Galvanized steel coils are cold rolled sheets coated with Zinc. According to customers need, can be supplied as coil, slitted or cut to length form. Our stock includes generally materials produced according to EN 10346, also other special grades.
Стоманените листове с поцинковано покритие са продукти, получени чрез подлагане на горещо или студено валцувани листове на процес на поцинковане, чиято повърхност е изсветлена и подсилена срещу корозия. Предлагат се в различни класове, като DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Области на приложение и предимства:
Широка употреба в сектори като автомобилостроене, бяла техника, производство на машини, строителен сектор, индустриални складови решения, охлаждащи отоплителни системи, транспортни системи.
Цинковото покритие увеличава устойчивостта на корозия и прави продукта по-издръжлив.
Количеството на покритието варира в зависимост от търсенето и мястото на употреба.
Стоманената ламарина с поцинковано покритие, която е покрита с цинк чрез метода на потапяне или електролитно покритие, за да се повиши устойчивостта на стоманената ламарина на корозия, обикновено е покрита с общо 100-300 гр/кв. м върху двете повърхности.
Вид на продукта:Нарязване, рязане по дължина, рулони, ленти, плочи
Ширина на рулото:1000 мм - 1200 мм - 1250 мм - 1500 мм
Качество:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Дебелина:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
Verdampfwendeln von Plansee sind in verschiedenen Längen, Durchmessern, Wendellängen und Wendelabständen erhältlich. Als Widerstandsheizer mit sehr hohem Schmelzpunkt bringen sie praktisch jedes Metall zum Sieden. Gleichzeitig verhindern ihre hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit und die hervorragende Materialreinheit jegliche Verunreinigung des Substrats. Das Sortiment umfasst Verdampferwendeln aus folgenden Materialien:
- Kornstabilisiertes Wolfram (WVM) für die Verdampfung von Aluminium
- Tantal
- Molybdän
- Molybdän-Lanthenum (ML) für besonders lange Standzeiten
In Lumturi we offer high-quality stainless steel coils in a range of standard grades, designed for durability and corrosion resistance.
Whether you’re in construction, automotive, or manufacturing, these coils are perfect for a wide variety of applications.
With great strength and flexibility, they come in different sizes and thicknesses to fit your specific needs.
Our coils are offering excellent weldability and heat resistance, making them a reliable and cost-effective choice for both structural and aesthetic projects.
AISI / EN Grade:304 / 1.4301
Thickness Range:0,3mm - 300mm
Width Range:≤2200mm
All our peak and ductile casting materials are imported and produced by continuous casting method.
Gray and nodular cast iron bars produced by continuous casting method were started to be used from the 1960s and at the end of the stages they have been through, they have found a wide range of usage from glass industry to automotive, hydraulic parts from oil refineries, gear manufacturing to general machinery parts. The most important reason for its use, along with its wide range of advantages, is that it is economical at various ratios, depending on the sectors and the places of use, by minimizing production costs and the costs incurred due to tool wearing.
Its structure is homogeneous, tightly grained and at similar hardness. Its mechanical strength is high. Its impact and wearing resistance is high. Its production with sawdust saves 50% time. It has high resistance to hydraulic and pneumatic pressures.
An innovation for decorative applications is the stripe coating on our narrow Coil Coating line at First American. This is a complete coil coating process in which we are able to leave tightly toleranced, unpainted stripes on the carrier strip. These give the decorative effect to the finished article, while the coated areas are coated with an adhesive system (e.g. automotive trim material or white coating with a defined black stripe, etc.).
As always, all metal strips available on the market can be used as metal carriers; all coatings can also be used. This leads to a smart product, allowing you a multitude of new, innovative applications.
Lackierung von Industrieteilen verschiedener Größen und Arten.
In unserer Großraumkabine haben wir die Möglichkeit Bauteile vom kleinen Halter bis zur großen Traverse zu lackieren. Alle Bauteile bis zu einer Länge von max. 20 Metern, einer Breite von max. 4,5 Metern und Gewicht von max. 1500 kg können in unserer Kabine bearbeitet werden. Unsere hochwertigen Industrielacke erlauben eine präzise Lackierung mit verschiedenen Oberflächenstrukturen und Schichtstärken auf diversen Untergründen. Auf Wunsch können wir Ihre Bauteile sowohl in allen gängigen Farbtönen als auch in Sonderfarbtönen lackieren. Des Weiteren ermöglichen wir die Realisation von Klein- und Großaufträgen. Nach Absprache haben wir ebenfalls die Möglichkeit, Bauteile vor dem Lackieren sandstrahlen zu lassen, sodass Sie Ihre Teile verarbeitungsfertig von uns zurückerhalten.
