Termékek munka (24)

Sanatrock SA : Adalékanyag keverék por formájában makropórusos, párátlanító vakolathoz

Sanatrock SA : Adalékanyag keverék por formájában makropórusos, párátlanító vakolathoz

Sanatrock SA Binder mix, additive, to add to the preset quantity of clean and selected sand, to prepare on site for macro-porous, dehumidifying, restorative plasters, in bio-architectural works and renovation of ancient and/or monumental buildings. It is a mix of a high action dehumidifier, ready to use, only mix with water with a NHL natural hydraulic lime base, Botticino, kaolin, silicate and lime aggregates, mineral fibres and specific agents. It is a mix , together with the adequate inert substances, that enables plaster to be created with high breathability, free of cement, resins or solvents and radio-emitting agents, in compliance with bio-architectural parameters. Breathable dehumidifying plaster on the walls (on adding aggregates). Prepare the surface to plaster by removing, if present, the existing plaster, up to a height over approx. 50/100 cm compared to the line of persistent damp. The walls for application should in any case be clean, intact, free of containment, dust, flaking or inconsistent parts, conveniently saturated with water (saturated to dry surfaces). In the presence of saline efflorescence, accurately remove it and give a preventive treatment with a spray application of Sanareg. Then, a subsequent preliminary construction of a rough coat with breathable grip, with the specifically prepared Untersana, or "spraying" (here and there) the same mix as described below. Prepare the plaster by firstly placing in the mixer approx. 2/3 water for the necessary mix, and then respectively adding Sanatrock SA and clean, select sand with the desired granulometry (you are advised to use sand with a maximum diameter of up to 2-3 mm). For packaging in the warehouse, comply with the following use instructions: - kg15 Sanatrock SA - kg 35-40 sand with a max granulomety 2-3 mm. - litres 12-13 of water (the quantity of water can decrease according to the humidity in the sand used). During preparation of the mix, pay attention and add the useful amount of water to obtain an even and creamy mix with the weight/litre of approx 1.3 – 1.5 Kg. This objective is however very easy to reach with minimum attention to the useful mixing time. On the wall, previously make adequate “level stops” (strips are recommended using mortar obtained or wooden boards adequately placed in position and to plumb). Apply the product with a trowel with a total thickness of approx 2-3 cm. Do not carry out any finishing, smoothing or crushing operation with the trowel or the blade of the mortar applied. Strike the “level stops” leaving the surface rough and leave to harden as is. Skim and finish the following day, possibly with the specific Sanastof dehumidifying coat or definitively with a skim coat with a breathability index (μ) under 11. Normally for a building site cement mixer with 200 litres, you are advised to initially add 100 kg of Sanatrock SA, 225 kg of sand and 45 litres of water. During mixing, add water to the mix until you reach the desired consistency (based on the humidity rate of the sand used you may need more or less litres of water). The water normally necessary in the mix is around 16-18% in weight compared to the total weight of the mix (Sanatrock SA + sand). Continue to mix until you obtain an even mix free of lumps. With a 25 kg bag of Sanatrock SA you can normally plaster 3.5 m² of wall at 2 cm thick. Apply the mix obtained using a trowel or plastering machine. Finish with skimming systems that are definitely breathable, such as Sanastof. With no. 1 25 kg bag of Sanatrock SA normally 3.5 m² of wall with 2 cm of thickness can be plastered (see dosage of additional components in the technical data sheet of the product). Bag 15 kg - Pallet 750 kg
Scala a castello WORK BASE 45 - Scale a rampa

Scala a castello WORK BASE 45 - Scale a rampa

Scala a castello con inclinazione 45 gradi conforme a D.lgs 81/2008 e ISO 14122. Le nostre scale a castello sono realizzate con materiali certificati e di alta qualità. Curate nei dettagli, offrono una sicurezza di salita maggiore rispetto alla concorrenza perchè il gradino è realizzato con uno scatolato estruso di alluminio 200x30mm con una superficie antiscivolo che garantisce un'ottima presa e appoggio del piede anche in caso di maltempo Gradini antiscivolo in alluminio estruso 200×30 mm con zigrinatura UltraGrip Corrimano da Ø 40 mm per una presa sicura ed ergonomica Passerella in alluminio con zigrinatura antiscivolo Lunghezza passerella a scelta da 400 a 3000 mm Fermapiede a norma di legge facile da installare Altezza parapetto 1100mm Inclinazione 45° per accesso confortevole Staffe di fissaggio in acciaio INOX Montante laterale in alluminio estruso 88×35 Tappi di chiusura in PA6 avvitati per evitare accumulo di polvere e tagli Telaio munito di ruote posteriori Altezza scala:300 a 1500 mm Inclinazione:45° Larghezza Gradino:600, 800, 1000 mm Lunghezza piattaforma:400 a 3000 mm
Lamella Flowpack Szárítók - F Keret - iszap ülepítéshez

