Ascopin is designed to ensure a quick and regular start or to catch-up growth, especially during difficult periods or under adverse climatic conditions. Our product helps coniferous trees to overcome stressful conditions (cold, drought, lack or excess of water) which penalize settlement and thus, their quality. Ascopin can be used as a preventive and/or curative treatment and under stressful conditions.
PHOS K ist ein Pflanzenresistenzinduktor, der entwickelt wurde, um Pflanzen bei der Überwindung verschiedener Schwierigkeiten während der Blüte, Fruchtansammlung, Fruchtvergrößerung und Reifung zu helfen. Die Vorteile dieses Produkts ergeben sich aus der Reaktion von Phosphor und Kalium, die von Blättern und Wurzeln schnell aufgenommen werden.
PHOS K ist eine Lösung auf Phosphitbasis, die die Synthese von Phytoalexinen fördert und die natürliche Resistenz aller Pflanzen gegen Pilze und Bakterien erhöht.
Aspekt:farblose Flüssigkeit
Verpackung:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of spinning crops.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
Flax, hemp, cotton, jute, agave, nettle, etc.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Cet engrais liquide a été testé et mis au point par Jean Paul Gallerand en s’inspirant des méthodes des anciens maraîchers.
Ce pack contient trois engrais naturels essentiels :
Le guano : fientes d’oiseaux marins
Azote total (N) 14 %
Phosphore (P2O5) 9 %
Potassium ( K2O) 2 %
Le lithothamne : algue marine
Calcium (Cao) 30 %
Magnésium (Mgo) 5 %
Soufre (SO3) 10 %
Le sulfate de fer fluidisé : sel de fer
Fer ( Fe) = 17 %
Fer (Fe) soluble = 15 %
Anion combiné ( SO3) = 25 %
La combinaison de ces 3 ingrédients dans la composition d’un engrais liquide, a été testée pendant plusieurs années et permet de multiplier par 2 ou 3 la production de vos légumes.
Conditionnements : choisissez votre pack
0.300 kg = 100 g guano + 100g lithothamne + 100 g sulfate de fer
2.400 kg = 800 g ” + 800 g ” + 800 g “
15 kg = 5 kg ” + 5 kg ” + 5 kg “
POIDS:15 kg, 2.4 kg, 30 kg, 300 g, 75 kg
BeneLIQ 5-2-5 is a liquid organic fertilizer, composed of 100% natural products that can increase the plant’s yield and the quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Due to the nature of BeneLIQ 5-2-5, a quick effect on the soil can be noted.
BeneLIQ 5-2-5 is a fertilizer with a balanced NK ratio. The product is very suited voor general growth and development of vegetive organs. The product is very suitable for general growth and development of vegetive organs. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary.
BeneLIQ 5-2-5 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC standard 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Liquid:1.18-1.22 kg/liter
Dry matter 50%:Organic matter 35%
Increases resistance against stress conditions:pH 5-6
Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate, chemical formula (NH4)2(HPO4) is one of a series of water-soluble ammonium phosphate salts that can be produced when ammonia reacts with phosphoric acid
It is brownish yellow pale granules with a slight ammonia odor
Diammonium phosphate (DAP) is the world’s most widely used phosphorus (P) fertilizer. It is made from two common constituents in the fertilizer industry and it is popular because of its relatively high nutrient content and its excellent physical properties.
DAP is used as a fertilizer, yeast nutrient in winemaking and mead-making, purifying sugar, wool industry , Agriculture industry
CAS Number,7783-28-0
EC Number 231-987-8
HS Code 31053000
Chemical formula (NH4)2HPO4
Molar mass 132.06 g/mol
Density,1.619 g/cm3
Melting point 155°C @428 K
Solubility in water 57.5 g/100 mL @10°C, 106.7 g/100 mL @70°C
PH 8
Machine de collecte et de déchiquetage de branches La machine de collecte et de déchiquetage de branches Agromeks Pars offre une solution importante dans l'entretien des vergers.
