CALCIUM C is a liquid fertilizer based on calcium that helps reduce plant disorders such as bitter pit of apples, blossom end rot of tomatoes and capsicums, hollow heart of brassica crops and tip burn of lettuce.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for the development of all plant tissues and its application assures a longer shelf life for all horticultural crops in all phases of plant growth.
Specifically CALCIUM C:
- Stimulates maturation;
- Improves sugar concentration;
- Enhances fruit color;
- Strengthens fruit tissues.
Aspect:Colorless liquid
Application:Foliar and Fertigation
Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Algi BZn est un Biostimulant à base d’extrait d’algues micronisées. Stabilisé et concentrées en TSL292 enrichi en Bore et en Zinc, Algi BZn est riche en sels minéraux et oligo-éléments d’origine naturelle. Spécialement conçu pour les fruits, les cultures maraîchères et la vigne, il est absorbé par voie foliaire et racinaire. Ce produit est utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement Européen CE 834/2007.
BeneSTIM RECOVERY is a biostimulant that promotes plant stress recovery. The application of BeneSTIM RECOVERY will stimulate the plants metabolism pathways and increases photosynthesis activity.
The application also leads to an increased nutrient uptake and an improved efficiency of fertilizer and plant protection treatments. The immediately available energy will give the plant the possibility to cope with all kinds of abiotic stress like heat stress and water stress. Also damages caused by frost, hail and wind are recovered much faster with the application of BeneSTIM RECOVERY. Good results can be expected from treatments during flower setting, fruit setting and fruit development.
The unique combination of free amino acids, plant extracts and fulvic acids makes the product very suited to combine with fertilizers and crop protection products. The combination has a soothing effect. BeneSTIM RECOVERY can be used for foliar and drip irrigation.
Dry matter 35%:1115 kg/m3
Total Amino acids 23%:Free Amino acids 15%
Organic Carbon 15%:pH 4,8-5,8
Nitrogen (total) 3,8%:Nitrogen (organic) 3,8%
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of corn growth and development.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
El ácido acético al 50%, 80% y 99%, denominado sistemáticamente ácido etanoico, es un compuesto orgánico, líquido, ácido e incoloro, con la fórmula química (CH3COOH)
El vinagre tiene al menos un 4% de ácido acético en volumen, lo que hace que el ácido acético sea el componente principal del vinagre, además del agua y los oligoelementos.
Es un reactivo químico importante, utilizado principalmente en la producción de acetato de celulosa para películas fotográficas, acetato de polivinilo para pegamento para madera y fibras y tejidos sintéticos.
En los hogares, el ácido acético diluido se utiliza a menudo como agente desincrustante.
En la industria alimentaria se utiliza como regulador de la acidez y como condimento.
Productos químicos domésticos, Fertilizantes
Número CAS 64-19-7
NOSOTROS número 200-580-7
Fórmula química CH3COOH
Masa molar 60,05 g/mol
Código arancelario aduanero 29152100
ADR UN2789
L’absolue de fèves de tonka est principalement utilisée dans les compositions de parfumerie fine. Elle est généralement utilisée dans les accords ambrés et fougères. Elle s’harmonise également très bien avec les notes de cuir, de vanille et de tabac. Elle peut également apporter un effet “gourmand” naturel aux accords de fleurs blanches comme la tubéreuse ou le frangipanier.
Kaliumsulfat 50 (+43,7)
50 % K2O wasserlösliches Kaliumoxid
43,7 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefeltrioxid
- KALISOP® Premium ist aufgrund der runden Form und erstklassigen Kornstabilität der ideale Mischpartner.
- KALISOP® Premium ist ein hochkonzentrierter Zweinährstoffdünger mit 50 % K2O und 43,7 % SO3 als wasserlösliches Schwefeltrioxid.
- KALISOP® Premium ist vollständig wasserlöslich, sodass die Nährstoffe Kalium und Schwefel direkt pflanzenverfügbar sind.
- KALISOP® Premium ist praktisch chloridfrei (max. 1,5 % Cl) und dadurch die ideale Kaliumquelle für chloridempfindliche Kulturen.
- KALISOP® Premium hat im Vergleich zu anderen Kaliumdüngern einen niedrigen Salzindex und eignet sich daher besonders für die Düngung wertvoller Spezialkulturen in intensiven Anbausystemen.
- KALISOP® Premium ist nicht hygroskopisch und somit gut lagerfähig.
Cultivi Poudre és un engrais organique provenant de la fermentation controlé du fumier de brevis. Son utilisation favorise et estabilise l’estructure du sòl, en ameliorant les sols legers et lourds. Favorise aussi l’aireation et la retention d’eau , en augmentant la vie microbienne, en liberant et en mettant à disposition des plantes une grande variété des oligoelements.
Richesses garanties :
Matière organique totale : 54,4 % s.m.s.
Matière organique oxydable : 41,0 % s.m.s.
