L'Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum ssp. Italicum) est cueillie manuellement à la faucille et distillée dans la foulée par entraînement à vapeur d'eau. Nous la cultivons en bio et en biodynamie dans un champ se trouvant à 5 minutes à peine de la ferme. Huile essentielle issue de l’agriculture biologique, certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01 et de l'agriculture biodynamique certifiée par Demeter France 68 000
Hazelnut vegetable oil originates from Europe and Asia, where hazelnuts are common. This oil is rich in oleic and linoleic acids, making it ideal for hydrating and softening dry or damaged skin.
The properties of hazelnut oil include a high concentration of essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which makes it an excellent natural antioxidant for skin care. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities that help reduce the appearance of pores and skin inflammation.
Regarding its applications and uses, this oil is excellent for skin care, especially for dry or damaged skin. It can also be used as an ingredient in hair care products and beard care products.
The method of obtaining this oil is through cold pressing of hazelnuts, which helps maintain its beneficial properties.
FlevoTrade sortuje cebulę w różnych rozmiarach. Zaawansowany technologicznie sprzęt w połączeniu z kunsztem rzemieślniczym zapewnia, że cebula jest przetwarzana we właściwym stanie. Szukasz określonego rozmiaru? Skontaktuj się z nami bezpośrednio, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
Le Poivron vert biologique est une variété de piment doux de son nom latin Capsicum Annuum. Le poivron appartient à la famille des Solanacées. FRDP met en place des filières agricoles en Espagne depuis de nombreuses années. Rapidement après la récolte manuelle, les poivrons biologiques frais sont épépinés, lavés, coupés, blanchis puis surgelés IQF.
Poivron vert issu de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:15 Kcal 64 kJ
Fibres alimentaires:2,2 g
Protéines:0,9 g
Sel:0,01 g
One of the first uses of this vegetable oil is in massage. It penetrates the skin, nourishes it, softens it and purifies it in a natural and very effective way. Applied as a mask on the face, it also helps to fight against wrinkles, fine lines and the marks of time, by slowing down cellular aging. Fenugreek oil is an excellent anti-aging treatment, which helps prevent and fight against the appearance of the first wrinkles. These specific properties are linked to the presence of antioxidants and beneficial active ingredients against skin aging.
If we can apply this vegetable oil on the face, we can also use it on the whole body. The softening action of the oil extends to the entire surface of the body: chest, legs, hands, etc. It makes the skin softer, firmer and toned. You should know that this natural oil is also effective when applied to chapped, irritated, dry skin or skin prone to stretch marks. We can prevent their appearance
Alle Verpackungen sind umweltfreundlich ohne chemische Behandlung aus heimischen Hölzern (Pappel, Buche) hergestellt.
Artikelnummer: AG1008
Modell: AG1008
Ecksteher Höhe: 13-15 cm
Maße: 40x60 cm
Si vous avez du mal à choisir, ou si vous préférez une combinaison des saveurs, alors ce mélange de trois variétés – girolles, chanterelles et pieds de mouton – est pour vous.
Conseils de préparation
Les champignons des bois provenant de la nature, bien que contrôlés à la récolte et à la mise en barquettes, il convient de les nettoyer en respectant les principes suivants :
Couper 2 à 3 mm de pieds
Brosser délicatement les champignons, chapeau et lamelles à l’aide d’un petit pinceau pour les débarrasser des éventuelles épines ou brindilles présentes.
Trancher les spécimens trop gros dans le sens de la hauteur
Ne laver que si nécessaire (présence de terre) en passant les champignons sous l’eau ou
en les essuyant délicatement.
Les champignons « prêts à l’emploi » peuvent évidemment être cuisinés sans autre préparation.
Cuisson: toujours les saisir à “feu vif” en poêlées et les consommer croquants de préférence.
Conseils de conservation
Les champignons des bois peuvent présenter des...
Perfekt für kleine Gebinde und wenig Platz!
Die Steigen und kleinen Boxen passen sich Ihrem Arbeits- und Platzverhältnissen an. Vorallem die faltbaren Steigen sparen enorm viel Platz und sind leichtgewichtig und dabei stabil.
Seiten und Boden perforiert
Außenmaße:400 x 300 x 165 mm
Gewicht:0,5 kg
Innenmaße:365 x 265 x 160 mm
Material:HD-PE, UV resistent
Volumen:10 l
Packaging according to your market requirements – carton, plastic, carry bags.
*Prices vary depending on packaging and calibers. If there is an interest in fruits, let's discuss!
We sell our products in accordance with all quality standards and the needs of our customers:
Compliance with all necessary storage and transportation conditions.
Quality control of the goods from the time of harvest to loading.
Full package of documents for products and export.
