Termékek orvosi (392)

Drogteszt amfetaminra

Drogteszt amfetaminra

Single Drug Test, detects the presence of Amphetamine (AMP) through a urine test. Rapid result for the analyzed substance. Free-sale product not intended for medical purposes. Benefits Amphetamine Detection (AMP) Rapid result for drug Amphetamine (AMP) PHARMACIST CODE:911151658
Teljes Elsősegély Táska 33

Teljes Elsősegély Táska 33

Emergency bag designed for companies or manufacturing units of group A and B and in any case with three or more workers. Content according to DM 388/2003 attachment 1 and D.L. 81/2008 art.45. For group A companies, the content provided for in attachment 1 is to be integrated on the basis of the risks present in the workplace. complete with: 5 pairs of disposable sterile gloves; 1 anti-squirt visor; 1 litre of cutaneous Povidone-iodine with 10% iodine for professional use; 1.5 litre of saline solution (sodium chloride – 0,9%); 10 packages of sterile gauzes 10 x 10 cm – single packaging; 2 packages of sterile gauzes 18 x 40 cm – single packaging; 2 disposable sterile sheets; 2 disposable sterile medical forceps; 1 medium-sized elastic bandage; 1 package of hydrophilic cotton; 2 packages of various sized plasters ready-to-use; 2 rolls of high plaster 2,5cm; 1 pair scissors; 3 turnstiles; 2 packages of instant ice; 2 disposable sanitary waste bags; 1 thermometer;


Személyre Szabott Tunika Esztétikai Központok Számára - Rugalmas Anyagú Tunika Esztétikai és Wellness Központok Számára Logóval

Személyre Szabott Tunika Esztétikai Központok Számára - Rugalmas Anyagú Tunika Esztétikai és Wellness Központok Számára Logóval

Scamiciato donna per centri estetici, beauty & wellness, in tessuto elasticizzato e confortevole, lacci in vita davanti dietro, tasca applicata sul davanti sinistro e profilo in contrasto. Personalizzabile con ricamo fino a 9 colori, stampa, strass, Swarovski Quantità minima:No minimi Tempi di consegna:5/7 giorni Prezzo:A preventivo


GUANTI IN LATTICE / SENZA POLVERE Dispositivo Medico cl. III Misure varie confezione da 100 pezzi
Fistula nyomó tapaszok és kötszerek

Fistula nyomó tapaszok és kötszerek

Indicated in the Dialysis off-procedure and blood sampling site in order to dab the AV fistula.
ragasztószőnyegek - 1. osztályú orvosi eszköz Tesztelve: ISO 21702 : 2019 - SARS-CoV-2_COV2019 ISO 2

ragasztószőnyegek - 1. osztályú orvosi eszköz Tesztelve: ISO 21702 : 2019 - SARS-CoV-2_COV2019 ISO 2

Antibacterial peel-off mat, treated with active ingredient which maintains its protection permanently. It allows to decontaminate accesses and passages to clean and sterile rooms, critical areas, grey areas, modified atmosphere packaging chambers. The antibacterial sticky mats have no limits of application and do not block the normal transit of operators and carts. The antibacterial mat is composed by 30 layers, does not require installation. Thanks to its fully adhesive base, it adheres perfectly to the floor, without the aid of frames. Thanks to its water-based adhesive layer, the carpet can be placed anywhere without leaving residues. Decontamination Mat
Vitiligo kezelés

Vitiligo kezelés

Dermacademy è il centro medico dermatologico più avanzato in europa per il trattamento della vitiligine attraverso il Protocollo Controfasico. Visita eseguita attraverso fotografia di wood in altissima risoluzione e risultati clinici valutati con precisione durante i controlli.
Antitrombo - Antitrombotikus harisnyák ellenőrző nyílással

