Termékek szűrés (44)

Coanda képernyő - A Coanda képernyő speciálisan ívelt ékdrót szűrést kínál.

Coanda képernyő - A Coanda képernyő speciálisan ívelt ékdrót szűrést kínál.

Das Coanda-Einlasssieb, auch Coanda-Sieb genannt, bietet eine Filtration mit dem speziellen kurvenförmigen Keildrahtsieb. Coanda-Siebe werden hauptsächlich zur Filterung von Wasser nach dem Prinzip des Coanda-Effekts verwendet. Darüber hinaus trägt die Form des Coanda-Siebs dazu bei, dass der Filtrationsprozess durch die ausgeübten Strömungskräfte genau abgeschlossen wird. Gestalten:Gebogen Anwendungen:Wasserbehandlung
PA6400 Műanyag Savpumpák - 409,50 $ + ÁFA - PA Sorozat Savpumpák

PA6400 Műanyag Savpumpák - 409,50 $ + ÁFA - PA Sorozat Savpumpák

PA6400 Plastic Acid Pumps - 409.50 $ + KDV - PA Series Acid Pumps Product Code:#000354 Flow Rate:9500 l/h Intake:1" ( DN25) Discharge:1¼" (DN32) Max. Outlet Pressure:18 mSS ( 1,8 bar) Body Materials:Polypropylene,PVC,PVDF Motor Power:0,75 Kw Motor Speed:3000 rpm Phaze:MonoPhaze ( 1phz ) Treephaze (3phz) Voltages:220V,380V Frequency:50 Hz Dry suction depth:NON Impeller Type:Closed Impeller Pump Type:Monoblok body Plastic Acid Pump
Ipari Ultrafiltráció

Ipari Ultrafiltráció

In comparison to conventional water treatment processes, the advantage of "ultrafiltration" as a filter technology is its superior ability to remove germs and microorganisms from water. At around 20 nm, the pores of the membrane are small enough to prevent even viruses from passing through them. "Ultrafiltration" systems are designed for fully automatic operation. A control mechanism is used to control the various operating modes of the ultrafiltration process: filtration, cleaning and backwashing. enki’s industrial ultrafiltration units are available from 25 to 500 m3/h and more . Our ultrafiltration systems are available in either Outside-In or Inside-Out configurations. Outside-In configuration UF Systems; DOW H-PVDF Hollow Fiber UF Membranes Inside-Out configuration UF Systems; Inge PESM Hollow Fiber UF Membranes
Aktivált Szén Szűrőpatron - D:140-160 mm, L:250, 450, 600 mm

Aktivált Szén Szűrőpatron - D:140-160 mm, L:250, 450, 600 mm

BLUE Activated carbon Filters are used in Air Handling Units, Ventilating Systems, Chemical processes as deodorisation and purification of the air. Manufactured and supplied with 8 or 16 groups. Depending on customer request, all combinations ara available. Cartridge diameter is 140 and 160 mm. Cartridge length can be 250, 400, 500, 600 mm on request. Cartridge can be delivered as filled or empty. Material : Black powder painted as standard Galvanized or Stainless Steel as option Activated Carbon Features: Total surface area>900 m2/g, Bulk density:500 Kg/m3. Diameter: 4mm APPLICATIONS Air streams from harmful gases, steams and bad smells in; Canteen kitchens, museums, Hospitals, laboratories, computer areas Chemical industry, paintshops, airports, petrol stations,parking garages
Szűrőketrec - Szűrőketrec

Szűrőketrec - Szűrőketrec

Filtre kafesi, filtre sistemlerine takılan torbaların içine geçirilerek, filtre sistemlerindeki valflerin tozu silkelemesi neticesinde torbaların mukavemetli durmasını sağlamaktadır. Filtre kafesi ve filtre torbası, sistemin boyutlarına göre özel olarak imal edilen filtre elemanlarıdır. Dolayısıyla filtre sisteminin özellikleri, sektör ve değişik parametrelere göre imalat özellikleri de değişkenlik göstermektedir. Filtre kafesi, torbanın ebatlarında özel olarak imal edilmekte olup torbada herhangi bir yırtılmaya vb. durumlara yol açmaması açısından çapaklarından temizlenmelidir. Aksi taktirde torbalarda delinmeye yol açarak sistemin kullanılamaz hale gelmesine sebep olabilmektedir.
patron szűrő - vízszűrő termék

