Mikropor "Conwrap" Separatoren sind Standard Separatoren in umwickelter Form. Diese Abscheider sind für eine Strömung von außen nach innen konzipiert und können mit allen öleingespritzten, Flügel- und Schraubenverdichtern verwendet werden. Die Conwrap Separatoren arbeiten mit einer Durchflussrate von 1 bis 60 m³/min bei 7 bar und 1 bis 3 mg/m³ gefördertem Öl.
Coanda Intake Screen also called Coanda screen provides filtration with the special curve shaped wedge wire screen. Coanda Effect screen is mostly used for filtration of water depending on the Coanda effect principle. Thus, the shape of the Coanda screen helps the filtration process complete accurately by the exerted forces of flow.
Advantages of Coanda Screen
Water screen provides clean water to the channels with high performance and self-cleaning. The main advantages of the Coanda Effect screen are:
1-Special surface treatment
2-Customizable design for the application
3-No power requirement
4-Long service life with negligible operational cost
5-High intake performance
6-Effective cleaning and capacity
The main applications of the Coanda Hydro screen are
1-Hydropower Plants
2-Agricultural Applications
4-Drinking Water
5-Sediment Filtering
6-Water Treatment
7-Waste Water Treatment
We provide customized Coanda Screen depending on your project needs.
Standart Gap Size:1mm
Coanda Width:Changes With Project
Reverse osmosis is the finest level of filtration available. The reverse osmosis membrane acts as a barrier to all dissolved salts and inorganic molecules, as well as organic molecules with a molecular weight greater than approximately 100. Water molecules, on the other hand, pass freely through the membrane creating a purified product stream. Rejection of dissolved salts is typically 95% to greater than 99%.
Classification of brackish water:
• Low salinity brackish waters: up to 5.000 ppm
• High salinity brackish waters: between 5.000 - 15.000 ppm
• Sea water: up to 45.000 ppm
Reverse osmosis is a technology that is used in the production of ultrapure water for use in the semiconductor industry, power industry (boiler feed water), and medical/laboratory applications. Utilizing reverse osmosis prior to ion exchanger dramatically reduces operating costs and regeneration frequency of the Ionen exchanger plant.
EMA fabricated custom tee strainers can be provided in several different orientations allowing for horizontal or vertical installations. EMA fabricated tee strainers can be furnished with single or double wedge basket designs to meet open area requirements for all your straining needs.
EMA fabricated tee strainers are available with numerous types of cover options. From bolted, slip-hinged, knob, swing-away, quick opening, or davit swing arm assembly allowing for ease in maintenance. Quick opening and davit swing arm assembly covers allow for a single maintenance engineer to manage the cleaning of the unit reducing maintenance cost and downtime.
Fabricated tee strainers can be fitted with special tapings for vents, drains, or differential pressure gauges in flanged, threaded, socket weld, or butt-weld connections.
EMA fabricated tee strainers can be constructed in a wide variety of materials: Carbon Steel, 304/304L Stainless Steel, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Alloy 20, Hastelloy
Çalışma ve toplu yaşam alanlarında havada bulunan zararlı gazlar, virüsler, bakteriler sizlerin sağlığını tehlikeye atmaktadır. UGM-AP-80 Endüstriyel Hava Temizleme Cihazı; gıda depolarında, gıda üretim tesislerinde, otel lobilerinde, veteriner kliniklerinde, marketlerde, spor salonlarında, laboratuvarlarda, restoranlarda, kafelerde havayı; virüs, bakteri, maya, küf, duman, zararlı partiküllerden %99,9 oranında arındırır. Çalışma ve toplu yaşam alanlarında sizleri rahatsız eden kötü kokular cihaz içerisinde UGMA Filtre ile birlikte kullanılan Aktif karbon filtre ile filtrelenerek iç ortam hava kalitesi artırılır. Sağladığı yüksek hava geçirgenliği sayesinde enerji tüketimi oldukça azdır.
BLUE Activated Carbon Filter Units are used for deodorization and filtration of organic and chemical.
Included centrifugal double exhaust fan with direct driven motor, Ø140x400 mm activated carbon filter and washable G4 filter.
Structural shape aluminium frame, zinc-plate panel with noise reduction and flame poof insulating material.
3 types are available
Stainless Steel panel is available.
%100 polyester liflerden dokusuz kumaş yapısında her türlü hava şartlarında kullanılmak üzere üretilmiştir. Geniş uygulama amacına yönelik olarak değişik kalınlıklarda ve özellikte modelleri mevcuttur.