Antitrombo - Antitrombotikus harisnyák ellenőrző nyílással

Le calze Orione® sono appositamente disegnate per rispondere alla necessità clinica di aumentare la velocità del sangue, riducendo l’incidenza di stasi venosa, trombi ed emboli polmonari, in pazienti costretti improvvisamente per lunghi periodi a letto. La speciale struttura delle calze garantisce la corretta compressione per molto tempo. I nostri prodotti vengono costantemente sottoposti a severi test aziendali, e sono il frutto di un’intensa collaborazione con gli stessi pazienti. Le calze antitrombo Orione® sono prodotte con la massima cura e tecnologia, garantendo comprovata qualità ed efficacia. Inserto in maglia speciale poliestensiva: previene l’effetto laccio emostatico e migliora la vestibilità e comfort. Tallone modellato: aiuta ad evitare che le calze salgano o scendano e aumenta il comfort del paziente. Foro ispezione per un rapido controllo del piede. Silicone sulla banda superiore: evita che la calza si muova.
Nordic Vision Összecsukható Szemüveg - napszemüveg, napszemüveg felnőtteknek és gyerekeknek

Nordic Vision Összecsukható Szemüveg - napszemüveg, napszemüveg felnőtteknek és gyerekeknek

Occhiali pieghevoli da lettura di Nordic Vision sono molto leggeri, hanno un trattamento anti-riflesso e la protezione UV 400. Presentano due caratteristiche molto importanti nel mondo dell’ottica: la protezione anti luce-blu di schermi di computer e la graduazione per presbiopia. Oltre gli occhiali graduati disponiamo di occhiali riposanti senza gradazione con il trattamento antiriflesso . Sono ideali per coloro che passano diverse ore davanti a TV e monitor del computer. Idonei anche per la guida notturna. Gli occhiali Folding sono accompagnati da una custodia su misura appositamente studiata per questa collezione di occhiali pieghevoli. Le lenti e le montature seguono un controllo di qualità farmaceutico professionale completo per assicurarti di ricevere solo prodotti affidabili.
Termo-Scanner - Testhőmérséklet-érzékelő - TSC-DIS01 - Termo scanner géladagolóval - Kód: TSC-DIS01

Termo-Scanner - Testhőmérséklet-érzékelő - TSC-DIS01 - Termo scanner géladagolóval - Kód: TSC-DIS01

Termo-Scanner - Rilevatore Temperatura Corporea a Distanza "contact-less” Programmabile con Erogatore Gel Igienizzante - Codice:TSC-DIS01 •Rilevatore temperatura corporea senza contatto ("contact-less") programmabile con allarme sonoro e visivo di segnalazione alte temperature. •Valori massimi di scatto allarme per alta temperatura in gradi Centigradi o Fahrenheit •Erogatore gel igienizzante regolabile per la quantità erogabile. •Alimentazione a corrente o a batterie • Tre tipologie di sostanza erogabile: spray, gel o schiuma ALTRI PRODOTTI DELLA CATEGORIA: Ossimetri - Saturimetri - Pulsossimetri Telecamere con termo-scanner e riconoscimento facciale Termometri digitali Dispositivi per la disinfezione mani
Jolly 102 - Félautomata Elemző

Jolly 102 - Félautomata Elemző

Jolly 102 JOLLY 102 è un fotometro intelligente con un software sofisticato con presentazione grafica che porta una nuova dimensione nell'esecuzione della chimica clinica di routine, di test speciali, di analisi immunoassay e delle urgenze. Ideale in ogni tipo di laboratorio. L'operatore è guidato passo passo attraverso le varie operazioni dalle icone utilizzate dal software. Semplice da usare. Oltre 150 metodi ed i risultati di 300 pazienti possono essere memorizzati dall'utilizzatore. Il software offre una scelta di 5 lingue: italiano, inglese, francese, spagnolo e portoghese. Un termostato (nella versione Jolly 102T) per 12 tubi primari ed una bottiglia di reagente rende il sistema indipendente. Il JOLLY 102 ha un sistema ottico frutto dell'esperienza di molti anni, la cui unione con un potente microprocessore ed un software sofisticato fanno di questo piccolo fotometro un GIGANTE.
puha lábbeli munkakörnyezetekhez COMFORT RELAX - WORK FLEX

