Carro de medicación con una capacidad para 60 pastilleros de medicación semanal.
Estructura fabricada en aluminio reforzado, los laterales de polipropileno.
Interior de polipropileno.
Cerrado mediante una persiana de aluminio con llave.
Ruedas pivotantes de 125 mm de diámetro, dos de ellas van con freno.
Contiene una bandeja superior para zona de trabajo.
Es de fácil limpieza y desinfección.
Tiene un peso de 32 Kg
Ancho: 1080 mm
Alto: 1104 mm
Fondo: 510 mm
Si vous vous souciez de votre santé et que vous voulez des produits qui offrent protection et bien-être, acheter Sport Bluetooth Pulsomètre Polar H9 HR et beaucoup d'autres Produits Polar aux meilleurs prix!
Couleur: noir
Matériau: plastique
Année: 2020
Comprend: batterie
Batteries incluses: oui
Adultes unisex
Compatible: smartphones, téléphones portables
Poids: 100 g
Type de batterie: CR2025
Poids:100 g
Quickly measures blood pressure and heart rate. Through a cuff attached to the instrument and placed around the forearm, diastolic and systolic blood pressure can be monitored.
Screen Check Test Blood Pressure Monitor is a CE 0482 Medical Device.
Read the warnings and operating instructions carefully. Authorization of 7/04/2021.
RPWORLD offers sheet metal fabrication and pre-assemblies services as the complementary of our one-stop manufacturing service. The core benefits of this process include one-stop service, wide materials selection, hardware inserts, and our extensive experience in applications.
- Wide Material Selection
Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum.
- Hardware Inserts
Choose from hundreds of in-house hardware inserts specifically designed for sheet metal fabrication.
- One-stop Service
Maintain consistent part quality and guaranteed lead times under our one-stop service.
- Rich Experience for Various Applications
Auto parts, medical devices, home appliances, robotics, scientific instruments etc.
Industries Applied:
- Medical Device Manufacturing
- Automotive
- Scientific Instrument
- Mechanical Engineering
- Robotic
- Design
Industries Applied:Medical Device
Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument
Dimensioni: 17,5x9,5 cm o personalizzati
Materiale: PP, SMS (3 strati)
Colore: blu, bianco (per ospedale)
Peso: (20 + 20 + 25) gsm o personalizzato
Confezione: 50 pezzi / scatola, 2000 pezzi / per cartone
Usato per: ospedale o altri
Azione:avere azione
Dimensioni:17,5x9,5 cm o personalizzati
Usato per:ospedale o altri
High Quality Surgical Mask with Competitive Price.
Visit Us Now & Get the Best - Meltblown street art patterned face mask Premium Filter protects against 99% of particles larger then 0.3 μm, filter Efficiency = PFE 99%. For home, school and outdoors and personal needs. Full reports available upon request.
Comfortable elastic earloop, extrasoft ear loops eliminate pressure to the ears.
The production of every mask is zerocontact and dustfree. Ensure that the mask is clean and hygienic. The user can use it directly after receiving it.
Bobath Liege
mit weißen Rahmengestell 100 x 200 cm
mit kostenlosem Hocker in bestellter Liegenfarbe
elektrische Therapieliege für alle gängigen Therapiearten
Maximale Hubkraft: 175 kg
Vacusera K2EDTA Tubes are for examination of whole blood in haematology. K2EDTA and GEL is mainly
used for molecular diagnostics.
Reference Number:234605
Draw vol. (ml):4.5
Size(mm):13 x 75
Additive:K2E K2Edta
Label Type:Paper
VerschlussStopfen mit Zuspritzmöglichkeit
• mit flexibler latexfreier Membran zum intermittierenden Zuspritzen von Medikamenten
• schützt vor der Berührungskontamination beim Zuspritzen
• Druckbeständigkeit bis 2 bar
• versenkter LuerLock Konus männlich
• DEHPfrei
• PVCfrei
• latexfrei
• FFP2 half mask, non-reusable (NR), duckbill type.
• Total back length: 225 mm= 8,85827 in, small size.
• This FFP2 mask for personal respiratory protection is single use & non-sterile.
• PRISM masks are manufactured on our production line in Frontignan in the Hérault region of France & meet the recommended European and French standards.
• Double certification :
- NF EN 149+A1 2009 ;
- 14683 + AC 2019.
• PRISM carries out quality controls as it produces.
1/ A "duckbill" mask organised in several layers:
- the outer layers in non-woven polypropylene (= spunbond) ;
- the two intermediate layers ensure filtration with meltblown fabric.
2/ A double nose bar to adjust the mask to the shape of the nose & to reduce fogging of the glasses.
3/ A double flat elastic band (manual separation) to secure the mask to the face.
