Calvados 6 Ans se reconnait à sa couleur dorée. Au nez, il se démarque par des arômes fruités de pommes intenses et fruits frais. En bouche, l’attaque est franche sur des notes florales, toniques, mentholées et épicées.
poids brut:1450g
Poids du carton de 6:9kg
Gure olibondoen artean hazitako garagarrez egindako artisau garagardoak dira, malta, lupuluarekin eta oliba-zukuarekin (oliba-zukuaren uretan disolbagarria den zatiarekin egindakoa).
VITIGNO: Trebbiano di Lugana 100%
ZONA DI PRODUZIONE: Le uve provengono dalla prima fascia di area calcarea argillosa del Lago di Garda della mitica Sirmione, altitudine 68 mt slm
SESTO DI IMPIANTO: Allevamento a filari con potatura a guyot
AFFINAMENTO E FERMENTAZIONE: In acciaio a temperatura controllata
COLORE: Paglierino intenso con riflessi verdognoli
NASO: Piacevole Bouquet al melone e mandarino con accenni di menta e qualche nota floreale
BOCCA: Si sente una certa astringenza ma quasi inesistente e con ottima fruttuosità
CIBO: Tutti i piatti a base di pesce, minestre, primi piatti di pasta e riso, carni bianche
Primitivo IGP Puglia della zona Taranto e Brindisi. Grado Alcool 13,00% Vol.
Ordine minimo 720 bottiglie da Cl. 75 Totale cartoni 60 da 12 bottiglie cadauno.
Vitigno: 100% Arneis.
Vinificazione: fermentazione in tonneaux di rovere francese e di acacia.
Maturazione: permanenza “sur lies” in tonneaux fino alla vendemmia successiva.
Colore: giallo paglierino intenso.
Profumo: elegante e complesso, con note di frutta matura ben amalgamate a sentori di miele di acacia e spezie dolci.
Sapore: sapido e pieno, dal finale lungo e persistente.
Gradazione alcolica: ±13,5%.
Abbinamento gastronomico:
è indicato per antipasti, primi delicati, piatti a base di pesce e carni bianche.
Servire alla temperatura di circa 8°C
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Peru belongs to the most forested countries in the world, over half of Peru is covered in
trees – and a large part of it is Amazonian tropical forest. No wonder Peru is in the top 10
of most biodiverse countries in the world.
Unfortunately, deforestation and forest degradation are serious issues in Peru, caused by
monoculture farming, mining, road construction and illegal logging.
Because cacao grows in agroforestry, its cultivation gives farmers the opportunity to
earn an income, while protecting forests and conserving biodiversity. Peru Ucayali cacao
is organically produced and certified; no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used.
Peru Ucayali cacao is from Trinitario varieties. Its flavour profile is characterized by a
balanced chocolaty body, low in acidity, with remarkable sweet notes of caramel and
nuts and hints of fruity flavours.
After manual picking the farmers bring the wet cacao beans to a central fermentation
Region:Central Amazonas
Hints:Caramel, nutty, fruity
PURE CHOCOLATE:100% cocoa beans
Energy:550Kcal, 2300kJ
Total fat:52g
which Saturated fat:31g
which Sugar:0g
Ces brosses sont utilisées dans les passes à poissons afin que les anguilles et les nématodes puissent nager en toute sécurité le long des digues, des écluses. Grâce au motif en zigzag des poils, les anguilles et les anguilles ont de quoi s'accrocher en amont, la brosse agit comme une sorte d'escalier. Ces brosses pour passages à poissons sont largement utilisées dans les déversoirs, écluses, stations de pompage et autres barrières.
• Quality and purposeful production
• Fast and timely delivery
• Reasonable prices
• Product variety
• Good customer relations
• Proper packaging
• And many more reasons…
Robe: Ambrée avec des reflets dorés
Nez : Umami, très complexe sur le champignon et la truffe.
Bouche : Très prenant sur la truffe, tomate cuite, très complexe et puissante, légère amertume largement couverte par la truffe.
Finale : Très longue sur la truffe et évolue sur des arômes de raisin, de dates, de fruits confits, avec toujours une dominante truffe, présence de notes herbales comme le génépi, l’absinthe, la gentiane.
Calvados 10 Years is amber in colour with orange highlights. The nose is reminiscent of candid apple, with floral and spicy notes. On the palate - a perfect balance of a fruity attack with a long finish of caramelised apple, cinnamon, and dry fruit.
Gross weight :1450g / 3.2lb
Box weight of 6:9kg / 19.8lb
The Comoros are made up of 4 islands Mayotte and three islands independent of France forming the Union of the Comoros (Grande Comore, Anjouan and Moheli). Grande Comore is a volcanic island.
The island suffers from a severe lack of water, the volcanic rocks do not retain water and there is little source. The main economic resource is the cultivation of vanilla. Vanilla, introduced in the Comoros before the 1930s, is cultivated on the four islands in a traditional way.
This capricious orchid offers a beautiful cluster flower. Fertilization is carried out manually by women at dawn. A good worker “marries” 1000 to 1500 vanilla flowers per day. During the harvesting time, one picks pod by pod, to a precise degree just before “technical maturation”.
Region:Grand Comoros
Hints:Vegetal, floral, tarragon
which Polyols:25g °
Energy:525Kcal, 2197kJ
Total fat:49g
which Saturated fat:30g
which Sugar:6g *