Grâce à cette machine innovante, il devient possible de collecter et de traiter efficacement les branches malades et inutiles dans les vergers.
De plus, les matériaux obtenus au cours de ce processus peuvent être utilisés pour produire des engrais et de la bioénergie. Avec sa largeur de travail de 200 cm, la machine permet un ramassage aisé des branches taillées dans les vergers, serres et autres terrains agricoles.
Les branches collectées sont ensuite traitées et stockées, réduisant ainsi leur volume et facilitant leur transport. La machine de collecte et de déchiquetage Agromeks Pars Branch offre des avantages environnementaux en encourageant le recyclage des matériaux collectés et permet également un gain économique.
Largeur de travail:200 cm
Largeur de la machine:215 cm
longueur de la machine:300 cm
hauteur de la machine:177 cm
Hauteur de travail de la machine:265 cm
Poids de la machine:1450 kg
Volume de l'entrepôt:1m3
Sortie de prise de force:540 tr/min
Vitesse de fonctionnement du rotor:1800-2000 tr/min
Vitesse de travail du tracteur:5-10 km/h
En parfumerie fine, en cosmétique et en aromathérapie, cette huile délivre des notes boisées raffinées évoquant le copahu et de cèdre, ainsi que des notes crémeuses caractétistiques du bois de santal Indien. Elle se combine bien dans tous les accords de parfums impactant entièrement les compositions de son élégance et de sa douceur. Parfaitement mixte, c’est un formidable ingrédient long lasting. Cosmétique L’huile essentielle de bois de santal peut être utilisée dans les bases de parfum des cosmétiques.
bu ürün ülkemizdeki bazı prosedürlerden dolayı tescil alınamayan ve Ph Regülatörü olarak pazarımızda sattığımız bir ürün. ürün içerisinde yaklaşık olarak 6 civarında organik asitler bulunmaktadır. bu asitler sayesinde bu ürün tam bir organik şelatlayıcı görevini yaparak bitkiye verdiğimiz besinlerin alınımını arttırıyor. ayrıca toprakta kilitli halde buluna besinleri açığa çıkararak bitkinin onlardan da faydalanmasını sağlamaktadır. ph 2 ve altındadır. kesinlikle yakıcı değildir. elinizi bile yıkayabilirsiniz. içerisindeki asitlerden bazıları; ascorbik asit, laktik asit, tartarik asit, sitrik asit vb. gübreler ile verilecek olursa her uygulamada 1 lt tavsiye ediyoruz. ürünü kullanınca farkını anlayacaksınız.
bioestimulante y fertilizante diseñado para potenciar la floración y optimiza - VENTAJAS DE USO
Fertilizante para el polen.
Brotes y flores más resistentes a temperaturas críticas.
Permite desarrollar una correcta polinización y floración.
Facilita la fecundación y adelanta el cuajado de los frutos.
Favorece la elongación del tallo y potencia la formación de auxinas.
Estimula el crecimiento vegetativo y aumenta la resistencia de brotes frente a situaciones de estrés.
Se aconseja la utilización de AGROBULL FAST BLOOM en todo tipo de cultivos para favorecer, potenciar y estimular la floración y la formación de cepas. Se puede emplear para tratar todos los síntomas de carencia, ya sea por aplicación foliar o radicular en cualquier tipo de cultivos: hortícolas, frutales, cítricos, vid, florales, ornamentales, etc.
Unikey Humic&Fulvic Acid, is a fulvic acid suspension with 40 % bio-active vegetal extratcs of humic+fulvic acids. It is a water soluble high quality plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner and can be applied for agricultural and horticultural plants, fruit trees, ornamental plants, turf and
pasture for soil and foliar application.