patron szűrő - vízszűrő termék

this product is produced for water filtration
elektrosztatikus szűrő - elektrosztatikus szűrőrendszerek

elektrosztatikus szűrő - elektrosztatikus szűrőrendszerek

Endüstriyel üretim prosesleri sırasında oluşan yağ dumanı, kaynak dumanı vb. emisyonlar çalışanların sağlığı ve çevre için ciddi riskler oluşturur. EURUS ESP Serisi Elektrostatik Filtreler, ortamdaki emisyonun yoğunluğuna ve oluşum şekline göre kaynağından emme, genel ortam filtrasyonu ve gezer üniteler olmak üzere üç tür uygulama seçeneğiyle mükemmel çözümler sunar. Özelikle 2.5 mikrondan küçük partiküller, solunum sistemine yerleşir ve eğer zehirliyseler kronik solunum ve kalp rahatsızlıklarına sebebiyet verirler. Ayrıca; üretim süreçlerinde oluşan emisyonlar, çalışanların sağlığı kadar makinalarınızı ve ürünlerinizin kalitesini de etkiler. AES, sektördeki 30 yılı aşkın deneyimi ve kendi üretimi yüksek verimli EURUS ESP üniteler ile önemli bir üretim faktörü olan temiz havayı garanti eder. EURUS ESP üniteler; mekanik yağ dumanı filtrelerine göre bakım ve enerji maliyetleri açısından çok daha avantajlıdırlar. Filtre komponentleri yıkanıp temizlenerek tekrar tekrar kullanılmaktadır.
folyadék szűrő

folyadék szűrő

Bunker alt su haznesi içerisindeki su, emiş fanının çalışması ile beraber sistem içerisinde bulunan özel tasarlanmış (paslanmaz seperatörlü) yıkayıcı hücre içerisinde bir su türbülansı oluşturur. Filtrelenmek istenen kirli hava / partiküller bu su türbülansı içerisinden geçirilerek yıkama gerçekleşir ve kirli havadaki partiküller makine alt bunker su haznesi içerisinde çökertilir.. Sulu Filtre kuru tip filtreleme yöntemlerinin yetersiz ya da riskli olduğu uygulamalar için özel tasarlanmış bir sistemdir. Solvent ya da yağ bazlı yanıcı ve parlayıcı özelliği bulunan (boya), metalize kaplama işlemleri esnasında oluşan ve bertaraf edilmek istenen kirli hava içerisindeki partiküllerin çökertilmesi konusunda kalıcı çözümler sunmaktadır. Sulu Filtre, klasik yağmurlama ya da fıskiyeli yıkama sistemlerinden çok farklı ve çok daha etkili bir sistemdir. Klasik su yıkamalı sistemlerde harici devir dağim pompası, harici su tankı, çökertme havuzu ya da bakım gerektiren ekipmanlar bulunmakta.
Gyártott Y szűrő - specifikus tervezés a működési igények szerint

Gyártott Y szűrő - specifikus tervezés a működési igények szerint

EMA fabricated custom Y strainers can be provided in several different orientations allowing for horizontal or vertical installations. EMA fabricated tee strainers can be furnished with single or double wedge basket designs to meet open area requirements for all your straining needs. EMA fabricated y strainers are available with numerous types of cover options. From bolted, slip-hinged, knob, swing-away, quick opening, or davit swing arm assembly allowing for ease in maintenance. Fabricated y strainers can be fitted with special tapings for vents, drains, or differential pressure gauges in flanged, threaded, socket weld, or butt-weld connections. EMA fabricated y strainers can be constructed in a wide variety of materials: Carbon Steel, 304/304L Stainless Steel, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Alloy 20, Hastelloy C276, Chrome-Moly, or even Copper Nickel to name a few.
DERCLEAR (Fordított ozmózis - Nanofiltrációs membránok savas-lúgos tisztítója)

DERCLEAR (Fordított ozmózis - Nanofiltrációs membránok savas-lúgos tisztítója)