Termal olarak birbirine bağlanmış elyaf yapısı ile yüksek toz tutma kapasitesi
Kademeli elyaf yoğunluğu sayesinde düşük basınç kaybı ve uzun ömür
Hertürlü uygulamada kolay ve pratik kullanım olanağı
Ürün Özellikleri
Filtre Kodu: RF-SE
Filtre Materyali Sentetik Elyaf
Filtre Verimliliği (EN 779): G3 / G4
Filtre Sınıfı (ISO 16890): ISO Kaba 60% / ISO Kaba 65%
Ölçüler: Rulo veya kesilmiş olarak
Renk: Beyaz / Mavi&Beyaz
Son Basınç Düşümü: 250 Pa
Çalışma Sıcaklığı: 80°C
Uygulama Alanları
Havalandırma cihazlarında,klima sistemlerinde ve
temiz hava emiş sistemlerinde toz tutucu ön filtre
olarak kullanılır.
Gelişmiş elyaf yapısı ile yüksek toz tutma kapasitesi ve
düşük basınç kaybı
Her türlü hava şartında uygun ürün çeşidi
Dip Kazıma Paletli Talaş Konveyörü Talaş Konveyörü--cnc Konveyör -kaba talaş kon - TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-MİLENYUM CONVEYOR-ÇELİK PALETLİ TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC KONVEYÖR-KABA TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ D İ PKAZIMA PALETL İ TALA Ş KONVEY Ö R Ü M I LSCRAP conveyor serisi Milenyum Milscrap dipkazıma talaş konveyörleri serisi, en zorlu taşımaişlerinizin üstesinden gelmek için tasarlanmıştır. Benzersiz talaş taşıma sistemi sayesinde, sorunsuz, neredeyse hiç bakımgerektirmeyen çalışma sağlar. Milscrap, taşınacak malzeme kirli ve aşındırıcı olsa bile, güçlü dipkazıma paletleri sayesinde güvenilir taşıma performansı sağlar. Demir malzemelerin işlenmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan küçük, toz, parçatalaş ve küçük parçaların taşınmaları için tasarlanmıştır. Lazer altı küçük parçaları, plazma altı küçük parçaları, pres altı küçük parçaları,cnc işleme merkezi parçaları, ve döküm talaşı ürünlerinin taşınmasında yüksekverim sağlar. Hareketli olan dip kazıma palet üzerinde taşınan kırık talaşlar, korumasacı altında gizlenmiş güçlü motor sayesinde tahliye edilir.
Pantex is a reputable manufacturer of Adblue, producing both retail and bulk quantities of high-quality Adblue. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and quality, Pantex is a trusted choice for Adblue users worldwide.
Tüm marka tırlardaki fren sisteminde bulunan, yeni ve eski nesil tüm hava kurutucu filtre çeşitleri üretimimizde mevcuttur. Üretim kapasitemiz ayda 88.000 adettir. Tescilli markamız olan EKSPERtech markalı filtrelerin yanı sıra müşterilerimizin kendi tescilli markaları adına da üretim yapabilmekteyiz.
Mikropor produziert eine Reihe von Hochleistungs-Druckluftfiltern und Wasserabscheidern in zwei verschiedenen Bereichen;
- 50 bar aus Aluminium. Keine Schweißnähte, solides und zuverlässiges Design.
- 350 bar aus Stahl. Mikropor Druckluftfilter für den Hochdruckbereich sind nahtlos konstruiert. Diese Filter werden mit einer großen Wandstärke gebaut und sind daher extrem robust. Interne Hochdruck-Testanlagen garantieren die Leistungsfähigkeit. Alle Innen- und Außenflächen der 50 bar Aluminiumfilter sind eloxiert, während die 350 bar Kohlenstoffstahlfilter mit einer Epoxid-Pulverbeschichtung versehen sind.
"Pleated separators increase the media surface area to reach higher capacities while maintaining
the dimensions. Mikropor manufactures dozens of pleated separator designs."
MSKP-Serie - ein Vorfilter mit G4-Effizienz für HVAC-Systeme. Hergestellt mit einem Rahmen aus verzinktem oder rostfreiem Stahl bietet er die nötige Flexibilität, um den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen der Kunden gerecht zu werden. Diese Filter sind nicht nur leicht und steif, sondern weisen auch einen geringen Anfangsdruckverlust auf, was eine optimale Luftfiltrationsleistung gewährleistet.
Le filtre MPR à média synthétique est une solution de haute performance pour divers besoins de filtration de l'air. Fabriqué avec un cadre en plastique moulé et un média synthétique, il atteint des niveaux d'efficacité de G4 à M6. Il est idéal pour l'automobile, les turbines à gaz et la ventilation générale dans les bureaux, l'industrie, l'agroalimentaire et les laboratoires. Doté d'une faible perte de charge initiale, d'une grande capacité de rétention des poussières et d'une conception autoportante rigide, il garantit la durabilité et l'efficacité énergétique. De plus, il est incinérable, ce qui est conforme aux pratiques écologiques. Passez au MPR pour une filtration fiable et efficace dans diverses applications.
Les filtres de la série MTF-H sont fabriqués à partir de microfibres de verre. Il n'existe tout simplement pas de média filtrant plus performant pour répondre aux exigences de débit et aux besoins de filtration à haute efficacité des turbomachines.
