Termékek spinn kávégép (36)

Magyar Bors

Magyar Bors

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us


kaltgepresst max 37°
Szárított kapor

Szárított kapor

DRIED DILL Color:green Size:in the form of leaves on thin Humidity:no more 14,0% Compound:dill
Rukkola - Baby Levél (vágott leveles zöldségek)

Rukkola - Baby Levél (vágott leveles zöldségek)

La rucola presenta foglie allungate e frastagliate, dal sapore piccante e aroma tipico. Ricca di calcio, ferro e vitamina C. Tra le sue numerose proprietà benefiche: l’azione digestiva, purificante e ricostituente. Varietà baby leaf. Possibilità di utilizzarla per preparazione misticanza. Disponibile in casse nere o polistirolo termosaldato da 500 gr. e 1 Kg.


L’oseille est un légume-feuille que l’on utilise crue ou cuite pour son goût acidulé et légèrement citronné. Utilisée comme herbe aromatique, elle relève les soupes et les légumes, les plats de poisson et les œufs avec lesquels elle se marie particulièrement bien. Riche en fibres, en magnésium, potassium, fer et vitamines A, C, E, elle est reconnue depuis l’antiquité pour ses vertus digestives et astringentes.
Mazamort Bors

Mazamort Bors

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us


Terrine traditionnelle au Sanglier en 90g Jean Brunet
Fagyasztott petrezselyem

Fagyasztott petrezselyem

Le persil et l’ail qui composent le mélange persil-ail sont fraîchement lavés puis coupés avant d’être surgelés IQF. Ce produit de qualité est facile d’utilisation, et grâce à son sachet ZIP il conservera toutes ses saveurs et ses arômes. CONDITIONNEMENT:8 x 250 g = 2 kg
Füstölt Csípős Paprika

Füstölt Csípős Paprika

Benefici: la paprika affumicata a caldo aggiunge un gusto profondo e ricco a tutti i piatti. Può essere usato al posto della paprika rossa dolce quando vuoi aggiungere una nota piccante al tuo piatto o al posto dei fiocchi di pepe di Cayenna o del peperoncino. La paprika affumicata a caldo è prodotta come altre polveri di paprika da peperoni che vengono affumicati, essiccati e macinati in polvere. Questo processo conferisce il colore e il sapore. Il colore può essere diverso da un leggero rosso-arancio a un rosso scuro e anche il gusto può essere qualsiasi cosa, dall'amaro caldo al dolce caldo.Usi: la paprika affumicata calda è comunemente usata in piatti come il gulasch, uno stufato di carne rossa a cottura lenta con verdure, cipolle, patate e panna acida sulla parte superiore del piatto come elemento finale. È una buona idea scaldare la spezia con un filo d'olio d'oliva per meno di un minuto a fuoco basso per sprigionare il suo sapore naturale. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
Spenót Göndör - Snackeria 100% Halal

Spenót Göndör - Snackeria 100% Halal

Spinach curl




Őszibarack / Őszibarack konzerv

Őszibarack / Őszibarack konzerv

Pfirsiche 1/2 Frucht 850ml. / 2650ml. / 4250ml. leicht gezuckert Pfirsiche gewürfelt 4250ml. leicht gezuckert Dunst Pfirsiche 1/2 Frucht 850ml./2650ml./4250ml. Dunst Pfirsiche gewürfelt 4250ml.


Nom latin : Cinnamosma fragrans Partie distillée : feuilles Origine : côte Ouest de Madagascar Indications : Vergetures, cicatrices, peaux matures Infections urinaires Infections buccodentaires : gingivites, aphtes... Mycoses Grippes, rhumes, sinusite, otites, bronchites


tészta spenóttal

tészta spenóttal

Freshly made and frozen spinach pastry
Ribwort kivonat

Ribwort kivonat

Extract from Plantago lanceolata L. Ratio 4:1
Plantain - Plantago

Plantain - Plantago

Organic product, whole.
Hajdina szem

Hajdina szem

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Capia paprika

Capia paprika

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us


Çekirdeksiz taze üzüm yaprağı
Kövér Banán

Kövér Banán

<19% CBG | 1 & 2 g Aroma: Spritzig Zitronig
Zsályalevél - HoReCa

Zsályalevél - HoReCa

Salvia officinalis is widely used in cooking as a spice. Dry grass is added to soups and main dishes, as well as toppings for pies and other culinary products, among which are egg-rice, cabbage, meat. Use for Snacks, main dishes, drinks, sweet dishes. Taste Spicy, bitter Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 11 Fats (g / 100g)… 13 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 61 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 410
Szilvás krém

Szilvás krém

Crème pruneaux SANS CONSERVATEUR 450GR avec sucre rajoute et arôme vanille Poids:0.7 kg
Ananász Reszelő

Ananász Reszelő

La Perla Ananas Raspel, in eigenem Saft, 3.100 ml Der Anbieter stellt keine detailierte Produktbeschreibung zur Verfügung. GRÖSSE:3.100 ml MARKE:La Perla REZEPTUR:in eigenem Saft
Tárkony - HoReCa

Tárkony - HoReCa

Tarragon is unique in its own way: it is the only plant of the wormwood species that does not have strong bitterness in taste. The grass has a strong pungent and tart aroma, a refreshing taste, and French chefs took full advantage of these properties, creating many culinary recipes with it. Tarragon, both fresh and dried, is seasoned with a wide variety of dishes: it well complements omelets, many types of sauces. Use for Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, lunch dishes, drinks, sweet dishes. Taste spicy, slightly spicy, refreshing Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 23 Fats (g / 100g)… 7,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 50 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 360
Zutano Avokádó

Zutano Avokádó

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Mersin Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
BIO SPENÓT (Spinacia oleracea) POR; Igazi spenót por kivonat 4:1; Igazi - Chem2Market GmbH

BIO SPENÓT (Spinacia oleracea) POR; Igazi spenót por kivonat 4:1; Igazi - Chem2Market GmbH

Qualität: für Lebensmittel Verarbeiteter Pflanzenteil: Blatt Extraktionsmittel: Ethanol & Wasser Trägerstoff: Maltodextrin Spinat gilt als Blattgemüse, das reich an Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Antioxidantien ist. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für Calcium. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling BIO Brennnesse


Fresh Fruit


frischer Bärlauch nur aus Österrreich