Tubi di precisione in acciaio trafilati a freddo per cilindri oleodinamici in lunghezze commerciali 5-10 m o tagliati a misura fissa
EN10305-1 senza saldatura, alesati e rullati internamente/levigati ISO H8 E355+SR
EN10305-2 saldati, alesati e rullati internamente/levigati ISO H8 E355+SR
EN10305-2 saldati, lucidi di trafila pronti all`uso ISO H9 E355+C
Lunghezze commerciali:5-10 m
Rinfor Grout Col is a special cementitious formulation, being fibre-reinforced with READYMESH technology, enriched with reactive microsilicates with very high pozzolanic activity and special crystalliser additives that increase the end result and the durability. Mixed with water, it is able to forge micro-concretes with pourable rheology. Once hardened, the product offers exceptional physical-mechanical and ductility values. Ideal for the reinforcement and seismic adaptation of flooring in reinforced concrete, brick-concrete or corrugated sheeting or wood, by constructing a thin extradoxal structural screed along with beams, pillars, structural crosspoints and walls, by means of suitable liners.
The rheological and physical-mechanical characteristics of the Rinfor Grout Col product render it extraordinarily effective in reinforcing structural elements in reinforced concrete and masonry. Adhered to the inside of caissons, confined within cavities or spread out over the extrados of foundations and lofts, Rinfor Grout Col allows for low thickness structural reinforcing, substantially devoid of additional metallic reinforcement. Rinfor Grout Col belongs to the HPFRC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) family, permitting the structural designer to make use of the following characteristics: - Exceptional resistance and traction as well as exceptional values of shear stress adhesion on various supports which have been suitably roughened; - advantages in structural calculations prescribed for fracture mechanics, resistance to traction and of the ultimate material deformation; - minimum thicknesses applied with reinforcing effects which have been distinctly improved as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete; - highly notable reduction of mass and minimizing of additional loads applied for structural reinforcing as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete (practically nil additional loads in the case of the thickness of the coating corresponding with the depth of sacrificed surface); - anti-carbonatation barrier (practically zero penetration of CO2) and anti-oxidant barrier; - auto-healing of any micro-fissures exposed to contact with fluids, thanks to the particular crystallising additives; - increment of durability of the structures repaired with Rinfor Grout Col, thanks to the migration effect of the crystallising additives; - very high resistance to fire; - eco-sustainability - made up of 100% mineral and metallic materials, totally recyclable at end of life. From the environmental point of view, the Rinfor Grout Col product is characterised by the following advantages: - Ecological packaging (card-cardboard) - product based on hydraulic binders, selected aggregates and mineral additives with content of organic raw materials < 1% - practically nil VOC emissions during installation; once hardened, nil VOC emissions. - containing a fraction > 5% of sub-products from the production industry 100% recyclable at end of life.
For seismic adaptation with absorption and transfer of pressure or traction during events with elevated dynamic forces (seismic, impacts, deflagration); - for structural reinforcing and seismic upgrading through coating of beams, pillars structural ties, walls; - for reinforcing and seismic upgrading with external, low thickness, structural screed for lofts in reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, corrugated sheeting, wood; - for fabrication of light, thin section, structural elements ; - for the repair of flooring with need for resistance against elevated static and dynamic stresses, together with exceptional values of resilience and resistance to impacts; - for reinforcing and precision anchoring of heavy and highly stressed machinery: E.g. wind turbines, turbines, precision machinery, etc.
The support must be in good condition, clean, sufficiently coarse, without crumbling parts or dust, pressure washed and saturated with water before application. With concrete, the abrasiveness of the support must be > 3mm; to obtain this level of coarseness, techniques of hydro-scarifying, bush-hammering, mechanical chiselling, sand blasting with large grain may be considered. With the case of surfaces in strongly absorbent brick-work (lofts in brick cement with surfacing of parts in brick) or in the case in which it is impossible to saturate the support with water, contact our technical services to evaluate suitable adhesion primers, such as Syntech Pavisheer or Syntech RGS. Above all, when used as a surface covering of lofts in concrete, or as a repair to industrial flooring, providing anchoring roots by drilling the support is particularly useful for increasing resistance to cuts and adhesion to the support (diameter 18-20 mm, depth 20 mm), and accurately cleaning the surfaces of the holes before spreading the Rinfor Grout Col.