Le lamiere di acciaio zincato sono prodotti ottenuti sottoponendo le lamiere laminate a caldo o a freddo a un processo di zincatura, la cui superficie viene resa più brillante e rafforzata contro la corrosione. Sono offerte in vari gradi come DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Aree di applicazione e vantaggi:
Ampio utilizzo in settori quali l'automotive, gli elettrodomestici, la produzione di macchinari, il settore edile, le soluzioni per magazzini industriali, i sistemi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento, i sistemi di trasporto.
Il rivestimento di zinco aumenta la resistenza alla corrosione e rende il prodotto più durevole.
La quantità di rivestimento varia a seconda della domanda e del luogo di utilizzo.
La lamiera zincata, che viene rivestita di zinco con il metodo dell'immersione o del rivestimento elettrolitico per aumentare la resistenza alla corrosione della lamiera, è solitamente rivestita con un totale di 100-300 gr
Tipo di prodotto:Taglio, Taglio a misura, Bobina, Nastro, Piastra
Larghezza del rotolo:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Qualità:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Spessore:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
Verzinkte Stahlbleche sind Produkte, die durch die Verzinkung von warm- oder kaltgewalzten Blechen hergestellt werden, deren Oberfläche aufgehellt und gegen Korrosion verstärkt wird. Es wird in verschiedenen Güten angeboten, wie DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Anwendungsbereiche und Vorteile:
Breite Verwendung in Sektoren wie Automobilbau, Haushaltsgeräte, Maschinenbau, Bauwesen, industrielle Lagerlösungen, Kühl- und Heizsysteme, Transportsysteme.
Die Zinkbeschichtung erhöht die Korrosionsbeständigkeit und macht das Produkt haltbarer.
Die Menge der Beschichtung variiert je nach Bedarf und Einsatzort.
Verzinkte Stahlbleche, die im Tauchverfahren oder durch elektrolytische Beschichtung mit Zink beschichtet werden, um die Korrosionsbeständigkeit des Stahlblechs zu erhöhen, werden in der Regel mit insgesamt 100-300 g/m² auf beiden Oberflächen beschichtet.
Produkttyp:Schneiden, Ablängen, Coil, Band, Platte
Breite der Rolle:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Qualität:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Dicke:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
Las chapas de acero galvanizado son productos que se obtienen sometiendo las chapas laminadas en caliente o en frío a un proceso de recubrimiento de zinc, cuya superficie se abrillanta y refuerza contra la corrosión. Se ofrece en varios grados como DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Áreas de aplicación y ventajas:
Amplio uso en sectores como automoción, electrodomésticos, fabricación de maquinaria, sector de la construcción, soluciones para almacenes industriales, sistemas de refrigeración y calefacción, sistemas de transporte.
El recubrimiento de zinc aumenta la resistencia a la corrosión y hace que el producto sea más duradero.
La cantidad de recubrimiento varía según la demanda y el lugar de uso.
La chapa de acero galvanizado, que se recubre con zinc por inmersión o por el método de recubrimiento electrolítico para aumentar la resistencia a la corrosión de la chapa de acero, suele recubrirse con un total de 100-300 gr
Tipo de producto:Corte longitudinal, Corte a medida, Bobina, Cinta, Placa
Ancho de rollo:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Calidad:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Espesor:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
Ocelové plechy s pozinkovaným povlakem jsou výrobky získané zinkováním plechů válcovaných za tepla nebo za studena, jejichž povrch je zjasněn a zesílen proti korozi. Nabízí se v různých třídách, jako jsou DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Oblasti použití a výhody:
Široké využití v odvětvích, jako je automobilový průmysl, bílá technika, strojírenská výroba, stavebnictví, průmyslová skladová řešení, chladicí topné systémy, dopravní systémy.
Povlak zinku zvyšuje odolnost proti korozi a zvyšuje životnost výrobku.
Množství povlaku se liší podle poptávky a místa použití.