Lamella Flowpack Szárítók - F Keret - iszap ülepítéshez

Przepływ wody i osadu pochodzącego z poprzednich faz oczyszczania (biologicznego lub fizyko-chemicznego) jest wprowadzany do strefy pośredniej zbiornika, tuż pod pakietem lamelowym. Pakiety lamelowe z ramą do usuwania osadu. Składają się z równoległokanałowego pakietu lamelowego ze sztywnego polistyrenu, stabilizowanego przed promieniowaniem UV, zamkniętego w ramie zabezpieczającej AISI 304; są one zwykle stosowane do modernizacji istniejących osadników lub do umieszczania w betonowych zbiornikach specjalnie zbudowanych w celu przechowywania pakietów lamelowych. SERIA F - L (powierzchnia równoważna 11,30 m2/m3) F - I SERIES (powierzchnia równoważna 14,90 m2/m3) F - S SERIES (powierzchnia równoważna 20,00 m2/m3) -Wysoka wydajność separacji ciał stałych od cieczy -Prostota instalacji i obsługi -Kompaktowe wykonanie -Niskie koszty początkowe i koszty zarządzania instalacją


Lavorazioni artigianali made in Italy Per bottoni e accessori su misura L'unione delle lavorazioni artigianali con le più innovative tecnologie ci permettono di realizzare prodotti dal design ricercato sempre al passo con le ultime tendenze. La nostra grande flessibilità ci consente di poter realizzare prodotti personalizzati "su misura" dal cliente seguendo passo passo schede tecniche, mantenendo le tolleranze accordate e tingendo nelle tonalità desiderate.


Made with 5 mm thick galvanized rod and 100×100 mm mesh, the fall arrest gratings have been sized to withstand the fall of a man in work trim for a maximum width of 250 cm.
R45 - Hókotró

R45 - Hókotró

The aim of R45 spider excavator is to have a high ratio power/weight. With a weight of 4000 Kg, it can be carried by helicopter and the Kubota engine of 67 Hp has enough power to allow the installation of a forestry mulcher.
Airless szivattyú TECNOVER Testarossa Supercinquemila - Fa és fém festésére, valamint belső festési munkákra

Airless szivattyú TECNOVER Testarossa Supercinquemila - Fa és fém festésére, valamint belső festési munkákra

Il metodo Airless garantisce una verniciatura ad altissima resa senza formazione di nebbia. Grazie all’elevata pressione di esercizio e a portate ai vertici della gamma, questo modello ti consente una velocità di esecuzione davvero sorprendente. Punto di forza della pompa Airless serie Testarossa mod. Supercinquemila è il suo raggio d’azione che arriva a 50 metri, sia in orizzontale che in prevalenza, permettendoti di non perdere tempo nel dover spostare la macchina durante l’utilizzo. La pompa si adatta a diversi tipi di lavorazione: dall’edilizia all’industria, dalla falegnameria alla carpenteria. I prodotti spruzzabili sono: smalti, vernici, primers, pitture lavabili, tempere, resine epossidiche, incapsulanti per l’amianto e molti altri.


M.E.G.A.'s new investment to meet the demands of a growing market concerns the welding department, which is capable of cladding all parts produced (e.g. internal/external of forgings, flange surfaces and fittings, etc.).
Munkaszekrény - Koszos Tiszta Szekrények

Munkaszekrény - Koszos Tiszta Szekrények

La Bar and Shop Design propone una serie di armadietti spogliatoio a norma 626 e HACCp per laboratori uffici spogliatoi dipendenti. sono in lamiera metallica verniciata . Opzione per Casellari, anta a z, multivano, ad ante sovrapposte.
Corem - Személyzeti Menedzsment Szoftver