One space high grounded-based bike conjuction rack in galvanized steel,
tropical gold color, without caps.
Upper curve is a patented design by ANDRYS srl to set even the disk brake bikes.
SKU:Art. 1201C-G
Weight:2,5 kg
Dimensions:38,5 × 42 × 41 cm
Size:38.5 x 42 cm h 41 cm
Bocchettone di riempimento filettato M60X2 maschio, da avvitare, saldare su serbatoi o collegare a tubi di carico flessibili per carburanti, oli idraulici e altri fluidi.
Il sistema di carico è disponibile in differenti lunghezze, materiali e tipologie.
A richiesta possiamo fornire versioni con filtro estraibile o fisso o sistemi di riempimento completi di tubi di carico flessibili.
Il bocchettone di riempimento M60X2 può essere abbinato alle nostre nicchie serie 60 F o direttamente ai nostri tappi filettati M60X2 con chiave e ALU M60X2.
Sono disponibili versioni con raccordo di ventilazione/sfiato e varianti in acciaio inox per applicazioni nautiche e ambienti corrosivi.
L’adozione di processi produttivi accurati eseguiti anche con macchine a controllo numerico CNC di ultima generazione e l’impiego di materie prime selezionate, concorrono a garantire qualità ed affidabilità nel tempo del nostro prodotto.
Controllore adattivo da 7'' touch screen.
Costruzione di tipo monoscocca.
Costruzione interna ed esterna in acciaio inox AISI 304.
Abbattitore di tipo Roll-in con rampa a filo porta per l'inserimento di
carrelli per teglie GN1/1 o EN 60x40
Guarnizione porta resistente alle temperature minime di
Profili cella e profili porta resistenti alle temperature minime di
Vano tecnico posto sopra la cella.
Unità condensatrice posta nel vano tecnico, estraibile e facilmente
ispezionabile dal retro.
Quadro elettrico posto nel vano dietro al controllore facilmente
apribile per ispezioni tecniche.
Cella interna con angoli raggiati per facilitare le operazioni di pulizia.
Isolamento in poliuretano ad alta densità senza CFC.
Evaporatore con protezione antiruggine cataforesi.
Cerniera porta lato sinistro.
Perimetro porta riscaldato per evitare la formazione di brina.
Cicli a sonda: la temperatura della sonda al cuore comanda
Capacità abbattimento (+90°C/+3 °C):100 kg
Capacità surgelazione (+90°C/-18 °C):78 kg
Dimensioni interne (lxpxh) :690 x 815 x 1881 mm
Dimensioni esterne (lxpxh):1210 x 1089 x 2393 mm
Capacità (litri):1058 L
Serre-joints de maçon utilisée pour le gréement.
Le serre-joints peut être verrouillée ou déverrouillée d'un simple coup de marteau sur la mâchoire coulissante.
Longueur:400x600mm / 600x800mm / 800x1000mm / 1000x1200mm
Le modèle STEEL, avec sa façade en acier inoxydable et ses incrustations en acier peint, est essentiel dans ses lignes. Un style high-tech qui apporte classe et élégance aux jardins et aux vérandas des minimalistes. Steel se distingue par sa vitre miroir et sa poignée "line" qui lui confèrent un style moderne pour les clients qui ne se satisfont pas du four à bois classique.
Trattasi di modello molto utilizzato su strade pubbliche all'interno di centri urbani per la delimitazione e protezione di aree.
L' archetto è realizzato in acciaio inox AISI304(AISI316 a richiesta). Disponibile nelle verisoni:
Da Murare
Da Tasellare
Dry Erase Lacquered Magnetic Boards are a versatile and practical solution for both personal and professional use. These boards feature a smooth, lacquered surface that is easy to write on and erase, making them perfect for brainstorming sessions, meetings, and educational purposes. The magnetic properties allow users to attach documents and notes, keeping important information visible and organized.
