TSL29 est un principe actif spécifiquement formulé pour le traitement des cultures par application foliaire, hydroponique et/ou application sur les semences. TSL29 contient des hormones de croissance, des bétaïnes, des acides aminés, des oligosaccharides et tous les oligo-éléments essentiels.
Ce produit est utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement ment CE 834/2007. AMM
N° 1200295
Le Biochar est un charbon d’origine végétale qui est obtenu par la transformation de déchets de bois, déchets verts ou d’excédents de récoltes agricoles.
Les apports du Biochar :
le biochar va stimuler la vie du sol en favorisant la prolifération des bactéries
Augmenter le pouvoir de rétention d’eau et contribuer à améliorer les sols acides ( voir lihtothamne également).
L’Aération des sols
Utilisation :
Gazon : épandre en petites quantités sur la pelouse tondue
Arbustes : 50 % biochar + 50 % terreau à la plantation
Potager : 1 kg / m2 en plusieurs fois (exemple : automne , printemps aux semis ) Incorporer au sol en mélange avec le compost sur une quinzaine de cm environ.
Autres :
Répulsif limaces et escargots en barrière autour des plantes et et des légumes
Conditionnement : sac 5kg, 10 kg, 20 kg, et Big Bag 200 kg, 500 kg et 1000 kg sur demande
POIDS:20 kg, 10 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg
CALMAG ist eine gemischte Lösung aus Calcium- und Magnesiumsalzen, die aufgrund des spezifischen Mangels dieser beiden Mesoelemente wirksam bei der Vorbeugung und Heilung von Physiopathien ist. Die Anwendung von Magnesium und Kalzium in der empfohlenen Dosierung verhindert Dissektion und Nekrose von Pflanzen und Früchten. Insbesondere beugt Kalzium Kalziummangel-Physiopathien vor (fauler Apfel, faule Tomate, Austrocknung, Salatnekrose, physiologisches Austrocknen der Melone und Knacken von Früchten) und verbessert die Qualität, Konsistenz und Haltbarkeit der Früchte; Magnesium hingegen stimuliert die Bildung von Chlorophyll und
Verbessert die photosynthetische Aktivität, erhöht die Zuckerkonzentration und verbessert die Farbe von Blättern und Früchten. CALMAG ist mit Molybdän angereichert, das die Austrocknung reduziert, Stress reduziert und freie Radikale bekämpft. CALMAG wird besonders für Kulturen der vierten Reihe empfohlen.
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of legumes and pulses.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
Peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, chickpeas, fodder beans, lupins, mung beans, peanuts, cowpeas, etc.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Osmo Hairmeal Plus is an organic fertilizer that will contribute to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mix of organic raw materials makes for a sophisticated compound fertilizer with a controlled release of nutrients over time.
The period of releasing nutrients lasts from a minimum of 90 up until 120 days. Osmo Hairmeal Plus is an N-rich fertilizer with a controlled release of Nitrogen. Due to the high amount of nitrogen, the development of roots, leaves, stems and vegetative organs can be stimulated. Osmo Hairmeal Plus is commonly used as a very effective N source in biological agriculture. The fertilizer is also very well suited to be used complementary to other fertilizers.
Osmo Hairmeal Plus is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008.
Pellet diameter 4 mm:Nitrogen (N total): 13,6%
High N fertilizer with a slow release:Organic matter 80%
Hairmeal 90%:Meat bone meal 10%
We supply Grade A industrial grade Urea n46% fertilizer for abdul world wide. Our fertilizers Urea n46% is white in color and free flowing with a granular and prilled state.
Packaging is done in 50kg bags with an extra 4 for free and as per clients demand and we sip world wide with a lot fo efficiency.
We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost.
Our company information is 100% available for your review.
We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible.
Please do contact us for more details.
urea Abdul Abdul urea technical grade urea grade urea technical urea industrial urea urea industrial Abdul grade
Prilled urea:color white
Release type quick:2.8 sieve
packaging 50kg 1000kg:Moisture 0.5%
Chemical composition: PHOSPHOROUS PENTOXIDE (P2O5)
Triple super phosphate 46% w/w
Double super phosphate 36% w/w
Single super phosphate 21% w/w
Chemical formula Ca(PO4H2)2
Features and advantages:
Granular fertilizer slow soluble in water, used in primary soil fertilization as a source of phosphorous
Helps seed germination and seedling growth
Helps stimulate flower buds and improve knots
It helps to form sugars and proteins in plants
It helps in the growth of the root and vegetative complex of plants.
Usage rates:
Between 20 - 70 kg per dunum depending on the crop type and the fertilizing stage
CAS No. 65996-95-4
HS Code : 31031010 / 31031900 / 31031000
Rapeseed meal, called canola meal in North America, Australia and some other countries, is the by-product of the extraction of oil from rapeseed (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses). It is a protein-rich ingredient that is widely used to feed all classes of livestock. Worldwide production of rapeseed meal is second only to soybean meal (USDA, 2016). Rapeseed oil used to have a poor reputation due to the presence of erucic acid, which has a bitter taste and was later found to cause health problems
Renewable fertilizers are nutrient-rich substances derived from sustainable, renewable resources designed to enhance soil fertility and support plant growth.
