This machine allows to w ash .rinse and dry of mass production parts
before assembly and packing. Genenarlly parts in the baskets that are
moving on the conveyor are fallen into the machine by manual or
pneumaticly. The door locked automatically and wash, rinse and dry
operations are handled in the drum. Hot air or vacuum dry is appied.
Optianally ultrasonic units can be attached to increase the washing
quality. Thiss model is employing both spray and soak clening that
improves the clenanliness at maximum level.
Rosehip marmalade is rich of vitamin C, P, A, B1, B2, E and K and minerals of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium. 100 gr rosehip marmalade includes vitamin C as the same amount with a box of orange. Also rosehip marmelade includes 30-40 times more vitamin than lemon and tomato, and 300 times more than apple. In most of European countries, it is used as a raw material for medicines. There is no side effects of rosehip marmalade.
Category:Marmalade Group
Product Code:G.900
Dead Weight:700 gr
Gross Weight:1.000 gr
Outer Package:Shrink film and carton Pan
Cart. Dimension:28 x 28 x 15 cm
Carton Weight:8.820 gr
Prod. in Carton:9 pcs
Carton in Pallet:108 Package
Shelf Life:24 months
Keeping Conditions:Keep away sunshine and store in cool and dry places.