Available in a variety of sizes, these boards can be customized to fit any space, from small home offices to large conference rooms. The durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, while the sleek design adds a touch of sophistication to any setting. Whether you're planning a project or teaching a class, these boards provide a reliable platform for communication and collaboration.
Design, development and installation of steel mezzanine structures with stairs according to specific customer requirements.
Exclusively modern and efficient solutions for industrial halls.
We think that the workplace needs to be pleasant, a place where people know they are valued and appreciated, every day, for what they do. We have always focused on the growth of our staff, on the safety of our work environment and the traceability of our supply chain. We got all the main types of certification to state that our work standards and productivity are at the highest level
Pompe autoadescanti realizzate completamente in acciaio inox con giranti in plastica, particolarmente indicate per usi domestici ed agricoli. Per il loro peso ridotto e facilità di movimento sono particolarmente adatte all’irrigazione domestica ed agricola.
Portate: 0 – 75 lt/min
Prevalenze: 0 – 59 mt
Potenze: 0,37 – 1,1 Kw
Corpo pompa, giranti e difusori: acciaio inox Aisi 304 (Aisi 316L su richiesta)
Albero in acciaio inox Aisi 303
Supporto ed involucro motore: alluminio
2 poli, di tipo chiuso a ventilazione esterna, classe d’isolamento F, grado di protezione IP44
Aspirazione massima: 7 metri
Portate:0 – 75 lt/min
Prevalenze:0 – 59 mt
Potenze:0,37 – 1,1 Kw
Steel van swap body are available with following variations
double wing door, steel type
aluminium roller shutter door
internal fitting for specific transport purpose (i.e. hanging garments, double stock, furniture transport…)
custom dimensions for higher loading capacity
internal width 2.480mm
with or without top corner castings (for top lifting and stacking)
It is possible to provide customized unit on demand.
Chrome Plating Shiny / Opaque surface finish An electroplating process whereby chrome is deposited “on and below” the surface of the mould. Different types of chroming procedures may take place, depending on type of compound to be used, and aspect/use of the moulded part.
Facilitated compound flow
Easier demoulding
Reduced frequent mould cleaning
Longer mould life
Potenza stampante KG 400 a 6 BAR
Numeratrice pneumatica temporizzata completa di numeratore
Avanzamento nastro con motorino elettrico
Porta clichè estraibile completo di resistenza 250W-24V diam. 20×80 temporizzata
Termoregolatore digitale
Numeratore con inseriti n.°8 dischi in acciaio incisi per fodere
Fermo meccanico per controllo potenza
Riparo frontale di sicurezza con micro SW
Chiavetta di sicurezza
Bilancino per tensione nastro
Pulsanti di start bimanuali sincronizzati
230V monofase
Norma CE
Numero matricola
Manuale d'istruzione
La BS20 K è una macchina timbratrice che lavora principalmente su tallonette, estremamente versatile è predisposta a lavorare su altri materiali quali pelletteria, plastica, articoli promozionali, ecc.
Attrezzatura per la movimentazione di melma,fanghi inquinanti, ecc.. adatto a scavi subacquei in zone difficili tipo cava, fiume, mare, ecc..
Costruito utilizzando acciaio HARDOX per garantire resistenza, longevità e peso contenuto. Il funzionamento avviene tramite pistoni idraulici di grandi dimensioni. In dragaggio ambientale è essenziale per eliminare i sedimenti contaminanti in modo uniforme.
L’officina interna di Metal Leghe permette la lavorazioni di sgrossatura e di finitura per tutte le produzioni realizzate in fonderia. Grazie a questo servizio specializzato è possibile completare la catena produttiva fino alla realizzazione del prodotto finito. Studiamo insieme al cliente le finiture più adatte a qualsiasi tipo di impiego.