N+K+Seaweed Extracts+Humic Acids+Fulvic Acids+Aminoacids+EDTA Iron+EDTA Zinc+EDTA Manganese.
FERTALGA is a liquid organic fertilizer made with seaweed extract, humic and fulvic acids and micronutrients (Iron, Zinc and Manganese) completely chelated by EDTA. This particular combination enhances the development of all agricultural crops.The organic nitrogen, which is rich in amino acids of plant origin, has a nutrition action on treated crops and it also acts on the physiological processes of the plant improving their biochemical performance.
The brown seawed (Ascophyllum Nodosum) which is rich in betaine, vitamins, natural promoters, polysaccharides, combined with humic and fulvic acids and the EDTA microelements give to the plant a greater resistance to atmospheric stresses (such as temperature variations) and/or physiological stresses (e.g. falling of fruit, micronutrient deficiencies).
Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid
Application:Foliar and Fertigation
Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Biota NPK 4-2-8 is unique because of it being the highest concentrated liquid biological single fertilizer on the market. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary.
Biota NPK 4-2-8 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC standard 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Nitrogen (N total) 4,0%:Liquid
Phosphate (P2O5) 2,0%:Specific gravity 1,12-1,15 kg/liter
Potassium (K2O) 8%:Organic matter 7%
Sodium (Na2O) <0,1%:pH 4-5
L’huile essentielle de lavande est utilisée en parfumerie fine., cosmétique ou aromathérapie. Son odeur fraiche, herbacée verte lui donne sa typicité Bulgare, proposant dans son évolution des effets foin, légèrement miellés, très doux et très propres. Elle est indissociable des accords cologne et fougère. Enfin, elle reste très utilisée en parfumerie masculine. Cosmétique En cosmétique, on retrouve les extraits de lavande dans des produits utilisés pour les peaux mixtes, les peaux matures, les peaux grasses et les peaux à problèmes. De plus, les huiles essentielles de lavande se mélangent bien avec les huiles ou les émulsions.
FOSFOFLUIDE is a root biostimulant formulated with phosphoric acid, enriched with sulphur, polyhydroxycarboxylic acid (PHC) and nitrogen. It reduces stress in the transplanting period and accelerates plant rooting.
FOSFOFLUIDE has an important nutritional effect as a source of phosphorus. As it is an acid solution, it has a great acidifying power, lowering the pH of the water and acting as a cleaner of the irrigation circuits.
- Reduces stress during the transplanting period and accelerates plant rooting.
- It has an important nutritional effect as a source of phosphorus.
- As it is an acid solution, it has a great acidifying power, lowering the pH of the water, acting as a cleaner of the irrigation circuits.
Packs of:
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Total nitrogen (N) :4% p/p
Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :3% p/p
Ureic nitrogen (N):1% p/p
Phosphorus pentoxide (%P2O5) s.w:15% p/p
Sulphur Trioxide (%SO3) soluble in water :6% p/p
PH:1 p/p
Density (gr/cc):1,26 p/p
Engrais hydrosoluble NPK (S) 20-5-5 avec oligo-éléments
Azote total: 20%
Pentoxyde de Phosfore soluble au citrate d’amoniaque neutre et dans l’eau: 5%
Oxyde de Potasse soluble dans l’eau: 5%
Trioxyde de Soufre: 40%
Et Oligoéléments à base de : Bore, Cuivre, Fer, Manganèse, Molibdène et Zinc
sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Sıvı Kükürt%50
Organik Asit Kompleksi %50
Toprak tuzluluğundan dolayı oluşacak problemlerin önlenmesinde etkilidir. Toprağın besin elementidir. Yüksek pH’dan dolayı bitkinin topraktan alamadığı makro ve mikro elementlerin alımını kolaylaştırır. Kükürt vitamini H ve B1'in yapı taşıdır. Sistein ve metionin aminoasitlerinin bileşenidir. Fotosentezi yükseltir. Küflenmeye ve küllenmeye karşı etkilidir. Damlayan açıcı olarak da kullanabilirsiniz. Sera örtülerine asla zarar vermez. Toz kükürtün topraktaki çözünürlüğü 3-4 yıl sürer, ancak STONE-S 1-5 günde etkili güç ve verim alabilir.