Delivery to anywhere in the world.
Die meisten „Gemüse-Tees“ bestehen aus Gemüse und Gewürzen.
Wir haben diese Idee fortgeführt und unsere hauseigenen Mischungen mit Tee verfeinert.
Genießen Sie unsere veganen, kalorienfreien und ausschließlich in Bio-Qualität entwickelten Gemüse-Tees!
Derzeit gehören 3 verschiedene Sorten in zu unserem Portfolio.
Eine leicht pikante Rooibos-Paprika Mischung, eine Karotten-Spinat Mixtur verfeinert mit Matetee und eine gesunde, lecker würzige Tomatenmischung.
Und das alles ohne Geschmacksverstärker!
We; as ATILIM TAVUKCULUK, are a wholesaler company that specialises on egg, egg packing / viol, liquid egg with more than 30 years experiences in Turkish market.
We are supplying any type of fruit & vegetable tray.
Please don't hesitate to contact with us for your inquiries
ACROPACK® est la seule solution permettant de végétaliser des pentes jusqu’à 200%.
Domaines d'application
toitures en pente de 20 à 200%*
tous types de bâtiment
toitures acceptant une charge minimale de 98 kg/m2
*Pour les toitures de pentes inférieures à 20% se référer au système HYDROPACK®
Des solutions qui s'adaptent à toutes les pentes
La gamme de solutions ACROPACK® a été conçue pour répondre à des applications spécifiques selon la typologie du bâtiment, la zone climatique du projet ou l’aspect esthétique souhaité.
Il nostro tavolo cernita per ortofrutta a vibrazione è interamente realizzato in acciaio inox AISI304.
Attraverso il piano vibrante, il prodotto avanza a velocità controllata all’interno del canale di selezionamento posto nella parte centrale.
I due canali laterali, uniti alla griglia per il drenaggio dell’eventuale scarto liquido, permettono di convogliare i residui di lavorazione da eliminare.
La struttura è realizzata in lamiera di spessore 4.0 / 6.0 mm, per assicurare robustezza e durata.
Inoltre il tavolo viene fornito completo di vasca per la raccolta dello scarto liquido, telaio di sostegno con ruote e piedini regolabili in altezza e motovibratori dotati di inverter per regolare la velocità di avanzamento di frutta od ortaggi.
Edible Oil production is able to process different qualities of products depending on the needs of the market. For some cases the clients may only need the process of Vegetable Oil Extraction, but in order to have the premium quality oil, the Vegetable Oil Refining process will be required.
De Smet Engineers & Contractors can assist your company to decide the best process requirements as well as the Contractual Setup that adapts better for every client's case.
Following are the main steps of an Edible Oil Refining process:
Degumming reduces the phosphatides content in some crude oils (soybean, sunflower, rapeseed etc)
The free acids contain in oil can be either alkali neutralize. Most oils can be "physically" neutralize in the deodoriser render this alkali treatment unnecessary
During this operation most colouring pigments are removed by absorption bleaching earth.
Odour and taste are removed under special condition (high temperature and sparge steam)
Some oils like sunflower will present an un-pleasant turbidity at low temperature. This can be removed by eliminating components like waxes which solidify at low temperature.
An apple is an edible fruit produced by an apple tree. Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found.
If you want to freeze vegetables of various kinds, you should choose packaging which features increased mechanical properties, resistance to puncture and resistance to low temperatures of storing, while preserving the taste, colour and properties of frozen fruit. On the film we make both surface and interlayer printing in the form of laminates, which prevent the printing from being rubbed off when refrigerated and additionally secure the stored goods.
Vegetable crate OZN1 - Vegetable crates
Název:Přepravka zelenina OZN1
External dimensions (mm):600 x 400 x 172
Weight (kg):1,20
Max. height of the bottle (mm) (mm):10,00
Bottle diameter (mm):200,00
Number of pieces on a pallet:52
100% organic NFC apple, spinach, lemon, ginger juice
946 ml glass bottle with tamper-free twist-off aluminum lid
250 ml glass bottle with tamper-free twist-off aluminum lid
Vegetal Color est un colorant naturel pour végétaux qui permet une réparation esthétique des thuyas, cyprès et palmiers sans danger pour l'Homme,l'Environnement & les Animaux.
It is a special – gourmet style and handmade pickle which is made with Red (purple) Onion, Honey, Apple cider vinegar, black peppercorn, thyme, coriander seed, sea salt. This unique flavor is compatible with countless foods and cusines. It can be consumed in a burger, hotdog nad sausage plate. It is a perfect complement to sea food, any charcuterie board and cheese platters. This product is 100% Vegetarian, additive free and made with all natural ingredients. It is made with honey instead of refined sugar and/or artificial sweetners.