Ocelový plech s pozinkovaným povlakem, který je potažen zinkem metodou ponoření nebo elektrolytického povlakování za účelem zvýšení odolnosti ocelového plechu proti korozi, je obvykle potažen celkem 100-300 gr/m2 na obou površích.
Typ výrobku:Dělení, řezání na délku, svitek, páska, plech
Šířka role:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Kvalita:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Tloušťka:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
As chapas de aço com revestimento galvanizado são produtos obtidos por meio da submissão de chapas laminadas a quente ou a frio ao processo de revestimento de zinco, cuja superfície é clareada e reforçada contra a corrosão. São oferecidas em vários graus, como DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Áreas de aplicação e vantagens:
Ampla utilização em setores como automotivo, linha branca, fabricação de máquinas, setor de construção, soluções para armazéns industriais, sistemas de resfriamento e aquecimento, sistemas de transporte.
O revestimento de zinco aumenta a resistência à corrosão e torna o produto mais durável.
A quantidade de revestimento varia de acordo com a demanda e o local de uso.
A chapa de aço revestida galvanizada, que é revestida com zinco por imersão ou pelo método de revestimento eletrolítico para aumentar a resistência à corrosão da chapa de aço, geralmente é revestida com um total de 100-300 gr / metro
Tipo de produto:Corte em tiras, Corte no comprimento, Bobina, Fita, Placa
Largura do rolo:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Qualidade:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Espessura:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
In Lumturi we offer high-quality stainless steel coils in a range of standard grades, designed for durability and corrosion resistance.
Whether you’re in construction, automotive, or manufacturing, these coils are perfect for a wide variety of applications.
With great strength and flexibility, they come in different sizes and thicknesses to fit your specific needs.
Our coils are offering excellent weldability and heat resistance, making them a reliable and cost-effective choice for both structural and aesthetic projects.
AISI / EN Grade:441 / 1.4509
Thickness Range:0,6mm - 25mm
Width Range:≤2200mm
In Lumturi we offer high-quality stainless steel coils in a range of standard grades, designed for durability and corrosion resistance.
Whether you’re in construction, automotive, or manufacturing, these coils are perfect for a wide variety of applications.
With great strength and flexibility, they come in different sizes and thicknesses to fit your specific needs.
Our coils are offering excellent weldability and heat resistance, making them a reliable and cost-effective choice for both structural and aesthetic projects.
AISI / EN Grade:430 / 1.4016
Thickness Range:0,6mm - 15mm
Width Range:≤2200mm
In Lumturi we offer high-quality stainless steel coils in a range of standard grades, designed for durability and corrosion resistance.
Whether you’re in construction, automotive, or manufacturing, these coils are perfect for a wide variety of applications.
With great strength and flexibility, they come in different sizes and thicknesses to fit your specific needs.
Our coils are offering excellent weldability and heat resistance, making them a reliable and cost-effective choice for both structural and aesthetic projects.
AISI / EN Grade:304L / 1.4307
Thickness Range:0,3mm - 300mm
Width Range:≤2200mm
Produkte aus Kohlenstoffstahl finden in verschiedenen Branchen Anwendung. Baumaterialien, Automobilteile, Messer, Werkzeuge und vieles mehr werden aus Kohlenstoffstahl hergestellt. Unser Expertenteam fertigt maßgeschneiderte Produkte aus Kohlenstoffstahl, um Ihre geschäftlichen Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Mit unserem Expertenteam und unserer umfangreichen Produktpalette bieten wir Ihnen Kohlenstoffstahlprodukte, die auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Entdecken Sie unser Symbol für Stärke und Haltbarkeit von Kohlenstoffstahlprodukten. Besuchen Sie unsere Seite Angebot einholen.
Evaporation coils are available in many different lenghts, diameters, coil lenghts and coil pitches. These resistance heaters with their very high melting points will bring practically any metal to the boil. At the same time, their high corrosion resistance and outstanding material purity prevent any contamination of the substrate. The range includes evaporation coils made of the following materials:
— Grain stabilized tungsten (WVM) for the evaporation of aluminum
— Tantalum
— Molybdenum
— Molybdenum-lanthenum (ML) for particularly long service lives
Produkty ze stali węglowej znajdują zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Materiały budowlane, części samochodowe, noże, narzędzia i inne są wytwarzane ze stali węglowej. Nasz zespół ekspertów tworzy niestandardowe produkty ze stali węglowej, aby spełnić potrzeby biznesowe klientów.
