NUTRIEL enthält mehrere NPK-Düngerformulierungen für die Blattanwendung und wird mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen hergestellt, um eine vollständige Löslichkeit und einen geringen Salzgehalt zu erreichen. Die Kombinationen der enthaltenen Elemente wurden untersucht, um Kulturen in verschiedenen phänologischen Phasen ausgewogen zu ernähren.
Neben Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium sind die NUTRIEL-Formulierungen mit den wesentlichen Mikroelementen (Kupfer, Zink, Mangan, Eisen, Bor, Molibdenum) angereichert, die zur Verhinderung und Heilung von Mikroelementemängeln erforderlich sind.
Verpackung:1 Kg - 5 Kg
Ascogreen spécial gazon 27-0-0 démarrage est obtenu à partir de TSL29, une crème d’algues brunes micronisées du Pays Bigouden. Ascogreen est un fertilisant pour gazon conçu à base de TSL29 et enrichi en Azote. Ascogreen peut être utilisé sur tout type de gazons en début de végétation ou en reprise. En plus de l’apport en Azote, il renforce la plante par les oligo-éléments rapidement assimilables et la richesse des algues.
Ferronova is a CE fertilizer, based on iron EDDHA, which has been formulated seeking the optimal combination of the ortho-ortho-EDDHA and ortho-para-EDDHA isomers, both recognized as chelating agents in the European Community Fertilizer Regulation ( nº2003/2003 TWELVE 11/21/2003).
The ortho-para-EDDHA isomer releases iron more quickly, causing greater speed of action and shock effect in plants under stress due to lack of Iron. The agronomic advantages of the ortho-para isomer, in terms of speed of action and sufficient stability in calcareous soils, have been demonstrated in different tests carried out by prestigious universities such as the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Alicante. Furthermore, the content of the ortho-ortho isomer EDDHA guarantees maximum stability and persistence of the product in the soil. The greening of the crop normally manifests itself within 1-2 weeks after the product has been made available to the roots.
Products that contain in its composition, substances that revolutionize the physiology of the plants and have some concrete effects. Since citokinins, predecessors of some proteins, stimulants of the photosynthesis, vegetable extracts, etc.
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for root and foliar fertilization during critical phases of growth and development of shrubs and trees in forestry, park and landscape design.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
Deciduous - aspen, birch, willow, hornbeam, ash, maple, oak, beech, acacia;
Conifers - pine, spruce, fir, larch, yew;
Shrubs - hawthorn, dog rose, magnolia, honeysuckle, hazel
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for organic agriculture by Organic Standard, equivalent to EU Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Cet engrais organique est 100% naturel, riche en matière organique et nutritionnellement équilibré, contenant tous les nutriments importants dont les plantes d'intérieur ont besoin pour se développer. Il s'agit d'un sous-produit issu de la bioconversion de résidus agro-industriels par l'action contrôlée de l'insecte Hermetia illuscens, dans un processus de circularité économique. Il s'agit d'un produit riche en matière organique et équilibré sur le plan nutritionnel, contenant les principaux macro et micronutriments des plantes. Il nourrit le terreau en lui apportant les nutriments les plus importants pour les plantes. Sa teneur élevée en matière organique améliore la structure du terreau, en maintenant une bonne capacité de rétention d'eau et une aération adéquate. Il a également un effet positif sur la défense naturelle des plantes. (vendu par paquet de 6 unités)
Urea 46n Granular is a granulated fertilizer containing 46% nitrogen. Urea fertilizer may be used immediately or in a blend. Granular Urea from A Fertilizer Co.,ltd is suitable for use on grass early in the season to give early season grass or for cereal top dressing later in the season.
Nitrogen Content: 46% minimum
Granule Size: 1-4 mm
Color: White
Moisture Content: 0.5% maximum
Biuret: 1% maximum
Spreads correctly as much as 36 metres with the appropriate settings.
Spreader calibration statistics of urea 46n granular nitrogen fertilizer is to be had upon request.
We additionally offer length-matched urea 46n granular fertilizer and Sulphur grades including 40N 14SO3, 38N 19SO3 and 33.5N 30SO3.
Available in 25kg, 50gkg, bulk 1000kg & 600kg bags or as buyer request
Nitrogen Content:46% minimum
Granule Size:1-4 mm
Biuret:0.5-1% maximum
Our fertility bolus for cows Fertitop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to increase the chances of a successful (artificial) insemination of cows. It prepares the cow for estrus and reproduction thanks to a high dose of beta-carotene and an optimal mix of minerals and vitamins.