Toprak ıslahlarında kullanılabilecek en etkili üründür. Bitkinin tüm gelişim dönemlerinde, ekim öncesi ve ekim sırasında kullanılabilir. Topraktaki kireç ve tuzluluk oranını en kısa zamanda düzenleyip düşüren en etkin üründür. Ürünlerin donmaya karşı direncini ve kışa dayanıklılığını arttırır.
kapalný koncentrát z bakterií a organických kyselin.
"produkt 3. generace": vyšlechtěné kmeny bakterií, metabolity - organické kyseliny, proteiny atd.
certifikováno pro ekologické i biodynamické zemědělství (certifikát Demeter) - 100% přírodní původ
fungování: bakterie v symbióze s rostlinou - výměna živin;
vstřebávání dusíku ve všech formách (vzdušný/půdní/z hnojiv), částečná ochrana proti patogenům - nemoce, bakterie, plísně atd.
organické kyseliny rozpouští živiny a zpřístupňuje je rostlinám.
zvýšení pórovitosti půdy a zlepšení hospodaření s vodou
zlepšení přírodních procesů - vstřebávání živin, fotosyntézy, odolnost a imunita
vyšší výnosy, obvykle zvýšení podílu cukru v plodech
zvýšená klíčivost - počty odnoží. vše měřeno univerzitními testy
koncentrát ředitelný vodou v poměru 1:20 (5% produkt)
zálivkou/na list, dávky: 10 l/ha doplněk a 20 l/ha náhrada hnojiv
mísitelnost s agrochemií vč. herbicidů
Využití: polní plodiny, zelenina, ovoce vč.
Özel 26 mm polyesteri yüksek yük çekme kapasitesi SÜNME YAPMAZ - 10 tona dayanıklı Çürümezip halat kullanılmaktadır.
150 metreye kadar sorunsuz çalışabilir.
Elektronik panomuz üzerinde:
- Kışın donmaması için Kış modu
- Aşırı Yük Uyarı Sistemi
- Otomatik Zamanlama özelliği
- Faz Koruma Özelliği
- Motor Koruma Özelliği
1,1 kw - 1,5 kw arası (Ahır uzunluğuna bağlı) Redüktör
Product details:
highly effective protection against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Botrytis cinerea, Leptosphaeria lindquistii, Diaporthe helianthi, Puccinia helianthi and other pathogens
strengthening of plant immunity
soil condition improvement
Active substance: Mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans, fungi-antagonists: Coniothyrium minitans, Trichoderma harsianum and bacteria: Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis not less than 3x10^9 CFU/ml.
Organic certification: Product is certified by Organic Standard in accordance with the standard for the production of excipients, that can be used in organic agriculture and processing (taking into account the requirements of the Standard that is equivalent to EU Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008)
Application methods: Treatment of soil and crop residues is carried out with a working solution of the biopreparation after harvesting, and in 15-40 days before sowing or planting agricultural crops.
TURBA PLANT, in powder, granulated or pellet form, is 100% black peat.
It increases the soil’s structure stability, regulating the nutrients apports. It provides those nutrients ready to use for the plant , liberating the phosphorus that had been blocked by the soil, and maintain it on an assimilated form.
Packaging: 25 Kg bag.
For all our machines, if you wish, you can change the color, model and technical features, design your own machine and place a special order.
Agricultural Spraying Machinery, Pulverizator, Atomizer, Agricultural Machinery...
Abono líquido concentrado de alta solubilidad a base de silicato potásico que favorece la actividad de la raíz, fortalece el tallo (lo que proporciona resistencia vegetativa a las enfermedades) y facilita la disolución de posibles toxinas del suelo. Tras su aplicación, se crea un ambiente hostil al desarrollo de podredumbres causadas por botritis, esclerotinia, oídio, mildiu o nakatea oryzae (podredumbre del tallo en arrozal).
Liquid biostimulant based on high mobility organic potassium, of fast absorption and assimilation by the plant. Its exclusive bicarboxylic combination provides a greater degree of translocation of nutrients and sugars.
It is specially developed to improve the quality, appearance, size and uniformity of fruits.