Corem - Személyzeti Menedzsment Szoftver

Corem è una piattaforma software web-based dedicata alla gestione del personale per le piccole e medie imprese (PMI). Fornisce una soluzione unica per gestire presenze, turni di lavoro, documenti e team, rendendo più semplice ed efficiente l'organizzazione aziendale. Con Corem, i responsabili e le risorse umane possono facilmente gestire permessi, ferie, e telelavoro, il tutto accessibile da qualsiasi dispositivo, laptop o cellulare. Il software è progettato per migliorare la comunicazione all'interno dell'azienda, semplificando i processi HR e fornendo strumenti essenziali per una gestione efficace delle risorse umane. Offre anche funzionalità per il telelavoro e lo smart working, come la gestione dei badge e la geolocalizzazione, che contribuiscono a creare un ambiente di lavoro flessibile e sicuro
Légáramlásgátló - Biztonsági üveg fertőzésgátló

Légáramlásgátló - Biztonsági üveg fertőzésgátló

Paratie anti COVID-19, acquista online su https://www.technoglass-shop.com/negozio/paratie-anti-contagio/
MULTI ENERGY VAP - Kétfunkciós gőzölő készülék, amely tisztítóként és vasalóként működik

MULTI ENERGY VAP - Kétfunkciós gőzölő készülék, amely tisztítóként és vasalóként működik

Thanks to the technology used, the product is extremely compact and easy to use. The degreasing power of the steam dissolves the dirt, eliminating any dust mites or bacteria. Its efficiency speeds up cleaning of hard floors, tiles, windows and carpets. Ideal against difficult dirt on ovens and cooker rings. Ecological: no detergents are required, respecting the environment and enabling real energy savings. The wide range of accessories allows to clean everywhere. It easily transforms into a professional ironing machine: perfect synthesis between compactness and functionality. Use a professional type iron with a perspiration-proof cork handle and aluminum plate with a perforated tip. The “dual steam” function flattens even the most stubborn creases. Equipped with a iron stand mat for the convenient re-positioning of the iron when in use. This system gives professional results thanks to the steam pressure that reaches 4 bar. A vast working autonomy is guaranteed.


Ti offriamo il SERVIZIO NOLEGGIO CHIAVI in MANO. Macchina premontata e pronta all'uso. Noleggio a breve o a lungo termine.
Fedél - Hőszigetelő fedél

Fedél - Hőszigetelő fedél

Copertura realizzata con pannelli termici
QL Polisil: Vizes oldatban lévő impregnáló szer beton kezelésére

QL Polisil: Vizes oldatban lévő impregnáló szer beton kezelésére

A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases. A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured. The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
QL Nano Lithium: Kémiai/mechanikai keményítő, pormentes, nano-technológia, nem pelliculáris

QL Nano Lithium: Kémiai/mechanikai keményítő, pormentes, nano-technológia, nem pelliculáris

A non-film chemical/mechanical nano-technological hardener with a base of lithium silicates for cortical consolidation, chemical surface hardening and anti-dust treatment of recently-constructed industrial concrete flooring. QL Nano Lithium must be applied on the surface of the floor, immediately after finishing with mechanical bladed trowels. Once the product has been absorbed, it is possible to polish the treated surface using specific polishing machines. It is the most significant progress in the saturation and the reinforcement of concrete floorings in the last 50 years, it has always been used in the United States. The "nanotechnology" of QL Nano Lithium, which is a real improvement with respect to sodium silicate and extremely performant as a reinforcing agent for concrete, has allowed us to achieve levels of performance that were previously unimaginable. The product also presents the following characteristics: -It significantly limits (90%) the cracks of the flooring during hardening. - This is the only chemical hardener that helps to alleviate and prevent the alkali-silica reaction ( "alkali-aggregate reaction" or ASR). - It completely replaces the armour with quartz dusting. It does not crack, it does not detach, it creates a film, it does not bubble. - The extraordinary contribution to the deep reinforcement, makes the surface of the concrete completely dust-proof and highly resistant to abrasion. The continuous use of the flooring contributes to continuously improving the surface gloss without altering slipperiness in the least. - It is in an aqueous solution and does not contain solvents. It is odourless, non-flammable, non-toxic, it does not fear the freezing and thawing cycles, it is not carcinogenic and does not contain volatile substances (VOC Free) and can also be used in closed premises. - Compatible with other materials like: epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, acrylic resins, etc.. - It is UV resistant and remains stable over time. Anti-dust hardening treatment, for industrial flooring and concrete slabs, both old and new, both grey and coloured. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". In case of new flooring, it can be applied as soon as the surface of the industrial flooring is walkable, without superficial water residue. Shake the product before use. Apply the product by low pressure airless, evenly without creating puddles, completely saturating the surface for a consumption of 70 g/m² approximately. It is advisable, after about 7-10 days, to wash the surface floor polisher provided with a black pad to eliminate any excess product, thus obtaining an elegant semi gloss (opaque) effect of the flooring, by polishing the lithium crystals on the surface. Approximately 0,07 litres of QL Nano Lithium for every square metre of surface to be treated.
Consilex Idrofix: Vízbázisú konszolidáló termék kőhöz, téglához és betonhoz