Size:225 by 90 mm (=8,85827 by 3,54331 in)
Composition of masks:Spunbond et Meltblown
Number of layers:4
Bar composition:Wire (steel) and polypropylene
Packaging:Box of 40 masks
Standards:EN 149: 2001 + A1: 2009 FFP2 NR & EN 14683: 2019 + AC: 2019
Property:Single use
Avec leur couleur blanc éclatant, leur ajustement précis et leur haute qualité, les gants en coton Blanc impressionnent depuis des années nos clients de secteurs les plus divers. Les gants en coton de poids moyen ont une finition particulièrement fine et de qualité supérieure. Les doigts superposés et le pouce inséré assurent un ajustement anatomique précis, ce qui rend les gants parfaitement ajustés et s'adaptent très bien aux mouvements de votre main.
Dünyada bir ilk!
TS EN 14683+AC tıbbi maskeler standardına uygun, %99,9 oranında tutuculuk oranına sahip Tip IIR sınıfı virüs, bakteri, toz ve partikül tutucu UGMA Filtreli çok kullanımlı ventilsiz yüz maskesi.
Diğer maskelere göre 10 kata varan rahat nefes alışverişi sağlayan yüksek hava geçirgenliği sayesinde konforlu kullanım sunar. Tek kullanımlık değildir, değişebilir filtresi ile uzun süreli kullanıma uygundur.
Çift taraflı koruma özelliği ile hem sağlıklı hem de enfekte kişiler kullanabilmektedir. Ameliyathaneler, tıbbi işlem yapılan ortamlar, enfeksiyon bulaşma riskinin olduğu çalışma ve yaşam alanlarının tümünde kullanıma uygundur. Kandaki oksijen oranını %99 seviyelerine çıkararak uzun süreli kullanımda yorgunluk, dikkatsizlik gibi olumsuz durumları engeller.
* It is non-sterile and powder-free.
* It is for single use only.
* It is compatible with both hands.
* Ideal for allergic bodies.
* It can be used easily in jobs that require precision and protection.
* The curved tip of the cuff prevents the glove from slipping, allowing for long-term use.
Gama sterile, Pair packet
100 pcs in 1 box
The Kit contains 2 pcs of Multicap PRP Tubes (with Anticoagulant) and 1 pc Activation Tube (Ca+) with all application accessories.
Multicap has vacuum, 11 ml blood collection capacity. Blood is filled with vacuum from the same cap (rubber stopper) and PRP is taken from the same cap after centrifugation. Since it
has a single cap, it is named as MONOCAP. It is a classic system. Since the Buffy Coat is spread over a wide surface after centrifugation, PRP collection requires high experience.
Medienführende Systeme finden in der Medizintechnik ebenso ihren Einsatz - Medienführende Systeme finden in der Medizintechnik ebenso ihren Einsatz wie in der Automobilindustrie. Wir beraten, entwickeln und produzieren.
Bereits seit 1996 konfektionieren wir Luft und Wasser oder andere Flüssigkeiten führende Medizinschläuche, darunter Turbinenschläuche, Motorschläuche, Luftmotorschläuche oder Aspirationsschläuche für den Dentalbereich. Für besonders sensible Medizinschläuche verfügt in-Tec Bensheim über Sauberkeitsbereiche die während der Produktionsabläufe mögliche Verunreinigungsrisiken minimieren.
Class I of Regulation EU 2017/745 on medical devices; Type II R (liquidresistant), tested according to EN 14683 2019 for surgical masks. The inside and outside are made of physiologically harmless, plasticizerfree polypropylene fleece, the filter medium consists of a special microfiber fleece produced using the meltblown process, welded together using the ultrasound process.
Antimicrobial पॉलीथीन ईएसडी चिपचिपा चटाई पानी आधारित चिपकने वाला लेपित प्रत्येक चिपचिपा चटाई में पॉलीइथिलीन फिल्मों की कई परतें होती हैं जो कस्टम उच्च कील के साथ लेपित होती हैं जो एक ढेर में एक साथ टुकड़े टुकड़े में होती हैं। जैसा कि शीर्ष परत गंदी हो जाती है, इसे चिपचिपी चटाई की अगली साफ शीट को उजागर करने के लिए बस छील दिया जा सकता है। डस्ट कंट्रोल स्टिकी मैट को विशेष सामग्री के साथ गढ़ा जाता है। रोगाणुरोधी और एंटिफंगल रसायन जो किसी भी प्रकार के धूल कणों को रोकने में सक्षम हैं, जो पैर के तलवों और ट्रॉली पहियों के माध्यम से साफ कमरे में प्रवेश करते हैं। इन मैट को प्रवेश द्वार पर ही धूल के कणों को अवरुद्ध करने के लिए कमरों के प्रवेश पर रखा जा सकता है। रोगाणुओं को फंसाने के लिए बनाया गया है स्थापित करने और बनाए रखने में आसान सस्ते दामों पर उन्नत बहुपरत चटाई चिपकने वाला एक विशेष प्रकार के रोगाणुरोधी और एंटिफंगल रासायनिक एजेंट के साथ मिलाया जाता है इसका उपयोग सर्जरी रूम, आईसीयू यूनिट्स के लिए किया जा सकता है, जब भी आवश्यकता होती है, ट्रैक किए गए, बैक्टीरिया-युक्त गंदगी और मलबे की शुरूआत
Ensemble en inox 304L – 1.4307
Volume 106 litres
Chargement en façade par tiroir
1 tiroir 950 x 370
- option : tiroir supplémentaire suspendu 950 x 250
- option pompe à vide corps PTFE pour vide préalable
Gestion des cycles 121°C et 134°C mécanique
Pieds réglables pour mise à niveau
Mode de fonctionnement fourni en standard:
Electrique 230 – 400 V puissance max 4500W
Gaz butane puissance max 3000W
Utilisation :
- Autoclave mobile pour théâtre d’opération humanitaire ou militaire
- Autoclave fixe ou de secours pour les Centres hospitaliers et dispensaires
HYGISUN ANTIGEN LAIENTEST UND SPEICHELTEST, SELBSTTEST, BfArM-Sonderzulassung, abrechnungsfähig, Paul-Ehrlich evaluiert, PEI, SALVIA
Die Hygisun Speichel-Laientest ist ein Selbsttest, der von jedermann für sich selbst anzuwenden ist. Er ist auch ideal für Retail aber auch für Unternehmen, welche ihre Arbeitskräfte schützen möchten. Einfache und sichere Handhabung.
