Kaliumsorbat ist ein hochwirksames, sicheres und ungiftiges Lebensmittelkonservierungsmittel. Obwohl Kaliumsorbat eines von vielen Konservierungsmitteln auf dem Markt ist, ist es eines der besten, da es harmlos und vielseitig ist. Kaliumsorbat wird größtenteils synthetisch hergestellt.
Es ist ein geschmacks- und geruchloses Pulver. Laut der FDA gilt es als sicher in der Anwendung, da es im Körper zu Wasser und Kohlendioxid zerfällt. Es steht auf der Liste der Konservierungsstoffe, die in kosmetischen Mitteln mit Einschränkungen verwendet werden dürfen. Seine maximal zulässige Konzentration im Endprodukt beträgt 0,6 %, berechnet als Sorbinsäure. Es funktioniert am besten in einer sauren Umgebung, ansonsten sind seine Eigenschaften viel schwächer.
Chemical appearance
Isopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate or O – Isopropyl – N – Ethyl Thionocarbamate has a type of dark brown or amber colour and comes in a liquid form with an oily consistency. It is partially dissolvable in water and has a density of 990 – 1004 kg/m3.
Chemical application and strength
Isopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate or O – Isopropyl – N – Ethyl Thionocarbamate is another strong type of collector which has characteristics of having strong collection in the flotation process of various nonferrous metallic sulfides.
Partially soluble in water but is highly soluble in benzene, petroleum ether, alcohol, ethyl ether, and many more.
Has weak collective power with regards to pyrites, but is very selective in the flotation process of various sulfide ores.
It should be placed in an environment away from exposure to water and extreme heat from fire and sunlight. It should always be placed upright and never upside down
Compared to xanthates it has a better frothing ability.
CAS Number:141 – 98 – 0
HS Code:293020
Diosmetin is a flavanoid-type compound with a vast variety of biological activities. It can be found in various sources in nature, but are most natural abundance is in citrus plants like lemon, pompia, orange, tangerine, etc.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-70
Purity:98% (HPLC)
Molecular formula:C16H12O6
Molecular weight:300,26
Notre huile végétale de souchet provient des tubercules de la plante (cyperus esculentus) du Sénégal, elle est connue également sous le nom de l’huile de noix tigrée. Elle est riche en omega 9 et contient des antioxydants naturels, du phosphore et du potassium. De saveur douce et noisetté, elle est polyvalente, elle s’utilise en cosmétiques, en cuisine et dans la médecine traditionnelle.
Les bienfaits cosmétiques :
Nourrissante et assouplissante particulièrement pour les peaux sèches et déshydratées, elle procure de l’élasticité
Aide à ralentir la repousse des poils en utilisation avant et après les épilations
Ses antioxydants aident à prévenir le vieillissement et la régénération de la peau en luttant contre les radicaux libres
Contribue à réduire l’inflammation de la peau
Aide à apaiser les irritations et les démangeaisons de la peau
TRADIUM liefert besonders reines und hochwertiges Gallium ab Lager in Frankfurt/M.
Lieferbare Formen
- Gallium-Metall
- Galliumoxid
- Galliumchlorid
- Galliumnitrat
Gallium ist in verschiedenen Qualitäten und Reinheiten prompt ab Lager in Frankfurt am Main lieferbar
Benötigen Sie Gallium mit besonderen Lieferformen oder Spezifikationen?
Dann kontaktieren Sie uns! Wir helfen Ihnen gerne bei Ihrem Anliegen.
Ihr Ansprechpartner für Gallium ist:
Matthias Rüth
Tel.: +49 (0)69 50 50 250 - 250
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage!
We offer calcium carbonat In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Our yarns are used in weaving, knitting and knitwear as well as women's / men's clothing, military, safety and outdoor clothing, as well as lace, socks, seamless clothing, sportswear and technical textiles.
Polyamide (nylon) yarns are also used in fabric production together with natural or other synthetic yarns.
Denier : 90- 100
Filament :48
Yarn Type :FDY
Yarn Type :Textured
Yarn cross-section :round
Color :half mat
Color:Full mat
Color:Dope Dyed
L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine: Schlüsselaminosäure für Muskelwachstum, Energie und Reparatur. Beliebt in Sporternährung und Fitnessprodukten.