-IJzersulfaat klasse А — FeSO4 . n H2O
-IJzersulfaatkwaliteit В — FeSO4 . nH2O
-IJzersulfaat Klasse C — FeSO4. n H2O
-IJzersulfaat Klasse F — FeSO4. n H2O
Doel van gebruik:
IJzersulfaat (ijzersulfaat) wordt voornamelijk gebruikt als reductiemiddel in de cementindustrie om het chroom Cr(VI) gehalte te verlagen. Het wordt ook gebruikt als stollingsmiddel voor water- en rioolwaterzuivering. IJzersulfaat is een effectieve bron van ijzer voor alle diersoorten en categorieën. Het wordt gebruikt als additief voor dierenvoeding.
Uiterlijk: Kristallen gekleurd van grijsgroen tot grijsbruin.
Granül kükürdün toprak pH değerini ve EC değerini pek fazla değiştirmediği buna karşılık toz edilmiş ve suda çözünebilir hale getirilmiş kükürdün toprağın pH değerinin azalttığı ve dolayısıyla toprağın EC değerini arttırdığı görülmektedir. Toprağa mineral gübre ilave edilmemesine rağmen toprağın Galleria of Watches EC değerinin artması toprakta yarayışsız formda olan besin elementlerinin yarayışlı hale geldiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bunun diğer bir anlamı ise toprağın pH değerini düşürmekle toprakta bir nevi gübreleme etkisi ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Unico Calcium solution offers several benefits to plants, primarily due to its contribution of calcium and nitrogen.
Calcium Supply: Cell Wall Structure: Calcium is an essential component of plant cell walls. It strengthens cell walls, providing structural support to the plant. This is crucial for the overall integrity and rigidity of plant cells.
Nutrient Uptake and Transport: Facilitates Nutrient Absorption: Calcium plays a role in the uptake and transport of other nutrients. It helps in the movement of other essential elements within the plant, ensuring proper nutrient distribution.
Unico Calcium is produced to meet the calcium (Ca) needs of plants and is slightly fortified with amino acids to facilitate easy absorption by the plant. It prevents calcium deficiency in fruits while thickening cell walls to ensure firmness.
We offer for sale: Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids)
We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters:
Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00%
Organic matter - 90,00 %
Payment and delivery:
FCA in big-bags 1000kg – 210,00 EURO/MT
Quantity per month -30 000 kmt
Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids)
We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters:
Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00%
Organic matter - 90,00 %
Bitki özlerinden elde edilen özel şelatlı olup, istemik bir kalsiyumdur. İçerisinde ihtiva ettiği Aminoasitler de bitkinin yapı taşı olduğu için bitkinin gelişmesine önemli ölçüde yardımcı olacaktır. İçerisinde bulunan Bor ise kalsiyumun taşınmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Bitkilerde kalsiyumdan kaynaklanan arazları önleyen bir yaprak gübresidir. Meyvede kalsiyum miktarı yükselirse etilen gazının üretimi azalır. Böylece meyvenin depo ömrü uzar. Bitki bünyesindeki kalsiyum hücre duvarında Kalsiyum pektat oluşturur. Dolayısı ile hücre zarında sertlik meydana gelir. Bu da dayanıklık sağlar. Kalsiyum bulunduğunda calmudilin adlı protein kompleksi oluşur. Bu da bir takım enzimleri harekete geçirir. Bitkilerde diğer besin maddelerinin alınmasında bitki ve toprakta bulunan toksit maddelerin çökelmesinde regülatör görevi yapar, bitkinin sağlığı üzerinde özellikle büyüme ve gelişme noktalarında gerekli olan önemli bir besin maddesidir.
Magnesiumsulfat mit Bor
Magnesiumsulfat 12,6+25
12,6 % MgO wasserlösliches Magnesiumoxid
25 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefelsäureanhydrid
4 % B wasserlösliches Bor
- EPSO Bortop® ist sehr gut pflanzenverträglich und sichert eine effiziente Nährstoffaufnahme über das Blatt.
- EPSO Bortop® löst sich im Spritzwasser schnell und absolut rückstandsfrei auf.