DERCLEAR, RO (Reverse Osmosis) ve NF (Nano Filtration) sistemlerindeki organik ve inorganik kirlenme, demir birikintileri gibi kirlilikleri temizlemek için kullanılan alkali ve asidik seçeneklere sahip, etkili bir sıvı membran temizleyici ürün serisidir. Sistemlerin performansını artırarak yüksek verimlilik sağlar, su ile karıştırılarak kullanılır ve insan sağlığına zarar vermez. DERCLEAR 80 Asidik temizleyici olan DERCLEAR 80, demir, kireç ve mineral birikimlerine karşı etkilidir. Poliamid ve alüminyum bazlı membranlarda kullanıma uygundur. pH değeri 1,0-2,0 arasında olup, hızlı etki sağlayarak membran ömrünü uzatır. DERCLEAR 90 Alkali likit membran temizleyici olarak, RO ve NF sistemlerinde organik kir, yağ ve biofilm tabakalarını etkin şekilde temizler. Yüksek pH (12-14) aralığında çalışan bu ürün, selüloz asetat membranlarla uyumludur. Geniş etki aralığı ile enerji tasarrufu sağlar ve uygulama sonrası membran performansını artırır. Her iki ürün de su ile karıştırılarak kullanılabilir ve insan sağlığına zararsız formülleriyle güvenle tercih edilebilir.
Elektrosztatikus Szűrő ESP - Elektrosztatikus Szűrő

Elektrosztatikus Szűrő ESP - Elektrosztatikus Szűrő

Emist Mist Filter - Olajgőz Szűrőberendezés

Emist Mist Filter - Olajgőz Szűrőberendezés

Oil Mist Filter for emulsion and nead oil based coolants
UGMA MIKROBIÁLIS GÉL LÉGFILTEREK - Mikrobiális gél légtisztítók

UGMA MIKROBIÁLIS GÉL LÉGFILTEREK - Mikrobiális gél légtisztítók

Dünyada Bir İlk, En Yüksek Performanslı Filtrasyon Teknolojisi! Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından onaylı, tamamen doğal ve organik yapıların karışımından oluşan jel yapısı ile UGMA Filtre; virüs, bakteri, maya, küf, küf sporları, alerjenler gibi mikrobiyal ajanları, 0,10 mikrona kadar partikülleri ve ortamdaki kötü kokuları %99,9 oranında filtre eder. Sağlık, ilaç, toplu taşıma, gıda, turizm, eğitim, savunma sanayi sektörleri başta olmak üzere, tıbbi maske uygulamaları, ev, ofis, laboratuvar, Ar-Ge merkezleri, kamu kurumları, toplu yaşam ve çalışma alanları gibi geniş kullanım alanına sahiptir. UGMA Filtrelerden geçen hava miktarının diğer filtrelere göre en az 3 kat daha fazla olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Düşük fark basıncı ile yüksek enerji verimliliği sağlamaktadır. Nemden etkilenmeyen yapısı ile yüksek nemli ortamlarda da kullanıma uygundur. UGMA Filtre kanıtlanmış yüksek performansı ile bulunduğunuz ortamdaki kirli havayı filtreleyerek sizlere temiz ve sağlıklı bir yaşam alanı sunar.


SILICA The name Silica covers a range of minerals composed of silicon and oxygen, the two most abundant elements in the earth’s crust. Silica exists in ten different crystalline forms. By far the most common of these is quartz. It is hard, chemically inert and has a high melting point. Silica is sold as sand and processed for multiple uses. Glass is made from pure quartz silica because of its transparency or translucency. The Egyptians discovered these properties thousands of years ago, but there are many other applications for silica, from building materials to the precious silicon chip, produced from high purity quartz and extremely fine cristobalite sand. Professional footballers and golfers also benefit from better playing surfaces thanks to silica sand root-zone products. Main Applications : Paints & plastics Ceramics Glass Filtration Sports & leisure Construction Sealants & adhesives Chemicals Foundry Oilfield Metallurgical applications Agriculture


1997'den beri sektörde olan Hann Filtre 2000'den fazla ürün diyagramı ve aylık 250.000 adet ürünü üretebilme kapasitesiyle sektöre öncülük etmektedir. Müşterilerimize sunduğumuz kaliteli hizmet ve üretimde gösterdiğimiz yüksek özveri bizi rakiplerimizden her zaman bir adım ileri taşımıştır. Herkes için güvenilir hizmet sunmak bizim en önemli önceliğimizdir.
10L Adblue