puha lábbeli munkakörnyezetekhez COMFORT RELAX - WORK FLEX

HORDOZHATÓ HASÍTÓLÁMPA - 2X Hordozható Akkumulátoros Hasítólámpa

HORDOZHATÓ HASÍTÓLÁMPA - 2X Hordozható Akkumulátoros Hasítólámpa

Lampada a Fessura portatile Illuminazione a LED Manico con batteria ricaricabile, completa di valigia portatile. Microscopio con ottica convergente 2 Ingrandimenti: 10x e 16x Distanza di lavoro 81mm Larghezza fessura 0-12mm in continuo Angolo di rotazione illuminazione : orizzontale +30°
PRP - Vérlemez Gazdag Plazma - Vérlemez Sűrűség GÉL

PRP - Vérlemez Gazdag Plazma - Vérlemez Sűrűség GÉL

Si tratta di un dispositivo medico per la preparazione di Plasma Ricco di Piastrine (PRP), che comprende: provette in vetro o in plastica contenenti gel separatore, anticoagulante e vuoto calibrato per il prelievo del sangue del paziente. Il dispositivo medico deve essere usato da personale medico appositamente istruito, abilitato e formato Il set di accessori per il prelievo contiene materiali sterili ed insieme agli astucci per le provette costituisce l’assemblato completo per il trattamento PRP. BIOSTIMOLAZIONE PIASTRINICA Le piastrine rilasciano numerosi fattori di crescita piastrinici in grado di mediare la guarigione dei tessuti danneggiati, modulare l’infiammazione e stimolare la formazione di nuovi vasi sanguigni. È quindi possibile sfruttare questa naturale funzione dei fattori di crescita per trattare le patologie degenerative ortopediche, le lesioni della cartilagine o dei tendini.


Cotinine Rapid Test Panel – Product code: SC-1019-40 Quick test for quality identification of cotinine (nicotine metabolite) via urine. Only for the determination of smoker status. Not thought for medical diagnostic use. The COT rapid test is a quick chromatographic immunological test for cotinine detection. Also available in the version via saliva (nicotine-s screen test product code: sc-1026-25). Cotinine is the first degree metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that causes the stimulation of autonomous ganglia and central nervous system in humans. Nicotine is a substance that potentially every member of a tabby company is exposed, by Direct Contact or passive inhalation. In Addition to Tobacco, Nicotine Is Also Available On The Market As An Active Ingredient of Smoke Replacement Therapies Such As Tires, Transdermal Patches and Nicotine Nasal Sprays. Product code:SC-1019-40
TETANUS SZŰRŐTESZT - Fertőző Betegségek

TETANUS SZŰRŐTESZT - Fertőző Betegségek

Tetanus Rapid Test – Product code: SC-0746-40 Rapid immunoassay for the qualitative detection of tetanus toxin antibodies in whole blood, serum or plasma to aid in the diagnosis of tetanus toxin infection. The test is designed to assist in the tetanus prophylaxis of patients at risk. Since this disease does not confer immunity, the only prevention is vaccination. Immunoprotection is given by measuring the concentration of tetanus antibodies. As part of emergency medicine, knowing in real time the immune status of subjects at risk (deep wounds) allows for better management of appropriate tetanus prophylaxis. Clostridium tetani is a bacterium that causes tetanus in humans. Clostridium tetani are gram-positive spore-forming rods that are anaerobic. If they enter the body through a wound, they can multiply and produce a toxin that affects the nerves and controls muscle activity. Clostridium tetani toxin binds to peripheral nerve cell membranes and inhibits the release of neurotransmitters. Product code:SC-0746-40
SCREENVET GIARDIA - Állatorvosi teszt

SCREENVET GIARDIA - Állatorvosi teszt

The Giardia ScreenVet test is designed to detect Giardia Iamblia antigens in stool. Two antibodies in the kit specifically bind to different epitopes of the antigens. After being absorbed by the cellulose pad, the Giardia Iamblia antigens move and bind with the anti-Giardia oro-colloidal complex on the conjugate pad, forming an Ab-Ag complex. This complex then forms an Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich by binding directly with the antibody of another monoclonal anti-Giardia in the nitrocellulose membrane. The test results can appear on the Control and Test lines that employ the principles of immunocromatography. Product code:SCV-1088-10


