Termékek solar (61)

10 X Epp 410 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Monokristályos Fekete Keretes Napelem - SHOP

10 X Epp 410 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Monokristályos Fekete Keretes Napelem - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-410W-B-QTYX10
Töltésszabályozók és Kijelzők Napenergia Rendszerekhez - A töltésszabályozó abszolút szükséges az off-grid napenergia rendszerekhez.

Töltésszabályozók és Kijelzők Napenergia Rendszerekhez - A töltésszabályozó abszolút szükséges az off-grid napenergia rendszerekhez.

Funktion eines Ladereglers Der Laderegler ist zum Überladeschutz mit den Solarmodulen und der Batterie verbunden. Damit die Verbrauchern die Batterie nicht tiefenentladen ist der Laderegler, sofern kein Tiefenladeschutz an Bord vorhanden ist, auch damit verbunden. Der Laderegler ist somit das Kontrollzentrum und ein wichtiger Schutz für die Solaranlage. Laderegler können zusätzliche Funktionen haben Einige Laderegler haben einen Temperaturfühler, Anzeige vom Ladezustand, Ladestrom, Laststrom, Batteriespannung, Betriebszustand der Solaranlage, Warnsignale uvm. SOLARA bietet Laderegler mit ein Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Funktionen. Laderegler gibt es in verschiedenen Ausführungen Laderegler müssen auf den Batterietyp abgestimmt sein. Laderegler gibt es in verschiedenen Ausführungen und Qualitäten. SOLARA hat eine große Auswahl für alle batterietypen und Größen von Solaranlagen. Bei SOLARA gibt es für jede Anwendung den richtigen Laderegler - eine einmalig große Auswahl


Erzeugen Sie kostengünstig und umweltfreundlich Ihren eigenen Strom. PRISMA konzipiert Ihre maßgeschneiderte Photovoltaik-Anlage, entweder auf Ihrem Dach oder als Freilandinstallation. Einfach, erprobt, zuverlässig, enorm wirtschaftlich und wartungsarm. Damit ist Photovoltaik die einzige Möglichkeit schnell und nachhaltig in die eigene Energieproduktion einzusteigen. Natürlich dient dies nur zu Ihrer Orientierung! Unsere Solarprofies kommen, messen und planen Ihre Anlage so, dass Sie keine Arbeit davon haben. Auch in diesem Jahr: Garantiert feste Fördersätze durch das EEG sowie von der KFW gefördert! Außerdem gibt es Förderprogramme für Speicher, Umweltinvestitionen, Wohnbauprogramme, Energie-Effizienz und Modernisierung


Anlage zur Aufnahme von Photovoltaikelementen ausgeführt im Auftrag von SunTechnics GmbH Hamburg.
10 kW Hibrid Napenergia Teljes Készlet Akkumulátoros Energiaszabályozó Rendszerrel - BOLT

10 kW Hibrid Napenergia Teljes Készlet Akkumulátoros Energiaszabályozó Rendszerrel - BOLT

EPP hybrid solar systems consist of EPP solar panels, hybrid inverters and storage capacities that enable you to store solar energy and use it when you are at home when the grid goes out. The ability to store and use the solar energy when desired is called self-consumption. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-HYB-ST-10
Alapszerkezet Szerelési Rendszerek Napelemes Carport E-port Otthon Dupla - BOLT

Alapszerkezet Szerelési Rendszerek Napelemes Carport E-port Otthon Dupla - BOLT

The E-Port Home Double from the substructure manufacturer Mounting Systems promises quick and uncomplicated assembly. Due to the flexible design, the carport can be individually adapted and offers space for 15 modules and two cars. The carport can be set up without a soil survey. Fastening is mechanical to the concrete ITEM NUMBER:MO-5871
Kiegészítők & Elektro Solaredge Se1000-s0if01, S0 Adapter Kábel - SHOP

Kiegészítők & Elektro Solaredge Se1000-s0if01, S0 Adapter Kábel - SHOP

The SolarEdge adapter cable for S0 meters (order number SE1000-S0IF01) enables a meter with an S0 interface to be connected to a SolarEdge inverter or a control and communication gateway. ITEM NUMBER:MO-719
380 Watt Hieff Napelem Fekete - BOLT

380 Watt Hieff Napelem Fekete - BOLT

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-BR
2 X 5 Méteres Meghosszabbító Kábel 4mm² Mc4 Napelemes Csatlakozóval - SHOP

2 X 5 Méteres Meghosszabbító Kábel 4mm² Mc4 Napelemes Csatlakozóval - SHOP

Connection cable with MC4-compatible plug and wire sleeve ready-made Plus and minus set – for wiring parallel circuits Simply plug into the connection cable of the junction box on the module, or into the distributor plug of your photovoltaic system, to the solar charge controller ITEM NUMBER:EPP-VKBL-5M
Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 100/20-48v Napelemes Töltés Szabályozó 12-48v 20a - SHOP

Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 100/20-48v Napelemes Töltés Szabályozó 12-48v 20a - SHOP

MPPT solar charge controller with ultra-fast maximum power point tracking, charging current up to 20A and PV voltage up to 100V. The controller is suitable for batteries up to 48V ITEM NUMBER:SCC110020160R
4 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

4 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-B-QTYX4
12 X Epp 400 Watt Teljesen Fekete Napelemek Napelem Rendszer Hieff - SHOP

12 X Epp 400 Watt Teljesen Fekete Napelemek Napelem Rendszer Hieff - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity ITEM NUMBER:EPP-400W-FB-QTYX12
Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 75/10 Napelem Töltőszabályozó 12/24v 10a - SHOP

Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 75/10 Napelem Töltőszabályozó 12/24v 10a - SHOP

A solar charger is supplied with energy via solar modules and then stores it in batteries. Using the latest and fastest technology, the BlueSolar maximizes this energy production and intelligently directs it to fully charge the batteries in the shortest possible time. The Blue Solar maintains the functionality of the battery and thus extends its service life. ITEM NUMBER:SCC075010060R
Szerelési Rendszer Napelemes Horog Erkélykorlát Sarok - BOLT

Szerelési Rendszer Napelemes Horog Erkélykorlát Sarok - BOLT

SOLAR HOOK mounting systems are quick to assemble, robust and durable. Not only are they cost effective, they are equally suitable for new, existing and renovated roofs. SOLAR HOOK offers photovoltaic mounting systems for both pitched and flat roofs. A major advantage is that the mounting systems can withstand heavy snow loads ITEM NUMBER:EPP-MTG-SH-EV-3
Szerelési Rendszer Napelemes Horog Erkélykorlát Kerek - SHOP

Szerelési Rendszer Napelemes Horog Erkélykorlát Kerek - SHOP

SOLAR HOOK mounting systems are quick to assemble, robust and durable. Not only are they cost effective, they are equally suitable for new, existing and renovated roofs. SOLAR HOOK offers photovoltaic mounting systems for both pitched and flat roofs. A major advantage is that the mounting systems can withstand heavy snow loads. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-MTG-SH-RV-2
Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 100/50 Napelemes Töltés Szabályozó 12/24v 50a - SHOP

Victron Energy Smartsolar Mppt 100/50 Napelemes Töltés Szabályozó 12/24v 50a - SHOP

MPPT solar charge controller with ultra-fast maximum power point tracking, charging current up to 50A and PV voltage up to 100V. The controller automatically adapts to a 12V or 24V nominal battery voltage. ITEM NUMBER:SCC110050210
Epp 380 Watt M6 Hieff Twin Mono Fekete Keret Napelem - SHOP

Epp 380 Watt M6 Hieff Twin Mono Fekete Keret Napelem - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-B
Epp 400 Watt M10 Hieff Fekete Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

Epp 400 Watt M10 Hieff Fekete Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-400W-FB
12 kW hibrid napenergia teljes készlet akkumulátoros energiatároló rendszerrel - BOLT

12 kW hibrid napenergia teljes készlet akkumulátoros energiatároló rendszerrel - BOLT

EPP hybrid solar systems consist of EPP solar panels, hybrid inverters and storage capacities that enable you to store solar energy and use it when you are at home when the grid goes out. The ability to store and use the solar energy when desired is called self-consumption.s ITEM NUMBER:EPP-HYB-ST-12
8 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

8 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-B-QTYX8
8 X Epp 400 Watt Fekete Napelemek Hieff Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

8 X Epp 400 Watt Fekete Napelemek Hieff Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-400W-FB-QTYX8
5 X Hoymiles Hm-600 Mikroinverter Napelem Modul Inverter PV Modulokhoz - BOLT

5 X Hoymiles Hm-600 Mikroinverter Napelem Modul Inverter PV Modulokhoz - BOLT

The Hoymiles HM-600 is the perfect microinverter for your balcony power station. The compact lightweight (only 3kg including the AC cable) is suitable for solar power production with up to two solar panels. Just like all other Hoymiles microinverters, it is suitable for long hours of operation and wide PV module application because its startup is very low (only 22V) and the DC input range of operating voltage (16-60V) is extremely wide. ITEM NUMBER:HM-600-QTYX5
20 X Epp 410 Watt Napelem Modulok Napelem Rendszer Hieff - BOLT

20 X Epp 410 Watt Napelem Modulok Napelem Rendszer Hieff - BOLT

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-410W-B-QTYX20
2 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

2 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-B-QTYX2
2 X Epp 410 Watt Napelem Napelem Rendszer Hieff Fotovoltaikus - BOLT

2 X Epp 410 Watt Napelem Napelem Rendszer Hieff Fotovoltaikus - BOLT

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity ITEM NUMBER:EPP-410W-B-QTYX2
4 X Epp 400 Watt Fekete Napelemek Hieff Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

4 X Epp 400 Watt Fekete Napelemek Hieff Fotovoltaikus Napelem - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-400W-FB-QTYX4
Kiegészítők & Elektro 3x Solaredge Áramérzékelő Típus 100a - BOLT

Kiegészítők & Elektro 3x Solaredge Áramérzékelő Típus 100a - BOLT

3 x Modbus current sensor 100 A for SolarEdge Modbus energy meters ITEM NUMBER:MO-6761
4 X Jinergy 380 Watt Napelem Napelemes Rendszer Ezüst Napelem - SHOP

4 X Jinergy 380 Watt Napelem Napelemes Rendszer Ezüst Napelem - SHOP

Monocrystalline solar cells are characterized by their high quality and the high level of efficiency they can achieve. They are produced in a complex manufacturing process. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-JIN-QTYX4
12 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete Napelem Rendszer Fotovoltaikus - SHOP

12 X Epp 380 Watt Magas Hatékonyságú Napelem Fekete Napelem Rendszer Fotovoltaikus - SHOP

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-380W-B-QTYX12
Epp 400 Watt Teljesen Fekete Napelemek Napelem Rendszer Hieff - BOLT

Epp 400 Watt Teljesen Fekete Napelemek Napelem Rendszer Hieff - BOLT

The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity ITEM NUMBER:EPP-400W-FB-R