A natural high-moor peat substrates produced following the customers’ specific needs. It is prepared from the mix of the specially combined milled and/ or sod peat fractions with the requested amount of fertiliser and a balanced pH level, to which different NPK fertilisers, clay, perlite, coconut, tree bark, other additives and microelements can be added in the ratio preferred by the customer.
Stai cercando uno scaffale che non sia solo robusto e funzionale, ma anche estetico ed economico? Ti presentiamo uno scaffale metallico per fertilizzanti che soddisferà tutte le tue esigenze!
Costruzione solida. Realizzato in metallo di alta qualità, questo scaffale è estremamente durevole e resistente ai danni. Può sopportare facilmente il peso anche di grandi sacchi di fertilizzanti.
E' dotato di listelli con ganci che permettono l'esposizione di diverse tipologie di fertilizzanti vegetali. I ganci sono robusti e stabili e il loro numero, lunghezza, tipo e disposizione possono essere adattati alle esigenze individuali del cliente.
Il supporto si piega a metà, il che facilita il trasporto e lo stoccaggio. Una volta piegato occupa poco spazio.
Economico e capiente, abbina un'elevata funzionalità ad un prezzo interessante. La corretta disposizione dei ganci garantisce un utilizzo ottimale dello spazio nel negozio.
Materiale:Struttura in metallo, ganci in filo, verniciati a polvere
Destino:Negozi di giardinaggio, grossisti, supermercati
Les remorques de distribution de fumier Agromeks Panther sont des équipements agricoles efficaces qui assurent une distribution homogène des engrais solides animaux sur les terres agricoles .
Nos modèles de capacité 10 m³ et 5 m³ offrent une grande variété avec des capacités de chargement de 12 tonnes et 7 tonnes .
Se distinguant par sa conception spéciale, le système de ciseaux tandem à essieu unique offre un excellent rendement énergétique et une utilisation facile même sur les tracteurs de faible puissance .
Grâce à sa capacité d'épandage de 15 mètres, il permet une distribution rapide et efficace de l'engrais sur de grands terrains.
Le système d'arbre rembourré spécial , qui donne la priorité à la sécurité de la machine , offre un environnement de machine durable en empêchant les pierres et objets similaires de se coincer.
De plus, notre produit offre une assurance supplémentaire avec sa garantie de service de 2 ans .
Capacité m3:10m3
Capacité Tonne:12 tonnes
Largeur d'épandage d'engrais:5-15m
Puissance minimale requise:75 CV
Vitesse de prise de force:540
Type d'essieu:Ciseaux double essieu/tandem
Longueur:725 cm
Largeur:210 cm
Hauteur:240 cm
Poids:3900 kg
La linea di produzione intelligente per UAN 32 si riferisce a un sistema di produzione avanzato che incorpora automazione, tecnologie digitali e analisi dei dati per ottimizzare il processo di produzione del fertilizzante UAN 32. UAN 32 sta per soluzione di nitrato di urea-ammonio con un contenuto di azoto del 32%.
Produzione redditizia:Consumo di energia elettrica di soli 15 kw
Produzione veloce:20 minuti per ogni lotto
Produzione intelligente:Controllo automatico su ogni elemento e parte
Manodopera minima:3 tecnici sono sufficienti per la produzione completa
Senza dazi doganali:Senza dazi doganali
Design UX/UI intuitivo:Progetta UX/UI intuitiva
Unica Compostiera che non devi aggiungere nulla solo lo scarto organico !
La Compostyle SGC 020 è un'ottima compagna per la cucina familiare e anche per alcune piccole attività commerciali. Può trattare fino a 2 kg di scarti organici in sole 6-24 ore, riducendo il loro peso e volume del 90%. Non produce odori sgradevoli e il 90% degli scarti verrà decomposto in modo impercettibile. Inoltre, il suo design compatto la rende facile da usare e posizionare in spazi limitati. La Compostyle contribuisce anche alla riduzione dei rifiuti organici, piu' problematici come avanzi di pesce lische carne andata a male , un problema ambientale sempre più urgente.