Extrait humique total : 12 % s.m.s
Acides humiques : 9 % s.m.s
Acides fulviques : 3 % s.m.s
Azote organique total : 3 % s.m.s
Phosphore total (P 2 O 5) : 3,50 %
Potasse totale (K2O)………… 2,50 %
Faire total: 2,10%
Total des micro-organismes : 8,1 x 109 mcg/*gr
Azobacter fixateur de N : 8,6 x 107 mcg/*gr
Rapport C/N : 10
pH : 7
Humidité maximale : 38 %
ProSpreader is one of the best manure spreaders ever made. It has been engineered by farmer opinions and tested under heaviest conditions.
ProSpreader 10 has 14 mm forged chain with a single drive apron gearbox & 190 bar hydromotor.
It runs with a 540 rpm rear gearbox, has a 15 degrees beater angle for widest spreading pattern. Standart production is a beater with discs only on this model. Optional flail type beater also has a by-pass function to avoid concrete or other hard materials inside the manure.
Hitch is designed with supports for carrying the weight easily.
Straight axle is run by 2 x 400/60-15.5 tires and with 6 bolts.
Front and rear shaft is made from 60 mm 4140 steel. Front chain sprockets has brass bushings inside and front shaft is fixed with 28 mm chain tensioners at the front.
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
FERTIAMIL est une solution stimulante d'excellente solubilité, composée d'acides polyhydroxycarboxyliques (PHC), de soufre, d'azote et d'acides aminés. Il assure une nutrition équilibrée en stimulant et en accélérant les processus naturels du métabolisme de la culture.
FERTIAMIL, en plus d'être un stimulant efficace, présente de grands avantages grâce à son contenu élevé en PHC, agissant comme agent de dessalage, agent chélateur et conditionneur de la structure du sol.
- Assure une nutrition équilibrée en stimulant et en accélérant les processus naturels du métabolisme des cultures.
- Il se caractérise par une grande rapidité d'action et une excellente compatibilité dans les mélanges pour application foliaire.
- Stimulant efficace, agit comme agent de dessalage, chélateur et conditionneur de la structure du sol.
Emballages de :
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Azote (N) total:5,8% p/p
Azote (N) organique:1,2% p/p
Azote (N) ammoniacal:4,6% p/p
Trioxyde de soufre (%SO3) soluble dans l'eau :6,75% p/p
Carbone organique (corg):6% p/p
Densité (gr/cc):1,22
Acides aminés libres:3,0% p/p
Matière organique calcination:12,5% p/p
Résidu sec:14,5% p/p
Product details Enhances phosphorus mobility and potassium availability in soil and mineral fertilizers
Increases the nutrient/fertilizer use efficiency by 1.2-1.5 times
Reduces the consumption of fertilizers up to 20%
Active substance:
Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Azotobacter chroococcum, Enterobacter, Paenibacillus polymyxa, titer: (0.5 - 1.5) x10^9 CFU/cm3
Organic certification:
Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany
Application methods:
Primary cultivation
Before sowing cultivation
Treatment in tranche during sowing, early spring treatment, UAN fertilization
Rate of application: 0,5 - 5 l/ha
Shelf life:
SC - 12 months at temperature from 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at temperature from from 10 °C to 15 °C
DP - 30 months at 4-25 °C
! 86% guarantee of extra yield based on 350+ trials when applied to standard technology
! More than 175 $/ha of average increase after Groundfix application
Organik Madde %30
Organik Azot (N)%3
Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)%2
Toplam Serbest Aminoasit%13
Organik Karbon%20
Wonderful tamamen organik yapıda ve bitkisel kaynaklardan elde edilmiş aminoasit, vitamin ve enzimlerce zenginleştirilmiş enzimatik hidroliz yöntemiyle üretilmiş L-Aminoasitler içeren organik kökenli bir anti stres ürünüdür. Wonderful tozlaşmayı hızlandırır fotosentez hızını arttırır vegatif aksamı geliştirir. Wonderful zengin içeriği sayesinde hücre bölünmesini arttırır, klorofil sentezi sayesinde fotosentezi hızlandırır ve verim artışı sağlar.
Olumsuz hava şartlarından kaynaklanan stres koşullarını ortadan kaldırır. Bitki metabolizmasını uyaran 19 temel L-aminoasitler içerir. İçeriğindeki yüksek oranda organik azot ve serbest aminoasitler sayesinde bitki tarafından alımı son derece hızlıdır Wonderful o zengin içeriği sayesinde tüm yetiştirme dönemlerinde rahatça kullanılacak bir üründür.
Sera ve NATURAL GROWHT, Sıvı yarasa gübresi, fosilleşmiş yarasa gübresinin elde edilen ve bitkiler tarafından doğrudan emilen bitki kalitesini ve lezzetini arttırıcı sıvı besin katkı gübresidir. İçeriğindeki enzimler sayesinde bitki hücre duvarlarında bulunan proteinleri, yağları, nişasta ve selülozları parçalayarak bitki tarafından alınmasını kolaylaştırır NATURAL GROWHT, aynı zamanda taban kök besleyici gübresi olarak kullanılması tavsiye edilen bir gübredir. Bünyesinde Azot-Fosfor-Potasyum dışında milyonlarca faydalı bakteriler enzimler ve mikro elementler bulunur. Bu nedenle özel ve benzersiz bir üründür.
