a pH measurement to check that it remains in the chosen range. Finally we will incorporate the phytosanitary products to be used. The doses depend on the hardness of the water and the pH to be adjusted, but as a guide to reach a pH of 6, 60cc / 100L will be used. SKU:n/a Size:5 LITERS
Rózsa Trágyázó - Természetes és Ökológiai Trágya

Rózsa Trágyázó - Természetes és Ökológiai Trágya

Engrais liquide naturel pour Rosiers et Bougainvilliers, Lauriers Fleurs - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire.Bouchon doseur. Reference:6004
Fűtrágya - Általános fűtrágya, egész éves formula

Fűtrágya - Általános fűtrágya, egész éves formula

Your lawn endures a lot of wear and tear throughout the summer: the beating sun and drought periods, children playing, BBQs, and festivities – they all take their toll. All-Round fertiliser is an all-round lawn treatment that gives your exhausted grass a helping hand for the autumn and beyond. All-Round fertiliser provides excellent recovery for your lawn, encouraging growth and a deep, healthy green colour. Your stronger lawn will be more resistant to moss that can suffocate the roots if left untreated. By fertilising with All-Round fertiliser in the autumn, your lawn will thrive until it becomes dormant when temperatures drop below 5 degrees. Boost your lawn for the winter and enjoy luxurious growth and a boost for your lawn in the spring. For the greenest lawn in the street at Halloween, apply All-Round fertiliser lawn food. Revitalise your stressed lawn after a hot or cold season.
Fekete Humusz 650 - Trágya

Fekete Humusz 650 - Trágya

 Enmienda orgánica natural concentrada sólida.  Procedente de Leonardita Americana de alta pureza y calidad.  Mejora las características físico-químicas y biológicas del suelo.  Mejorar la estructura del suelo.  Aumenta la capacidad de intercambio catiónico.  Favorece la vida microbiana.  Mejora la fertilidad general del suelo.  Favorece el desarrollo radicular y el crecimiento de las plantas.  Evita la retrogradación de cationes.
szerves trágyák - Leonardite ajánlat - szerves trágyák

szerves trágyák - Leonardite ajánlat - szerves trágyák

SUBJECT: Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids) We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters: Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00% Organic matter - 90,00 %
Nagykereskedelmi Magas Minőségű Karbamid 46 Műtrágya - Karbamid 46 műtrágya beszállító jó minőségben

Nagykereskedelmi Magas Minőségű Karbamid 46 Műtrágya - Karbamid 46 műtrágya beszállító jó minőségben

Urea CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Urea is a raw material forthe manufacture of twomain classes of materials:urea-formaldehyde resins and urea-melamine-formaldehyde used in marineplywood. AGRICULTURE More than 9O% of world industrial production of urea is destined for useas a nitrogen-release fertilizer. Urea has the highest nitrogen con-tent of all solid nitrogenous fertilizersin common use. Therefore, it has the lowest transpor-tation costs per unit of nitrogen nutri-ent. Nitrogen 46% min Biuret 1.0% max Particle size 2.00-4.75mm 90%min Moisture 0.5% max Appearance green, yellow, free flowing,free from harmful substances
Karbonát nitrogén műtrágya

Karbonát nitrogén műtrágya

Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer
Báránygyapjú Pelletek - Természetes Trágya, Organikus Trágya

Báránygyapjú Pelletek - Természetes Trágya, Organikus Trágya

Pellets de lana de oveja, el secreto para un suelo saludable y próspero. Ayuda a tus plantas y tierra a sumar nutrientes necesarios para un crecimiento optimo y saludable a la par que reduce el uso de agua de riego con estos pellets de lana de oveja. Un producto sostenible y renovable que se incorporan al ciclo natural sin dejar residuos. Cuida tu plantas, tu jardín o tu huerto y promueve el sector ovino, dando uso a una materia prima que se considera un desecho, devolviendo a la Madre Tierra parte de todo lo que ofrece a las ovejas y las personas. Solicita nuestras tarifas al por mayor para grandes cantidades También ofrecemos el servicio de transformación de tu lana en pellets, consúltanos.
Portic Humus Plus - Kaliforniai Féreghumusz Trágya