10L Adblue

Pantex is a reputable manufacturer of Adblue, producing both retail and bulk quantities of high-quality Adblue. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and quality, Pantex is a trusted choice for Adblue users worldwide.
Coanda képernyő - A Coanda képernyő vízszűrést biztosít önálló tisztítással és mozgó alkatrészek nélkül

Coanda képernyő - A Coanda képernyő vízszűrést biztosít önálló tisztítással és mozgó alkatrészek nélkül

Coanda Intake Screen also called Coanda screen provides filtration with the special curve shaped wedge wire screen. Coanda Effect screen is mostly used for filtration of water depending on the Coanda effect principle. Thus, the shape of the Coanda screen helps the filtration process complete accurately by the exerted forces of flow. Advantages of Coanda Screen Water screen provides clean water to the channels with high performance and self-cleaning. The main advantages of the Coanda Effect screen are: 1-Special surface treatment 2-Customizable design for the application 3-No power requirement 4-Long service life with negligible operational cost 5-High intake performance 6-Effective cleaning and capacity The main applications of the Coanda Hydro screen are 1-Hydropower Plants 2-Agricultural Applications 3-Dewatering 4-Drinking Water 5-Sediment Filtering 6-Water Treatment 7-Waste Water Treatment We provide customized Coanda Screen depending on your project needs. Shape:Curved Capacity:Customized Standart Gap Size:1mm Coanda Width:Changes With Project
Hydro Screen - Coanda Screen vízszűrést biztosít önálló tisztítással és mozgó alkatrészek nélkül

Hydro Screen - Coanda Screen vízszűrést biztosít önálló tisztítással és mozgó alkatrészek nélkül

The most popular and effective way for the Coanda Screen, also called hydropower screen, is using it for the Hydroelectric Plants – Hydropower energy. Coanda Water Screen prevents harmful materials, sediment in the intake process, and provides clean water. Thus, turbine blades in hydropower plants can operate for longer without being damaged. Thus, the Coanda Intake Screen operates long years with negligible maintenance and with no moving parts. Main advantages of Coanda Effect Screen in hydropower plants: - Sustainable energy production and increased output efficiency - Self-cleaning and no power requirement - Increased income with continuous water intake - Durable protection bars and negligible maintenance - Specialised design for high water intaking performance - Protection of turbine blades from abrasion, sediment and debris We are able to improve your electric generation efficiency with our high capacity Coanda Sieb Screen.
Hurok Képernyő - A hurok képernyő, más néven hegesztett ékdrót, hurkokból áll a szűréshez

Hurok Képernyő - A hurok képernyő, más néven hegesztett ékdrót, hurkokból áll a szűréshez

The gap between the looped wires defines the filtration performance of the welded wedge wire screen. Welded wedge wires are used as a filter to eliminate bigger sizes or types of materials above the wedge wire screen. Special manufacturing is required to create equal loops between the welded wires. Welded wedge wire screen is used in heavy applications for high filtration performance. Advantages 1-Special surface treatment 2-Modular and customizable design 3-High durability 4-Suitable for heavy applications 5-Superior filtering with unique screen 6-Long service life & less maintenance Applications 1-Coal and Gold Mining Filtration 2-Mineral Processing 3-Water Treatment 4-Petrochemical Applications 5-Food Processing Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, special surface treatments are available for your application. Shape:Looped/Flat Material:Stainless Steel 304, 304L, 304HC, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 321 or depending on your request.
Dob képernyő - A dob képernyő egy hordozható hengeres ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

Dob képernyő - A dob képernyő egy hordozható hengeres ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

The rotary screen is a portable cylindrical wedge wire screen that can be used for filtration. Rotary screens are also called drum screen, operates with rotational movement. Drum screen filters using the open gap between the Vwires of the cylindrical wedge wire screen. Rotary drum screen is most effective for water filtration applications. Therefore, it is called rotary screen wastewater as well. With the rotation around the cylindrical axis, efficient filtration is achieved with the drum screen. Rotary screen is easytouse and easy to clean compared to the other wedge wire types Advantages: Special surface treatment Portable customizable design Corrosion resistance Efficient filtration Suited for many applications Applications: Water Treatment Water intake Food processing Mineral processing Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, Special surface treatments are available for your application. Shape:Cylinder Material:Stainless Steel
Lapos képernyő - A lapos képernyő egy téglalap alakú ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