Floranova will be used dissolved in water both foliar and irrigation in all types of crops at the indicated doses.
It is compatible with most fertilizers and phytosanitary products.
It is not recommended to mix with oils, sufocalcium mixtures or products with a strong alkaline reaction.
It is recommended to do a small test before mixing in the tank.
Les machines de concassage de pierres Agromeks Leopard sont des équipements agricoles de qualité supérieure conçus pour créer un environnement agricole productif en purifiant les terres agricoles des effets négatifs des pierres, tout en enrichissant les sols en termes de minéraux . Nos modèles avec différentes largeurs de travail (150 cm, 170 cm, 200 cm) vous permettent de broyer les pierres de votre terrain et de préparer le sol .
Ces machines peuvent être utilisées dans un large éventail d'applications, telles que les champs, les vergers, les serres, les vignobles, les plages et les zones industrielles non agricoles.
Les dents du broyeur en carbure de bore (carbure) offrent des performances supérieures en garantissant un fonctionnement durable et ininterrompu.
Le châssis et la carrosserie Hardox maximisent la durabilité et garantissent un fonctionnement sans erreur, même dans les conditions d'exploitation les plus difficiles.
Largeur de travail:170 cm
Puissance requise:Min. : 95 ch
Fonctionnalité requise du tracteur:Équipement Super Creep
Profondeur de travail du sol:Maximum : 20 cm
Vitesse de travail:0,3-2km/h
Caractéristique de la lame du broyeur:Carbure de bore
Revêtement intérieur de machine:Hardox
Vitesse de l'arbre de prise de force:540 tr/min
Position de la lame du broyeur:Hélix
capot arrière de la machine:Hydraulique
La línea FertiFol consta de fertilizantes foliares de gran solubilidad y absorción rápida y completa en el interior de las hojas. Contienen micronutrientes quelatados por EDTA y pueden mezclarse perfectamente con los pesticidas más comunes.
Es un Fertilizante NPK equilibrado en forma de polvo soluble con microelementos quelatados, previene la aparición de estados carenciales y favorece el desarrollo equilibrado de los cultivos. FertiFol es una línea de integradores foliares caracterizada por una levada solubilidad y una rápida y completa absorción al interior de la hoja. Micro elementos quelatados en EDTA que pueden ser mezclados con los agroquímicos más comunes. El alto contenido de Potasio mejora y promueve la maduración y la calidad de los frutos eficientemente.
FertiFol 5-15-45+te está recomendado durante la fase de crecimiento hasta la maduración del fruto.
Engrais liquide naturel pour Plantes vertes Conifères, Buis - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire. Bouchon doseur.
At Ankafert, we are committed to providing premium-quality fertilizers that support sustainable agriculture and soil health. Our product range includes organic and organ mineral base fertilizers, liquid and powder foliar fertilizers, NPK fertilizers, drip irrigation chemicals, and more. With an annual capacity of 120,000 MT, we can meet the demands of even the largest operations. In addition, we can produce a wide range of NPK compositions in liquid, powder, or granule form, making us a versatile partner for your fertilization needs.
Oferta de humato de potasio (en polvo)- potassium humate (powder). Somos representantes - distribuidores de humato de potasio. Producto 100% orgánico en polvo, procedente de una extracción alcalina de la leonardita. este producto se puede aplicar en todos los cultivos. producto registrado en italia en el registro de fabricantes de fertilizantes bajo el número 01783/16 solicitud «registro de fertilizantes» del siguiente abono: tipo de fertilizante: todos 6. 2. 4. 1. Embalaje: en sacos de 25 kilogramos, big-bag, se recomienda almacenar en lugar seco. Beneficios para la planta: estimular el crecimiento de las plantas. promover el desarrollo de raíces. estimular la germinación de las semillas. aumentar el rendimiento y mejorar la calidad de las plantas. mejorar la absorción de nutrientes a través de las hojas y raíces. mejorar la eficacia de los plaguicidas. para el suelo: acondicionador del suelo. mejorar la estructura del suelo. promotor de la eficiencia de fertilizantes, etc.
De Ecotop Koemestkorrel is de bodemverbeteraar die breed toepasbaar is. Deze 100% organische bodemverbeteraar is makkelijk in gebruik en verkrijgbaar in verschillende vormen (kruimel, korrel).
• Stimuleert bodemleven op natuurlijke wijze
• Bevordert bodemvruchtbaarheid
• Langdurige werking
• Meststof op basis van 100% koemest
• Minimale uitspoeling van minerale elementen
• Gecomposteerd en gehygiëniseerd
• Makkelijk strooibaar en geurarm
• NPK 2-2-3 en rijk aan sporenelementen
• Hoog gehalte aan organische stof (ca. 67%)
In zakken - 5kg, 10kg, 20kg.