Portic Humus Plus - Kaliforniai Féreghumusz Trágya

El humus es el abono resultante de todos los procesos químicos y biológicos sufridos por la materia orgánica en un proceso muy elaborado llamado vermicompostaje o mejor lombricompostaje como nos gusta a nosotros llamarle. El humus de lombriz es el resultado de la transformación digestiva que ejerce este pequeño animal, la lombriz, sobre la materia orgánica. Es decir, que la lombriz tiene la facultad de biodegradar la materia orgánica en cuestión de horas, lo que en forma natural se demora meses, gracias a la poderosa acción de su aparato digestivo, generando un producto de textura granular uniforme, forma cilíndrica, coloración café o negro oscuro y con un agradable aroma a tierra fresca. El humus de lombriz está compuesto por el carbono, el oxigeno, nitrógeno y todos los macro y microelementos que se utilizan para darle origen.
Unikey LeoNPK - 25kg-50kg csomag

Unikey LeoNPK - 25kg-50kg csomag

Unikey LeoNPK (TR) Kimyasal gübrenin içeriğinde ki Azot'un uçma ve yıkanma özelliği bulunmaktadır. Toprakta maksimum kalıcılık süresi 14 gündür ve toprakta uygun tav yoksa bitkide yanmalara yol açar ya da bitkinin kurumasına sebep olur. Akıllı Gübrelerde Azot dolgu maddeleri ile korunmaktadır, yıkanma, yakma ve uçuculuğu yoktur. Bitkinin ihtiyacı olduğunda Akıllı Gübrenin içeriğindeki Azot bitki tarafından alınabilir.Toprak altı gübresi olarak kullanımı tavsiye edilir, üst gübre olarak kullanımında bir zararı yoktur. İçeriğinde yeterli seviyede Azot,Fosfor ve Potasyum da barındırır. Suni Gübre kullanıldığında, suni gübrenin de etkisini arttırır.Yavaş salınımlı Azot Fosfor Potasyum oranı olarak en kuvvetli gübrelerinden biridir. Yavaş Salınan Azotlu,Fosforlu ve Potasyumlu akıllı gübremizdir.
Orbion - Organominerális Termékek / Folyékony Organominerális Műtrágya Nyomelem Kiegészítőkkel

Orbion - Organominerális Termékek / Folyékony Organominerális Műtrágya Nyomelem Kiegészítőkkel

GARANTİ EDİLEN İÇERİK (w/v) Organik Madde70% Suda Çözünür Mangan (Mn)%0,1 Suda Çözünür Çinko (Zn) %0,5 Bu ürün ile toprağınız çok verimi arttırır, ve çok hızlı etki görürsünüz, ürünümüz jel bal kıvamı var, 70% organik maddesi ile toprağı zenginleşir, ve bitki alamadığı elemenler alabilecek haline getirir, Orbion içinde 35% fulvik asit var.
20 Kg Organikus Szilárd Féregtrágya - 20 Kg Organikus Szilárd Féregtrágya - Rivasol ®

20 Kg Organikus Szilárd Féregtrágya - 20 Kg Organikus Szilárd Féregtrágya - Rivasol ®

Rivasol ® Organik Solucan Gübresi Nedir? √ Solucanların Beslenmesi İçin Hazırlanan Çeşitli Organik Atıkların Solucanların Sindirim Sisteminden Geçtikten Sonraki Dışkısına Solucan Gübresi Denmektedir. √ Bitki Gelişimi İçin Gerekli Olan Azot, Fosfor, Potasyum Gibi Macro Ve Micro Bitki Besin Elementlerini, Humik Ve Fülvik Asitleri Doğal Olarak Bünyesinde Bulundurur. √ Hastalık Yapıcı Parazit, Ot Tohumu Ve Ağır Metaller Bulundurmaz. Kokusuzdur. Toprağın Organik Madde Miktarını Arttırır. √ Humuslu Yapısı Sayesinde % 40 Oranında Su Tasarrufu Sağlar. Uygulandığı Bahçe Bitkilerinde Ürüne; Tat, Lezzet, Aroma Sağlar. √ Rivasol® Organik Solucan Gübresi % 20 İla % 60 Oranında Verim Artışı Ve 15 Güne Kadar Erkencilik Sağlar. √ Rivasol® Organik Solucan Gübresi Çim, Süs Bitkileri, Sera Sebzeciliği, Peyzaj Bitkileri, Bağlar, Meyve Bahçelerinde Rahatlıkla Kullanılabilir.
XAMİN - Növényi Eredetű Aminosavakat Tartalmazó Folyékony Organikus Trágya