Quick test for quality identification of cotinine (nicotine metabolite) via urine. Only for the determination of smoker status. Not thought for medical diagnostic use. The COT rapid test is a quick chromatographic immunological test for cotinine detection. Also available in the version via saliva (nicotine-s screen test product code: sc-1026-25). Cotinine is the first degree metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that causes the stimulation of autonomous ganglia and central nervous system in humans. Nicotine is a substance that potentially every member of a tabby company is exposed, by Direct Contact or passive inhalation. In Addition to Tobacco, Nicotine Is Also Available On The Market As An Active Ingredient of Smoke Replacement Therapies Such As Tires, Transdermal Patches and Nicotine Nasal Sprays. Product code:SC-1019-40
SCREEN 1 KETAMIN - Drogteszt

SCREEN 1 KETAMIN - Drogteszt

One Step Drug Test Card – Product Code: SC-0067-25 The Screen 1 Ketamine (Urine) rapid test is a chromatographic rapid immunoassay for the detection of Ketamine (main metabolite) in urine at a threshold-limit concentration of 1.000ng/ml. This test will detect other related compounds, please refer to the Analytical Specificity table in this package insert. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic developed in 1963 to replace PCP (Phencyclidine). While still used in human and veterinary anesthesia, ketamine is becoming increasingly abused as a street drug. Ketamine is molecularly similar to PCP and therefore causes similar effects including lightheadedness, loss of coordination, a sense of invulnerability, muscle stiffness, aggressive/violent behavior, trouble or loss of words, exaggerated sense of strength and blank stare. Product code:SC-0067-25
Drogteszt Opiátokhoz

Drogteszt Opiátokhoz

Single Drug Test, detects the presence of Opiates, Morphine, Heroin through urine testing. Rapid result for the analyzed substance. Free-sale product not intended for medical purposes. Detection of Opiates, Morphine and Heroin Rapid result for drug Opiates (OPI) PHARMACIST CODE:911151708


Adenovirus Rapid Test – Product code: SC-0456-25 The rapid test for Adenovirus (Feces) is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Adenovirus in human stool samples to assist in the diagnosis of Adenovirus infection. Acute diarrhea disorder in young children is the leading cause of morbidity worldwide and the leading cause of mortality in developing countries. Research has shown that enteric adenoviruses, especially Ad40 and Ad41, are the leading causes of diarrhea in many of these children, second only to rotaviruses. These viral pathogens have been isolated around the world and can cause diarrhea in babies around one year old. Infections are more common in children under the age of two, but have been found in patients of all ages. Acute diarrhea disorder in young children is the leading cause of morbidity worldwide and the leading cause of mortality in developing countries. Product code:SC-0456-25
SCREEN TEST FLU A/B - Fertőző Betegségek

SCREEN TEST FLU A/B - Fertőző Betegségek

Influenza A+B Rapid Test – Product code: SC-0623-20 Rapid test for the qualitative detection of the Influenza A and Influenza B virus on samples of nasal swab, throat swab or nasal aspirate. The Influenza A + B rapid test is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative identification of influenza A and B antigens on nasal, pharyngeal or nasal aspirate swab samples. It is intended to assist in the rapid differential diagnosis of viral infections of influenza A and B. Influenza is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is a highly transmissible contagious disease through coughing and sneezing from suspended droplets containing the live virus. The peak of the flu usually occurs during the winter and autumn months each year. Type A viruses are usually more prevalent than type B and associated with more serious influenza outbreaks, while type B infections are usually milder. Product code:SC-0623-20
Képernyő Ellenőrző Egészségmonitor

Képernyő Ellenőrző Egészségmonitor

Screen Health Monitor is a device to measure, store, and display: electrocardiogram, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygenation, respiratory rate, and body temperature directly at home for long-term monitoring of hypertensive patients, and those with fevers and anoxia. Screen Check Test Health Monitor is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0197. Read the warnings and instructions for use carefully. Authorization of 7/04/2021. PHARMACIST CODE:971664331