MOBILE K is recommended for:
- Fattening and ripening of fruits
- During times of increased absorption difficulty, for example, low temperatures
- For nutrition and/or correction of potassium deficiency states
MOBILE K has a buffer effect which facilitates mixtures with other fertilizers and / or pesticides.
The table eggs offered by us are nutritious, tasty and offered in most durable and safe packaging.
These white shell eggs are naturally sealed and are totally unadulterated. Egg protein is of the highest quality.
Our eggs are tested in various parameters such as bird flu, salmonella infection and other contamination.
It is used as a standard to measure the quality of any other protein foods its biological value (96) is the highest
compared to any other food. The eggs are offered in paper tray and ply carton
Each egg contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals in varying amounts, high-quality protein, unsaturated fats
and antioxidants, all for 70 calories.We export fresh white shell eggs. The export capacity is about 5 to 10 containers per week. We supply best quality eggs at most competitive price. These are packed in superior quality attractive
carton boxes. We ensure prompt delivery.
Copper sulfate penta hydrate, whose chemical formula is CuSO4.5H2O, is in the form of blue salt. It has widespread use in agriculture, industry and animal husbandry.
We have 5KG, 25KG and 1000KG packaging types. Please contact us for current price and stock information.
Our Much Films are produced in a single layer of a thickness of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 microns which can be last up to 24 months, it is used for covering specially prepared soil. It is produced with different colors such as black, black & white, black & silver grey, green, yellow & brown according to users' aim.
Seaweeds are among the most effective and preferred biostimulants, which make all other molecules used for a healthy development more useful by regulating the physiological balances created by external and internal conditions of the plants.Vermocean, which contains all these most important amino acid types, all plant hormones and seaweed, with a different content and innovative organic molecule compounds in multiple mixtures, is successfully and safely used in every period of plants with its low pH value, which is considered compatible. Vermocean, which is produced using Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed, known as the best and obtained from the depths of the northern hemisphere, contains innovative organic molecules obtained from alginic acid, polysaccharide-olisaccharides and red shellfish in a special mixture. Vermocean contains more than all known similar seaweed products and is a special product produced by nanotechnology, with a rich content with multiple molecules.
Clonex ist eine Wurzelhilfe für Stecklinge . Die Wurzelbildung wird durch die Anwendung stark beschleunigt
Der Wurzelstimulator von Clonex beinhaltet Wurzelhormone, die für ein wirklich explosives Wurzelwachstum sorgen. Außerdem versiegelt er verletztes Wurzelgewebe und verringert das Risiko einer Infektion oder einer Embolie wesentlich. Durch die Mineral- und Nährstoffe, die in Clonex enthalten sind, wird das optimale Wachstum der Wurzeln in seiner wichtigsten Phase gewährleistet.
Bei der Anwendung des Clonex Rooting Gel hat sich im wesentlichen nicht verändert. Lediglich die Formel wurde an die in Deutschland vorgegebenen Zulassungsbedingungen angepasst. Das Rooting Gel kann zur Einzelbehandlung von Stecklingen verwendet werden, aber auch die Zugabe zum Giesswasser zur Massenversorgung von Stecklingen ist möglich. Natürlich kann man auch beide Varianten kombinieren.
gewicht: 0,07
EcoBizNet, is a young company relentlessly challenging the bigger dream. In the environment business, EcoBizNet will expand our business to EHS management consulting which adds safety and health to the existing environment. We have developed DEHS (Environmental, Health & Safety System) to monitor EHS matters on work sites and provide the needed information in real time. Utilizing such experience and Know-how, we offer competitiveness in M&A due diligence and environmental technology consulting.
Aquí podrás encontrar varias mezclas de sustratos universales que podrás emplear en tus flores y plantas, tanto en macetas como en jardineras y con plantas de interior y exterior.
❋ Sustratos de alta calidad y rendimiento.
❋ Mezclas equilibradas y ajustadas para que elijas el sustrato que mejor se adapta a ti.
❋ Cuando queremos tener flores y plantas en macetas o jardineras, necesitamos un sustrato universal que facilite la adaptación de estas a vivir y crecer en espacios reducidos. Por esto los sustrato universales deben poseer una gran aireación, esponjosidad, distribución óptima del agua de riego sin encharcamiento, y fertilidad de alta calidad.