XAMİN - Növényi Eredetű Aminosavakat Tartalmazó Folyékony Organikus Trágya

Organik madde; %45, Organik Carbon; % 17,5, Organik Azot; % 4,2, Suda Çözünür K2O ; %2,5, Serbest Aminoasit; % 4, pH 4-6 dır. aminoasit içerikli organik gübremizdir. bitkilerde verim artışı ve strese karşı dayanımı desteklemesi bakımından uygulamaktadır. verimde de artış oluşuna destek vermektedir. özellikle kış aylarında ki üretimlerde bitkide canlılığın her daim kalmasını sağlamakta ve böylece o dönemlerde verim artışının gerilemesini engellemektedir.
Foszfátkő - Műtrágya, Foszfátkő

Foszfátkő - Műtrágya, Foszfátkő

Phosphorite, phosphate rock or rock phosphate is a non-detrital sedimentary rock which contains high amounts of phosphate bearing minerals.
denevértrágya - műtrágya

denevértrágya - műtrágya

yarasa gübresi üretimi
Folyékony Műtrágya - Complexfluide - Összetett folyékony szervetlen műtrágya makrotápanyagokkal NPK

Folyékony Műtrágya - Complexfluide - Összetett folyékony szervetlen műtrágya makrotápanyagokkal NPK

COMPLEXFLUIDE has been specially designed to induce and stimulate optimal plant development for faster and more effective metabolism results. It is fast acting and highly compatible with foliar application mixtures. The synergy formed between PHC and NPK macroelements favours the assimilation of these nutrients, improving the photosynthetic process, which contributes to greater vegetative growth and higher quality fruiting. Packs of: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Total nitrogen (N) :6% p/p Ureic nitrogen (N):4% p/p Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :2% p/p Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in water:6% p/p Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water:6% p/p Chloride (Cl):<0,3 p/p PH:6,5-7 p/p Density (gr/cc):1,19 p/p
OGSA DRIP 15-30-15 Foszfor alapú NPK Trágya - Foszfor alapú NPK Trágya

OGSA DRIP 15-30-15 Foszfor alapú NPK Trágya - Foszfor alapú NPK Trágya

Toplam Azot (N) %15 Amonyum Azotu (N-NH4) %8 Nitrat Azotu (N-NO3) %4.2 Üre Azotu (N-NH2) %2.8 Nötral Amonyum Sitrat ve Suda Çözünür Fosforpenta Oksit (P2O5) %30 Suda Çözünür Fosforpenta Oksit (P2O5) %30 Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O) %15
Huminsav - Szerves trágyázó 20 l-es hordókban

Huminsav - Szerves trágyázó 20 l-es hordókban

BENEFITS OF HUMIC & FULVIC ACID ** Increases nutrient intake. ** Increases frost resistance. ** It prevents soil erosion. ** By solving the hardening in the soil, it enables the plant to root more easily, encourages root growth and provides aeration of the soil. ** It regulates and facilitates the movement of water and air in the soil. ** It removes the excess sodium (Na) in the soil and removes the aridity. It regulates the pH by dissolving lime in the soil. ** By increasing the ion exchange in the soil, it frees the phosphorus, calcium and trace elements of clay minerals and enables them to be used by plants. ** It makes the existing nutrients in the soil chelated and facilitates their absorption by plants. ** Increases microorganism activities in the soil. ** Increases the flower setting rate of the plant. ** Extends the shelf life of the product. ** Increases the sugar content of fruits and vegetables. ** It enables the seed to germinate in a short time.
Prillált ammónium-nitrát

Prillált ammónium-nitrát

Our company PPA INTEGRAL SRL, want to offer you sprilled ammonium nitrate. PULAN® is produced in the form of white or slightly creamy prills. No. Requirements Unit Limits 1. Total nitrogen content - % (w/w) 34.4 (-0.6) 2. Loss on drying at (105 ± 3)°C max % (w/w) 0.3 3. Particle size: fines able to pass through a sieve with a mesh of: - 1.00 mm - max % (w/w): 5 - 0.5 mm - max % (w/w): 3
NPK 15-15-15 - NPK vegyi műtrágya

NPK 15-15-15 - NPK vegyi műtrágya

NPK 15-15-15 NPK 20-10-10 NPK 14-23-14 NPK 12-12-17 NPK 10-10-10 NPK 10-20-10 NPK 17-17-17