BfArM-ID: AT195/21
Sonderzulassungsnummer nach §11 MPG: 5640-S-058/21
Paul Ehrlich evaluiert: JA
Auswertungsdauer: 15 Minuten
Klinische Spezifität: 100,00%
Klinische Sensitivität: 95,27%
Verpackungseinheit: 1 Stück
Dieses Set enthält ein Sweatshirt und eine Hose mit verschiedenen Taschenkonfigurationen, das Sweatshirt ist mit einem Besatz in der Farbe des Stoffes versehen, der eine hohe Ästhetik des Produkts gewährleistet, die Hose hat einen Gummizug oder Kordelzug in der Taille. Dieses Set ist leicht, langlebig und seidig im Griff, das Material, aus dem es hergestellt wurde, ist von sehr guter Qualität und hat viele Eigenschaften wie Luftdurchlässigkeit oder Wasseraufnahme.
Hohe Haltbarkeit
Hohe Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme
Gute Belüftung
Gewicht 49 g/m2
Medizinprodukt der Klasse I
Normen EN ISO 13938-1, EN ISO 9073-10, Trockenfüllung min. 190 kPa, Partikelreinheit 2,0 IPM, gleichmäßige Staubentwicklung 2,1 log10
CPV : 33199000-1 / 35113410-6 / 35113400-3 / 35113470-4 / 35113490-0 /
18400000-3 / 18110000-3
50 stk im Karton / 1 Europalette / 1,80 höhe / 24 Kartons
Taille unique
Couleur bleu
Grammage = 8grs/m2 ou 10grs/m2
Conditionnement par lot de 100
Recommandation d’utilisation
• Les vêtements de protection ont pour fonction d’éviter que la peau, et donc
l’utilisateur, entre en contact avec des substances biologiques.
Ils préviennent également la propagation des germes aussi bien dans le cadre du travail qu’à l’extérieur (voiture, domicile, famille...).
De ce fait, le port de protection individuelle est obligatoire.
Das Pendulum ist ein festsitzendes Behandlungsgerät, um die oberen großen Backenzähne nach hinten zu verschieben. In der Regel soll durch seinen Einsatz die Extraktion von Zähnen vermieden werden.
Are you searching for certified nitrile gloves produced by trustworthy manufacturers?
We are happy to offer you the following nitrile gloves:
-BRAND: Ansell
-Model: Edge, Micro Touch, Micro-Thin Nitrile
-MOQ: 1M
-Delivery time: 30 – 45 days
-Payment terms: 100% LC
-Edge: 6,31 EUR/ box
-Micro Touch and Micro-Thin Nitrile: 6,59 EUR/ box
-Including provision 0,20 EUR/ per box
GlobalGloveLINE is the direct contact to global productions, investment funds, traders and sellers of nitrile gloves. The interface is the GGL platform. We not only put sellers and buyers through their paces, but also offers, documents, certificates, contracts and much more, and ultimately bring buyers and sellers together to successfully conclude a contract.
Defibrillation am Arbeitsplatz, für zuhause, für jedermann
Halbautomatischer Defibrillator (AED) mit Sprachaufforderung für den
Innenbereich. Der HS1 hat alles, was ein sicherer und zuverlässiger automatisierter Defibrillator AED bieten muss. Nach den Richtlinien des Europäischen Rescuscitation Council, mit Quick-Shock-Funktion, das heisst
einer Schockabgabe unter 8 sec. Tropfwassergeschützt nach IP21. Im
Systempreis enthalten sind 1 Paar Elektroden für Erwachsene sowie eine
Kurzanleitung mit Poster. Abmessung: 21 x 19 x 7 cm. Gewicht: 1,5 kg