Gracias a años de investigación por parte de las empresas fabricantes, se han formulado sustratos específicos que sacan el mayor rendimiento tus plantas de interior y exterior, permitiendo un desarrollo profesional de nuestras plantas, para que nos den su mayor esplendor.
Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W)
Suda Çözünür Bor (B) 1
Suda Çözünür Bakır (Cu)0,8
Suda Çözünür Demir (Fe)6,5
Suda Çözünür Mangan (Mn)5
Suda Çözünür Çinko (Zn)6,9
VERİM COMBİ tek yıllık ve çok yıllık bitkilerde biyostimülant olarak kullanılabilir. Açık alan bitkileri yanında seralarda, endüstri bitkilerinde, sert ve yumuşak çekirdekli meyvelerde, yumrulu bitkilerde, muz, çay, fındık gibi ürünlerde yapraktan ve topraktan güvenle kullanılır.
Ürün Özellikleri
İçerisinde bulunan yüksek orandaki demir sayesinde bitkilerde görülen demir eksikliğini giderir. İçeriğindeki çinko sayesinde çiçek dökülmesini engeler, genç sürgünlerin daha sağlıklı olmasını sağlar. Tamamen EDTA şelatlıdır. Suda kolaylıkla çözülebilir, yüksek oranda mikro besin içermektedir.
Monopotassium-Phosphate findet, vor allem in der Biochemie und verwandten Naturwissenschaften, Verwendung zur Herstellung von Pufferlösungen. Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat wird in der Lebensmitteltechnik als Säureregulator eingesetzt.
Weiterhin wird Monopotassium-Phosphate als Düngemittel eingesetzt. Monopotassium-Phosphate wird in der Pharmazie als Hilfsstoff für die Arzneimittelherstellung verwendet. Es ist vor allem in flüssigen Darreichungsformen enthalten und wird für die Herstellung von Puffern oder als Säureregulator eingesetzt.
In der Landwirtschaft ist Kaliumphosphat ein hervorragender wasserlöslicher Dünger, der bei verschiedenen Nahrungs- und Nutzpflanzen sowie Obstbäumen eingesetzt wird, um die rasche Umwandlung von Nährstoffen und die Anhäufung von Trockensubstanz zu fördern, die Reife zu unterstützen, die Erträge deutlich zu steigern, den Zuckergehalt zu erhöhen und die Qualität zu verbessern.
4%Total Nitrogen (N)
10%Total Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅)
18%Water-soluble Potassium oxide (K₂O)
16%Total Calcium oxide (CaO)
26%Total Sulfur trioxide (SO₃)
0,2%Total Zinc (Zn)
Provides the plant with the necessary elements from the beginning of germination, increases the resistance of the plant to adverse weather conditions and lack of water, ensures even and rapid ripening of the crop.
It is especially recommended to – use fertilizer for crops sensitive to Zn deficiency like corn, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
Each granule has a proper round shape, is convenient to use,
contains all the elements that ensure an active start at the beginning of the growing season
All technical data and certificates available on the website.
For more information or to request prices, please use the contact form.
ALGİNAS, kuzey yarım kürenin derinliklerinden elde edilen ve en iyisi olarak bilinen Ascophyllum Nodosum deniz yosunu kullanılarak üretilmektedir.
Yüksek oranda organik madde ihtiva ettiğinden topraktaki yararlı mikro organizma sayısını ve mikrobiyal aktiviteyi artırır.
Bitkinin kök sistemlerini güçlendirerek topraktan daha fazla besin maddeleri ve su almasını sağlar.
Bitkinin köklenmesinde, kuvvetli dalların ve yeşil aksamların oluşumunda, sürgün gelişiminde , çiçeklenmesinde , meyve tutumunda ve ürün kalitesinde doğrudan etkilidir.
Bitkideki klorofil seviyesini arttırır buda daha fazla fotosentez yapmasına ve dolayısıyla bitkinin sağlıklı ve güçlü bir yapıya kavuşmasına olanak sağlar.
Zirai mücadele ilaçlarının bitkilerde olabilecek olumsuz etkilerini minimuma indirir ve ilacın etkinliğini maksimuma çıkarır. Bitkinin hastalıklara ve zararlı böceklere karşı olan direncini arttırır.