- EPSO Bortop® ist ideal geeignet, um mittel bis stark borbedürftige Kulturen während der Vegetation mit Bor zu versorgen. Ein Splitting des Einsatzes von EPSO Bortop® in 2–3 Gaben erhöht die Effizienz der Maßnahme, deren Wirkung durch die gleichzeitige Ausbringung von Magnesium und Schwefel noch zusätzlich verbessert wird.
- EPSO Bortop® ist entweder einzeln oder auch in Kombination mit vielen Pflanzenschutzmitteln anwendbar (Pflanzenschutzspritze zu 1/3 Wasser mit Wasser füllen > EPSO Bortop® > Pflanzenschutzmittel). Hierfür empfehlen wir vorab die Prüfung der Mischbarkeit mit anderen Produkten.
Delta 9 CannaBioGen
Purpose: stimulant
Type: organic
Application: pre-color, flowering
Impact: increases the amount of THC received (by 25%) and the splendor of flowering plants
Grow type: bioponics \ airport \ hydroponics \ soil \ coconut substrate
Release form: liquid
Product advantages:
DELTA NUEVE has a positive effect in FOUR different DIRECTIONS:
We manufacture One of the most unique and high quality flowering stimulants!
1. General biostimulation of all metabolic processes in seed hemp, as a result of the choice of mixing substances for different types of hemp.
2. Promotes and assists in the production of terpenophenol and cannabinoids (mainly granyl pyrophosphate and cannabigerolic acid (CBHA)) through the biosynthesis of THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid).
3. In the enzymatic catalyst of THCA, two qualities are the function of the enzymatic cofactor for certain substrates, thus increasing the amount of produced elements.
Tree: Vigorous, Semi-erect
Fruit: Medium Large-Large, Sweet, Juicy
Fruit Flesh: Cream Colored, Firm and Crisp
Harvest: 3-4th of October. Week (165-175 Days)
Shell Color: Dull Reddish Port colored on Yellow Background
Pollinators: Golden-Red Delicious, Gala Group, Granny Smith
Other Features: It is a variety with high commercial value and good storage resistance.
Yüksek kalitede Humik asit içeren toprak düzenleyicisidir. Leonardite doğal şelatlayıcıdır. Granüllerin 1/4’ü direk toprak organik maddesine karışabilen Humus diğer 3/4′ ise yüksek kalitede kalıcı humustan oluşmaktadır. Toprak hazırlığında, Taban Gübresi ve Toprak Düzenleyici olarak. Toprak organik maddesini arttırmak, Katyon Değişim Kapasitesini arttırarak kimyasal gübrelemenin etkinliğini arttırmak, toprak Ph’ını düzenlemek amaçlarıyla; ekim öncesi toprak hazırlığında veya ekim sonrası uygulama yapılır.
Magic Leon Leonardit Toprak yapısını geliştirir, havalandırır, killi toprakları gevşetir, kumlu toprakları topraklandırarak yapısını iyileştirir. . Su tutarak bitkiyi kuraklığa karşı korur. Toprak Ph’ını tamponlayarak düzenler ve toprak tuzluluğunu azaltır. Toprak organik maddesini arttırarak erozyonu önler.
Topraktaki toksik kalıntıları ve ağır metalleri bağlayarak bitkiyi korur.
I lieviti e le alghe contenute permettono una rapida sporulazione dei prodotti a base di Microrganismi (RUSTOP, MATAFLY, etc..) I componenti hanno anche un attività sulla pianta, con conseguente miglioramento della radicazione, fioritura ed ingrossamento del frutto, applicabile sia in fertirrigazione che sulle foglie.
Su especial formulación y alta concentración ayuda a prevenir y corregir simultáneamente deficiencias de manganeso y zinc. Con este producto es posible optimizar el aporte de nutrientes (Zn y Mn) de forma más persistente en la hoja con lo que con lo que el periodo de efectividad de la aplicación es más largo. Además, incrementa el tamaño de la hoja, brotes y frutos, mejorara el contenido en vitamina C y consigue más frutos por árbol.