Lapos képernyő - A lapos képernyő egy téglalap alakú ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

The flat screen also called panel screen is a rectangular type wedge wire screen for filtration. Thus, the shape of the flat screen helps the filtration process complete accurately by vibration or flow. Panel wedge screen panels provide efficient filtration for different applications with suitable geometry. With the portable design of the panel wedge wire screen, it adapts to a wide range of applications with straight geometry. Advantages 1-Special surface treatment 2-Suitable & customizable design 3-Long service life 4-High durability – less maintenance 5-Effective filtration Applications 1-Food and Mineral Processing 2-Water Cleaning 3-Mining Applications 4-Vibrational Separation 5-Fermentation 6-Water Treatment Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, Special surface treatments are available for your application. Shape:Flat/Panel Material:Stainless Steel 304, 304L, 304HC, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 321 or depending on your request.
Hengeres Képernyő - A Wedge drót hengeres képernyő hatékony szűrési teljesítményt nyújt formával

Hengeres Képernyő - A Wedge drót hengeres képernyő hatékony szűrési teljesítményt nyújt formával

The wedge wire cylinder screen is the most popular screen that can be adapted to many applications. The shape of the cylindrical screen helps the filtration process complete accurately. It is also called Johnson Screen in some applications. With the modular design of the cylindrical screen, it provides efficient filtration performance for many applications. In addition, cylinder wedge wire screens can rotate or remain static depending on your application. Advantages: Cylinder screen also called Johnson Screen provides different advantages for filtration as a type of filter screen. The main advantages of the cylindrical screen are listed below as Special surface treatment Modular and customizable design Corrosion resistance Durable – long service life Precise open gap Suited for many applications Applications: Water Treatment Mine, coal, mineral Processing Food and Beverage Petrochemical and oil Shape:Cylinder Material:Stainless steel
Hurokszitálás - A hurokszitálás hurkokból áll, amelyeket drótokkal használnak a szűréshez.

Hurokszitálás - A hurokszitálás hurkokból áll, amelyeket drótokkal használnak a szűréshez.

Das Schleifensieb, auch geschweißter Keildraht genannt, besteht aus Schleifen, die mit den Drähten zur Filtration ein Sieb bilden. Der Spalt zwischen den umlaufenden Drähten bestimmt die Filterleistung des geschweißten Spaltsiebes. Geschweißte Keilsiebe werden als Filter verwendet, um größere Größen oder Arten von Werksstoffen über dem Spaltsieb zu entfernen. Es ist eine spezielle Herstellung erforderlich, um gleichmäßige Schleifen zwischen den geschweißten Drähten zu erzeugen. Die rechteckige Form ist eine beliebte Art des geschweißten Filtersiebs und die Hauptvorteile davon sind: Spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung Modulares und anpassbares Design Korrosionsbeständigkeit hohe Haltbarkeit Starke mechanische Eigenschaften Geeignet für schwere Anwendungen Hervorragende Filterung mit einzigartigem Sieb Lange Lebensdauer und geringe Wartung Gestalten:Flach Anwendungen:Wasserbehandlung
Lapos panel - A lapos képernyő egy téglalap alakú ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

Lapos panel - A lapos képernyő egy téglalap alakú ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

The flat screen also called panel screen is a rectangular type wedge wire screen for filtration. Thus, the shape of the flat screen helps the filtration process complete accurately by vibration or flow. Panel wedge screen panels provide efficient filtration for different applications with suitable geometry. With the portable design of the panel wedge wire screen, it adapts to a wide range of applications with straight geometry. Advantages Special surface treatment Suitable & customizable design Long service life High durability – less maintenance Effective filtration The most popular usage of the panel filter screen is eliminating the big particles over the screen with vibration. Applications Food and Mineral Processing Water Cleaning Mining Applications Vibrational Separation Fermentation Water Treatment Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, Special surface treatments are available for your application. Shape:Flat Material:Stainless Steel
Forgó Képernyő - A forgó képernyő egy hordozható hengeres ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

Forgó Képernyő - A forgó képernyő egy hordozható hengeres ékdrót képernyő, amelyet szűrésre használnak

