Vous êtes un grossiste, un semigrossiste, un distributeur, une centrale d'achat en France?
Vous recherchez un mélange qui vous fera voyager?
Le mélange exotique CROC'ELLA est composé de fruits secs déshydratés ananas, papaye, noix de coco, raisin et chips de banane.
Le mélange exotique se consomme
En collation
À l'apéritif
CROC'ELLA est une fabrique de fruits secs
Grillés sans sel
Grillés salés
Mélanges de fruits secs
Votre fabrique CROC'ELLA est une entreprise française, implantée dans la région PACA dans le département des BouchesduRhône plus précisément à Marseille.
Pour plus de renseignements, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le formulaire de contact ou par téléphone.
Our Liquors are made from natural fruit flavours and Cognac, aged in casks for a minimum of 2 years, allowing a harmonious marriage of fruit and alcohol. We have developed six refined flavours: Apricot, Pear, Orange, Raspberry, Almond and Coffee.
Gala Dark Baron® apples are characterized by intense red-purple color during the harvest period. Already one month before the harvest, the fruits are colored in a distinctive color. Stalks, like fruits, have a red color. The shape of apples is spherical, very similar to the standard Gala variety.
Thanks to the very early coloring of apples in red, there is no need to keep apples for a long time to paint properly. This feature gives you the opportunity to harvest fruit at the right time, without the risk of becoming too much even in the tree. The early and unique coloring of Dark Baron® apples makes it possible to cultivate them in climatic zones where weather conditions make it difficult to achieve the proper coloring of the fruit.
The homogeneity and regularity of the Gala Dark Baron® variety is one of its greatest benefits.
Growth of this variety is medium to weak, not a typical
spur variety, upright branch growing habit, fast and highly
productive variety. So-called half-spur variety forms flower
buds also on one-year stems. It is blossoming just before
Golden Delicious.
Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Idared
Shape of this variety is oblong, conic, mildly ribbed. Very
attractive, uniform, and intense red color on the whole surface of the fruit, with lenticels. The flesh of this variety is
juicy, white in color, firm to soft but crisp, and the taste is
sweet with almost no acidity.
FRUIT SIZE: Medium-large fruit size.
Middle to end of September, similar to Golden Delicious.
Highly productive and great and storage capability. It can
be kept in storage for 3 months, in cold storage until Feb
They grow on vigorous and highly productive trees in Alicante and Murcia, a privileged agricultural area internationally recognised for this product. Thanks to their size, shape, quality and juiciness, each variety of GAMBÍN lemons is recognized and valued by our customers.
Baltular Tarım ist einer der führenden Mandarinenproduzenten in der Türkei, der in den natürlichen und fruchtbaren Böden der Regionen Adana und Mersin tätig ist. Unsere Expertenteams unterstützen den Anbau gesunder und ertragreicher Mandarinenbäume mit modernen landwirtschaftlichen Techniken. Wir verfolgen einen umweltbewussten Ansatz, indem wir biologische Anbaumethoden und integrierte Schädlingsbekämpfung anwenden. Die von unserem professionellen Team unter Einhaltung von Qualitätsstandards geernteten Mandarinen werden sorgfältig in von uns hergestellte Kisten gelegt und dann zu unserer Verpackungsanlage transportiert. Bevor sie zu den Kunden gelangen, werden unsere Mandarinen einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle unterzogen. Wir bei Baltular Tarım sind sehr stolz darauf, unseren Kunden frische, köstliche und gesunde Mandarinen anbieten zu können.
Dried cherry is rich in A and C vitamins, and also has a feature like
preventing aging on a big scale. Besides these also prevents hair
loss, calms the nerves, and regulates sleep. It is also very good for
the eyes too.
Aguacate Hass con registro ICA para exportación de muy buena calidad entre otras frutas, de origen Colombia - Perú:
Los calibres van del 12 al 32 con un porcentaje de distribución aproximado de la siguiente forma:
- Un 70% de los calibres del 14 al 22 (264 cajas por pallet)
- Un 20% del calibre 24 al 28. (120 cajas por pallet)
- Un 10% del calibre 30-32. (120 cajas por pallet)
Estas cifras pueden variar. Desde la planta empacadora, se transporta en vehículos refrigerados en contenedor de 40 pies hasta el puerto de salida.
•Factura de venta.
•Packing List.
•Trazabilidad de los productos.
•Certificado planta empacadora.
•Certificado Global GAP.
•Certificado de origen y fitosanitario si lo requiere el país de destino
DISPONIBILIDAD: Inmediatamente una vez sea aceptada la forma de pago y recibido el depósito a nuestra compañía, se entregara el producto en 10 hábiles.
Product Description
Unlike the dried inside of dried persimmons are soft and very sweet. Vitamin C is contained 10 times more than the one of apples and it also have a substance called tannin which cures diarrhea and strengthens capillar
Product Features
Unlike the dried outside, inside of persimmons are very soft and sweet.
Product Standard
- Box : 400-500gr, 500-600gr, 600-700gr
- Set : 2 boxes
Product Use
A nutritious snack for gifts
Company Information
Shinnong dried persimmons are sincere dried persimmons based on pure Yeongdong dong area of Korea, where daily temperature range is huge and the amount of sunshine is plentiful, and also have been produced through clean procedures at a modernized facility. We have focused on development of products and quality assurance, cooperating with Institute of Health Enviroment. We will keep our best to make persimmon as global brand. Thanks
Fruta fresca, catalogada en tropicales premium.
Procedente de cultivos propios ubicados en:
Ecuador y República Dominicana.
Zona agrícola en Ecuador; cultivos y cosechas, con exigentes control de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas.
Disponibilidad de producto: Todo el año.
Transporte y gestión logística: Marítma.
Trayecto: Marítimo directo.
Presentaciones: caja de 195kg; calibres p21 - Clusters por caja.
Alta rotación por sus cualidades únicas y naturales.
It is intact, healthy, from well matured fruit produced iqf rolled product.
In the finished product, clumping and blocked is not allowed
Strawberry must be free from rotten pieces, brown spots, stalks
Banane di ottima qualità, coltivate in Sudafrica. Grazie ai nostri partner, spedizionieri e flotte navali, garantiamo la consegna in ogni parte del mondo. Trasporto in container a temperatura controllata. Prezzo definito CIF comprensivo di tutti gli oneri doganali.
Best quality bananas, grown in South Africa. Thanks to our partners, shippers and naval fleets, we guarantee delivery to all parts of the world. Container transport at controlled temperature. CIF price defined including all customs charges.
*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global
*Biological Farming
*All Sizes
*Demanded packaging type can be applied
*From Antalya, Mersin Türkiye
*For further information please get in contact with us