Der MPR-Filter mit synthetischen Medien ist eine Hochleistungslösung für verschiedene Luftfiltrationsanforderungen. Hergestellt aus einem geformten Kunststoffrahmen und einem synthetischen Medium, erreicht er Effizienzniveaus von G4 bis M6. Er ist ideal für den Einsatz in der Automobilindustrie, bei Gasturbinen und für die allgemeine Belüftung in Büros, Industrie, Lebensmittelindustrie und Labors. Mit einem geringen Anfangsdruckverlust, einem hohen Staubrückhaltevermögen und einem steifen, selbsttragenden Design garantiert er Langlebigkeit und Energieeffizienz. Darüber hinaus ist er umweltfreundlich verbrennbar. Wechseln Sie zum MPR für eine zuverlässige und effiziente Filtration in verschiedenen Anwendungen.
Die Filter der MTF-H-Serie werden aus Glasmikrofasern hergestellt. Es gibt einfach kein besseres Filtermedium, um die Durchflussanforderungen und den Bedarf an hocheffizienter Filtration von Turbomaschinen zu erfüllen.
Avec plus de 35 ans d'expérience, Mikropor fabrique les éléments de remplacement les plus performants de l'industrie. Mikropor offre quatre couches de protection supérieure, de 1 micron à 0,01 micron. De plus, les nanofibres de verre à haute efficacité (80 fois plus fines que les fibres de cellulose) offrent des efficacités ciblées plus élevées, une durée de vie plus longue, une large compatibilité avec les produits chimiques et les lubrifiants synthétiques, même à des températures de travail extrêmes. Les éléments de remplacement ont été conçus et testés dans nos laboratoires d'essai ultramodernes.
Mikropor ""Conwrap"" Separators are standard wrapped style separators. Theseseparators are designed for outside to inside flow and can be used with all oil injectionRotary Vane and Rotary Screw Compressors. Conwrap separators operate between1 to 60 m³/min flow rate at 7 bar with 1 to 3 mg/m³ oil carry over.
In various ventilation applications in the industry, recycled process air can contain particles generated from the production which can contain electrostatic charges. When filters catch these particles during the circulation, they also absorb the electrostatic charge in the filter media and frame. In addition, if there is a source for explosive gases or aerosols in the atmosphere, with the help of the sparks created by the filter due to electrostatic discharge, there might be serious risks of fires or even explosions. Therefore, filters used in these kinds of environments have to be Ex-Proof.
In order to avoid explosion risks, the European Commission declared ATEX Equipment Directive 2014/34/EU. Mikropor filters are manufactured according to 2014/34/EU and additional supporting directives issued by the EU.
Our Compressed air filters are the first line of defence for any air compressor and have a significant impact on the service life of the compressor, lubricant, air/oil separators, and oil filters. We offer the highest efficiency air intake filters in the market, outperforming the competition and delivering more value to customers.
With over 3000 Air/Oil Separator designs for compressors, we offer multiple options for the full range of airflow and performance requirements.
Our water separators have been designed for the removal of bulk liquid water and particulate from compressed air and gases. Unique centrifugal action removes contaminants at low-pressure drop for maximum energy saving.
You can download our product catalogue and brochures on the left panel in order to see our wide variety of products below.
Energy consumption, one of the basic cost items, constitutes approximately 80% of total filtration costs. Because of this high rate, using an air filter with high energy efficiency provides cost saving and also reduces the amount of waste, since the replacement frequency is decreased.
An invariable method is used in order to evaluate the energy efficiency of G4, M5, M6, F7, F8 and F9 class filters, and products in which this method is implemented are indicated with Eurovent 4/11 certificate located thereon. Our Eurovent certified products protects your health and the environment while allowing you to save money.
Our WEDM Filters can be used for metals like steel, aluminum, stainless steel, copper or any other ferrous or non-ferrous metals.
Tel Erozyon Filtreleri-Ana Görsel-min
Besides WEDM Brochure, you can download the product catalogue and the other brochures on the left panel in order to see our wide variety of products.
Mikropor Makroline Luftansaugfilter wurden entwickelt, um maximale Leistung für Kunden zu bieten, die Luftansaugfilter mit sehr hoher Staubrückhaltekapazität und geringem Druckverlust benötigen.
Makroline-Filter sind auch für den Einsatz in Umgebungen mit hohen Temperaturen geeignet. Sie sind für mittlere und schwere Staubbelastungsbedingungen für Anwendungen wie Luftkompressoren, Baumaschinen, Landmaschinen, Erntemaschinen usw. ausgelegt.
Les filtres d'aspiration d'air Mikropor Makroline sont conçus pour offrir des performances maximales aux clients qui ont besoin de filtres d'aspiration d'air à très haute capacité de rétention de poussière et à faible perte de charge.
Les filtres Makroline sont également adaptés à une utilisation dans des environnements à température élevée. Ils sont conçus pour des conditions de charge de poussière moyenne et lourde pour des applications telles que les compresseurs d'air, les machines de construction, les machines agricoles, les machines de récolte, etc.