L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine, eine verzweigtkettige Aminosäure (BCAA), spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im Muskelstoffwechsel und -wachstum. Sie fördert die Energieproduktion während intensiver körperlicher Aktivität und unterstützt die Muskelreparatur. L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine wird oft von Sportlern und Fitnessbegeisterten eingenommen, um die Ausdauer zu steigern und Muskelabbau zu verhindern. Es hilft auch bei der Regulierung des Blutzuckerspiegels und der Förderung einer stabilen Stickoxidproduktion. Diese Aminosäure ist in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich, darunter Pulver und Kapseln, und wird von Menschen genutzt, die ihre sportliche Leistung steigern oder ihre Muskelgesundheit verbessern möchten. L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine bietet eine breite Palette von potenziellen Vorteilen für Fitness und Wohlbefinden.
Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura
Imidazoline is a cationic surfactant based on natural oils and amines. The molecules of the substance form a thin film on the surface, making its potential more positive. At the same time, the rate of corrosion slows down or its course stops altogether. Reduces the corrosive activity of oil, dissolves well in a corrosive environment. It does not pollute the metal surface and does not have a destructive effect on it.
Density at 20C, g/cm3: 0.95-1.03
Appearance: homogeneous viscous liquid from light yellow to brown
Mass fraction of the active base: at least 98%
Viscosity at a temperature of -40C: no more than 500 mm/s
Amine number: 155-210 mg KOH/g
DESCRIPTION• Component of highly effective corrosion inhibitors;
• a component that changes the rheological properties of liquids;
• additive to road bitumen to improve their adhesion to acidic rocks;
• component of detergents, disinfectants;
• antistatic and fabric softener in the textile industry;
• emulsifier for various
Glycerol has emollient, lubricating, moisturizing and hygroscopic properties that contribute to the absorption of water in the skin and hair, promoting hydration and softness. It creates a protective film and protects the capillary mass, preventing water from being lost easily when the hair is exposed to very dry environments as well as other adverse factors for hair health.
DICYCLOPENTADIENE(DCPD)85%/95% is mainly used in the manufacture of DCPD resin, unsaturated polyester resin,
epoxy resin, ethylene-propylene rubber, glutaraldehyde, bis(cyclopentadienyl) iron,
norbornene, adamantane and other spices, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and fine
chemicals etc.
REACH registration certificate available.
YOOKA Liquid Shilajit è un integratore alimentare 100% vegano, prodotto artigianalmente con autentico Shilajit coltivato tra i 5100 e i 5500 metri sulle montagne dell'Himalaya pakistano.
Questo Shilajit liquido è ricco di acidi fulvici (minimo 70%) e di oltre 85 minerali essenziali, grazie all'essiccazione naturale al sole per 45-60 giorni;
A differenza dei metodi industriali, il nostro Shilajit è purificato da 40 filtrazioni con filtri nano-purificati per garantire la massima purezza.
Le nostre bottiglie sono realizzate in vetro alimentare per preservare la qualità dello Shilajit liquido. Ogni flacone da 60 ml contiene una soluzione liquida di Shilajit puro e acqua di sorgente dell'Himalaya (5% del contenuto), facile da usare;
Per godere dei benefici dello Shilajit, si consiglia una dose da 5 a 10 gocce in una bevanda calda o fredda, due volte al giorno.
D-Panthenol or Dexpanthenol is a precursor of vitamin B and a to phanthotenic acid belonging alcohol. The viscous, yellowish to clear product is produced synthetically. It is sensible to increased temperature and should be processed at a pH value between four and six. D-Panthenol is easily solube in water and ethanol and is unsoluble in fats and oils. Human bodies transform D-Panthenol to vitamin B5.
CAS number:81-13-0
Durability:2 years
Storage:should be stored at a cool, dry and light shielded place in original packaging
We offer anionic surfactants In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Chemical appearance
Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate has an appearance of a deep brown or almost black liquid. Some may classify it as a vandyck brown oily liquid and it has a density of 1.17 – 1.20. It has a PH value of 10 – 13 and a mineral substances percentage of 46 – 49.
Chemical application and strength
Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is known to be a good flotation collector of copper, silver sulfide, zinc sulfide (activated), and lead ores. It can somewhat be dissolved in water. Also, it can be directly poured into ball mills and surge tanks.
Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is used mainly in the separation flotation process of ores like lead and zinc.
Because of its properties it should not be subjected to intense heat like fire or extreme sunlight. Proper packaging must be observed.
It is weak in collecting sulfide minerals and pyrite when in alkaline medium. It also is selective in collecting ores.
CAS Number:61792-48-1
HS Code:292019
We offer hide glue In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
We offer optical brightners In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!