Calprotectin Rapid Test – Product code: SC-0777-25 The rapid test for Calprotectin in feces is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Calprotectin in human stool samples useful in the diagnosis of inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders. The Calprotectin Rapid Test Cassette (Feces) can detect low Calprotectin levels as low as 50 μg/g or 140 ng/ml of stool. Within-run precision was determined using 15 replicates of three samples: 140 ng/mL, 500 ng/mL, and 10 μg/mL positive samples. The samples were correctly identified in> 99% of cases. Calprotectin is a 24 kDa protein capable of binding calcium proteins S100A8 and S100A9. The complex constitutes up to 60% of the soluble protein content of the neutrophilic cytosol. Calprotectin becomes available in the intestinal lumen via leukocyte release, active secretion, cell disruption and cell death. This causes elevated levels of fecal calprotectin, detectable in the sample. Product code:SC-0777-25
SCREEN TEST RSV - Fertőző betegségek

SCREEN TEST RSV - Fertőző betegségek

RSV Rapid Test Cassette – Product code: SC-2382-20 A rapid test for the qualitative detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen in nasopharyngeal swab or nasal aspirate specimens. For professional in vitro diagnostic use only. The RSV Rapid Test Cassette (Nasopharyngeal Swab/Nasal Aspirate) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus antigen in nasopharyngeal swab or nasal aspirate specimens. It is intended to aid in the rapid differential diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus viral infections. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which causes infection of the lungs and breathing passages, is a major cause of respiratory illness in young children. In adults, it may only produce symptoms of a common cold, such as a stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, mild headache, cough, fever, and a general feeling of being ill. Product code:SC-2382-20
Utazási Elsősegélycsomag

Utazási Elsősegélycsomag

Travel first aid kit complete with all the necessary to give assistance to minor seriously wounded patients. Particularly suitable for travel, due to reduced weight and dimensions. Tear-proof and water resistant red bag, with transparent front equipped with velcro straps, featuring: 2 small bags for minor burns treatment 2 2-pieces non-woven sterile compress 1 medicated plaster strip 2 glove pairs in non-sterile package 3 disinfectant tissues 1 nylon non sterile tweezers 1 cohesive elastic bandage 4 cm 1 first aid scissors 2 ammonia towels 1 suture plasters package 1 disposable standard instant ice 1 package of 40 plasters Dimensions: about 15x12x8,5 cm
Trauma Táska 30 Üres

Trauma Táska 30 Üres

Functional, capacious, resistant and compact emergency bag Made of tearproof and impermeable red fabric material 4 refractive straps Totally removable cover Easy to carry either by hand, on shoulder or as a backpack 2 external lateral pockets 3 external lateral pockets with elastics and additional pockets 5 inner modular spaces 2 inner removable pouches with transparent frontal Dimensions: about 63x37x31(h) cm Weight: about 2,3 kg
Insti HIV teszt

Insti HIV teszt

Insti Hiv Test is a rapid test for self-diagnostic and disposable use, detects HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies with a drop of prick blood. Insti Hiv test is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0543. Read the warnings and operating instructions carefully. Authorization of 7/04/2021. For support and any useful information on HIV including in relation to the use of the test and interpretation of the result, contact the AIDS/STI hotline 800861061, operating Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Screening for HIV if one’s last risk of HIV exposure is 3 months or more; if one has been exposed to the risk of HIV infection after this period, testing for classic laboratory diagnosis (Generation IV ELISA), which provides reliable answers as early as 6 weeks after the last potential exposure to the virus, is recommended. Cannot be distributed to anyone under the age of 18. PHARMACIST CODE:972596605
Ovulációs teszt

Ovulációs teszt

Screen Test Ovulation LH (Urine) is a rapid immunochromatographic test for self-diagnostic use for the qualitative detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to aid ovulation detection. The package contains 4 tests. Screen Mamma Ovulation Test is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0123. Read the warnings and instructions for use carefully. Authorization of 7/04/2021.