Dzięki naszemu zespołowi ekspertów i szerokiej gamie produktów oferujemy produkty ze stali węglowej dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb. Odkryj nasz symbol wytrzymałości i trwałości produktów ze stali węglowej. Odwiedź naszą stronę Uzyskaj wycenę.
In coil coating, an organic coating is applied to the surface of a metal strip in a continuous process.
The HUEHOCO portfolio includes both decorative and weather-resistant coatings as well as system solutions for a firm bonding of the metal strip with various rubber compounds and/or various plastics. For technical applications, there are also high-temperature resistant and non-stick as well as anti-friction systems, directly rubber- or plastic-coated metal strips.
Since 1989 we have been the first company in the world to offer our customers the opportunity to have their goods delivered "endlessly" wound with more than 200,000 metres in a single strip on metal or plastic spools.
Depending on our customers' requirements, we can process all wrought aluminium alloys, stainless steels, steel grades and non-ferrous metals available on the market in various degrees of hardness.
Our rubber-coated metal strips are used in numerous applications, such as engine and aggregate seals. In addition to NBR, we also coat metal strip with EPDM, NR, HNBR and FPM in thicknesses of 10 μm - 2 mm.
The metal strips can also be coated with an anti-friction coating, which offers extremely high resistance to heat and special sliding ability. The resulting further processing quality enables them to be used wherever parts made of metal strip with sealing, sound-absorbing or vibration-damping properties are required. The very good bonding between elastomer and metal, combined with outstanding deep-drawing properties, shows the superiority of this coating.
The metal strips can also be top-coated with decorative lacquers on both the metal and the rubber coated side (e.g. as a distinguishing feature in the company's own production for top and bottom sides).
Especially by our research and development work we have succeeded in creating various permanent anti-sticking coating systems. The distinctive deep-drawing properties paired with thermal resistance allow it to be used in a wide range of applications. From façade coating and device covers in industrial engineering to household products, such as sliding surfaces for shavers. There are hardly any limits for our application possibilities.
In the field of plastics we offer metal strips with PVC plastisol and/or organosol coatings, as well as polyamide plastics. PP (polypropylene), PE (polyethylene), PC (polycarbonate), PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and PLA (polyactide), TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) and others. These can be produced with a layer thickness of 5-200 μm Depending on the plastic, higher layer thicknesses can also be achieved. In addition, most plastics can also be equipped with antibacterial properties; of course in all colour variations. Although a one-sided coating more common, we are able to apply the same and/or different plastic adhesives for both sides.
We find decorative coatings wherever an attractive or optically effective surface is required. Examples include the construction sector (interior and exterior), office organisation, interior decoration, reflectors, veterinary medicine, labels, roof construction and other niche segments.
Our focus lies on heat-sealable adhesion promoters for thermoplastics, thermosets and vulcanization adhesion promoters for elastomers. However we also provide functional coatings with special properties such as electrical conductivity, abrasion resistance, sliding properties, temperature resistance and much more.
Our tasks also include joint process optimization with our customers in order to enable more efficient production and thus a reduction in set-up and downtimes. Our spooling systems are a good example of this type of cooperation and continuous further development. We connect the strips using state-of-the-art welding technology and rewind them oscillating on a variety of spools
Strip widths from 1.5 mm up to 60 mm
Extension of the strip length to more than 200,000 meters in one strip depending on the material
Individual laying widths from 100 to 400 mm
Special decoiling racks with decoiling widths of 800 mm and maximum decoiling weights of 2,500 kg
Rubber-to-metal bonding
Our adhesive build-up provides strong bonding between our metal carrier and your rubber. With our know-how, we are able to bond a wide variety of compounds such as NBR, CR, EPDM, SBR etc. for you.
Plastic-to-metal bonding
Whether PC (polycarbonate), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene), CAB (cellulose acetobutryate), PP (polypropylene), TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), PA (polyamide) and polyolefinic plastics or other thermoplastics as well as duroplastics - we ensure that you achieve optimum adhesion between the plastic and our metal carrier.
This coating system is mainly used for the coating of cold rolled strip, but can also be applied to other metals. It is applied in the last processing step and enables a special gliding ability and heat resistance on coated surfaces.
We are able to produce various shades of high-quality decorative polyester top coats in small and very small batches using a paste system – resulting in a very competitive pricing for our customers.