2 kg giorno:730 kg anno
Misure L385 P430 H580 :Interno o sottotettoia
riduzione del 90% in peso e volume :rimanente 10% terriccio deidratato fertilizzante
Gure boilurdun olio ongailuak boilur beltz zapore eta usain bizi eta sarkorra duten produktuak dira eta dagoeneko amaitutako platerentzako apaingarria da. Besterik gabe, janariari gure olio ongailuen tanta batzuk gehitu behar dituzu gure platerean boilur-azentua lortzeko. Osagai osagarria da plater ugaritan, plater sinpleetatik hasi eta goi sukaldaritzako errezeta konplexuetaraino: Arrautza frijituak trufatuak, tortillak. , trufa tostadak, pizza boilarra, haragi saltsa boilarra, pasta boilarra, risotto boilarra, lasagna boilarra, gazta boilarra, pure boilurduna, arrain boilarra, entsaladak ozpin ozpin trufatuekin eta imajina dezakegun beste edozein plater. Kontutan hartu behar da Olio-baldintzak ez direla sukaldaritzarako erabiltzen, beroak zaporea hondatuko bailuke, dagoeneko prestatutako platerak ontzeko erabili behar dira. Hidroxitirosolaren antiinflamatorio-aktibitateak indartzen du alergia-kontrako gaitasun jakin batek, tuber melanosporum
Screen Fertility Test Men determines the concentration of sperm in human semen. The package contains 2 male fertility tests.
Screen Check Test Sperm Count is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0373.
Read the warnings and operating instructions carefully. Authorization of 7/04/2021.
Ferrogranul 20 Rasendünger (Eisen-II-Sulfat)
Für einen dichten, sattgrünen Zierrasen. Auch zur Eisenversorgung anderer Gartenpflanzen geeignet. Der hohe Eisengehalt trägt bei zu einer verbesserten Konkurrenzkraft des Rasens gegenüber unerwünschten Moosen und Unkräutern. Versorgt die Pflanzen mit dem für die Blattgrünbildung wichtigen Nährstoff Eisen.
Verhilft Ihrem Rasen bei gleichzeitiger guter Pflege und regelmäßiger Versorgung mit den Hauptnährstoffen zu einem dichten, strapazierfähigen Rasenteppich.
AGRANA is Austria's largest producer of straight animal feeds
AGRANA produces over 400,000 tonnes of animal feed every year based on the by-products of sugar and starch production, in what constitutes a sustainable recycling economy, and is therefore Austria's largest producer of straight feeds.
AGRANA supplies the domestic and European animal feed industry and, via dealers, also farmers with top quality straight animal feedstuffs as by-products of the production of sugar and starch.
As animal feed producers, AGRANA's Austrian sugar and starch facilities, as well as the production of bioethanol, are all subject to the relevant animal feed hygiene requirements (Futtermittel-Hygieneverordnung). AGRANA is therefore responsible for ensuring animal feed safety.
Unlock the full potential of your crops with our high-quality 46-0-0 Urea Fertilizer! Designed to deliver unparalleled nourishment, this 50 LB bag of agricultural excellence is a game-changer for farmers and gardeners alike. Boasting an impressive 46% nitrogen content, our Urea Fertilizer provides the essential building blocks for robust plant growth and abundant yields.
Experience the power of precision farming as this specialized formula dissolves quickly and efficiently, ensuring rapid absorption by plants. Watch in amazement as your crops flourish with vibrant green foliage and remarkable vitality. Our Urea Fertilizer not only promotes impressive vegetative growth but also enhances the synthesis of proteins, driving strong root development and promoting overall plant health.
Get ready to maximize your harvest and achieve unprecedented results with this carefully crafted fertilizer. Easy to apply and suitable for a wide range of crops, our
NeoSmart tarımda bitkisel üretim için geliştirilmiş triazone azot,fosfor,potasyum, bakteri grupları,aminoasitler ile zenginleştirilmiş mikroelement,proteinler ve enzimler ile donatılmış verimli ve bileşken etkiye
sahip organik, mikrobiyal bir üründür.
"You can find what you can't find in the world at NNOVA HOLLAND B.V."
NNOVA HOLLAND B.V maintains its leading position in the industry with over 250 fertilizer formulations, 3 biostimulant and activator chelate technologies, and 4 pesticide know-hows.
With over 20 years of experience in special fertilizers, we offer products tailored to both global markets and the Dutch local market.
NNOVA HOLLAND B.V is a leading company in special fertilizers, backed by years of expertise. We embarked on a mission to provide the highest quality and most effective fertilizer solutions to our customers, and we continuously advance on this path.
Our Products and Services:
We provide special fertilizers for efficient plant growth by combining modern technology and scientific research. Our expert team works with universities and research institutions to stay up-to-date with current developments in the agricultural sector and offer products demanded by the market. We use technologies that preserve agricultural productivity and protect soil and water resources. We continually develop our special fertilizers considering plant nutrition and sustainability principles.