Consilex Idrofix: Vízbázisú konszolidáló termék kőhöz, téglához és betonhoz

Liquid product based on lithium silicates, which was created for the protective, consolidating and porosity reducer treatment of concrete, mineral, brick and stone substrates. It guarantees optimal durability and adhesion strength, resistance to UV rays, chemical agents and mechanical stresses. The result of the application allows to obtain a rapid hardening of the surface as well as a revived and homogeneous appearance of the same. The product has a negligible environmental impact thanks to the low VOC content (<50 g / l) and is practically odorless. Protective, reinforcing, water repellent treatments of concrete, mineral and stone supports. Specific product for revitalizing, simultaneously providing a great consolidation and an annulment of the dust produced in concrete supports, interstices, brick, stone or mixed arches, present in taverns, public premises and of historic monuments interest. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, dust etc. A preliminary wash with distilled water or steam it's recommended. The support should be dry when applying. Apply the product as it is, with low pressure sprayer or brush with long bristles. Keep the substrate wet with Consilex Idrofix for at least 20 minutes during application. If applied on floors, wait 24 hours before passing on the treated support. The reinforcing contribution will be completed after 2-3 weeks of treatment. From 0,20 to 1,00 kg of Consilex Idrofix per square meter of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support.
Sanafluens: Erősítő, injektálható hidraulikus mész habarcs alapú szuperfluid habarcs

Sanafluens: Erősítő, injektálható hidraulikus mész habarcs alapú szuperfluid habarcs

Powder preparation, ready-to-use, based on hydraulic lime, for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of grout for masonry reinforcement, injectable and castable, high performance in terms of sliding, strength and stability, for ecological building interventions and the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. In the Sanafluens mixtures, the water is completely and stably incorporated from the hydration reaction of lime; conversely, in traditional mixtures, a very high part of added water, is free, and evapourating, it leaves gaps in the walls. Sanafluens is based on natural hydraulic lime, sodium gluconate, kaolin, aluminates; it does not contain cement, resins, solvents and radioemissive aggregates. Consolidation through injections of brick, stone or mixed masonry, "bag" structures, masonry damaged by the earthquake. Consolidation of masonry affected by capillary rising damp and soluble salts. Consolidation of plasters detached from the masonry support, even with frescoes or of historical and artistic value. Consolidation of foundation structures, pillars, vaults and arches. Clean the application surfaces by spraying abundantly with water. If there is a lack of plaster, apply a suitable render of hydraulic lime and sand (such as Untersana) to close as much as possible the escape routes of the grout once it has been injected. Trace, from bottom to top and from left to right, a 50 cm square grid. On the intersection of the squares, drill the masonry with a rotary drill, with a bit of suitable diameter (depending on the type of masonry to be injected; diameter usually between 12 and 24 mm), to a depth of at least 3/5 of its thickness, tilting the drill downwards by about 10 - 20°. Once all the holes have been drilled, they will be sucked up, blown with compressed air and sprayed with water, to remove the dust inside them produced by the drilling. Insert in the holes for a depth of about 5 cm, transparent meshed rubber tubes, with a total length of at least 30 cm (therefore with about 25 cm external). Properly seal the perimeter of the pipe with Anchorsana Fix accelerated setting grouting mortar to prevent the injected product from escaping. Inject the grout always keeping it lightly mixed and operating a continuous flow, without interruptions. Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer. Gradually add Sanafluens and the water still required, continue to mix until a fluid, homogeneous, lump-free grout of the desired consistency is obtained. The mixing water indicatively necessary is equal to 22-24% by weight (5.5 - 6 litres per bag). Reinforcing backfills and fills can be carried out both by gravity and using manual or automatic pumps, depending on the type of application. To verify the effectiveness of the reinforcement, the grout will come out of the pipes adjacent to that in which it is injected. Approximately 1500 kg of Sanafluens for each cubic metre of volume to be filled.
Claygrain : Nátrium-bentonit por vízszigetelési és ásási munkákhoz