NATURAL GROWHT, İdeal pH oranı sayesinde tuzluluk oranı yüksek topraklarda pH dengeleyici fonksiyonu vardır. Tuzdan dolayı bitkinin yanmasını önler. Kaymak tabaka oluşmasını ve toprağın beton gibi sıkışarak bitkinin köklerini ve gövdesini sıkıştırmasını önler. Toprağı hareketlendirir, ısıtır ve hava almasını sağlar.
At MJF we also produce Enhanced Biochar. This results from the mixture of activated charcoal dust and organic matter. Ideal for the fast development of plants and crops. It also helps with soil recovering and water and nutrients retention. Contact us for further information about our Enhanced Biochar.
Calcium ammonium nitrate is white or off-white ball granule and is a highly soluble source of two plant nutrients. Its high solubility makes it popular for supplying an immediately available source of nitrate and calcium directly to soil, through irrigation water, or with foliar applications.
Chemical Formula:5Ca(NO3)2 NH4NO3 10H2O
Formula Weight:1080.71 g/mol
HS CODE:3102600000
Her bitkiye yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanabilen ESSERRA Sıvı Organik Gübre, 10-15 gün arayla ortalama 3-5 defa uygulandığında meyvede, üründe veya mahsülde kalite ve lezzet artışı, erkencilik ve görsellik sağlar. Organik ve doğal olduğu için hiç bir yan etkisi ve zararı yoktur.
4,9% humic acids
2,8% organic carbon content
1% potassium
Increase in yield and improvement of crop quality.
Improvement of soil structure. Increase in the availability of nutrients for plants.
Increase in vegetative plant mass.
Enhancement of root system development.
Increase in root length and their strengthening (allowing the plant to absorb water from deeper soil layers and better utilize nutrients).
Enhancement of plants’ natural disease resistance.
Promotion of chlorophyll, sugars, and amino acids formation in plants and contributing to photosynthesis.
All technical data and certificates available on the website.
For more information or to request prices, please use the contact form.
AGRO STAR Bentonitli Granül Kükürt içerik olarak kükürt (%90) ve Bentonit (%10) den oluşan Tarım Kükürtüdür. AGROSTAR uygulandıktan sonraki toprak nemine bağlı olarak 4-7 gün içinde toprakta çözünmeye başlar ve asıl görevi olan pH düşürme ve topraktaki atıl duran makro ve mikro elementleri yarayışlı hale getirme işlevini 3-4 haftada tamamlar. AGROSTAR’ ın yapısındaki elementel kükürtün toprakta oksidasyonuna bağlı olarak SO3 kaynağıdır ve pH nın belli bir seviyeye inmesini ve o seviyede tutunmasını saplar. Yapısındaki bir diğer materyal Bentonit ise bir çeşit kil olup kütlesinin 10 katına kadar su tutabilmektedir ve böylelikle suda çözünemeyen elementel kükürdün toprakta kolayca ayrışmasını sağlayacaktır, bu durum toprakta kükürdün oksidasyonunu gerçekleştirecek bakterilerin çalışması için yüksek derecede yüzey alan sağlayacaktır.
Ceres Amino 16 is a liquid organic fertilizer containing high quality amino acids that the plant can take, and it is an organic product with its macro and micro elements, developed to improve the structure of the soil, strengthen the plant and increase soil, plant and product productivity. The specific and effective content of the product; With its advanced technology and high quality raw materials used in production, it always makes the product superior to its peers.
Guaranteed Content:
Organic Matter: 54%
Organic Carbon (C): 12%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 8%
Free Amino Acid: 16%
pH: 5-7
Gelişme döneminde olan bitkilerin toprağın kabartılmasında ve yabancı otların temizlenmesinde kullanılır. Böylece, bitkinin gelişimi hızlanır ve verimi artar. Bitki koruma diskleri ayarlanabilir özellikte olup, gelişim dönemindeki bitkinin üzerinin toprakla örtülmesini önler.
Çapa yapılacak bitkinin büyüklüğüne göre ünitenin toprak ayarı da mümkündür. Uç demirleri isteğe göre değişebilmektedir. Her biri birbirinden bağımsız hareketli olan üniteler sayesinde engebeli arazi şartlarında dahi işleme derinliğini muhafaza edebilmektedir. Sıra arası mesafeler ayarlanabilir olup kaymayı önleyici kılavuz diskleri bulunmaktadır
Agro S is a simple solid inorganic macronutrient fertilizer, which is a mixture of elementary Sulphur (90%) with Bentonite (10%), is a granulated mineral fertiliser intended for fertilising plants.