Quality and customer satisfaction are the core values of purchasing preferences. Our customer-oriented approach ensures that we provide fertilizer solutions tailored to each customer's needs and demands.
Supporting sustainable agriculture, protecting natural resources, and enhancing soil fertility are key components of our mission. Therefore, we employ sustainable production methods to minimize plant nutrition problems.
Our General Product Groups:
• Chelated microelement list
• Chelated mixture EDTA list
• Chelated mixture glycine, lysine list
• Liquid & suspencion fertilizer list
• Special biostimulants & activators products list
• Water soluble NPK fertilizer with micronutrients list
• Other products
With over 20 years of experience, we are committed to providing reliable and effective fertilizer solutions to meet the expectations of the agricultural sector. We take pride in always standing by our customers with our approach based on quality, efficiency, and sustainability. We thank all our sales points. Our goal is to maintain our pioneering role in the agricultural sector and enhance productivity in agricultural areas, leaving a healthier world for future generations.
We aim to transfer the experience and knowledge gained over the years to new generations. We closely follow innovations in fertilizer technology through continuous research and development activities. Understanding customer needs and providing solutions to their demands are among our primary goals. We offer consultancy services for field analysis, plant nutrition requirements assessment, and sustainable production. This enables us to identify the most suitable special fertilizers for each customer and achieve 98% customer satisfaction.
Our products are tested with strict quality control measures and designed for maximum impact. In line with our sustainability values, we work hard to protect natural resources and soil health. We take measures in waste management and energy consumption to minimize the negative impact on the environment. By using environmentally friendly components, we ensure the natural ecosystem remains balanced.
We appreciate our customers who choose us.
HUMICUM® è humus di lombrico, un ammendante 100% naturale ottenuto dal compostaggio ad opera dei lombrichi, di letame bovino, ovino ed equino maturo non proveniente da allevamenti industriali.
Grazie alla presenza di un’elevata quantità di sostanza organica umificata, migliora le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche del terreno risultando ideale nel sostenere un migliore sviluppo di tutte le colture.
Aumenta sensibilmente la fertilità del terreno
migliora la struttura e incrementa l’attività di microflora e microfauna;
Favorisce lo sviluppo dell’apparato radicale
crea un ambiente ideale per lo sviluppo di radici attive ed efficienti;
Svolge un’azione Antistress
stimola la crescita delle piante aiutandole a superare diverse fasi di stress (trapianto, carenze nutrizionali, forti sbalzi di temperatura)
Incrementa la capacità del terreno di trattenere acqua
migliora la capacità di ritenzione idrica regolando la porosità del terreno.
ALTONTEC, tarım sektöründeki uzmanlığı ile siz değerli müşterilerine yüksek kaliteli kükürt kaplı üre gübrelerini toptan olarak sunmaktadır. Modern üretim tesislerimiz ve deneyimli ekibimizle, tarım ürünlerinizi en iyi şekilde beslemek için gerekli olan gübre çözümlerini sağlıyoruz. Kükürt kaplı üre gübrelerimiz, bitkilerin daha verimli bir şekilde beslenmesini ve sağlıklı büyümesini desteklerken, toprağın pH dengesini de korur.
Le purin de prêle est un fongicide efficace dans la lutte contre la plupart des maladies qui touchent les arbres fruitiers mais aussi les légumes du potager : mildiou, rouille, moniliose ou pourriture des fruits, cloque du pêcher, tavelure, cloque de la vigne. Le purin de prêle s’utilise principalement au printemps et à l’automne, lorsque le risque de maladies est le plus important. Mais étant sans danger pour les plantes, il peut aussi être utilisé le reste de l’année. La prêle est riche en silice et en oligoéléments ce qui en fait un biostimulant reconnu pour ses actions antifongiques.
Le concentré est développé par une entreprise française spécialisé dans le séchage de plante, pour différente utilisation tel que les thés ou la pharmacie. Les produits de cette gamme sont 100% naturel et sont écologique par leurs conditionnements car ils évitent les bidons en plastique, ils permettent aussi un transport plus léger, moins lourd, demandant une consommation moindre d'énergie.
Portic Plus, es un abono natural, 100% ecológico, con contenido NPK en relación 6-7-7 y más del 50% de materia orgánica.
Permite su uso en todo tipo de abonadoras y el reparto homogéneo en la aplicación en los cultivos.
Se puede usar tanto en agricultura como en jardinería, siguiendo las dosis e instrucciones de uso que recomendamos.