Claygrain : Nátrium-bentonit por vízszigetelési és ásási munkákhoz

Claygrain Claygrain is a dissolved, anhydrous sodium bentonite powder, characterised by a montmorillonite content in excess of 95%, with low yield-point (proof). The product should be used as it is, to increase the amount of bentonite in punctual areas, or mixed with cement and water or just water to obtain a slightly expansive waterproofing mortar, suitable for smoothing any crawl spaces in the concrete prior to laying and refilling the Claytex bentonite sheet. Reinforcing and/or filling injections. Plastic diaphragms. Punctual protective sealing of critical areas in waterproofing underground areas with bentonite systems. The standard dosage is 60 l/m³ of water (standard minimum quantity). The indicated concentration can be adjusted, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the required viscosity. It is necessary to mix the product adequately during the preparation of the slurry to allow sufficient hydration. Product to buy as needed. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Oilpack Lamellás Párnák (csomagolási egység OM) - Olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Oilpack Lamellás Párnák (csomagolási egység OM) - Olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Przepływ oleju i wody jest wprowadzany do zbiornika i rozprowadzany w jednorodny sposób w całym przekroju. Składają się ze zbiornika, który może być wykonany z obrobionej i pomalowanej stali węglowej lub stali nierdzewnej AISI 304; pakietu lamelowego z równoległymi kanałami ze sztywnego polistyrenu, stabilizowanego przed promieniowaniem UV. Specjalne materiały i wykonania są dostępne na życzenie. Typowe zastosowania: pierwsza woda deszczowa, zakłady petrochemiczne, warsztaty mechaniczne, rafinerie i magazyny węglowodorów, mycie pojazdów, rekultywacja gruntów, centra przetwarzania odpadów. -Wysoka wydajność separacji ciał stałych od cieczy -Prostota instalacji i obsługi -Kompaktowe wykonanie -Niskie koszty początkowe i koszty zarządzania instalacją
Lamellás Csomagok Oilpack (keret O) - Olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Lamellás Csomagok Oilpack (keret O) - Olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Przepływ oleju i wody jest wprowadzany do zbiornika i rozprowadzany w jednorodny sposób w całym przekroju. Składają się tylko z równoległokanałowego pakietu lamelowego ze sztywnego polistyrenu, stabilizowanego przed promieniowaniem UV, zamkniętego w ramie zabezpieczającej AISI 304; są one zwykle stosowane do obudowy w betonowych zbiornikach specjalnie zbudowanych do przechowywania pakietów lamelowych. Cechy Dostępna wysokość: 0,85 m Dostępne szerokości: od 0,60 m do 2,20 m Dostępne długości: od 1,00 m do 3,00 m -Wysoka wydajność separacji ciał stałych od cieczy -Prostota instalacji i obsługi -Kompaktowe wykonanie -Niskie koszty początkowe i koszty zarządzania instalacją
R45 Big Foot - Erdész - Spider erdészeti kotrógép

R45 Big Foot - Erdész - Spider erdészeti kotrógép

The R45 Big Foot model was born to fill the requests of operators that use the spider forestry excavator to clean canals borders with mulcher. They need a compact and light machine that has a high power and specific hydraulic systems to operate with mulchers.
1500 Mobil - Járó kotrógép

1500 Mobil - Járó kotrógép

The 1500 Mobile walking excavator is the smallest and lightest machine on the market; thanks its limited weight of 1900 kg, it can be transported with helicopter.
TECNOVER Turboshort 1000 HVLP turbina - Öko-barát festési munkákhoz kis fa- vagy fémtermékeken

TECNOVER Turboshort 1000 HVLP turbina - Öko-barát festési munkákhoz kis fa- vagy fémtermékeken

L’apparecchio Turboshort 1000 utilizza il metodo di verniciatura ecologico High Volume Low Pressure (Grande Volume d’Aria a Bassa Pressione). La turbina di cui è dotato genera infatti un grande volume d’aria calda, ottenuto meccanicamente per attrito, facilitando l’asciugatura e il relativo attacco delle vernici ai supporti. I prodotti si posano delicatamente sulle superfici da ricoprire diminuendo la possibilità di colature e accelerandone l’essiccazione. L’aria generate dalla turbina oltre ad essere calda è anche secca: l’umidità relativa viene ridotta quasi del 40% e le condensazioni di acqua e olio sono del tutto eliminate. Si creano così condizioni ideali per una perfetta applicazione delle moderne vernici. Il metodo a Bassa Pressione utilizzato dalle nostre turbine HVLP limita poi l’inconveniente della formazione di nebbia come invece accade nelle apparecchiature ad aria compressa. Ne conseguono economie di vernice dal 20 al 40% e la riduzione dell’inquinamento