Big bags - 500kg, 1000kg
Mixing of organomineral fertilizers with any mineral fertilizer (NPK, saltpeter, nitroamofoska toshcho). Leonard will be a 100% stimulant for robotic and mineral supplements. To give a synergistic effect and the presence of "salinity to the soil" and to reduce the cost of the final product
•Eco-friendly, organic fertilizers, growth stimulator ready for direct use,
•Increase productivity up to 40% without extra use of fertilizers,
•High ecological manufactured fertilizers - fertilizers from leonardite does not contain nitric acid and orthophosphate,
•The ability of direct leonardite use as a fertilizer without further processing at a rate from 300 kg on 1 hectare,
•Guaranteed and continuous supply of leonardite with competitive prices
** Increases nutrient intake.
** Increases frost resistance.
** It prevents soil erosion.
** By solving the hardening in the soil, it enables the plant to root more easily, encourages root growth and provides aeration of the soil.
** It regulates and facilitates the movement of water and air in the soil.
** It removes the excess sodium (Na) in the soil and removes the aridity. It regulates the pH by dissolving lime in the soil.
** By increasing the ion exchange in the soil, it frees the phosphorus, calcium and trace elements of clay minerals and enables them to be used by plants.
** It makes the existing nutrients in the soil chelated and facilitates their absorption by plants.
** Increases microorganism activities in the soil.
** Increases the flower setting rate of the plant.
** Extends the shelf life of the product.
** Increases the sugar content of fruits and vegetables.
** It enables the seed to germinate in a short time.
Organik madde yapısı sayesinde enzim ve vitaminlerce zengindir. Toprağın organik madde ve mikroorganizmalarca zenginleştirilmesini sağlar. Bitkilerin kök gelişiminin ihtiyacı olan enzimleri, organik bileşikleri karşılamaktadır.
Bitkinin köklenmesini hızlandırır. Aşırı sıcak, soğuk ve kurak dönemlerde bitkinin olumsuz şartlardan dolayı strese girmesini önler.
Disponible en 400g et 1kg
Notre engrais universel 100% biologique apportera aux cultures tous les nutriments nécessaires à une belle croissance. Adapté pour les plantes en pot (intérieur ou extérieur), fleurs de jardin, potager etc...
Détails :
- Poids : 400g d'engrais
- 100% fumier de bovins
- Efficacité : 3 mois
Fabrication :
- 100% Française
- 100% biologique
NITROFLUIDE-ACID è un prodotto di natura acida per controllare il valore del pH evitando precipitazioni chimiche nelle tubazioni e negli erogatori di irrigazione localizzati. Con una forte azione disincrostante, previene ed elimina le precipitazioni di carbonato di calcio e magnesio, fosfati di calcio e idrossidi metallici.
Di conseguenza, la sua azione consiste, da un lato, nel prevenire la formazione di ostruzioni chimiche nel sistema di irrigazione e, dall'altro, grazie al suo elevato contenuto di azoto, acidi poliidrossicarbossilici (PHC) e zolfo, nel migliorare la nutrizione, lo sblocco, la mobilitazione e l'assimilazione di microelementi e nutrienti nei terreni calcarei e alcalini.
- Con una forte azione disincrostante, previene ed elimina le precipitazioni di carbonato di calcio e magnesio, i fosfati di calcio e gli idrossidi metallici.
Confezioni da:
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Azoto (N) total:12% p/p
Azoto (N) nitrico:5,5% p/p
Triossido dio zolfo (%SO3) solubile in acqua:5% p/p
Ph:1-2 p/p
Densità (gr/cc):1,24 p/p
AGROBULL ROOT se puede emplear cuando sea necesario favorecer el desarrollo radicular, semillero, vivero o en un período de trasplante y en cultivos establecidos tras estar sometidos a largos periodos de daños en el sistema radicular por encharcamiento, sequías, salinidad, enfermedades, maquinaría agrícola, plagas, hongos, etc.
İçerdiği özel Sistemik Bakır dolayısıyla bakır ihtiyacını karşılar ve iletim demetleriyle taşınabilir.
İçerdiği bakır sayesinde anti-fungal ve anti-bakteriyel etkiye de sahiptir.
Uygulama sonrasında çevre koşullarından etkilenmez.
Doz aşımı yapılmamalı ve günün sıcak saatlerinde uygulama yapmaktan kaçınılmalıdır.
Anatolia Extra bitkilere tatbik edildiğinde, cereyan eden tüm fizyolojik faaliyetleri düzenler; çeşitli dış etmenlerle strese girmiş bitkilerin bu durumdan kurtulmasına büyük ölçüde yardımcı olur. Bitkilerin kuvvetli bir yapıda olmasına yardım ederken, gerek çiçeklenmede gerekse meyve oluşumunda uniform bir yapı oluşmasına olanak sağlar.
Engrais CE
Sulfate de potassium contenant du sel de magnésium 30 (+10+42,5)
30 % K2O: Oxyde de potassium soluble dans l’eau
10 % MgO: Oxyde de magnésium soluble dans l’eau
42,5 % SO3: Anhydride sulfurique soluble dans l’eau
Analyse chimique:
Sulfate de potassium 50,5% et
Sulfate de Magnésium 30,5%
Patentkali est autorisé en Agriculture Biologique conformement aux Règlements (CE) nº 834/2007 et (CE) nº 889/2008