Magyarország, Kecel
... slightly higher, but not easy to static electricity, complex. It is not easy to jam in the printing, and it is harmless to the human body. When you buy copy paper, you should pay attention not only to the whiteness and thickness of the paper, the uniformity of the paper, the uniformity of the cutting, etc., but also pay special attention to the intrinsic properties of the paper on the copier Impact and impact on the human body and copying effects.
Portfólió (10)
Németország, Wiggensbach
...-laminálás vagy","» Carrier film printed on request":"» A hordozófólia igény szerint nyomtatva","MANUFACTURING PROCESS:":"GYÁRTÁSI FOLYAMAT:","» Non-Food":"» Nem élelmiszer","» Very good light protection":"» Nagyon jó fényvédelem","MAIN APPLICATION:":"FŐ ALKALMAZÁS:","» Carrier can be PA, PET, PP or paper":"» A hordozó lehet PA, PET, PP vagy papír","» Top Web":"» Felső fólia","» Medical/Pharma...
Portfólió (25)