Termékek gyümölcsök (4)



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Érett barna kókuszdiók

Érett barna kókuszdiók

Our premium mature coconuts from India and Sri Lanka provide a unique blend of quality, taste, and versatility, making them an ideal choice for distributors, wholesalers, and retailers across Europe. With Conventional and Organic mature coconuts are carefully sourced from sustainable farms in India and Sri Lanka, where the tropical climate and fertile soils yield coconuts with rich, creamy flesh and high nutritional content. Smeta and Global Gap Certified coconuts helps in various applications in the culinary, health, wellness, and beauty industries, these coconuts serve as the base for various products like coconut milk, oil, flour, and more, appealing to health-conscious, vegan, and eco-friendly consumers. Each coconut is rigorously quality-checked and shipped with the husk intact to preserve freshness, making them ideal for bulk orders and extended storage. Grofarm’s direct relationships with certified farmers mean that our coconuts are ethically sourced and meet the high standards of today’s European market. For companies looking to tap into the rising demand for exotic fruits and plant-based products, our mature coconuts offer a reliable, sustainable, and profitable choice.
Ammersee Alma-Mangó Lé

Ammersee Alma-Mangó Lé

81% Apfelsaft, 19% Mangosaft
Beutelsbacher Kókusz-Mangó Gyümölcskoktél

Beutelsbacher Kókusz-Mangó Gyümölcskoktél

Mehrfruchtgetränk aus Mangomark, Birnen- und Apfelsaft mit Traubenkonzentrat und Kokosnussfruchtextrakt. Fruchtgehalt mindestens 58%. Reich an fruchteigenem Pro-Vitamin A. Die Geschmacksinne werden durch das tropische Aroma angeregt. Das vollmundige Trinkgefühl ist ein Genuss! Die Kokosnusspalmen und Mangoplantagen sind ökologische Entwicklungsprojekte. Das Ziel ist den ökologischen Anbau in den südlichen Ländern nachhaltig zu verbessern.