The rotary screen is a portable cylindrical wedge wire screen that can be used for filtration. Rotary screens are also called drum screen, operates with rotational movement. Drum screen filters using the open gap between the V-wires of the cylindrical wedge wire screen. Rotary drum screen is most effective for water filtration applications. Therefore, it is called rotary screen wastewater as well. With the rotation around the cylindrical axis, efficient filtration is achieved with the drum screen. Rotary screen is easy to use and easy to clean compared to the other wedge wire types Advantages 1-Special surface treatment 2-Portable customizable design 3-Corrosion resistance 4-Efficient filtration Applications 1-Water Treatment 2-Water intake 3-Food processing 4-Mineral processing Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, Special surface treatments are available for your application. Shape:Cylinder Material:Stainless Steel 304, 304L, 304HC, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 321 or depending on your request.
Hurok Képernyő - A hurok képernyő, más néven hegesztett ékdrót, hurkokból áll a szűréshez.

Hurok Képernyő - A hurok képernyő, más néven hegesztett ékdrót, hurkokból áll a szűréshez.

The gap between the looped wires defines the filtration performance of the welded wedge wire screen. Welded wedge wires are used as a filter to eliminate bigger sizes or types of materials above the wedge wire screen. Special manufacturing is required to create equal loops between the welded wires. Welded wedge wire screen is used in heavy applications for high filtration performance. The main advantages of welded filter screen are Advantages Special surface treatment Modular and customizable design High durability Suitable for heavy applications Superior filtering with unique screen Long service life & less maintenance Looped wedge wire screen is adaptable for many applications including Applications Coal and Gold Mining Filtration Mineral Processing Water Treatment Petrochemical Applications Food Processing Stainless steel with different grades and different materials can be used. Also, special surface treatments are available for your application. Material:Stainless Steel
Íves szűrő - Az íves szűrő egy ívelt szitából áll a szűréshez.

Íves szűrő - Az íves szűrő egy ívelt szitából áll a szűréshez.

Das Bogensieb besteht aus einem gebogenen Sieb zur Filtration. Es stehen schmale Oberflächenprofile zur Verfügung, die die Anzahl der Steckplätze maximieren und eine größere Trennkapazität schaffen. Die Keildrähte können leicht geneigt werden, was eine Reihe von noch schärferen Kanten für eine erhöhte Trenneffizienz darstellt Designflexibilität, mit große Gestalten:Flach Anwendungen:Wasserbehandlung
Visszafordított ozmózis sós vízhez

Visszafordított ozmózis sós vízhez

Reverse osmosis is the finest level of filtration available. The reverse osmosis membrane acts as a barrier to all dissolved salts and inorganic molecules, as well as organic molecules with a molecular weight greater than approximately 100. Water molecules, on the other hand, pass freely through the membrane creating a purified product stream. Rejection of dissolved salts is typically 95% to greater than 99%. Classification of brackish water: • Low salinity brackish waters: up to 5.000 ppm • High salinity brackish waters: between 5.000 - 15.000 ppm • Sea water: up to 45.000 ppm Reverse osmosis is a technology that is used in the production of ultrapure water for use in the semiconductor industry, power industry (boiler feed water), and medical/laboratory applications. Utilizing reverse osmosis prior to ion exchanger dramatically reduces operating costs and regeneration frequency of the Ionen exchanger plant.
40" 2 mikronos patron szűrő - fúrás, vízszűrés, vízkezelés

40" 2 mikronos patron szűrő - fúrás, vízszűrés, vízkezelés

water treatment equipment, water filtration
Gyártott T-szűrő - Tervezve és gyártva a működési igények szerint

Gyártott T-szűrő - Tervezve és gyártva a működési igények szerint

EMA fabricated custom tee strainers can be provided in several different orientations allowing for horizontal or vertical installations. EMA fabricated tee strainers can be furnished with single or double wedge basket designs to meet open area requirements for all your straining needs. EMA fabricated tee strainers are available with numerous types of cover options. From bolted, slip-hinged, knob, swing-away, quick opening, or davit swing arm assembly allowing for ease in maintenance. Quick opening and davit swing arm assembly covers allow for a single maintenance engineer to manage the cleaning of the unit reducing maintenance cost and downtime. Fabricated tee strainers can be fitted with special tapings for vents, drains, or differential pressure gauges in flanged, threaded, socket weld, or butt-weld connections. EMA fabricated tee strainers can be constructed in a wide variety of materials: Carbon Steel, 304/304L Stainless Steel, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Alloy 20, Hastelloy